Author Topic: No crafting godly items  (Read 1125 times)


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No crafting godly items
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:21:43 pm »

                            posted 11-10-2001 00:16 GMT        

                         In runescape people can get their crafting skill so hight that they can make the best items in the game. Bad idea, everyone has
                         runite. In planesift you should be able to make some pretty nice items but nothing that is so good the highest lvl in the game
                         would drool over it.

                         There needs to be a limit, everquest is a good example of how this can be done.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 11-10-2001 01:54 GMT            

                         I suggest the sacrifice of exp to create weapons, and the amount is based on the regular sale value of the weapon. This can also
                         be used for potion creation, and object creation like a MUD. Who wouldnt like to see high level wisards decorating their houses
                         with objects like chairs.

                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 11-10-2001 16:06 GMT            

                         good idea. although I think not everybody must be capable of creating weapons and potions. If the game will contain use
                         professions, you might consider to only let (black)smiths have the option to create weapons, or players with a blacksmith skill.
                         The same with potions; only wizards  and players with potion skills should have the option to create potions at cost of xp.

                         I assume everybody will have the option to buy weapons and skills?


                            posted 11-10-2001 19:16 GMT            

                         Buy skills? That should only go so far... maybe just to get a little way into a profession... and i agree that potions and medicines
                         and stuff shouldn\'t be as readily available as in other games: you should really have to find and make them yourself (with the
                         appropriate skills of course) or buy them, making for a more realistic world.
                            posted 11-10-2001 21:12 GMT            

                         i suggest that there should be very powerful weapons but very few..... and when a player has one such rare item... a bounty could
                         be placed automatically on him so that everyone will hunt him so it won\'t be that good to have it, cause people could ally against
                         you to take your weapon
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 00:07 GMT            

                         Automatically :P
                         What realistic reason is their to hunt down somone for their weapon, and furthermore why would the server point out who had
                         good weapons, realistically :)

    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:09 GMT            

                         One thing we COULD do, is server tag the weapons. We create a finite amount of weapon X and tag it. Server searches for
                         variable tag and finds it. That player in possesion of weapon X will then be tagged to encounter more enemies, bandits, etc.
                         Just a possiblility.
                            posted 12-10-2001 09:38 GMT            

                         Or have weapons with a short descripption and a past, then you can have legitimate reasons for goblins hunting down a sword
                         stolen fromthem centuries ago by the great BlahBlah... can you see where i\'m coming from?
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 00:19 GMT            

                         sounds great! that will also take care of the stupid fact that all the players who have an all-mighty-weapon in other RPG\'s simply
                         rule the game, and actually don\'t have anything on their hands. (no monster is a challenge when you got a +18 broadsword)
                         clever thoughts!  

                            posted 12-10-2001 17:45 GMT            

                         Firestorm, it doesn\'t have to be like this... it could simply be that a player sees the one with a great weapon and tells other 10
                         players to help him get it from that guy... And there could be rangers that could track a player if they are good enough...
                            posted 12-10-2001 21:05 GMT            

                         I still reckon truely unique weapons/items are a good idea :)
                            posted 02-12-2001 04:23 GMT            

                         I was reading some old posts and i saw this and i iked Firestorms first idea

                         Basicly to make powerful items you should be a certain level blacksmith to make the item and you give some of yourself to make
                         the item strong (experience) then if you are an alchemist (enchanter) you could use some of your force (also experience) to
                         make the item gain power.

                         You could be a great blacksmith, but still make items which not many people want to buy, or be a part of a team the makes
                         good items, but takes longer to make them, and works harder to do it.

                         Just ideas...

                         Also the problem in RS was that one person was able to make all the items, and there was no competition, everyone else gave
                         up, because they couldnt get the materials they needed to increase levels, due to one person taking them all. Hopefully that can
                         be monitored here, and Planeshift wont start to die like Runescape did.
    Mark von Wagner
                            posted 02-12-2001 06:32 GMT            

                         The problem in Runescape was not that there was only one person who could make all the items, but that there was no demand
                         for low-level items. Since *anyone* could wear top-level armor, there was no reason to wear anything less.

                         Realistically, your choice of armor and weapons should involve some tradeoffs. For example, the highest-level armor should be
                         quite heavy -- if you aren\'t strong enough to wear it, but do so anyway, you get severe penalties to your speed and agility. You
                         might not take much damage from any given blow, but you\'ll get hit a lot, and have trouble running from a fight.
                            posted 02-12-2001 07:22 GMT            

                         I started in RS during the second week it was open to the public and the main problem with items was that only one person
                         could make them, but then yes anyone could wear all but the best plate, even at level 3, which was stupid, yes items in
                         Planeshift will have requirements, but my guess is that some of the best would be extremely light, but would require alot of stats.

                         Non magical, normal equipment would not require bonding, and until an item is bonded it would not provide any of its magical

                         An idea that just poped into my head.

                         Any special item, magical etc, should have to be bonded to its user by that i mean the user must pay a certain ammoung of xp
                         to be able to wear, the magical equipment, in that way, overly powerful items will never be used by low power characters, and
                         people willl have to earn the upgrades in their equipment.

                         That actual idea comes from games like Shadowrun, and Earthdawn, but all people not just mages would be bonding equipment,
                         you could spend a heap of experience and bond your keys to your home, and make them become a part of you each time you
                         open/close the door they unlock, that would cost a lot of xp, and magical power to do though

                         Catch ya next time i post
                            posted 07-12-2001 05:44 GMT            

                         the couple of posts that i read i liked :) i don\'t know if it was mentioned here but i don\'t think that u should be able to buy lvls for
                         real money... in some games u can get extra bonuses if u pay them money... this is ofcourse a WONDERFUL way to get money
                         but it kinda ruins the game for everyone else
                            posted 07-12-2001 07:10 GMT            

                         if people were \'taged\' when having rare weapons or armor, and others join together to take that armor or weapon from them. you
                         end up with a waisted armor or weapon. if people are aloowed to loot other players after they kill them, then you bring in a grief
                         aspect to the game. for this reason, people dont go out with their rare items. also then you promote needless killing just to keep
                         people away from their gear. this is a sittuation that can go far int the wrong direction and turn it into a quake fest.

                         sure there should be incredible weapons or armors but have them as a reward for completing an epic quest. this way everyone
                         has a chance to get them, but only if they stick with a very hard and time consuming quest. also set the quest for only the best
                         of the best can go for it. that you need to be a certain lvl to even be given the quest. call it a test of worthyness(sp). you have to
                         obtain and finish the test before you can quest for the epic piece.