Author Topic: This is why EQ sucks.  (Read 5150 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2003, 11:32:04 pm »
I was killing a beast behind a building once.  On the other side of the building were guards.  I had almost finished off the beast, when a guard suddenly walked through the building and instantly killed my beast (which then instantly disappeard) then walked back through the building.  The guard didnt use doors either.  How do you walk through a house?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2004, 02:00:40 am by Abemore »

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« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2003, 12:13:08 am »
oh shit that\'s the worst.  Guards, they run around killing your prey.  That is messed up, I had a lot of grief just because of that.  I asked a high level guy to kill the guards for me once  ahah.


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« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2003, 10:27:56 pm »
Buggy, broken, impossible pieces of crap.  No maps in game (until just recently, I hear).  NPC\'s that leave out important quest information, and wont answer any further questions regarding it.  Lame.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2004, 02:01:49 am by Abemore »

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« Reply #33 on: August 06, 2003, 10:32:07 pm »
Nerf... need I say more?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2003, 03:06:22 pm »
...probably.  Some people might not know what that means, like me for example.

Let me explain what I believe \"nerf\" to be.  Nerf is a company that makes violent toys such as guns and crossbows in a non-violent way.  They use foam, rubber, and plastic so their toys (weapons) are safe (ineffective).  This is what \"nerf\" means to me.  It is to take something useful and make it useless, to take something harmful and make it harmless, and to take something powerful and make it powerless.

Now, how does that apply to Everquest?  I am told that with some updates, they would \"nerf\" some of the once powerful spells/items/skills.

Is this correct Ezudin?

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« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2003, 04:23:41 pm »
Originally posted by Abemore
Now, how does that apply to Everquest?  I am told that with some updates, they would \"nerf\" some of the once powerful spells/items/skills.

other games do it all the time...

One reason why EQ sucks big is that you pay for time you dont even use. basically you could pay [this huge amount of bling bling] and never play the game, and they ($ony) would take the cash anyways.

this makes you torture yourself for the first month or however long you paid for it, for you\'d be throwing away your cash if you didn\'t play \"it\". Thus, dont get the life-time membership. ;)

And when (more like IF) you play EQ the majority of the time you pay-to-play for is walking. Walking walking walking. Point A mineral patch/creature spawn to point B bank/home/whatever the hell you can think of name for a town. Sure you can see a tree here and there in the forest, of one bazillon trees, killing your frame rate multiplied by lag squared (FRxL^2) when all of a sudden a level 0.23 Ogre pops outta no where, sees you, and clips through the aforementioned bagillion trees and pwns you with its dagger while you wear Godly plate of the whale +12478 all stats (thusly a hacked item).

You then drop everything, spawn in the town (if you can call it that) where you must spend 1 hour, 32 minutes, 29 seconds trying to get out of, only to find that when you reach your body all your cash/equip/etc is gone, and it is night. upon atempting to return to town you pass by several hundred enemy NPCs of whom clip into eachother and as you return to town they follow you.

in town, you run away, as the gaurds do nothing to kill the enemies. they all go after you, and other players just dont care what happens. you then run about the \"town\" trying to lose them but they continue to clip through the walls and attack you all at once. and finally just before you die again, you get disconnected.

GG $ony EQ server.

But the REAL reason why EQ sucks is because...

It. Just. Plain. Sucks. :P But im sure you already knew that. ;)
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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2003, 10:11:05 pm »
I am certainly no apologist for Sony Corp. However sometimes you have to put the game into perspective.  How does it stacked up against the games that came before it.  The games they come after it really don?t count.

I come from the perspective of playing the first pong game.  By today?s standards it would be downright barbaric.  You had to variable resistors that ran two paddles on either side of the television up and down it.  Little White Ball went back and forth.  That?s about all there was to pong.  I got a brand-new one at age 10.  What became of pong.  Nothing really.  What was there before pong.  Nothing whatsoever.  Sure there were some games on mainframes on some colleges but nobody could play them out of their house.  Pong was it.  The first.

So now we zip up to the time were ever quest first came out.  It was pretty much a groundbreaking game.  3-D graphics thousands of people playing at the same time using some brand-new innovative technology to do a job.  The differences between the game that?s being built here and ever quest are strikingly little.  Ever quest broke the ground and this game hopefully will push it to a new height.

One thing you find out over the years is that real ground breakers are seldom are the full realization of a technology.  Ever quest for instance has seen better days.  What you have described here is probably only the beginning of what ever quest could have been.  The first makers of pong probably had no idea that there were going to be game systems out like the PS/2 or game cube.  The makers of ever quest will probably go off on some weird tangent and die out.  It happens all the time.  Atari is certainly seen better days and it was a total ground breaker on several fronts.

One aspect of this game that is highly touted is the fact that it is free.  That is the person playing this game does not have to pay money.  Somehow I feel this is flawed logic.  One could produce another version of pong for the PC distributed for free and what would you have.  While it?s a free game.  You didn?t have to pay anything so you should love it.  

