Author Topic: Why not? let's give it a try. "The Black Alley"  (Read 840 times)


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Why not? let's give it a try. "The Black Alley"
« on: August 02, 2003, 02:01:38 am »
[Ok, i\'m not pretty sure of how this stuff is suppossed to work, so please tell me after reading my poor story. :P Also, i apologize for any typo\'s, cause my first language ain\'t english.]

   The sun was brighting red on the skies over the Great City. A lonely man was walking trough the streets. There were crowds all around the corners, but it seemed like this man was far away from any kind of people. He was only focused on his books and maps. He was going to leave the city soon, to continue his journey, seeking something he can\'t describe. He wanted to see a few places of interest before departing. He was so inmersed on his papers, that he didnt noticed that he turned on the wrong alley. He kept walking, without looking the path, for about one hour, until he walked onto a wall. Then, raising his view from the books for first time in many hours, he noticed that he didnt knew this part of the city. He was now in a dark alley, all the walls around him were painted black, and it was so narrow, that he didnt found any explanation of how on earth he ended up there. It was becoming slowly dark. He observed carefully the alley: There were a couple of over-sized rats, a big mount of a very strange substance (\"town food\", he tought) and a door with a sign patched on it. He approached to read the sign, but there weren\'t any kind of inscriptions. All that was impressed on it was a red snake, over two white mountains. \"strange\" he tought. \"Looks like the logo of a brotherhood, or a clan. Maybe even a cult.\" \"but looks like i\'ll have to enter, it\'s getting dark and there are no other buildings or signs of people near. Besides, it\'s always good to know about these little organizations.\"
    And he knocked the door. The hatch was open, and two eyes appeared. In fact, only one appeared. One of them was, clearly, fake. The man beyond the door said then, with a strange accent that the traveller didnt recognize very well, \"You\'re finally here, Mortius. Come, enter.\"  It was obviously a mistake, that wasn\'t the name of the traveller. Anyways, the traveller didnt mind. He knew what kind of people came out to the streets on the night on the Great City. Everyone did. He also knew that the worst people remained out the streets, but that was a risk he took gladly. Besides, maybe he could get some kind of lodging anyways.  
    As he entered, he had a better view of the glass-eyed man: Not very tall, but not too short either. He was somewhat thin, had the perfect look of a common thief. He also took a view out of the place: A very elegant place. Many objects were made of silver, but none of them with gold. Maybe a thieves Guild of some sort. There were a lot of people sit on the comfy benches. All of them were looking him. \"You\'re not Mortius!\" Shouted one of them, the strongest, the oldest, and the tallest, as he could see. He looked pretty upset.  He did a gesture of attacking him, but he was controlled by a girl who looked pretty much like him, but *ahem* pretty much well-fitted. And younger. In any case, she didnt looked very glad of the presence of the stranger, either. Slowly, everyone raised from the benches and walked towards him, with a very unhappy look on their faces.

What\'d ya think? should i go on or does it suck?
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild


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« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2003, 04:38:46 pm »
c\'mon guys! tell me if i should go on or not!
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild


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« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2003, 04:28:07 pm »

Ok, here we go:

\"The tall man approached to the traveller, and he could then see that he had a large, deep scar around his neck. The tall man asked him, with a deep-throated voice:
-Who are you, and what are you doing here?!
-Eh, well, you\'ll see, i was passing by, and, er, my granny was sick, and i was wondering if you had a, eh, stew, or a chicken? Because she digs chickens, y\'know? maybe it\'s because, when you get old...
-ENOUGH!!!- Shouted the big man. He didn\'t seem interested at the least about grannys and chickens.
He then grabbed the traveller by the neck, raised him to the air, and started choking him slowly.
-You\'re a spy, aren\'t you?
-No *gack* i was just *cough* passing by the *ggg* city and...
-LIAR! You disguised as Mortius to get in!!
Suddenly, the hall door opened, and a man entered the room. The tall man quickly released the neck of the nearly-dead traveller, casting him into the floor.
-So you\'re coming after all, Boris.- Said the tall man.
-This spy tried to...
-I\'m not a spy! i was just passing by!- replied the traveller.
-Lautaro, please...- Said the just arrived man, talking to the glass-eyed thief. The thief approached to the traveller and watched his eyes for a few seconds.
-He\'s telling the truth- said Lautaro. - But in that case, i can\'t explain why he looks so much like Mortius.
-Well, that\'s nothing that we should care about now.
said Boris. He made a gesture with his hand, and the thief, the tall man, Boris himself and a few more people entered a narrow room that was located below the stairs. The rest of the crowd left the building. The traveller attempted to get out, but then, he could hear the voice of the thief, shouting from the room:
-You stay in! We still have plans for you, mate.

