Author Topic: A rough game idea...  (Read 627 times)


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A rough game idea...
« on: September 27, 2003, 02:49:04 am »
[Note: If you don\'t like reading long posts, just skip down to the \"big idea\" at the bottom of the post]

With so much free time on my hands, and a need to come up with a real programming project for me to work on (not that I\'d ever finish it, or even get past stage 1 for that matter), I was sitting around the other day trying to think of what might be a cool idea for a game that hasn\'t been done already (something pretty hard to come by these days).

I\'ve become an RPG fan over the past couple years, so I starting thinking along those lines.  MMORPG\'s are even better, because I like the player interaction.  So I starting thinking of what else to about a persistant 24/7 game world?  I\'m still not sure if such a game exists, though most likely it does.

So I toyed with that idea for awhile, trying to think about what else might make it interesting.  Well the one thing that always got me about some RPG\'s is the boredom of questing, how sometimes you had to do the same basic quests over and over, just so you could make some extra money and gain a little favor with NPC\'s.  Then I thought, how about a world completely quest driven by player characters?  I quickly ruled that out, since there\'s no way you could get enough people interested and organized in the game to do some serious role-playing.  And occured to me:

--> [Here is the \"big idea\"] <--

What about a persistent 24/7 MMORPG with completely dynamic questing, that means not a *single* hand-written quest, driven partially by PC\'s, but most of it by an intelligent AI system that encompasses thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of NPC\'s??

--> [More explanation follows, feel free to skip the rest and post if you like  ;) ] <--

The way I see it, is an idea borrowed from some of the \"tycoon\" games out there, where you aim to please several hunderd NPC\'s wandering around your park/mall/zoo/bar/whatever, and each NPC has attributes, personality, likes and dislikes.  So what if this system was enhanced so that the AI was incredibly aware of it\'s surroundings, other NPC\'s, and players, and would be constantly making decisions that would affect their lives.  In short: NPC\'s that don\'t just stand around and answer PC questions and buy/sell stuff from PC\'s, but actually *act* like they were PC\'s.

Now I know it seems a bit far-fetched (ok, REALLY far-fetched), but what if it actually worked?  I mean, it would be like an actual real-life world (remember, I\'m thinking persistent online game world) where time actually has meaning!  NPC\'s would behave like real people: growing up, learning skills, getting a job, performing your job, get married, have a family, and defending your family from whatever dangers lurk in the shadows.  And since all NPC\'s will have their own characteristics, many shared among people of a town/city/province/continent, they will become hostile toward anyone who threatens their peace.

So here you are, a PC, dropped in the middle of this world which is constantly moving, constantly evolving, and which you will have to work with to survive.  A game where the fate of hundreds could rely on whether you are able to fulfill the duties required of you.  A game where the focus is not about your avatar, but rather the values that that avatar holds true.

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« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2003, 02:56:27 am »
Actually to an extent this sounds like a really interesting thing.  Now I loathe NPCs because they can\'t match up to the potential gameplay value of a PC, so I don\'t like work going in to them.  But the devs already seem intent on making some rather advanced AI NPCs and something of a dynamic quest system where NPCs come up with quests based on the happenings of the world and their NPC lives would be very cool.  And then based on what quests the PC\'s do the NPC\'s lives are changed as such and new quests come up as results.  Ummm yeah that would be really complex like you said, but a really intersting concept.
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2003, 03:30:01 am »
Indeed like you said, COMPLEX...
I even think it could turn out too confused, cuz them servers would be huge, and there wouldn\'t be any computers who would be able to keep the program up, or maybe they would keep it up, but there would be a huge amount of lag, and that\'s what we DON\'T want in the further versions ------> LAG.

Your idea is very interesting, and I would love to see that in a MMORPG, cuz that would be what a MMORPG is really about. But please, stay realistic :D There will always be a chance that some of your ideas you posted here will come true, but others might not happen...

I think...

