Author Topic: enter the Battlefield!!!  (Read 2741 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2002, 05:45:12 pm »
Bill rode swiftly over the oncoming horde of enemies, and began to swoop closer to them. \"A bit lower Gladrian....almost there....perfect\", said Bill. He used a new spell to freeze the tips of his arrows. He shot them at 3 orcs. It hit one in the chest, and pierced into its flesh. It fell off its wolf and started having strange spasms. It stopped moving and its body slowly ripped apart and a large ice boulder appeared from inside him. It stopped a few orcs in their tracks, long enough for Bill to make a small wall of ice to slow the orcs.

Bill looked to his left and saw DayStar soar into the air. He had a large spear in his hand, he raised it above his head, and soared into the orcs. He speared one in the head then quickly retrieved the spear. He repeated this several times and many orcs fell to the ground. He then got small razor blades, cut from a large sword blade, and he threw them at the orcs.

Bill laughed until his broken arm went numb. He could not hold on with one arm, so he quickly directed Gladrian to the ground and Bill rolled off him. He grabbed the orcish sword in his hilt and got quickly to his feet. He raced to the wall of a rocky cliff and waited for the orcs. He saw them come, and he ran to them. He slashed back and forth, severing whatever got in his blade\'s way. Orcs screamed and blood flew, until one orc got to Bill.

Bill went behind and orc and stabbed his sword threw its back. It fell down and quivered for a second, but Bill stopped it by stabbing it twice. But in this time, an orc came behind him and had just enough time to swing his mighty axe, Bill to turn around and realize the orc\'s axe, and time for Bill to move. But still it cut off his numb and broken arm. Bill fell to the ground and stuck his sword straight through the leg of the orc. It fell on its knee and Bill decapitated it. It fell to the ground and blood flew freely from both the orc\'s severed neck, and Bill\'s stump of an arm. He still had the part of his arm until a few centimeters above his elbow.

Bill fell to the ground again and did not know what to do. He stuck his hand in the blood and smeared it on his chest. He lied still until most of the orcs passed. He got up and killed the ones lingering behind the original army. He looked back and saw the war.

The Demorians seemed to be winning, for more of their army was surviving. A few dwarven heads and arms lay on the ground, and Bill gave a sigh. He dropped his sword, and once again fell to the ground. The last thing he remembered was DayStar flying unusually fast over head, towards the war, and a rumbling ground under himself. He then became unconscous.

An hour later he awaked and found himself in the giant, stoney hand of a mountain troll. It was dead, and its arm was cut off. Everybody was gone. No blades clashed, no screams filled the sky, and strangely enough no bodies were on the ground, and blood did not stain the fresh dirt. None at all.

Bill\'s wound had suddenly healed over, so now he had a stump for an arm, and the blood obviously had stopped. He looked around, and stared baffled at the battle grounds. He whistled and Gladrian flew to his side. He mounted the pterosaur and flew into the sky. He searched the lands until he finally gave up. He landed on a small ledge on the side of Mount Waria and told Gladrian he could go about his business.

He sat, dazed what had happened, and felt his stump until it finally sunk into his mind that he had no left arm anymore. But suddenly the winds picked up. It grew to a small gale, and then to the force of a hurricane. Bill was slowly being dragged off the cliff, and rocks were dislodging from the mountain. He looked at the battle field and a large black hole opened, and everything was swept into it. He could hold on no longer and flew into the air. He fell to the ground and was dragged towards the hole until he finally fell in.

Everything was dark but slowly turned to a misty purple. He was in some strange deminsion. He had no time to search the area for an orc ran forward. \"Kasssssssshh nadada! Hahahha! Fareem ca-\", but it stopped as Bill slit its chest open and its heart fell out. It fell forward, and Bill spit on the body.

He ran around and suddenly the sound of swords and screams arrived. The army had been transported their but for some reason did not care for it was still as deadly as ever.

DayStar flew over to Bill, a fresh cut on his shoulder, and landed, and breathing heavily. \"Its...its...a Driauk spell. Only mages of 80 years have do it. They use about 5 weeks to conjure a world in their minds. Apparently...the...mage who did this thought...of...of this place during the fight. He then uses a small spell to transfer a few people there. What...what...what this mage has done is amazing, but very deadly. After an estimated 3 hours this place will close, and anything...inside here will die\", said DayStar.

\"How long has this battle been here?\", asked Bill. \"I dunno...maybe 2 hours. There is no way we can save them though. The armies will die in battle, but so will-\", but DayStar was cut off. A blinding flash blinded Bill and he appeared back in the battle grounds.

Everyone else was there, but a new body, one of an orcish mage holding a staff, was one the ground and Cyonamie stood over it, and then kicked it and walked back into battle. Bill sighed and re-entered the battle.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2002, 08:06:51 pm »
Cyonamie saw Bill\'s stump, using a rune given to him by his Father, the Rune of Restorartion, which when read, could heal the wounds of a victom.  Cyonamie rode over to Bill, and read the rune, Bill\'s arm came back good as new, and Bill ran back into the battle of the orcs..........


