Author Topic: City Wishlist  (Read 15096 times)


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« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2003, 12:28:49 pm »
Hi Dril (nice sig, looks so well on my favorite Kran  :P )

Without in anyway judging or discrediting the other city suggestions here my personal taste preference is for the latter two. The Diaboli Baths as a location reminds me of the decadent Romans and their great baths in RL. Also some Diaboli places are required since they are not generally well liked by other races. Btw Zaphar I\'ve started working on a 3D program that creates 3D rooms/locations and can publish them as websites/stand-alone games. Maybe not the perfect tool for this but we could try to design a Diaboli bath in it as a start. It\'s called 3DState.

Gronomist, glad to have made your acquaintance recently although the circumstances could have been slightly more pleasant  ;( .

*Stops the big oaf of a Kran, Drilixer, from beheading Gronomist*
\"Back off Drillixer! L\'emme xplain this to u in Kran terms like u\'r a 3year old: Gronomist is a female, Ilyrria (Wolfmane in alter ego) [thinks: Sheeezz he is never gonna figure this one out] i.e. ME you dumb oaf, is a female too. She is not, repeat NOT a suitor! We are of the SAME sex [thinks: Yeah like a Kran will ever understand the significance of that] so everything is fine. Just fine. Nice lady, good friend, no kill, ok? No kill Dril!\"

Just had to do some roleplay for myself and Drilixer  :D

Seriously though gronomist I like the idea of the hidden city. Could make for a great quest for rangers etc., Explorers guild will love this one. Of course in order for the city to be coded into Yliakum we would need a description of it anyway. Also some clues as to why this city is important, other than the mere curiosity of rangers, would have to be thought up and distributed around in Yliakum. Objects with a magical quality and history, scrolls with hints at great wonders and wealth and/or knowledge to be found there must be strewn around in Yliakum. Maybe some NPC\'s must have some info of this to share.

The idea has great potential, let\'s develop it further.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2003, 12:31:41 pm by Wolfmane »
Wolfmane aka Illyria the White, AO Council member.

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« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2003, 01:46:06 pm »
Some of these are cool ideas, but we need more descriptions of what they look like, what materials they are made from, etc.  Please try to be more descriptive in that respect.


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« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2003, 04:34:17 pm »
Not a city, more a monument, but I\'ll give it anyway.

I would like to see lots of grand statues, of gods, legendary warriors, mages, healers, kings and so on in our world. My (almost wet) dream is a statue carved out of a large cliff. Its kind of hard to explain, and even harder in english. But I\'ll try anyway. Imagine a large cliff, like the Cliffs of moher in Ireland, picture . Or Preikestolen in norway, picture
With a very large statue of some ancient person of greatness. I image a really large torso kind of coming out of the cliff. Holding something in both arms. Like a large Battleaxe if its a legendary warrior or a staff if its a mage.  Again, maybe I have explained it poorly, if I could draw I would try to draw it for you.


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« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2003, 04:59:23 pm »
your statues could be carved into the level walls somewhere  - possibly a temple to one of the gods :)


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The forest city of D?nyulma
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2003, 05:24:03 pm »
D?nyulma is a city in the large trees of where all houses are created high up in the air. All buildings buildt with no nails or anything else hurting the large trees. The houses are small, usually only one room, the larger houses have 2 or even 3 rooms. Because of the large trees from 3 to 15 small houses may be placed arround the trunk of one three.

The houses are connected with narrow bridges and simple but clever elevators. The forests around D?nyulma is a very rainy area. The clever builders of D?nyulma created an amazing system that collects the rain into wodden tubes that goes verticaly down beside the large trunks. The elevators are partly powered by rather small watermills running in this small tubed waterfalls. During the rainyer times, extra water is stored in large containers placed high up in the tree tops.

