Author Topic: Dev Q&A February 13th 2022  (Read 567 times)


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Dev Q&A February 13th 2022
« on: February 13, 2022, 05:31:17 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: So, any questions off the bat? if so, step up in line behind Gonger.
Uadjet says: Gonger?
Gonger says: Greetings, not really a question, but a reminder. During one of the last meetings I mentioned that the Download part of the website can easily understood as obligatory payments for the game.
Gonger says: This did not change yet.
Uadjet nods. "You're right. I'll poke Talad about it right after sending in my latest infrvision/nightvision/watervision package so that he's in a good mood. :D"
Gonger says: Thanks.
Fliks says: sorry im late
Fliks says: and thanks
Fliks says: psu look great
Uadjet says: Okay, I'll give a little rundown of what Talad's been streaming about.
Fliks says: but the plate mail armor for enkies is untextured
Uadjet says: Oh, that was three weeks of streaming to summarize this time. Yikes!
Uadjet says: So he's pretty well done on achievements. He's got the triggers working, so players will be able to get the new ones in PSU.
Uadjet says: Some achivements will have to be redone, like the 'fish 7 types of fish" achievment.
Gonger says: We can live with that :)
Uadjet says: Ported players won't start with that type of thing because they only way would be to see what types of fish you have in storage, and you could just as easily have gained those in another way.
Uadjet says: The same goes for looted items. There will be some that look for a certain enchantment (like Masterwork), and others for items with a certain rarity.
Uadjet says: There are well over a hundred achievements now, so that'll keep people busy for a while!
Uadjet says: So after that he went on to Action locations. Those are pieces of the map that you can right-click on to get options. Like teleports, puzzles, and guild entraces.
Gonger says: If Talad is working on something like this - fun, but not crucial to the game - the official release must be getting closer?
Uadjet says: Oh, it is.
Uadjet says: And I think working on the non-critical stuff helps Talad keep his motivation up and looks good to potential players and even potential developers.
Uadjet says: That brings us to guildhouses. The lack of instances in Unreal causes a bit of an issue. Obviously guildhouses were being ported, but it was thought that items within them might need to be picked up by guildmembers and then placed in the new guildhouse in PSU.
Damola says: Yeah, the porting took a long time, completely understandably, but for some players it might be an disappointment, if it would just be an 1:1 port without anything new. But there already is a lot, really a lot of new stuff in PSU.
Uadjet says: Oh, the guildhouses will be on one level, but placed far enough apart that you can't get from one to another. Invisible collision barriers would make that certain, though I just realized that I don't know what happens if someone falls off the map. I'll ask Talad about that.
Damola says: I think it is important to recognize that for any kind of marketing we do.
Anysu says: Whoa myguildhouse has loads of things.. and to pick them all up!!
Damola says: I have been in The Family guild guild house and it looked quite okayish, rotation of some items was not right, but that was mentioned in the release notes.
Uadjet says: Talad found a solution to that. He's worked out a system where the items will be placed in the new guildhouses.
Anysu says: whew
Uadjet says: He spent quite some time on it, and other than some rotation issues it's working pretty well.
Gonger says: Great!
Damola says: Ah, that is nice, yeah, it seemed everything is there, I did not look into containers yet.
Uadjet says: Yeah, I deliberately didn't mention that he found a solution in the same post as mentioning the problem. Building up a little dramatic tension, you see.
Fliks says: ;)
Anysu says: Yup that was heart stopping
Uadjet says: So it looks like the guildhouses in PSU will be just like they are in Legacy the first time you enter them. If there are any lingering rotation issues, I'll be able to help with those. I quite like helping people furnish their guildhouses, so don't hesitate to ask!
Gonger says: I almost fainted...
Anysu nods at Gonger
Migg says: I am missing some context here
Uadjet says: My initial plan was to take screenshots and then try to drag everything into place manually. Fortunately Talad figured out something better.
Uadjet says: Ah, for Migg I'll repost:
Uadjet says: That brings us to guildhouses. The lack of instances in Unreal causes a bit of an issue. Obviously guildhouses were being ported, but it was thought that items within them might need to be picked up by guildmembers and then placed in the new guildhouse in PSU.
Migg says: thank you
Uadjet says: Oh, the guildhouses will be on one level, but placed far enough apart that you can't get from one to another. Invisible collision barriers would make that certain, though I just realized that I don't know what happens if someone falls off the map. I'll ask Talad about that.
