Author Topic: Dev Q&A June 13th 2021  (Read 550 times)


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Dev Q&A June 13th 2021
« on: June 16, 2021, 09:59:04 am »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
>Lytoza Rehon waves.
Uadjet says: On the stage today is Talad, the creator of Planeshift and project lead...
>Anysu Atani cheers happily at Talad Dev!
Uadjet says: And me, of the GM team.
Fliks whispers and dont foget to subscribe to PlaneshiftOfficial on youtube
Talad smiles
Damola says: Bow
>Damola Etedi bows to Uadjet.
>Damola Etedi bows to Talad Dev.
Damola says: Hello everyone.
>Damola Etedi winks at Gonger Xaraha playfully.
Lurielle says: Hello Damola!
>Anysu Atani thanks Talad Dev!
>Damola Etedi waves at Mishka Laralkes
>Damola Etedi waves at Fayrene Muirik
Uadjet says: Unless Talad has something he wants to share, we can take any questions you have. Just step up to the lecterns if you have somethign you want to ask.
Mishka says: Hi
Uadjet says: Mishka?
Mishka says: My question is if there are any guildhouse auctions planned for a near future / before the switch to Unreal
Ceranu says: When is the switch happening?
Talad says: guildhouses will be ported to unreal, so we can host auctions without problems
Uadjet checks his list. "Don't you already have one?"
Fliks says: quick someone give mee a key XD
Mishka says: Well, you could consider the possibility that it is not solely for me
Fayrene says: for you and nibblez, hu, fliks? ^^
Mishka says: and that I am also asking for others
Fliks says: and for the rest of my group
Anysu glad she has a guild house, though small her guild is
Fayrene says: it seems guild houses are needed
Uadjet says: It is possible, at least.
Fliks says: if theyre are going to be auctions pls make them before the switch to UE
Uadjet says: Remember that there will be a new guildhall map in PSU, for Amdeneir.
Fayrene says: why? i heard that there will be more houses coming, if i remember correct
Gonger says: Guild houses auctions are still the best way to remove money from the economy
Mishka says: I assume you mentioning that I already have a guildhouse is implying that the same player may not have multiple properties even if they have two different guilds
Mishka says: Also what Gonger said
Fliks says: i have 1.3m tria but i doubp that alot compared to the prise people pay for the guild houses
Uadjet says: Guildhouses tend to be quite expensive, that is true.
Anysu says: Guess we could use a guild house auction event.
Fliks says: but then my friends have around 50m XD
Fliks says: on total
Fliks says: in*
Lurielle says: Are there old abandon guilhouses around?
Uadjet says: And the limit isn't based on player, iirc. If someone has two characters that have active guilds I dont' think it would violate the rules for each guild to have a guildhouse.
Uadjet says: There are some, Lurielle.
Fayrene says: i just saw a guild house on the market place with the number 34 or so
Fliks says: but there is a high chance for the those guild members to come back and start playing the game again
Fayrene says: is there someone in that house, uadjet?
>Lurielle Volanxis nods at Fliks Clawrer.
Mishka says: I know it was bought in an auction
Mishka says: I also know there are houses in the Winch that are effectively abandoned
Fayrene says: i didnt see a name on it
Uadjet says: I'd have to go there and check it out. I don't have a list by number, like that. My list has guild names, map types, and instance numbers.
Fayrene says: ah okay
Uadjet says: Winch guildhouses are a bit different, as they aren't necesarily great for guilds with new players. Getting Winch access isn't intended to be easy.
Fayrene says: ugg.... true that...
>Fayrene has been awarded 1 sand cookie.
Mishka tries to remember another question she had
Fliks says: well i could buy one there cos my guild we all have winch and are not expectinging to invite anyone anytime soon
Uadjet says: So, here's where I normally summarize what Talad has been working on, but that would feel weird with him standing right there. :D
Fayrene says: XD
Mishka says: Oh question
Mishka says: Has anything been decided as to whether to put voice chat in game?
Damola also has a Q or two
Uadjet says: Hmm?
Talad says: At the moment I didnt take a final decision on that, its still a possibility
Fliks says: i think it would be cool to have the voise acting in
Talad says: If we add it , to me will be interesting to provide a voice changer for kran or klyros, or male / female
Fliks says: we could all do a part init like do and NPC each
Talad says: the idea would be that the game allows you to roleplay the voice its more proper for your character
Anysu says: Voice chat would be nice.