The grandest part of D?nyulma is the main square, a large platform around the trunk one of the largest, oldest three know to man. About the size of the main square in Yliakum the main square is the meeting place of the city. At the square there is a great fountain, created by precisely placed holes in the tubes containg the rainwater. Above and arround the main square, connected by bridges are most of the city\'s shops.

The people of D?nyulma mosty eat roots and plants that grow in the dark but fertile area at the foot of the trees. If you ever find yourself in the city in the trees, don\'t miss the rhuga bread, the main ingredience is the flour made from rhuga roots.

Keeping livestock in the three village is hard to say the least, and on the ground vile beast roam, especially at night. Almost all meat that is consumed in D?nyulma are from the animals the hunters gather.
D?nyulma is the home of some of the most skilled hunters and archers in general. Archers from D?nyulma are in service in many cities and serve as assasins for some of the wealthiest guilds.

Hunting in the forest is a dangerous profession, the beast that made the ancient people of D?nyulma move up into the threes still lurk the dark forest and more than once children have dissapeared. Guards make sure no one stay at the forest floor after dark. To do so would be to welcome death. During the day certain places may be accessed to gather berries, mushrooms and most importantly, ruhga. But even during the day, the forest floor is a dangerous place.

The city of D?nyulma is not the home of a vast number of people, but those who live there enjoy their life there. The city is one of the oldest, and it have never been breached by any opposing force.

I know this is not very realistic, but its something I would really like to see in the game later on.


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« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2003, 06:34:46 pm »
Name: Shralla

Population: Dermorians

Services: healing, animal trainers, magical store, bow maker\'s shop, Shrine to Laanx (which buffs those you worship there for a fairly long time), stables, rudimentary inn with an average number of rooms to rest in, No Bar!

Level:  wherever a large and desolate desert is to be found :P

Description:  Materials: the entire city is made of large claw bricks.  They are made of sand so a desert texture should be sufficient (see pictures).  The city itself is a broad road built against the side of the level\'s wall (the one that goes up to the next level).  Elaborate steps go down to a beautiful forest below that contains a small shrine to Laanx and a glowing statue of Laanx that watches over her forest.  There is a calm pool of water surrounding the statue of Laanx.  There are small but elaborate bridges built over the water.  The buildings of the city are built into the cliff wall of the level on the road (see picture).  The buildings that are not built into the cliff wall but are built on the road itself have elegant ivory colored domes that gleam in the sunlight.  There is also an elaborate fence allong the wall which is primarily used to save the little Dremorians from falling to their deaths in the sacred forest below.  The leader of the city is an extremely powerful priest who lives in the shrine to Laanx down in the forest.  Because of the magic around Laanx\'s statue, wild creatures are unable to enter either the forest or the city itself.

History:  Many years ago, and yet ages after the first races had begun to appear in Yliakum a group of travel-weary Dermorians were lost in one of Yliakum\'s great deserts.  Their leader decided to bring them out of the desolate level on which they were traveling and steered his party toward\'s the great cliff to the next level.  But, the Dermorians never made it over the cliff.  At the base theycame across a great shining statue to the goddess Laanx.  And from the statue\'s outstretched hands a river flowed.  It formed a gentil circle of water around the statue and a beautiful forest sprung up hugginfg the cliff wall and around the statue.  The Dermorians were so touched that they knew their wanderings were over.  They built the city of Shralla to glory Laanx and refused to build it using the trees from the Forest that touched Laanx\'s statue.  Therefore they dug their city out of the cliff itself so that they could always be near Laanx\'s statue.  To this day they still live in Shralla worshipping the forest and Laanx\'s commpasion for a small band of elven travellers.

