Author Topic: When lives fall apart...  (Read 1278 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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When lives fall apart...
« on: February 18, 2002, 10:29:41 am »
Then sortta reform a bit after wards....

Not realy PS related this, but I sortta find it easier to deal with when i openly tell people about it.

Well as of 2 hours ago, the sale of my childhood home for 24 years(my entire life) has finaly been finalised. And We, or should I say me, since most of teh family is already living in our new house 200km south of the city i currently live in, im basicly house sitting the old house and must move out in teh next 2 and half weeks... I myself, like my mother am very sentimental and utilise visual objects to stimulate my memories and feelings. in short... with out the house I cant remember anything that happened there... Its been 2 weeks sicne 2 of my 3 cats had been put down due to rapidly forming cancers in there bodies, and already I have almost completely forgotten them which distresses me greatly, that is untill I see a spot they slept in or see photos and then I can remember them...

its odd I know but the human brain is an odd thing. And im greatly nervouse as to wheather this wil also happen to my memories of my birthplace and home as well as friends and events that have happened in the past... Im just generaly feel stink and majorly depressed and now even more so, before I was able to trick myself into thinking the move was ages away,and that gave me a deluded comfort.. but now, its right under my nose in a matter of minutes and a single phone call!, and Im not realy prepared for it... the sensation of in-directable anger and outright fear is teh most mind nubming feeling I think ive ever felt... despite having the last 3 years to prepare my self for this inevitable outcome. hey im lazy ^^.. its genetic

But all is not dark in my life... Having been seperated from my family for so long now, ive developed a sort of missing feeling when they leave to go back to teh new house once the weekends are over (they come up to teh old house every weekend to continue to move stuff out and such.... And i find it odd since ie never realy felt much for them (im the silent broody brother/son who is a rabid computer user that spends all his time in his room and online ^^)... its strange what distance will do to ones feels. So moveing finaly will help me in that respect.

Also I have found out that i dont have to cancel my ISP and all i have to do is alter my dial in number ^^.. so thats one worrie off my shoulders and one less thing i have to do. Also I found out I have 10megs of web space with them ^^... that i never knew i had... YIPPIE!

if your interested... nothing there at the moment save ym signature of course ^^

Anyway, Also tommorrow i will be ordering my new PC, the stats are as follows...

Atholon XP 1900+ (1.6ghz clockspeed)
60gig hard drive
512 megs of ram
32x12x4(?) CD rom
64meg Geforce3 ti 200 video card
Sound Blaster Live (with a nice set of speakers as well ^^)

take around 18 days to arrive... and cost me 3,200$ (thats around 1600$ american)

Generaly a beast of a machine at anyrate.. and a far better one compared to my old faithfull 4 year old  p166 2gig HD rig im useing at teh moment to type this... ^^

Also, I should be getting all my (a total of almost 15) AD&D players manuals and DM maunals back from a friend after leanding them to him over 14 years ago ^^... some of them are/or should be considered collectors items nowdays.. I only hope there still in good nik, ill find out tommorrow after work ^^.

What else... Oh Ill be quiting my Job of 4 years as a checkout controller at the local supermarket in one week... FINALY!, and will be getting a nice 1200$ holiday payout, for not useing all my holiday hours for 4 years, I have over 150hours oweing me heh ^^.

Also... yes theres more... my younger brother found an abandoned wandering Black and white, ginger kitten of only 6 weeks old wandering along the country road side miles from any house where our new house is.. and hes decided to take it in.. so we have a New member of teh family, and we\'ll also be getting 2 kittens from my sisters friends cat in only a week or 2 as well.. so 3 kittens!!!!, as a cat lover and recent mourner over 2 deseased pet cats im very happy about this.. not to mention our 19 year old cat thats still alive will finaly have some feline company as shes become visual depressed at the dissappearnce of teh other 2...

And finaly, Ive played ehaven.. yes you heard me right... Ive played heaven... What is gameing heaven you ask?...

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

this game is unbeleiveable!!!, and thats just teh demo, the real thing comes out on feb 28th... This game is worth a gold medal for game of teh year 2002, Graphics, Gameplay and sheer addictive fun.. its has it in bucket loads, and its soooo stable. Online multiplayer in this game will make quake3 or Star Craft feel like  a boreing hunk of junk. If any one else gets it email me and we can go one on one ^^...

Already have my Handle worked out and every thing...

StarFleet Captain Branagin Gigas (B.G)Foot  of the USS Machiavellian (Ambassador Class vessel)

Anyway been talking to long.. thanks for listening, and this has help me reduce some of the angsiety I feel...