Fayrene says: a dark and grumble voice for the kran ^^
Fayrene says: a sweet voice for nolthrir, male ones a bit darker
Fayrene says: a purry voice for enkis etc
Fliks says: purr purr
Mishka says: prrrrrrrrr good idea tabei prrrrrrrrr
Anysu says: Different accents depending where character is from.
Fayrene says: *rolls with her eyes and chuckles*
Talad says: one issue of voice is bandwidth for the server
Talad says: has that is going to take some
Damola says: I am finally able to log into PSUnreal. it works with my new laptop, even concurrently to being logged into the old client. I love what I see, the path ways between the cities much more natural. The nature. It looks awesome. However I do have a few question about some functions I could not yet make to work. Wondering whether they are implemented already or not.
Anysu nods at Talad
Uadjet says: Klyros voices would be interesting. That 'k' at the beginning of some words, for example. Maybe like a clicking sound, like some African languages have?
Fayrene says: and ylians with gaelic like voices?
Mishka says: That may only be achieved through voice acting, all of what you said
Damola waits for the voice dicussion to conclude.
Mishka says: Voice changing filters aren't that advanced
Mishka says: Which functions specifically Damola?
Damola says: 1) Most important: I did not figure out how to mount a mount. I managed to summon my Rivnak, yet, I do not seem able to mount it. Is it implemented? "Using" it appears to start a NPC dialogue with it.
Damola says: 2) Related: The Pterosaur handler quests. I can click through them, but then nothing happens. I bet Pterosaur travel is not yet implemented?
Talad says: mounts are still not complete, but you should be able to mount it with E
Talad says: E is the interact key for pretty much everythign in PSUnreal
Talad says: point your mouse and press E
Talad says: you can pickup item
Talad says: speak to NPCs
Talad says: open doors!
Talad says: Pterosaur quest is not working atm
Damola says: 3) Doors. I did not figure out how to open doors. Neither guild house, nor towers in Gugrontid or enchanting place in magic shop.
Damola says: I tried pressing E regarding mounting.
Talad says: I will have to test it more then, maybe with different characters
Damola says: Pressing E starts NPC dialogue for me. Hmmm, maybe be settings got bonkers.
Talad says: I think I will have anyway to rework mounts sooner or later in PSUnreal
Damola says: E is set to "interact". Is that right?
Damola says: Anyway, it is a huge achievement. Many thanks for your dedication Talad and all the others who are working on it.
>Anysu Atani claps for Talad Dev.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily at Talad Dev!
>Mishka Laralkes falls asleep beside Damola Etedi.
Talad says: I can give you some updates, as I understand that following the dev streams is not really possible for everyone, as its a lot of hours
Talad says: The release 0.7.10 was a great release adding a lot of new functionality
Talad says: but it has some bugs which will be fixed in 0.7.11
Talad says: 0.7.11 will be mostly a bugfixing, polishing release
Talad says: and will be released as an update with the updater
Talad says: I realized most of our NPCs were not setup for combat, and that's fixed in 0.7.11
Damola says: Nice. I found that mobs did not attack.
Fayrene thinks about the guards and chuckles
Talad says: also fixed some wrong collisions, fixed bow ammo, ability to see second familiars on pet window, fixed invisibility for gms
Damola still tries to figure out mounting "E starts a NPC dialog."
Talad says: added progression bars to crafting (which was missing)
Talad says: adding crafing animations
Talad says: many people mention there is not enough visibility to PSUnreal
Fayrene says: will the guards be able to attack the nauts if they go to hydlaa?
Gonger says: Speaking of mounts, I have to protest against the use of dwarves as mounts in PSU right now!
Talad says: if you want to help just post on your socials some of our release annoucnements or screenshots of the alpha
Fayrene laughs
Talad says: the more screenshots and posts are out there the better
Damola says: Haha, Gonger, yes, the drifter is a dwarf in PSU. As well as Gobbles appear to be dwarves. It seems they are a placeholder for missing models
Fayrene says: ah, thats the cause, hu? XD
Anysu says: Try offering those placeholder ale?
Talad says: yes its a placeholder model
Talad says: we miss few creatures as the porting from the old game didnt work for some of them
Anysu grins
Talad says: gobble, velnishi
Fayrene says: i wonder why that is
Talad says: we will have to redo the animations for those
Damola likes the old Pterosaurs much better than the new in PSUnreal.