The Pictures that inspired me to create this city are from an ancient Buddhist city on the Silk Road, named Bezeklik.  If it werent so old and slightly worn down this is exactly how the city would look ;) :


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« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2003, 05:16:21 am »
The forest city of D?nyulma
Culsoron your city might fit in well with another idea that has been going and has become well developed. See this thread on the Tree Castlethe actual discussion has been taken to another discussion board at this link   The Tree castle idea is for a whole map surronding the magical tree castle but there will live a lot of ppl there so the city might fit well into it. If you think this is close enough to your idea then contribute there, if not we can look at your idea further here.
Great idea with some \"flesh\" on the \"skeleton\" Dril! Since I\'m playing a dermorian it would be interesting to develop this. Want to try and do a co-operative 3D model through 3DState?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2003, 05:20:04 am by Wolfmane »
Wolfmane aka Illyria the White, AO Council member.

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« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2003, 04:58:37 pm »
Name: Ahnkthra (god i realy suck at naming, i got it from an egyptian thing to try to keep the theme goin)

Pop: Mostly humans, dosnt exzactly matter to me if there are other races

Location: heck if i know, i havnt been around much in the game so i couldnt tell ya, but somewhere by a wasteland or desert would be nice, try to make it modereately inaccesable(ie harder monsters around it, mountains sorrounding it, ect) i say moderatley because i dont want like only lvl 40 ppl or w/e i want everyone to have a chance to go there, even with a low lvl (like make it so they can go on top of the mountains or w/e and risk a longer trip instead of goin through a wasteland/desert of monsters

Services: Animal trainer, a small inn, a blacksmith, a wall sorounding the city with 2 gaurds gaurding each exit, a couple of tents scattered and sorrounding in/around the town, and about 4 to 6 other little to medium sized houses

Description: Not much u say!? BAH. the city is very small and unoticable, no even rememerable, but it is a stop from the harshes of the desert....But the real cool stuff is with the npc\'s when u talk to the townsfolk walkin around town, and ask like wuts up? they reply with this kinda general thing, hmmmm i dont know i woke up today and all my clothes were in tatters... and stuff like, i saw a horrible creature last night, it looked human but it was obscured by the shadows, ect, and when night comes......WATH OUT!!! all the npcs turn into either zombies or skeletons. very cool. u can kill them but the corpses stay and when morning comes they al return to they\'er normal state, none the wizer....And because of the gaurds absence during night, creatures of the desert can walk into the city.OH MY. i like this idea, very very good quest potiential

Architecture: arabian kinda style weapons found here, squared mud houses, to keep the arabian style theme


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« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2003, 10:39:14 pm »
well, i could be more descriptive on that last section...
think of some arabic countries, they have rough, pale mud-brick walls with light domes or just flat roofs on the top, kinda golden or red door frames/window frames.
the place would be dry but there would be a little statue of laanx in the middle of the town (about 5 1/2 feet tall) with with a small garden sorrounding it. the wall around the city will be kinda rounded off.. and ooo, all the buildings would be worn around the edges like strong winds and sandstorms blown through. well, like i said not much. but would be cool with quests (^_^)


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ill try my best ......
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2003, 11:00:16 pm »
Name: Eelroyt

population: Klyros and a mixture of neutral monsters

Services: two rival inns, a armorsmith (only sells light and medium armor ), Alchamest store, minature libary, bank

description and enviroment: Eelroyt is a very noticable city that is far into a swamp. The city is swamplike of course but it is a fair size city with two big inns that have been rivals for ages each located on opposite sides of the city. The walls and most of the buildings are made of unbreakable bamboo and sticks with hardend mud and rope holding the bamboo together. The roofs are still bamboo but there are reefs and leafs covering them. The armorsmith only sells medium and light armor because the klyros cannot wear heavy armor. There is no weaponsmith because they only are able to find few metal so they decided to give only the guards weapons just incase a riot broke out between the two inns. Neutral monsters are throughout the city and they help the klyros guard it just incase unneutral monsters attack. Four outpost are in the corners of the city, they are taller than most outposts and only the klyros can get on them because of there flying ability. These outposts are the only buildings that are made of stone. It rains 3 days a week and the other 4 days are scorching hot. The only light they have at night are a few torches and candles on the wall and a few campfires lit outside. 2-4 guards guard each entrance and 2-3 guards are on each outpost.

hope you like my city  :D
« Last Edit: August 10, 2003, 12:48:50 am by shangralah »


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« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2003, 09:13:05 am »
The town that will be a city.