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2002, 08:27:41 am »
a new warrior entered and saw cyonamie using the rune . Strata the newbie warrior out on his first battle asked if he could join the group. The warriors accepted and they await what is to happen next.


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« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2002, 09:48:59 am »
\"You need not ask to join, Strata. Just raise your blade in pride and fight for who you believe in\", said Bill. Strata nodded and took out his blade. He put it at his stomach and faced it outward and rammed into the crowd. He killed a few orcs, and sliced certain things off of the rest of the orcs. Bill raised his sword and began to enter until he realized something-if he was in the hand of a troll, where did it come from?

Then Bill\'s question was answered. An estimated 200 Mountain Trolls stormed down the side of Mount Waria, screamed and banging their fists, and licking their stoney lips when they looked at the dwarves.

I called Gladrian, who came swiftly to my side. I mounted him and flew to the trolls. I readied three ice arrows and pointed them at a small crowd of trolls. They did not impale the trolls but it did knock them out when they ran into the ice walls. But the trolls easily broke the ice and started down the rocky path again.

Bill flew forward and noticed something in the distance coming closer. After a few seconds he realized it was a large boulder fired from a catapult that the back of the troll army was using. He barely dodged it, but it hurt the tip of Gladrian\'s wing. He let Bill off on the ground and flew away.

Bill began to walk towards the trolls until he saw the boulder floating in mid-air. Then suddenly it lit completely on fire! It was raised a bit more and then thrust at the troll army. Bill quickly made his away around the wall next to him and saw about 50 trolls buring on fire or being crushed under the rock.

Bill looked back into the crowd, and to his surprise, realized it was an orcish mage who had done the deed. A Klyros flew into the sky, and another one, DayStar, flew next to him. The first Klyros spoke in orcish, and DayStar spoke in English.

\"Gratsh kty vfroota quwera!\", shouted the Klyros. \"Everybody! Listen! The orcs did not except for the trolls just as we did. We suspect they have been here until our armies dwindled. Their armies are great, but each of our armies alone can do barely anything to them!\", said DayStar. \"Dfraqwa lpootama uawasha! Bracta dagoorn vastamini! Iaska radiush warut gradyt bvacavash!\", shouted the other Klyros. \"At this time in need we must ally with the orc army\", said DayStar, but was interupted by the boos and shouts of the Dwarven and Demorian armies. \"Listen you fools! They will crush us! If we ally with the orcs we will not only be able to kill the trolls, but also have peace between us and the bloodshed will cease!\", shouted DayStar. Grumbling came from the crowd. The orcish army shouted, but another orc shouted above all, directing his words to the Klyros. The Klyros turned to DayStar and told him something. DayStar made a half smile and then turned to the armies. \"The orcs will ally with us! They realize that we will die! We must do this!\", shouted DayStar.

A medium sized dwarf, a fairly tall Demorian, and a long beared Ylian stepped forth. The dwarf spoke, \"We are the generals of each of army! I agree that being an ally You know the ridacule we often get from our size and we feel the orcs may contribute to this, but at this time in need we will ally with the orcs. You have the dwarven army in this time of need.\" The Demorian stepped forth. \"They are slimy and grotesque, yet as Bladriel just said, we have no other choice. You have the Demorian army in this time of need\", said the Demorian. The Ylian stepped forth. \"As many in my land know, your looks count nothing if you are of pure heart. I, and many others in my colony, believe that the orcs could be just like us. They are a simple folk pulled into a battle because of what they are\", said the Ylian. Bladriel spit on the ground and grunted in disgust. The Ylian payed no attention to Bladriel. \"You have the Ylian army in this time of need\", the man said.

All of the armies turned towards the mountain, and waited for the oncoming slaughter.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2002, 09:52:26 am by Bill »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2002, 11:46:43 am »
Cyonamie stood there, waiting along side the Dermorian general, they had been great friends, but Cyonamie had split from the others Dermorians to become a free knight, while Letearis, became a soldier in the army, and eventually went up to general.....Cyonamie and Letearis had dueled once before, neither had won, they were of an equal power...
 As the trolls came forward, they nodded towards each other and charged forward at the trolls!  Slashing thru the head of a troll as if it was air, but another trolls smacked at Cyonamie with his club, and battle Cyonamie into the face of a cliff, Cyonamie was badly injured, and could barely move, his sword, the orc bane, laid at his side....His horse Moonlance ran towards him, watching him there, slowly dieing............

