Author Topic: Abemore's Alternative to PK (and playground rules)  (Read 2952 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2004, 12:39:17 am »
I think mobs should kill you only if it is logical that they do so.  Perhaps some would kill you only if you continued to move.  Others may be looking for a meal.  Maybe one mob is an herbivore and only wants you to stop attacking it before it moves on.  

My original post was primarily dealing with PK/PvP hence the title.

And I agree lying in bed for hours waiting to recover is a terrible idea.

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« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2004, 12:24:11 am »
A nice pk limiter is the \"take it the out side\", in the cities pk is blocked, but if you go out, you can kill teh bastard that irritating you every time. \"Let\'s take it out side\"  :))


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2004, 10:40:22 pm »
The post is about playground rule based PvP system, and an alternate form of death.  If you are sugesting that all forms of PvP are eliminated in town I would agree.  Dueling or pushing should only be allowed outside of town.  It messes up the bar fight senerio, but Bars could be made like arena type zones.

Outside of town still has to have some sort of order.  Otherwise, pkers will just sit outside of town and mug you as you walk out.


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« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2004, 05:42:27 am »
who ever has played runescape knows, there is a place called the wilderness where you can go to pk. there are different levels at level 1, you can attack people 1 level under you, but keep in mind that means a person one level over you may attack you, same for level 2, 3, and all the way up.


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« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2004, 05:44:37 am »
wut\'d i say, it came up as \"the-game-that-shall-not-be-named\"?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2004, 05:45:23 am by Jerslayer »

Socrates Demise

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« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2004, 03:44:34 am »
I like the idea that anyone can join a fight and whoever ihas joined the fight can be attacked.  I would assume there would be a way to choose who\'s side of the brawl you were on.  

I feel that a fight should happen wherever a fight is going to happen.

I just think it would be great if (back to the bar room senerio) a 10th level Dabolo walks in and shoves a first level Lemur.  The Lemur accepts because he know he has his 20th level Kran friend sitting on the other side of the Dabolo.


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« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2004, 01:33:07 pm »
Originally posted by Jerslayer
wut\'d i say, it came up as \"the-game-that-shall-not-be-named\"?

I know what game you\'re talking about, it\'s a rather big game and becomes a rival to the smaller ones. So there is a filter that changes it to that to prevent unwanted advertising.


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« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2004, 07:24:35 am »
i gotta say that sounds like a good idea. pkers can just go attack agressors then and its the aggressors own fault if he gets pked.

 i like it :D good job. i thort the only solution would be to alow full pking but that sounds great. good job m8! with that u could could have everything pk has except for the moaning from ppl for getting pked:D


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« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2004, 10:14:38 am »
The problem with the \"duelling\" solution is that it kills the realism. Every solution that implies a new out-of-the-game universe convention does that.
 I think that the answer is the implementation of a law codex, very strict in punishing agressors, thieving, killing and injuring. Well, caught agressors. That would encourage the development of highly skilled thieves/assasins, for they could do mischief (maybe quests that imply that) with lesser risks, but it would also diminish the random pk\'s and lootings.
 Further, adding to that the \"being beaten to a pulp\" idea I think the system should work. Players would become more aware of the risks their actions involve, since the wounded one they left behind will eventually get into a populated area and report them to the authorities. This could lead to community bans, communitary fees, you could have a bounty on your head, etcaetera. Only the best assasins might get away...
 The Codex might also contain rules for duells, as result of direct offence or social challenge, duells that would take place in certain areas and with witnesses on both sides. If the challenged player doesn\'t want to fight he/she would be forced to pay a ransom or give up his claim on the object of the duel.
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I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. \"  Robert Frost


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« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2004, 10:04:08 pm »
One game I find interesting... bare with me its a single player rpg called \"Gothic II\".

In the game you can pick fights or be picked on... who ever attacks first in a \'secure area\' where laws are enforced is considered to have broken the law \"assault\" they will refuse to deal with you at all (though you can cast a forget spell on them). They will tell the local authorities in a days time (I think), meaning you have to pay a fine or could be attacked/arrested by guards (don\'t draw your sword... just follow them to prison/judge).

Murder is treated differently, killing a murderer is acceptable. If you escape then the guards will attempt to kill you unless you can get to the judge and pay the fine (yes a sum of money clears your name, the guards are strong enough for most of the game and some are \'impossible to kill\' remember its a single player so murder is fine heavily but for the hero\'s weath its not much).

Of course in a dark alley nobody would see you hurt/rob/kill anyone but the person you attack so you either finish them(kill)/ they are too scared to attack or you cast \'obilivion\' <- the forget spell.

I\'m pretty sure similar ideas can be liberated and used.
If someone attacks you... run away and they look like a bully or.. defend yourself knowing that if you die everyone can attack him back or at least his name is mud. Perhaps if you were attack recently you could report it yourself to a guard.

As for people insulting you, usually the proof is in the fact they won\'t attack you... if you could \"knock out there lights\" (assault) without a serious intent (you don\'t rob them or kill them). You may have a lessor charge that you have to pay, that you will just have to wear the costs. Perhaps repeat offenses are treated differently, even the find inceases 1.5 times the last amount or something.

No doubt in any system people will try to exploit the system, hopefully the community can come up with a simple and elegant system that makes this impossible.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 10:07:08 pm by Stydracos »

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« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2005, 06:50:36 pm »
Originally posted by Jerslayer
who ever has played runescape knows, there is a place called the wilderness where you can go to pk. there are different levels at level 1, you can attack people 1 level under you, but keep in mind that means a person one level over you may attack you, same for level 2, 3, and all the way up.

Yep and ne1 who has played RS also knows that the PvP system is so badly flawed that any game that tried to mimic it would be digging it\'s own grave.  It\'s more flawed than a PSX on drugs...  As for Abemore\'s idea, I love it.  The only thing is, what about MP?  There\'s bound to be some spells to heal tremendous amounts of MP...

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dueling or bar fighting
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2005, 03:44:16 pm »
I believe that duels and barfights should be allowed. this said i believe that there is a time and place for a duel, but sometimes that just leads to the big guys picking on little guys. This said I believe that something like a barfight should be allowed. This does not mean that the people getting picked on even have to fight, but that someone else, probably bigger and stronger, come in and intervene for the little guy. this would add a new and inventive way to role play as the defender of the little guy. This is just an opinion and any futher voices would be welcome since the more heads put to the same subject create a faster solution.


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« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2005, 11:42:20 pm »
Let me know if im mistaken, but its seems that you wont officialy have a \"level\", so when the big tough Kran picks on the cat girl, she might whip out the old glyphs and have him \"crawling\" to the hospital in one swing.