Author Topic: Rewards system for completed quests  (Read 419 times)


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Rewards system for completed quests
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:02:26 pm »

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 27-09-2001 18:47 GMT        

                         Yeah, i was thinking of some new ideas for the game. What about a rewards system for completed quests. If you are a guild
                         leader, you can assign different quests to your members, and if they complete the quest, the Guild leader would givethem some
                         sort of reward, maybe a level up, or a item/money reward.

                         I have more were that came from!
                         Eric Brinkley a.k.a. Takrin/HeliX
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 27-09-2001 18:55 GMT            

                         Sorry, there is another idea i have- Maybe if Planeshift has enough Guilds, there could be a massive Guild war, were Guilds can
                         ally with eachother (i.e. Mage and Warrior guilds ally together) so that if there is some guild that thinks they are invincible, then
                         they allies can challenge them to a war.

                         Eric Brinkley- Applying for a job as a Background/setting worker.

                         P.S. There might be a downside to this, there could be a mix of allies commited to the terror of otheres (i.e. Terrorists)
                            posted 13-11-2001 06:11 GMT            

                         i agree quests must have a reward. it would be nice to see the guilds having some type of support from the higher ups so that
                         they can be given a special item that they can put up for reward to be quested for from within their guild members. also i like the
                         idea of guild aliances(sp). i can see that happening on its own though. also with the talks of how PKers will be treated i can see
                         one or two guilds joining forces to take down a band of PKers.

                         one thing though. i would hope there is a guild system, a chat system i mean. something where you could use a function
                         something like a tell. but instead of like in a tell only going to one person, the guild tell would go to all guild members online. also
                         another option for guild councles(sp). where guild leaders that are allied can chat privatly to each other.

                         to do this there would have to be some type of system to log all guild members together. this would be for the guild chat. then
                         there would have to be a log for guilds that are allied. that would allow the guild allie chat between the leaders.

                         with the allied chat there all members participating would have to be allies with each other. what i mean by that is say for
                         example. guild Pride was allied with guild Champ and guild Striker. guild Champ is not allied with Striker but is with Omen. this
                         chat would only be possible between Pride and Champ. Striker and Omen since not allied with each other and not with both
                         Champ and Pride would be left out of the loop. i dont know if that would be possible but would be nice to see done.
                            posted 13-11-2001 08:36 GMT            

                         well though it would be a nice feature in game, it might be too much hassel. i guess it would probably be best for allies to
                         communicate outside of game. but like i said, sure would be nice to see it in game. would be great help in a war type situation
                         when guild leaders try to dictate tactics to each other to coordinate the fight.
                            posted 13-11-2001 19:45 GMT            

                         What I\'ve seen in other MUDs (text MUDs, granted...) was Guild Channels. If you were in a Guild (and ONLY if you were in that
                         Guild), you could talk on that channel to other Guild members. It wouldn\'t be hard to do... there\'s a game I play now, a GMUD,
                         that has several different types of communication.
                         You can\'t do Guild chat, but you can group with other players, and then use GroupTell (like Tell, but you send to the entire group
                         at once). And of course, Tell msgs are a different color than normal chat messages so as to differentiate them. The game also
                         has channels in game where you can talk to other players (really handy for coordinating group efforts or asking for help). It was
                         really annoying in RS trying to coordinate 5 or 6 people hunting PKers because unless you were in a chat room, you could only
                         talk to one of them at a time, and we ended up relaying msgs back and forth and wasting a lot of time.
                         But to get back on the subject, Guild support would rock. I didn\'t really care about clans in RS at first, because I was a loner,
                         until a friend of mine and I started our own. Proper guild support, with guilds able to have/make their own strongholds, have
                         wars/ally with each other, and do things for their members would add so much to the game. That guy at the table over in the
                         corner, instead of belonging to some group that calls itself The Dark Order, belongs to a powerful Guild that controls a good-sized
                         area in the slums of Yliakum, while the woman over by the bar belongs to the Order of Light, which is a dire enemy of TDO.
                         Making Guilds \"a part of the game\" would add depth and character to it, and it would also encourage *gasp* ROLE-PLAYING,
                         one of the things that RS sorely lacks. Role-playing would make the game more interesting for all, and would give the guilds a
                         point, rather than just having a bunch of groups with no real purpose other than to PK people and gain treasure and power (which
                         is what most of the clans in RS do).
                            posted 14-11-2001 09:50 GMT            

                         I think you\'ve hit on the purpose of PS there: to role-play not to run around mindlessly killing things so you can say you\'re \"the
                         best\" :)
                            posted 14-11-2001 10:18 GMT            