Talad says: the reason is the way those were originally created in 3dsmax, using a special different skeleton
Damola says: Pterosaurs need to be huge and have real wings
Damola says: Hmmm…
Fayrene says: ah okay. so you have to redo them sadly
Talad says: there has been a discussion on that, zwei liked more the closed wings, as similar to a duck position
Anysu looks at Damola.. And really fly!
Damola says: I tried the /mount command on my Rivnak and it says "Can't find object to mount"
Fayrene says: oh oh..... maybe we will see more flying things like yesterday then?
Fayrene says: Attier wasnt happy about that
>Anysu Atani listens intently to Talad Dev.
Fayrene says: oh, still much work to do before i can join planeshift unreal
Fliks says: oh and Talad how long do you think it will be intill the relese
Fliks says: and the servers get updated
Talad says: very hard to answer as depends on how fast I can progress. The coding side is only me at the moment
Damola says: Hmmm, now tried /mount PETNAME, no error message, but not mounting either. And Gonger, you can relax. I get "Can't find object to mount" for dwarv-drifter as well.
Talad says: and there is a lot to do there
Fliks says: oh ok
Fayrene grins
Gonger says: Glad to hear that, Damola.
Talad says: The good part is that data from legacy is all imported
Fliks says: nice
Damola says: I think at one time it would be good to have a test event in there. And then a few players report bugs.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily at Talad Dev!
Talad says: I dont feel we are far away from the release anyway
Talad says: but we will need 10+ of you saying yes to shutdown the old one
Gonger says: In any case, PSU looks and feels amazing, and I am running on a 4 year old PC
Talad says: meaning as players you find all working fine in PSUnreal
Fayrene says: i have no problem with that, talad
Anysu looks sad at a shut down of PSL. Need a better machine.
Gonger says: Anysu, what I just said - my pc is 4 years old, and has no problems so far with PSU.
Damola looks at dwarf in PSUnreal and shakes her head "No no, you are not Shirwa."
Talad says: more than a shutdown, will be a change of dress for PS :)
Uadjet says: My PC is ancient and I can run PSU well enough. Just not well enough to do two clients. :D
Anysu says: Mine is over 8 years old.
Mishka says: Wish we could keep PS Legacy around somehow :C
Fayrene says: wow.... okay... that is old, anysu ^^
Anysu nods at Mishka
Talad says: I encourage everyone to try PSUnreal anyway
Anysu says: Yup it is Fayrene
Fayrene says: uh.... but there still stays "with 200+ hours" or so...
Fayrene says: or patreon
Fliks "id love to" sighs
Damola says: On Linux you need a GPU which is covered by Vulkan drivers. Sandybridge in the ancient ThinkPad T520 was not enough, but Skylake already works. Currently on AMD Ryzen Zen 2 Vega graphics and that works quite well
Fayrene says: i really want to try it out if my pc can handle the new version
Dentritus says: Uadjet mentioned testing events in PSU, anything new in regard to PSU events?
Fayrene says: talad? will a graphiccard called intel hd 4600 work?
Talad says: unlikely, but can still try
Talad says: windows is a bit more forgiving for hardware than linux
Talad says: in PSUnreal
Mishka says: how about mac?
Fayrene says: yes? for me it was always the other side XD
Anysu says: Yeah I have mac to.
Talad says: Mac was tested by few people and works
Fliks says: im a Linux user so im relly struggerling
Fayrene says: i really should test it out.....
[Channel] [1: gossip] Noriko: need a gm port please
Thosor says: and, with chipaggedon going on, nothing is available for upgrades.
Fayrene says: hu?
>Teleported Noriko Sutha to meetingore in instance 345
Thosor says: try to buy a graphics card.
Uadjet says: The graphics card shortage, due to crypto-mining. I think.
Fayrene says: oh, okay.... i heard they skyrocket gen heaven
Thosor says: And the shortage of everything.
Fayrene says: lucky is who bought before the disaster began
Anysu says: lol. Old mac. old OS.
Thosor says: Just in time manufacturing = just missed.
Damola says: Fayrene, I think it can work. I think anything later than Sandybridge will work under Linux. On Windows maybe even Sandybridge could work
Fayrene says: i have to look which one these aio-pc has
Talad says: we are becoming a "newer" game somehow, so PC of 10 years ago are not working
Talad says: but 5-7 years may work fine
Talad says: mostly depends on the graphics card
Fayrene says: hmmm... then it should be fine
Talad says: you may upgrade the graphics card only
Thosor says: age of the machine or the chipset?