I always like things that change.  So the concept is that this is a small town but it has a lot of things going for it.  It?s got a medium to large agricultural economy.  It?s got a ready fresh water supply and it?s close to the wall.

The first thing that changes is that somebody finds out that black substance on the wall that actually burns.  Today we know it as coal.  The people are really excited about coal because.
  1.  There?s a limit to the amount of iron that can be made do to two available tree matter that can be burned.  Burning trees is highly regulated throughout plane shift to make metal.  Infect trees in general have to be highly regulated as a commodity.  There probably planted and harvested just like a crop.
    2.  Coal burns hotter.  Once it out gases he creates coke which is great for pottery steel making and forging of all kinds.
 3.  There is a lot of it here.  One might consider it an inexhaustible supply.  Just nobody quite knew what it did.

So in the first age of the town there getting a handle on how to use this coal effectively.  The townspeople are trying to develop uses for it.  Several guilds move-in to take advantage of coal.  The town realizing that they?re going to expand get zoning laws and planned to get bigger.

This is the fun part.  The town has built over time by player characters wanting to erect structures.  There is also city buildings being billed and churches and cathedrals.  As the local Lord gets more powerful he pronounces himself king of the area.  A king has to have a castle so he builds one.  The town turns into a city.  The beauty of this is that the city is built up by player characters and guilds as much as it is built up by the developers of the game.

Not everything is rosy in the city.  It is found out this coal is really dirty stuff.  As time rolls on the rest of the people in the large cavernous room realized that coal is downright nasty stuff.  Laws are passed to seriously reduce the use of coal.  A war between the king who owns the coal and his neighbors over the fact that over coal burning wipes out crops and trees across the land and smells bad.  It ends up in a stalemate however and the local king is forced to severely limit the amount of coal he burns too in his kingdom.

The city is starting to get run down.  Nefarious types start moving in.  The city is in hard times and  its starting to show.

The coal miners break into a large cave.  The cave is loaded with nasty monsters.  They come at the city in full force.  The people in the city really learn to hate nighttime.  The embattled king has to move precious resources away from his neighbors and apply it to this problem.  It also solidifies his opponents that coal is actually evil.  This king and city are in real trouble.

The king successfully beats back most of the monsters.  Pushing into the cave they find a brand-new area.  It?s a whole new place to explore complete with a light crystal in the ceiling.  This is the rebirth of the city.  Even though there is a persistent monster problem to get to the new area it?s not impossible to get their.  The trade is good in their, a lot of good opportunities.  However caravans going there have to be heavily guarded.  The path going there has to be improved.  So the city goes from coal base to trade based.

If one is looking to improve trade skills this is the place to go.  The town/city has to do a lot of building to do therefore the products you produce will fetch a pretty good price.  There?s also a lot of instant wealth and people want to spend their money on nice things.  So if your highly skilled in your trade there are people looking for the best things.  There will be some lean times but in general it is a great place to do business.

The town has initially called Dainen Vil.  That is renamed the city of Dainen.

The look of the city is something nobody?s going to know until it is built.  However having three or four models of a construction site in various states prior to a building being built would help.  Since it is also heavily zoned, zoning ordinances not the ever quest kind, it does have a basic layout.  Since the transformation from town to city should take a couple years real-time there?s plenty of time to plan.
Doing things just for the halibut.


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« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2003, 10:23:17 am »
Fish that is a great idea - a dynamic cityscape! - people feal free to follow Fish\'s example and add possible \'quests\' allong with your city - but please seperate them from everything else - being orderly is a plus.