\"up from the ashs... up from the ashs, Grow the roses of success. Of success!\"


« Last Edit: February 18, 2002, 10:39:46 am by Bigfoot »


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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2002, 01:03:32 pm »
:( I was really sad to hear you so upset at some of the things happening in your life right now.
Memories will inevitably fade with time, but you won\'t lose them, you\'ll always have a warm place in your heart for the place you grew up. My parents moved out of my family home also a few years ago, I do miss the place, but I\'ll always remember it fondly. Sometimes these things have to happen and are beyond our control anyway.
Many things are looking promising for you as well though. You\'ll be with your family, you\'ll be saying goodbye to the supermarket you\'ll have a sweet baby kitty :)) and you are getting a new monster of a PC *going green with envy*
Planeshift is a fantastic project to be working on, who knows where it will eventually lead you. You are a supremely talented individual who many of us here admire and don\'t forget that you will be the envy of the world soon and have a section of the BBB devoted to your work! Who could want more than that?!!? ;)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2002, 01:04:40 pm by Kada-El »


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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2002, 10:35:22 pm »
Sorry bout the cats. I have had cats die too. I saw one of my cats get hit by a car when I was 10. On the positive side, you new comp will be sweet. Not as sweet as mine, but sweet none the less :D I built mine, and I have a pentium 4 clock speed 1.8ghz, a geforce 3, with a geforce 4 on order, 512 megs ram, 60 gig hd.

I of course will grab a copy of bridge commander and personally kick your ass.  ;)
A fool and his head are soon parted.

Dumb Woob

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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2002, 10:41:47 pm »
wow bigfott ur comp is almost identical to mine i got a 1900+ athlon xp, 12*10*32 cdrw, 512 ddr mem, geforce 3 ti 200 and fairly nice speakers...


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« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2002, 02:53:26 am »
ouch... pentium 4... hmm now its time for me to feel sorry for you ^^...

Why intel are even in buisness anymore is beyond me ^^, there nothing but a brand name now... the world is AMD!. There far cheaper and in virtualy every case, far faster and superior and stabler than any pentium. To sum up Intel with one event... you can just use one word...

RAMBUS... **hides his face in embarrasment**

not to mention the fact they deliberatly forced game developers to write stuff that works faster on there machines than others... check out Toms Hardware site very old artical...

AMD... is simply the best...

Anyway dont reply to this.. since i dont want a rant to start.. wasnt getting at pentium uses, every one has a right to choose there CPU, just stating what i beleive to be fact... but next time you buy a PC, do some research into the manufacturers of your products components... dont just rely on brandname. Shit wrapped in gold foil still stinks.


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« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2002, 02:27:54 pm »
Yeah, well I agree that AMD can do better, their chip geometry is better, but I got mine for $20 :D

I bought someones comp in which their motherboard was fried by lightning, and, fortunately, the processor is still good. Actually, a large portion of my computer came from that one.
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2002, 03:13:25 pm »
I Hope that the Off Topic Forum will be out soon...


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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2002, 05:11:22 pm »
hate to hear about your problems bigfoot. sounds like things are gettin better though  :D  I had some things happen a while back that weren\'t so good either, but I\'m movin along in life :)
I\'m your god

[17:06:45] I am not going to tolerate public death threats on the PS forums, Link.


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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2002, 05:28:38 pm »
Aww, srry to hear bout ure problems. Wanna hear bout my ****ed up life n all?? it consists of child abuse wife beating etc etc. Should i devote a whole topic towards it?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2002, 12:48:26 am by LuCiPHeR »


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« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2002, 07:34:23 pm »
Sorry about this Bigfoot... but u lived there for 24 years?  I\'m sorry about the moving and all but that is just stuck on my mind.  

Please dont ban me...  ;(  ;(  ;(

PS I had an AMD processor but it crashed the computer every 15 mins... i got pissed and bought an intel chip and the comp works fine....  any ideas why?



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« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2002, 03:05:32 am »
That sounds like a motherboard issue, but meh, what do I know?  Sounds like the chip was getting to hot?? and shutting down, but I dunno.  Coulda been to little fan power.  Anyway, I kinda know what your talking about (though in a different way) Bigfoot.  Last semester, I was really kinda depressed, and stopped being able to remember anything for any length of time.  Like during a conversation even.  This is VERY bad for a physics major, but I still live.  Plus, my family too had to move.  We had some very terratorial neighbors who would beat in our mailbox and after years of hostilities, a small court battle over land, and a general poisoning of the whole frikin town against us, we moved.  Left behind a nice piece of land too.  I don\'t think I\'ll ever have gardens like that anymore ;(  But cheer up!  At least you don\'t get ear infections around cats!!  And still like them alot too!!