>>could this be the end?<<


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2002, 02:42:24 pm »
Strata pulled his sword from an orc he had previously slaid. He looked foreward at the oncomming attack. Then as the battle started he saw Cyonamie go down he rushed to his aid but realized he could do nothing to save his friend. Then Strata realized he had been tought before to do a healing spell. This would thake alot out of him but he went on with it to save a valuable friend, not an expendable warrior. Strata muttered these words: angus grofps phisus ! With that Strata sat down weak and waited for Cyonamie to recover which would thake a while. Not realizing it , the rush of trolls hit strata and burried him when it was over Strata was out cold. Cyonamie wasnt up , as the spell was still working. With two warriors down it is up to the rest of the team

(hey this is really fun i diddnt know this forum was here)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2002, 04:39:23 pm »
Bill saw Cyonamie\'s limp body, and the body of Strata being crushed by the trolls. He called Gladrian and flew towards Cyonamie and Strata. Gladrian was still in pain from his wound, so Bill tore off some of his shirt and tied it around Gladiran\'s wounded wing.

He picked the two warriors and flew to a small cave. He lay them down in the darkest corner so no enemies could see them. But apparently a troll did and it ran into the gave. It was 12 feet tall and it was made of rocks, so this battle would not be like the orcs. Bill froze the tip of an arrow and said, \"You stupid troll! The only things stupider than you are broken windows!\" The troll roared, and Bill shot the arrow into its mouth. It barely hurt the troll, but it swallowed the arrow. \"Grrudah dadasha! Hahahaha!\", yelled the troll. Suddenly ice came from wounds opening in its body until it fell down into a pile of rocks and a ice boulder stood where the troll once was.

The boulder was blocking the way out, so Bill made a fire arrow and shot it at the boulder. It started to melt then suddenly tumbled over. It started rolling towards Bill. Bill grabbed Cyonamie and Strata and and lept behind a regular boulder. The ice boulder kept rolling straight into the wall, and crushed the wall as if it were a piece of paper. Bill looked threw the wall and saw a large flight of stairs.

Bill pulled out his sword and climbed the stairs. After a few minutes he reached and opening, and he heard some chatter. Bill crept very slowly forward and saw 5 orcs waving their swords and axes about and talking in orcish. \"Rtreme danasta kgira! Hehehe. Dika dwarves et uitop! Ahaha!\", said an orc. It slouched down and walked about as if imitating a dwarf. The orc then went out of sight and came back with some arrows. He loaded one into his bow and aimed downwards. He shot it and the orcs burst out into laughter.

\"Danaka dwarv iushtic!\", another orc said. The orcs again began to laugh. Bill realized they were traitors. He emerged from his hiding place and pushed the orc with the bow off the cliff. He them turned around stabbed his sword threw the second orc. It fell to the ground. A sword grazed his right shoulder and made a bloody wound. Bill turned around sliced the third orc in half.

Two other orcs cowered before Bill. They bowed to him and crawled forth to kiss his feet. Bill saw one of the orcs going for a dagger at his belt, and quickly finished him off. The other orc fell backwards on the ground and shrieked in terror. Bill ran forth and grabbed the orc by its cheap leather armor and threw its dagger behind him.

Bill tried to remember some orcish words he had learned. \"Da....darooka....darooka vadamy hgrish!\", said Bill, meaning \"who are you, traitor?\" \"I...I...ityl warren quavsic yetry!\", said the orc, shivering in fear. \"What....I do not under sta-wait. Quavsic means...general. Warren am. I am general. Ityl is...damnit...its....wait. Wait, I am general. Yetry...ahh screw that I know enough. You are a genenral, and a traitor. This can only mean that the orcish army is going back on their word\", said Bill. He cut the legs off the orc and let it scream in pain.

He held its wrist and hung it from the side of the cliff. \"Ityagavash wearderin gtryl dgriti?\", asked Bill, meaning \"is everyone a traitor like you?\" \"K....k...kresh\", replied the orc. Bill let go of its wrist and it dropped to its death. \"I knew it\", said Bill, \"they are with the trolls. I have to warn the others!\" Bill ran down the steps and saw Cyonamie had awoken and was carrying Strata over his shoulder. \"Strata used his power to heal me, I needa safe place to put him so he can heal\", said Cyonamie. \"Follow me\", said Bill and led them onto the cliff where the orcs were. \"What happened here?\", asked Cyonamie, staring at the bodies. \"It doesn\'t matter what happened. What does matter is the orcs are liers. The trolls are allies of the orcs. They are going to kill our armies\", said Bill, and he and Cyonamie hurried to tell the generals of the other armies.


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« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2002, 02:41:50 pm »
Cyonamie followed Bill to Gladrian, and jumped on the back of him behind, Bill told Gladrian just to drop us off below the cave.  As they came, Cyonamie summoned Moonlance, and with Strata behind with Bill, Cyonamie rode off to tell the generals.........


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« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2002, 03:43:50 pm »
Strata awoke with a start and screamed until bill whipped out a fish and calmed him down.
when  they reached an area to rest Strata told that he had a dream that somthing much worse than what they were facing now was comming.Strata wasnt sure but he felt the darkness and evil the thing was. It might be a huge army cyonamie thought ,or it could be a huge monster. But there is more, Strata said. I dont know what it is but it is some form of appocolypse

what to do now