The traveller stood frozen. Who were these people?
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild


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« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2003, 02:52:13 pm »
[Remember to post any opinions and suggestions about the development of the plot. ]
\"The traveller stood still for about half an hour. Then, the door below the stairs opened and the thief came out.
- Enter, man. Let\'s...\"discuss\" the situation.
- I don\'t have any other option, right?
- I guess you don\'t- said the thief, while he unbuttoned his jacket to show the traveller a vast collection of knives on the reverse of his pockets. Big, small, thin, thick, of all shapes and designs. The dream of any thief.

The traveller then entered the room. Files, scrolls and books were all around the floor. The thief locked the door, and Boris began to talk.
- Welcome, my friend. Take a seat. Let me introduce myself and the others. I am Boris, as you know, and i come from the far lands of the Northeast.  He -Boris pointed to the tall man, who was still looking at him angrily, the more controlled.-is Oliv, our *heh* charming friend, and -then he pointed the girl who was just next to Oliv- his *heh* lovely daughter, Reiz. (he was obviously being sarcastic, Oliv looked all but charming, and his daughter was looking at the traveller with the exact same look than her father.) You already know our partner from the South, Lautaro.
-Yep- mumbled the thief, with an ironic smile on his face.
And, -proceeded Boris-last but not least, -he pointed a man, about the same age than the traveller, who was holding a cross and praying, laying on the wall- we have Jud, from the Peninsula.
The treveller quickly examinated Jud. He had hear that people from the peninsula were very religious.
Whoa, gotta go, i\'ll continue later.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2003, 05:50:02 pm by Empanado »
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild


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« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2003, 09:55:26 pm »
Ok, where did i left? rigth.

\"And there was the traveller, surrounded by a bunch of strange specimes of the human race, asking himself what was going to happen.
-What do you want from me?-said the traveller.

-Well, first of all, tell us your name.- replied Boris.

The traveller dubitated. He guessed that it was time to use one of his many, many \"alternative\" names. Throughout the years, he had to cross many countries, and the false IDs were already something usual for him.
He quickly choosed one, and replied:
- My name\'s Galvarino. Aft Galvarino.
Lautaro flashed his eyes towards him, and didn\'t ever had to really hear what he was saying to respond:
-Come on, man. Give us your name. Your REAL name.

The traveller was really intrigued by this man. Was he capable of reading his mind? He observed that Oliv, that 2, 25 mts tall beast, was starting to look at him on a VERY unfriendly way. The same way he looked at him half an hour ago, and, as the traveller wasn\'t feeling like having his neck luxated again, he chose to tell the truth, at once.
- My name\'s Renax. I am a traveller. I apologize for entering on this... building, but i needed some place to spend the night. Besides, i saw that sign on the door and i tought you were...
- Sign?- Said Boris, notoriously worried, -What sign?
-That one glued on your front door, y\'know, the snake and the mountains.
He saw then as everybody got alarmed and ran to the front door. Oliv ripped the sign on a second, and then Boris, afflicted, said:
- They are aware of us. They will be here at any moment. All the Army will arrive here, and if we don\'t depart, our heads will ornate soon the Gates of the City.

Renax frightened. He din\'t quite understand what was happening, but the idea of his head ornating something else that his neck, wasnt exactly comforting.\"

to be continued, soon.
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild

The Rift

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« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2003, 01:33:53 pm »


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« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2003, 10:11:46 pm »
that\'s all? just \'interesting\'? Oh well...

\"The traveller examined then the situation.
\"Bad things\" He tought for himself:
\"1) Whatever is happening here, it sounds as i\'m in trouble. Deep trouble, from any way it can be looked.\"
\"2) As i\'ve just heard, looks like an army is upon us and i\'m going to get my head cut off. And that\'s not nice.\"
\"3) It seems like that glass eyed guy can read my mind. That reduces my chances of running the hell out of here.\"
\"4) Even if we manage to get out (and it\'s \"we\" because i can\'t figure out a way to escape from these freaks) looks like the tall guy is going to choke me again.
\"Now, let\'s try to find a nice side:\"
\"1) Looks like we\'re only between pure humans. Not that i\'m a racist, but at least now i\'ll be able to tell the joke of the dwarf, the enkidukai, the parrot and the donkey without having three bottles broken onto my head like the last time.\"
\"2) Well, if that army cuts my head off, i won\'t have to worry about dandruff anymore.\"
\"3)Hmmm... the girl looks pretty.\"
\"4) She\'s just next to his father...Oh, wait, that\'s a bad thing.\"

As Renax was thinking all this nonsense, he didn\'t noticed how this \'group\' went into the building again, unlocked a rusty chest on the main hall, and picked each one a weapon, everyone but Lautaro: it seemed like his knives were enough. Boris chose a fancy-looking spear, Olliv picked up an axe of three-quarters the size of a man, his daughter Reiz got a sword, and Jud selected a morning star.
I was cured, all right.
The Mercenary Guild