I really don?t think that?s what makes this game great.  I believe what makes this game great is that you?re seeing the development process right now and are having impact on it right now.  You are seeing a game go from Alpha stage to full production.  The free flow of ideas on this form are amazing.  One of the other big advantages to this game is that the developers have played the other games.  They know what works and what doesn?t.  That perspective makes a big difference.

One other advantage this game has is that computers are a lot more powerful than in the past.  When ever quest first came out it had to work on a pretty pathetic machine.  It still can run on a pretty pathetic machine.  So one assumption that can be made is that a new game would use the machine resources better.  That might be one of the reasons that there coming out with ever quest 2.  It might be that the people at Sony Corp. thinks they?re game sucks as well.
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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2003, 01:00:39 am »
his post explained his point very well. get over it.
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Wth was his point again?
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2003, 02:31:59 am »



It might be that the people at Sony Corp. thinks they?re game sucks as well.

good enough. :P
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« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2003, 12:56:29 pm »
I took out my caps lock key.
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« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2003, 03:23:23 pm »
god dang, if i had a nickle for everytime i reached lvl 20 in that have enuf nickles to buy me a McClaren f1 (dang that car is hot)
i was actually fooled by buying planes of power expansion, where u can go to diferent dimensions to fight a whole array of monsters and get new weapons...
YAY, but only to find that the demensions or w/e the _ell
those places are can only be accesed by, did u guess it, lvl 40 or more characters ect...
another thing, there are thousands of items in that game...i thought was cool...but they turned out to be just duplicated items with different names. m,aybe u can find a nice dagger or sumtin for the lower lvls, and get the same one except for its only for lvl 14 and has a different description or w/e.
god, the maps are also very very small. u look at the map poster thing they give u in the box, it shows u vast lands and extended deserts....i walked across kunark \'continent\' in about 10 mins, the kurns tower or w/e and the \'ancient lake\' right infront of it is more like a.........dried up pond, maybe with some bones scattered everywere for a nice efect...


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« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2003, 03:25:10 pm »
hehe, look at all those spelling errors in that last paragraph...


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2003, 06:53:15 pm »
Originally posted by Fish
I am certainly no apologist for Sony Corp. However sometimes you have to put the game into perspective.  How does it stacked up against the games that came before it.  The games they come after it really don?t count...
I couldn\'t disagree with you more.
Even a game that sucks ass can look good next to an even worse game.  It\'s just like when you stand next to your ugly friend, you look better by comparison (even though you really still look the same).

In this thread, I haven\'t been comparing Everquest to other games; I believe it sucks in and of itself.  If I said you were a pretentious fish, I would say that based on my judgment of you, not how I perceive you next to the flamer with the caps lock.

Because you seem so adamant on perspective, I\'ve decided to indulge you...

So now we zip up to the time were ever quest first came out. It was pretty much a groundbreaking game. 3-D graphics thousands of people playing at the same time using some brand-new innovative technology to do a job. The differences between the game that?s being built here and ever quest are strikingly little. Ever quest broke the ground and this game hopefully will push it to a new height.
Lets examine how groundbreaking it was, shall we?
EQ was released 4 months after Half-Life.  The \"3-D\" graphics seem kind of like a step backward, wouldn\'t you say?
\"Thousands of people playing at the same time using some brand-new innovative technology\"?  Didn\'t this happen with Ultima Online in 1997 over a year before Everquest was released?

So far, the similarities between PS and EQ are that they are the same genre (and that typing to the NPC\'s thing which I still think I can get changed).  Both are MMORPG\'s.  Any further similarities remain to be seen.

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« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2003, 08:25:29 pm »
Abemore THANK YOU for giving me the first decent counter arguments.  As for being the next Flamer with cap locks you don?t know me well enough to make that assumption.  However let?s get to your arguments.

Ultima Online has a nice database behind it.  However it?s a 2-D game basically.  Even though they were the first with massively multiple player the basic computer engine was not exactly putting the player inside the world.  There are several textbased massively multiplayer games before ever quest as well.

Half-Life had a fairly good graphics engine at the time.  But they were not massively better than ever quest.  Just somewhat better.  At the time ever quest had some hurdles ahead to get over.  They had to pull some stunts to deal with the fact that instead of 10 players you had over 1000.  For instance have you ever noticed in ever quest that a character will go along in a straight line then disappear and go off in a completely different tension from a different location.  This is due to the fact that the location of the player was moved on a different vector.  This means the database doesn?t just have to deal with play rules it also has to deal with a 3-D engine in placing players on it.  On top of that the computers of that time were not exactly fast.  The modem speeds weren?t exactly fast either. Not trivial.

There is one beautiful thing about games that people think suck. They don?t play them.
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2003, 01:41:59 pm »
Your welcome.  I love counter arguments.  I admire the arguing ability of Plato\'s Socrates.  

I\'m sorry, I did not mean you were similar to the caps lock flamer.  I only meant you seemed pretentious by yourself, but next to the flamer, your post seemed timid.

Sorry if I didn\'t get that point across, and sorry for the comment all together.  I can be a bit abrasive at times.

In any case, I retire from this discussion on the grounds that it may be upsetting the developers and \"illuminating [my] ignorance\".  

Nice to meet you Fish.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2003, 09:44:53 pm by Abemore »

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