Uadjet says: Talad found a solution to that. He's worked out a system where the items will be placed in the new guildhouses.
Uadjet says: He spent quite some time on it, and other than some rotation issues it's working pretty well
Uadjet says: Yeah, I deliberately didn't mention that he found a solution in the same post as mentioning the problem. Building up a little dramatic tension, you see.
Uadjet says: That should cover it.
Migg says: So what was it that gave Gonger a heart attack?
Uadjet says: The possibility of having to redecorate the guildhouse from scratch, I think.
Migg says: Ah, OK
Gonger says: First, to carry all these items over...
Migg says: but given the amount of rotated objects in my guildhouse, rotation issues may be heartwrenching as well
Uadjet says: That was the likely scenario, then it was all items in a pile in the center of the guildhouse after I took screenshots of where everything was in every guildhouse, then it was Talad doing the math and figuring out a way to do it all himself.
Anysu says: Same with me.. having to gather all items in gh myself
Migg says: I mean, Jensa's craddle should be made from more than 50 items
Anysu says: EL is an older guild and has gathered many many items. And not many of us active to help move items.. never could get them all in my inventory
Migg says: not to mention all the rotation that went into creating walls, plumbing, decorations...
Uadjet says: Yeah, a lot of work went into those guildhouses.
Anysu says: Praise Talad for sorting it out!
Migg says: I can move a bit in the new PSU after upgrading my system
Migg says: I have more luck in the plane where things aren't loaded
Migg says: but Hydlaa crashes my game consistently
Uadjet says: So there's also the new Amdeneir guildhouse, which will be available day 1 in PSU. Some guilds might request having their guildhouse changed to that, especially those located in Amdeneir. That will be possible, though you will have to decorate from scratch. There's no way around that.
Fliks says: yeah hydlaa is corrput
Fliks says: corrupt*
Fliks says: yay guildhouses
Fliks says: me and my guild can no longer be homeless
Migg says: I get some GPU memory error, so wonder if there is a minimum amount of GPU memory required to play? Anyone know?
Migg says: And sorry for constantly changing the subject
Uadjet says: And on the topic of houses - not guildhouses - Nevarim has built a nice little Dermorian house. It's open to the world, so people can go in. Stream 636 is about that house.
Migg says: Go in as you go in the tavern?
Uadjet says: On linux? There's been a bug that causes crashes in Hydlaa for ages, though a fix may have been found.
Migg says: Yes, Linux
Migg says: but before the update I also crashed during character creation, so IDK
Migg says: I updated to latest Mesa and Vulkan I could find
Migg says: made things better but still can't run in Hydlaa
Uadjet says: Yes, Migg. Just like that. It's similar in size, I think, to the (not yurts, have to look it up on the wiki apologize for the delay) Ultics in Ojaveda.
Fliks says: when i did the "fix" it didnt do anything for me i till crash in hydlaa
Migg says: NPCs can now go inside such houses for the night instead of just waiting at the door
Migg says: And switching threads, what *is* the fix?
Uadjet nods. "It's a nice looking hut, so I think Dermorians will enjoy seeing a little bit of their architectural style in game."
Migg says: it's a hut for the wilderness, not a city house?
Uadjet says: And there is a place for a Dermorian town in PSU, in between Hydlaa and Oja but away from the edge. Maybe... 35% of the way towards the outer edge? 40%?
Uadjet says: Watch vid 636 and you'll get a much better idea of what it looks like than I could ever give here. :)
Damola says: Had no crash in Hydlaa with 0.7.18 so far, but crashes with upto I think 0.7.16
Migg says: If I move to another city here, will it carry over to PSU?
Uadjet says: So after Talad did all of that, he started working on Talents again. Specificall combat maneuvers. I have yet to watch the last three streams myself, due to having to do a full reinstall on my pc, the event, and taking a nap. I'll catch up shortly.
Uadjet says: @Migg: Only after the database is migrated over again.
Uadjet says: I can move you in PSU. You still count as online while you're crashing, and if I move you then it will actually change your location.
Thosor says: Do the maneuvers involve changing keys, such as the tab key functions?
Migg says: Thanks Uadjet, then I need to find you online?
Thosor says: To keep the mouse pointer from bottoming (or siding) out pressing tab gives you constant mouselook, but then does combat mode things.