                         i played a MMORPG and it had those chat channels as well as a few others. there was the say channel that is heard by anyone
                         near you. the group say that was heard only by those, and all those, in your group. there was guild say that was heard by
                         anyone and everyone in your guild that was online at that time. then there were three zone channels. there was a shout so you
                         could warn people in an area of incoming danger. there was the auction channel where you could send a msg to the zone you
                         were in that you had something for sale. then there was the OOC channel. this was so you could talk to the zone out of
                         character. each one had a different color so you could tell them apart. well almost all did. the OOC and auction channels were
                         both colored dark green. the guild say was colored yellow green. the shout was colored red. the grouop say was colored blue.
                         the say channel was simply white. you could go into your client folder and adjust the colors to what ever you wanted though. the
                         colors i mention were the default ones.
                            posted 18-11-2001 12:01 GMT            

                         I was thinking more of a hierachial quest system, such that there would be one or more Gods (like a Dungeon Master or Game
                         Leader), who when wanted something done would contact a town or some towns, who would then contact registered guilds.
                         Those guilds can then assign quests to their members, and pending the completion of those they will receive rewards and pass it
                         down. That way, town leaders would be rewarded for having good guilds, and guilds would be rewarded for having good members.
                         Thats just an idea though. :)

                         Engine Contributor
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 18-11-2001 16:02 GMT            

                         Well basically all these ideas rock.

                         Nothing more to say. :)
                            posted 18-11-2001 17:43 GMT            

                         what about guild sporting events, like battle tourements, ctf, etc. and the winning guild gets a prize from the tourement sponsor.
                         the prize could be anything from cash or expensive artifacts with magical propertys that affect the whole guild, to 1 very rare and
                         powerful weapon or several semi-rare items that can be distributed to the entire clan/guild based on rank.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2004, 06:03:41 pm »
Yeah, i was thinking of some new ideas for the game. What about a rewards system for completed quests. If you are a guild
leader, you can assign different quests to your members, and if they complete the quest, the Guild leader would givethem some
sort of reward, maybe a level up, or a item/money reward.

Yeah, that would be cool!
Guilds could assign a special item, when you have that item you\'re a real member of the guild. This will be a test, when you don\'t complete the test you wont get the item and you won\'t be a real member!

Sounds good to me :)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2004, 07:06:45 pm »
sounds fun. Though if special items are being asigned by guild leaders wouldn\'t there be a chance of abusing this? And that they just give items away immidiately?

doing a quest and getting a reward from a NPC is then much more safe, from being abused...


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2004, 10:25:22 pm »
Probably quests would have to be approved by GM\'s or something to prevent abuse...

CB Characters: Zeph Waterfox & Zeraph Waterfox MB: Zph


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2004, 10:42:59 pm »
I dont get it? so a guild leader makes a quest and a when a person does it they get an item you can only get from that quest?

Well if thats it, i like it. :)

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2004, 05:21:14 am »
Not realy, what is wrong with giving a new member of your guild a quest to get some items that you are to busy (or lazy) to get yourself. You can then reward him/her.
If there is an item that you can only get from that quest then it is unfair on members of other guilds who are not allowed to complete it
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  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2004, 01:06:08 pm » that quest is just an NPC quest right?..and then a GL can say to one of his members..ok can u do this quest for me.  And if the member does that the leader can give him something for a reward?

If so...isnt this just possible with any quest? U dont need specials quest for that...for any quest a GL can say to one of his members will you do it for me.

Or when this quest is completed does the GL get the reward for the quest , and can he decide to give or not to give something to his member..

Or did i just totally misunderstood all of the above posts?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 01:08:37 pm by THAPRINZE »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2004, 02:16:40 pm »
Originally posted by Cyberchu
Not realy, what is wrong with giving a new member of your guild a quest to get some items that you are to busy (or lazy) to get yourself. You can then reward him/her.
If there is an item that you can only get from that quest then it is unfair on members of other guilds who are not allowed to complete it

Well what if its just a useless item like \"ticket to hell\" that the only use would be to ge t in the guild.

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2004, 02:25:59 pm »
Well the trouble with that is that it is open to abuse.
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2004, 06:04:19 pm »
We could make the item \"non-tradable\' and if you dropped it it would dissapear.  And I doubt your guild members will betray you.

:( ppl always have to cheat in games :( why.....

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  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2004, 07:21:29 pm »
isn\'t this option a bit pointless? why would a player do a quest for his leader...if that person also could do that quest even if he wasnt in a guild.  for a lazy leader i can understand, but then you aren\'t adding anything new to a game.  Then ur just stating what is possible in every game with quests...which is; asking someone else to do it for you.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 07:22:00 pm by THAPRINZE »