Author Topic: Moogie's Story  (Read 8741 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2003, 10:29:19 pm »
Just an idea... you to go to the city wish list and get some cool places for the characters to go.  I think it would be kind of exciting for people to see their cities come to life.
Doing things just for the halibut.


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« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2003, 11:19:38 pm »
Fish, that\'s a cool idea, I might just do that. :)

*is currently mid-sentence with chapter 3*

I\'ve broke away from following Moogie around for this chapter and instead you\'ll see where Draklar\'s gone off to and what this meeting is all about. I have a couple of changes for chapter 2 aswell, the main one being that he\'ll be gone for alot longer than just two hours, perhaps an entire day or more.

Methinks I enjoy this... it\'s alot more exciting, writing an interactive story, rather than one that\'s completely fictional in all its characters and locations.


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« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2003, 02:35:36 am »
Hey, hey me wanna be in it too :) come on :) be a nice moogie :P u know i like u ^^
I\'m alone...
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I\'m only a tool for other people\'s needs...
I\'m nothing....
But a slave to all....


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« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2003, 04:41:42 am »
Of course you can Kysosan. Just pm me with your eye/clothes/fur colour so I don\'t make mistakes. :) I\'ll show you anything I write about your character before I post it to make sure you\'re happy.

That goes for everyone too, I\'ve decided to ask many permissions before I do anything. :P


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« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2003, 11:25:27 am »
Moogie how far is the timeline in the story currently from the present in Yliakum?

Auran. No More.
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« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2003, 04:24:51 pm »
I have a very radical idea for the direction of the story, and if you ever were able to read the description I had in the \"About\" section of my DOS style website you\'d have some idea of what it will involve.

It\'s hard to say where in the timeline it all takes/took place... it\'s recent, within the last decade or so I\'d say.


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« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2003, 12:57:03 pm »

The fortress stood tall and mighty upon Freugel\'s Hill, twenty miles north of Hydlaa City. It was a wonderful, sturdy stone structure, with battlements all around the perimeter and four circular towers, one for each corner. The landscape surrounding it was green and dotted with patches of forest; a stark contrast to the hill on which it sat, dusty and littered with jagged rocks. A large worn path wound its way around the hill towards the base, where it disappeared under the trees. Hung from one wall of the fort were large tapestries bearing the Yliakium symbol for strength, and between them, a heavy iron gate that noisily raised and lowered for passing visitors.

Within the old stone walls, soldiers and resident officials went about their duties. Archers patrolled the walls while in one corner of the courtyard a group of Lemur magicians practiced their elemental magicks on dummy targets, creating sounds of sizzling electricity and burning flames. Similarly, a troop of Enkidukai and Dwarven warriors were practicing their swordsmanship nearby, clashing their swords and axes together loudly in practice manoeuvres. In the center of the busy courtyard, a magnificent winged beast waited patiently for it\'s rider\'s return. A large stake in the ground had the giant bat-like creature held down securely and its huge mouse ears twitched excitedly at each and every noise it heard.

The door on a large building nearby opened and out stepped a young Enkidukai male, who had arrived several hours ago as a messanger. He was closely followed by two Ylian officials, their attention riveted on eachother as they debated some important issue. The young feline, a sturdy creature with jet black fur and a spring in his step, approached the huge bat from the side and withdrew a paw from his cloak to pat its neck. As the Enkidukai mounted, one of the men untied the rope from the ground and let the impatient beast take off into the air, beating its powerful wings steadily to gain altitude. The Ylians took little notice as he disappeared from sight and continued their noisy dispute.

One of the soldiers on the battlements suddenly leaned over the edge and called to the guards.

\"Sir! The Defenders guild officials are approaching from the south!\" He yelled. A guard strode quickly to the gate and peered outside, before ordering the pulley workers to raise the gate at once. The gate groaned in protest as it was slowly hoisted into the air, while the sound of galloping hooves could be heard approaching outside.

General Wilhelm entered the courtyard from the same building the messanger had left a few moments ago, just as the mounted party of armoured Enkidukai warriors galloped through the gateway on powerful steeds. They slowed to a trot as they drew up close and one by one the felines dismounted. Draklar, at the head of the party, landed on the gravel floor first. Two others followed suit, both wearing identicle armour marked with the Defenders\' symbol. As their horses were taken to the stables, Wilhelm lead the warriors inside and bolted the door closed with a large iron lock.

\"Welcome to Fortress Freugel, my friends.\" He gestured to the leader, \"Draklar... it\'s been a long time.\" Draklar approached the General, wrapping him in a friendly bear hug before moving around the large table that spanned the room and taking his seat at its head. Wilhelm, an old, wise looking Ylian man, was about 6 foot tall and very clean cut. He wore a smart military uniform, decorated with rows of awards and medals, and had a beautifully crafted Sabre sheathed by his side. \"I trust your journey here fared well?\" He took his seat at the opposite end of the table before the two Defender militia sat adjacent to their leader.

\"Don\'t worry, Wilhelm, we got here okay. I don\'t mean to sound rude, but this better be worth it; my attention is required elsewhere.\" He explained. Under any other circumstances, Wilhelm would have digressed into small talk with an old friend and ask more about this unexpected diversion. However, he had a much more serious matter to discuss.

\"Draklar...\" He began, frowning in deep contemplation. \"A messanger from the Fifth Plane arrived a few days ago with terrible news. If what he speaks rings true, we may be facing a threat that could rival the great Talad himself.\" Draklar\'s expression darkened at the news.

\"You wouldn\'t believe such things from a mere messager, Wilhelm...\" Indeed, Draklar knew the man all too well. \"Who was it?\" He questioned.