Damola says: I have another question about PSUnreal. To what extent can it make use of multithreading? My new laptop CPU has eight cores, totalling 16 cores with hyperthreading (totalling 1600% maximum CPU usage). PS CS takes about 50-120%, and PS Unreal may take about 150% but not more.
Talad says: to one of few years later
Fayrene says: i dont know if i can do that by these pc-aio-monitor
Talad says: Unreal is single threaded by design
Damola says: Ah, I see.
Fliks says: yup i cant play becouse my PC is older than 10 years so for me it have to get a new GPU but my motherboard if too old so i would need a new one and my SCU is also oo old so i might as well buy a whole new compter wich i cannot offard
Damola says: Too bad. Well FPS wise it is fast enough on the machine.
Talad says: I dont think you need a new computer, you can get a used one few years old and it will work
Fayrene says: fliks? are there shops which sell used computer in your village?
Talad says: I think with 200-300$ it can be fine
Fliks says: nope
Fliks says: non
Fayrene says: ah okay
Damola says: I use all settings on high, just textures on epic, cause they look quite lowres otherwise. Gives me about 60-70 fps in settings screen even when PS CS client is running, but it can go down to 15 fps in some circumstances in game.
Fliks says: i have 9 FPS right now
Damola says: 43 here, but this laptop is quite modern, it still is a used one.
Gonger says: I wonder how much a 4 year old machine like mine would cost today...
Fayrene says: is there a command for that?
Thosor says: eveybody is phone poor now, no computer building for fun.
Damola says: /fps
Gonger says: If they are still sold somewhere...
Fayrene says: thank you damola ^^
Damola says: I bet your fps should be somewhere between Fliks and mine
Fayrene says: hmmm... 33.2... not bad
Gonger says: 64
Damola says: Yeah, nice. I think your system can do PSUnreal
Damola says: Fayrene
Noriko says: With modern videocard wneh I set settings above middle, all my fans in my tower PC are running as my PC is an airplane and want to join skies. In comparison Cyberpunk 2077 game on ultra settigs doesn't provide this effect at all
Fayrene says: thank you, damola ^^
Damola says: Gonger, I bet you have a dedicated graphics card?
Damola says: Noriko, PS CS or PS Unreal?
Talad says: Noriko, you can limit the FPS to 30 and will be fine
Noriko says: Damola I'm talking about PSU, PS CS is quite good
Gonger says: Dedicated?
Fayrene says: the not-onboard one
Noriko says: with Cyeberpubnk 2077 I have aboit 100 FPS all the time
Damola says: In PS CCS I have texture highest, shaders highest, particles high, but anti aliasing only 2xQ and anisotropic filtering only 2x. Setting it high can make fps quite few in certain circumstandes.
Gonger says: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Only this one.
Damola says: Gonger, is it an extra graphics card (dedicated) or CPU integrated graphics?
Fayrene says: that is a good one
Damola says: Ah, dedicated then.
Damola says: Well that should always work, unless very old.
Gonger says: Stop talking Chinese, Damola. ;-)
Gonger says: Hardware manager shows only this one.
Fayrene chuckles
Noriko says: with PSCS I have all on max, ani x8, anti x4 usually, now a bit lower for ability to test PSUE from time to time
Damola says: Well, Gonger, a NVidia GeForce GTX is a real graphics card, AFAIK, one that you buy and stick into your computer.
Fliks says: ill be back in a second my internet is messing
Damola says: The graphics functionality I use is built into the CPU, thus integrated.
Noriko says: and yes, I'm speaking of running PSUE separately of any other thing, and clean run
Damola says: Anyway, any other news or updates or questions?
Fayrene says: hmmm..... any other news about psu, talad? ^^
Damola says: I am looking forward to PS 0.7.11.
Damola says: Otherwise we are at an hour already.
Talad says: nothing more on my side atm
Talad says: see you soon!
Damola says: See you!
Fayrene says: see you ^^
>Damola Etedi waves at Ojaveda Green Carpet
Uadjet says: That's all for today! Thank you for coming, and we'll see you again in two weeks!
Uadjet says: Have fun!
>Damola Etedi waves.
Gonger says: Thanks for the great work!