Uadjet says: I can do it immediately after the meeting ends, if you like.
Migg says: Thanks!
Uadjet says: After the reinstall my PC is loading PSU much faster than before.
Jeranenie says: Windows ?
Uadjet says: I think Tab just toggles combat mode.
Uadjet says: Yeah
Jeranenie says: 10 or 11 ?
Damola says: GMs sleep? Awesome.
Damola grins
Damola says: I don't like the mouse look at all.
Damola says: CS PS does not look mouse to window.
Damola says: *lock I mean.
Uadjet says: @Damola We sleep on occasion. Often during Dev Q&As, when there are Devs around to talk. :D
Fliks says: i liked it when you can turn wich way your facing useing the keys
Fliks says: its much nicer then the mouse look
>Thosor Riereri nods at Fliks Clawrer.
Fliks says: fgor me it stops me form doing so much as i do alot of thing will runnung somwhere
Uadjet says: I think that fuction could be added in. It is nice to have keys just to turn which way you're facing.
Damola says: long time no dev around to talk though
Thosor says: Maneuverability while fighting a beast is very difficult.
Uadjet says: They are around, just not at meetings.
Uadjet says: Oh! Eonwind and Zunna are currently working on the faction system.
Damola says: Yeah, I think player preferences are different, but I found PS Unreal more difficult to navigate than CS PS. Part of it may be habit. But I really dislike locking the mouse to the window.
Uadjet says: It'll be a bit different, and more meaningful to play.
Damola says: Nice.
Damola says: ^ faction system
Uadjet says: And one of the tasks that Talad is hoping someone will take on is coming up with NPCs for the towns of Delver and Homestead. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Uadjet says: I've been trying to populate Amdeneir myself.
Uadjet says: Not like that! Don't make it dirty!
Thosor says: just no more tax collectors :)
Mylenae says: Delver is a mining town?
Uadjet says: But I've been coming up with a list of roles for people in the city, and it wasn't too hard. If you want to create an NPC or two for a small farming town you can say so now or put the information in a petition.
Thosor says: A small drinking town with a fishing problem.
Migg says: a town's character can be helpful to set the tone
Uadjet nods.
Uadjet says: It's a farming town, I think. But it has both a windmill and a waterwheel.
Mylenae says: Delver, or Homestead?
Uadjet says: One could be for grain, but the other could be a water pump, or a sawmill, or for hammering metal, or weaving.
Migg says: A windmill and a watermill both need millers
Uadjet says: That was Delver. Homestead is atop a hill, which is a bit different.
Uadjet says: Good point, Migg.
Migg says: and if Delver is near a forest, a sawmill would be quite appropriate
Migg says: so throw in a lumberjack or two
Migg says: just not in high heels please
Mylenae says: A charcoal burner
Uadjet says: I've been looking at sawmills. There are some models out there that look pretty nice, and of course Skyrim had them.
Migg says: Ah, charcoal burner makes charcoal from wood?
Migg says: but they do it out in the open, near the wood source and away from towns
Mylenae says: yes. it's an occupation and a type of structure
Anysu says: A rat catcher. A drunk.
Uadjet says: Amdeneir has a drunk already, amusingly enough.
Migg says: conveniently tucked away though
Uadjet says: I'm also rebuilding a lock I made a year or more ago, to be used in the lockpicking minigame.
Anysu says: lockpicking,, yeah!!!
Uadjet says: It's a pin and tumbler lock that's been sawed in half. A lot like the elder scrolls online one, I think. Except mine isn't upside down.
Thosor says: Up and down sawmills were early versions of water powered ones.
Uadjet says: Okay, that's what the last three weeks have been about, development side. Any questions on that?
Uadjet says: No? In that case I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you at the next meeting in two weeks!
Gonger says: Thank you all.
Migg says: Thank you!
Uadjet says: Migg, I can log into PSU now, to rescue you from Hydlaa.
>Gova Liernan cheers happily!
Anysu says: Thank you for update and all you do Uadjet.
Migg says: Thanks, will log out here to open it
Migg says: Bye all!
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
>Anysu Atani grins at Anysu's Small Table impishly.
>Anysu Atani bows to Anysu's Small Table.
Anysu says: lol
Damola says: Thank you.
Anysu says: Bye all
>Anysu Atani lets out a hearty laugh!