\"That\'s not the concern here. We must begin formulating a plan of action immediately.\" Wilhelm said in an authorative tone. Draklar leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the generals\' as if searching for the answer himself. All four of them could feel the question still hovering in the air, but he would not reveal the answer. Not yet, anyway. He continued to explain the situation, unable to fully disguise the worried tone in his voice. \"Draklar. The messanger informed us of a new planar portal that has appeared in the Fifth Plane. This portal is larger than any we have encountered before. Pouring out of this gate are waves upon waves of blackened, horrid looking monsters. They are grouping up into formations and raizing villages surrounding their place of origin mercilessly. There doesn\'t seem to be any one leader of their masses... except, in the sky, a massive stormcloud follows them slowly, dark and flashing with electrical energy...\" Wilhelm took a deep breath, before dropping the bombshell. \"My friend, it seems a rival God wishes to challenge the great Talad... and replace His followers with its own.\"

Draklar and his leuteinants were dumbfounded by the news. They looked to Wilhelm in shock and disbelief, while the general sat viewing the reaction silently. Draklar spoke quietly. For the first time in an age, he could find no structure to his thoughts.

\"...Monsters...? From where are they... this is impossible, what of Talad? How do we defend against this unknown enemy? Who is this \"rival God\"!?\" Wilhelm raised a hand to stop him.

\"Slow down, friend. I know as much as you now have been told. We must gather the guilds of Yliakum and formulate a defence force strong enough to protect our world. I have sent two of my best rangers to scout out this invading force and assess their strength and numbers. They should be reporting back within the next day or two. Untill then, I ask you to gather as many men as you can and send them here and to other forts in the two topmost Planes. Drakkien and Guilefort should have enough room for at least 5000 soldiers each and they\'ll be expecting just as many.\" The Defenders listened to the instructions carefully, but could not supress the terrible feeling in their chests. Draklar, whos expression was that of deep, solemn brooding, ran the information through his mind a million times, yet it would not sink in. He could remember the days he spent studying Yliakum history and arts in the finest of Hydlaa\'s military universities; one detail in particular stuck in his thoughts. As the general finished speaking, he looked up. He must ask him.

\"Wilhelm... do you remember the Laanxian Prophecies?\" The general looked up sharply at this. He knew what Draklar was thinking.

\"Those writings mean nothing... forget about them and focus on the task at hand.\" Wilhelm said firmly.

\"I am...\" Draklar whispered. He knew what the ancient book of prophecies foretold; it contained hundreds of predicted events in the future history of the world, many of which had come true in the past. However, when potentially facing \'Doomsday\' for the Yliakuns, a dusty old book could not possibly have seen the end to all their lives... could it?

That night after the meeting with General Wilhelm, the Defenders had retired to the fort\'s VIP quarters to rest there for the night. Draklar would return to Hydlaa first thing in the morning and check on his guest, Moogie. A detail, one small piece of unknown writing floated around in his mind, yet he could not grasp its meaning nor visualise it long enough to read the words. However, somehow he knew. She had a role in this. An important part to play in Laanx\'s foretold \"Doomsday\". He needed to tell her as soon as possible.


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« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2003, 02:42:31 pm »
kewl moogie cant wait for part 4


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« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2003, 03:26:34 pm »
\"The door on a large building nearby opened and out stepped a young Enkidukai male, who had arrived several hours ago as a messanger. He was closely followed by two Ylian officials, their attention riveted on eachother as they debated some important issue. The young feline, a sturdy creature with jet black fur and a spring in his step, approached the huge bat from the side and withdrew a paw from his cloak to pat its neck. As the Enkidukai mounted, one of the men untied the rope from the ground and let the impatient beast take off into the air, beating its powerful wings steadily to gain altitude. The Ylians took little notice as he disappeared from sight and continued their noisy dispute. \"

I wonder who that could be... :P
The key to manipulative bargaining is to ask for something twice as big as what you want, then smile and nod when you are talked down to your original wish. You are still young, my apprentice, and have much to learn in the ways of the force. -UtM


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« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2003, 08:02:08 pm »
thats great MOOGS!! i cant wait until the next part ur a really great writer and at least reading ur stories isnt boring like most of the other ones people write!


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« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2003, 12:00:13 pm »
Good show moogie. Keep it up! =)

Auran. No More.
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« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2003, 02:37:53 am »
Go moogie gooo :)
its getting better from part to part!
and me wanna have entry in it too :P
I\'m alone...
No one cares about me....
I\'m only a tool for other people\'s needs...
I\'m nothing....
But a slave to all....


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« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2003, 07:50:20 am »
Where my story!!! I want my story waaaah:(. Why is it taking so long. You shouldn\'t keep your admirers waiting;).

Auran. No More.
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« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2003, 08:28:53 am »
Calm down Auran :P I\'ve not had enough time to start the next chapter, but I have thought about it and I know roughly what\'s going to happen next.

I don\'t want to rush this and end up writing something I\'m not proud of, sorry.

Methinks I\'m going to put it up on my site. Although I want a nice site first... which may take a while.

*goes off to rip a random Google page\'s template* :D


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« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2003, 08:47:46 pm »
Oh!oh! Me!me! ME! I want to be in the doomsday scenario. oh plz plz plz let me act evilly. Unless however you have other plans for me ?(

BTW- can I get the larger version of your short lived moogle critter? My little sister thinks it was really cute .
« Last Edit: September 25, 2003, 08:52:32 pm by Auran »

Auran. No More.
Forget you ever knew me kid.