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« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2003, 01:49:07 pm »
Name: Mines of Sav\'Ukun

Population: Mainly StoneBreakers, and HammerWielders

Services: Mainly Weapon and Armor smithing


Picture something along the lines of the lonely Moutain, from the Hobbit. There was once a prosperous and thriving dwarven nation in the mines of Sav\'Ukun, an army of orcs have raided the Mines and laid claim to everything in it. The stonebreakers, and hammerwielders were forced to retreat and have finally come back for their revenge. When you enter the zone you are at the entrance, there are dwarves who greet you and that is where the weapon and armor smiting basic items are. The dwarves warn you about everything and the dangers and as you walk in a little bit you come to a room where there are StoneBreaker and HammerWielder guards, there are also Orc guards. The orcs and dwarves should be set to constantly attack each other and have rather fast respawn times so it looks like there is an actual fight going on. Once you pass those one or two rooms with the dwarves and orcs fighting you can progress and fight your way through the other orcs, these orcs would be getting increasingly harder and harder as you go along. But dwarven mines do hold rather glorious treasures... Mainly the zone would offer items for weapon smithing and armor smithing, but now that i think about it some jewerly making items would be good too. I haven\'t seen any actual combat zones posted so i think this zone would have a decent amount of depth. The devs could even customize it so every few weeks the dwarves may make some headway farther into the mines, then later the orcs may push them back a little bit. Also, the dwarves at the entrance can offer up quests that you would have to run through the mine to complete.

I dont know how good it sounds but... its an idea.

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« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2003, 03:55:49 pm »
Keep ideas original, Dont steal idea from  someone as great as Tolkien, Sheesh

I propose to make a Dwarven city, Consisted of nothing but dwarves on one of the lower levels probably, Dwarven Architexture If you dont know it, its beatiful most of the buildings dwarves consturct use quartz crystal marble and slate, Making for a beautiful all around look of things, They would of course being dorfs, Make an industry at smithing of all sorts, and we all know dorfs make the best brew.. So in short the economy would be Mithril mining, Mithril weapons and armor Acknowledging that dorfs found anywhere are usually the only ones who know the process to make mithril items.

So the City layout would be Large Cavern obviously the city was erected from what the cavern was once full of, Great Dwarven Warriors and Priests and such Are Carved out of the walls 100\'s of feet tall, The buildings having many archers and pillar support would be enormous to accomadate any race made of beautiful stone as mentioned above a temple to their god would be made entirely out of Slate with Gold and Mithril Inlayed for design, Id put pictures if i knew how... Homes would be round with peaked roofs almost like an igloo.. but not.. More like a Tiki Hut or something.. but made of stone and larger of course, The streets would be littered with \"worthless Crystals and gems\" as the city would be flourishing with wealth from their smithing and brewing operations, nearby  the city you could find a few dwarven warrior outposts to warn of forth coming danger, an advanced alarm system devised by one of their great inventors, The weapons and armor sold here would be of the highest quality found nowhere else, unless of course a player sold it to a merchant somewhere else..

Quest Related ideas, Trade Routes.. Rich dwarven smithy wants to have his works reach the first level so he hires you and perhaps a few other players to take a caravan of his smiths and wares to the first level so they could set up shop or To supply Mithril for them to forge. Or Perhaps Orcs, If implamented, are gathering a raiding party and the local guard hires you to go steal their war plans or assasinate their leader, or perhaps a wizard dorf needs a special mineral and he himself is too old to perform the task so in helping him get the mineral he rewards you with a new spell, City needs a few guards to help fight off a raiding party, Brewer needs some herbs from  the 3rd level you go and get them for him, alot of ideas here.  If you feel the need Add on to my idea

BTW we shall call this City Tagurin Ak\' Melor


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« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2003, 06:49:14 pm »
LMAO how can you say i stole it from him, i just said to picture it, this isn\'t quite the same story... ones a mountain, ones a mine... one was inhabited by a dragon, one is by orcs, one story had all the dwarves killed cept for Thorin... mine has alot of dwarves survived.  I just wanted you to picture it for theme purposes... i hope that sentence didnt influence any of your opinions...
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