P.S.  Living some place for 24 years may or may not mean physically being there.  I still refer to my parents house as the place I live, despite not having really been there all that much since I was 18 (3 years ago).  Partly, this is because I really don\'t like to admit I live in a run down apartment next to the factory of stink, which magically turns perfectly good trees directly into stench for export (its a paper mill) with $130 a month heat bills and no ceiling lights.  I almost went nuts when I first moved in computer and many, many, many books make it bearable.

On a side note; a friend was watching a TLC show about Atlantis.  Seems its been found guys.  I am NOT joking.  There is a city on the coast of south america that matches the size and description exactly.  South America is the only place Orichalcum occurs natively (a mixture of copper, gold, and silver if I remember aright).  In addition, remnants of a city in the Andes (under Incan ruins) dates to around 12,000 to 17,000 BC....and they found the city walls had a metallic component that helped hold them together.  This was an alloy of copper and nickel.  You know what that means?  We couldn\'t smelt that sort of alloy until the 1930\'s in any quantity.  Yes, these people likely could have had a comperable civilization to ours.  When I find some info online, I\'ll post.  Fasinating huh?  
« Last Edit: February 20, 2002, 03:14:17 am by Montenegro »
All right you primitive screwheads!  Listen up!


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« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2002, 12:26:06 pm »
WOW  8o so what your saying is that Atlantis floated from the middle of the Antartic ocean to the coast of South America?  And somehow incans built over the city and not know about the metals conceiled within the walls?  On the plus side i finally found out what orichalcum is made of :)



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« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2002, 02:26:48 pm »
What are you talking about it floating?

How would plato make it to south america? He was the one to desribe atlantis as a place where he traveled. And it is doubtful he could make it to south america.

I bet it\'s \"just\" an advanced civilization. It seems odd that we have to call a newly discovered civilization \"Atlantis\" to make it interesting. It should be good enough the way it is. I say this not nessarily about this particular case, but everytime we find new civilizations or new information about civilazations, then someone always yells Atlantis.

But it could be Atlantis, I cannot tell, because I have not seen all the information and I look forward to reading more informaton on the topic.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2002, 02:55:51 pm by mistwalker »
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« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2002, 07:19:43 pm »
Same here this is something I wanna look in  to.  Ill look on the web as well



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« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2002, 01:03:57 am »
most of teh megalithic(errr spelling?.. the large rock building cultures) civilisations are far in advance of our own stuff.. sure we have computers and sky scrappers, but alot of what they did we still cant duplicate, and some of teh stuff they did we cant even comprehend, not to mention tehre mathimatical skills point to a fact that there brains where far more powerfull than ours... to teh point of them not needing computers ^^. Where jsut another one of teh peaks of human advancement in history.. and where almost at teh edge of teh next decline. i wonder who will come outta the ashs after us...

As for atlantis... theres alwasy teh Perry Reis maps (cant remeber teh name) which are dated from the 11th(?) century and also proported to be copies of an even older map ... that show antarctica as it is under teh ice with amazing detail...

we havent been able to know that untill we did seismic surveys of teh continent... Which shows a time when antartica was not covered with ice... which brings int eh idea of crustal displacement.. which is neat.. and would explain alot like why mummified mamoths adn wooly Rhinos are often found with spring time warm weather flowers and plants in there guts... Throws out that whole ice age theory ^^... although a snap ice age is possable, not teh accepted slowly forming and bigger polar ice caps theory.

Forbidden archeology is fun... since it shows just how corrupt and dogged in dogma modern science and our veiw of teh world is... to teh point of reburrying digs and finds that dont \"fit\" with teh accept model of history and evolution, and reuining scientists that stand out and talk about these hidden and forgotten discoveries.

Heres a neat one.. coal miners in england(?) in the late 1800\'s found a bunch of molded spheres with lateral grooves and indents on them at a level of ground that according to teh way things are done and determined now days with layers of sediment adn rock.. would place them at being made in a time before life even exsisted on the planet ^^...

Then you have teh dinosaur bones with easily recognisable bullet wounds to there skulls and bones, right down to the way teh inner part of teh skull flakes off and cracks on impact. the giant human foot prints found side by side dinosaur prints that run under and then out the other side of a solid river back (ie the prints go under the rock, and when lifted up there found to go right under it...they even have teh microscopic ridges of the footprint on them, as well as pressure marks.

Theres also the fossilised hammer that happenes to have a handle thats coalised, and the heads composition is a mix of iron and chlorien(?).. which modern man cant create...

history as we know it is a lie ^^... or teh vast majority is...