Ofcourse, if the devteam thinks they can handle all this, without causing even more lag, they can try :)) You never know if you don\'t try:D


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« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2003, 01:08:09 pm »
Originally posted by Izzy*dot
Ofcourse, if the devteam thinks they can handle all this, without causing even more lag, they can try :)) You never know if you don\'t try:D


I forgot to make myself clear that this is an idea for a game completely apart from Planeshift (note that it is in the \'off topic\' area, not the \'wish list\' area).  I\'m sorry if this caused any confusion  :(

Originally posted by Izzy*dot
But please, stay realistic  There will always be a chance that some of your ideas you posted here will come true, but others might not happen...

Hey, I\'m being imaginitive!!  If all people dreamed of what stuff that *could* be done right now, we\'d live in an awefully boring world because no one would try to do soemthing new.  ;)

And yes, I understand that such a game would be extremely intensive on CPU usage, which is probably why such a game would have to be online, as probably even the fastest personal computer wouldn\'t be able to run such a massive world.  Just remember Moore\'s law (the number of transistors that can be placed in the same size of microchip doubles every 18 months) and realize that the future of gaming isn\'t that far away...

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« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2003, 06:38:36 pm »
There has been a game in development with these ideas... It was called Midgard, but the devs put it on permanent hold, because they wanted to focus on their current mmorpg...

check out the remains at

Ps: I think that some of the ideas you mentioned will be implemented in PS.. So stick with it, ok ;)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2003, 06:39:39 pm by Xalthar »


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« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2003, 07:04:01 pm »
Yeah, that Midgard game looks very interesting, and a lot like what I had in mind (minus the NPC\'s).  Too bad they put it on hold  :(

As I said earlier, it would be possible to run such a game entirely by PC\'s, but it would take a lot of people that enjoy mining/farming/hunting/logging/etc.  Since most people want to do more combat-oriented types of things, I figured we\'d let the NPC\'s do most of the basic stuff (PC\'s could do them as well, if they wish) and allow the PC\'s to make up the majority of a countries army that goes around ridding the outskirts of their territories of foul demons and beasts.

Another thing with this system, is once it was populated with NPC\'s, the players would be able to delve in immediately into the game world.  As time progressed and more people started joining the working roles, the NPC\'s would move out into further areas.  So you would have a territory for a race/species/political faction where the center is nearly 100% player owned and player controlled, and you could choose to either stay there or move further out where you would see less PC\'s and more NPC\'s.

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« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2003, 07:52:59 pm »
I would hate things such as trading relying 100% on PC.. It is that way in Asheron\'s call 2, and IMHO that sucked so bad I stopped playing almost immediatly... There just weren\'t any enthusiasm for such in the game.. Midgard had all I wanted in a mmorpg, now it\'s been on hold for a year, and I\'m still sad :(


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« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2003, 02:10:35 am »
Yeah, a 100% PC economy would probably not be the best.  But again, with what I had in mind, NPC\'s would not be the only source of crafting and trade, but neither would PC\'s.  The NPC\'s could serve more of a placeholder role; as more PC\'s started taking up these positions, the NPC\'s would eventually move on to another town.  Most likely, I think a good system would be to allow PC\'s to have the ability to grow/manufacture/trade goods at better quantities and prices than NPC\'s.  Otherwise, no one would bother to try to be the new town blacksmith if there was already an NPC who had that role.  If PC\'s were able to do a better job, they could eventually be the head town blacksmith, and the NPC would get to the point where they were hardly making any money, and would pack up and move to another town where they could do more business.  So you wouldn\'t have the problem like Xalthar had in AC2; if no one in a town wants to be a farmer, then just let the NPC\'s do it.

And of course there would probably also be travelling merchants (again, PC or NPC) to help take care of shortages in goods if something happens to the local economy.  So if a village\'s main supplier of grain decides to go on vacation irl and some goblins burn down his barn, you wouldn\'t have to worry about the whole villiage starving   ;)

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« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2003, 05:03:43 am »
I like the ideas you\'ve told of Xandria, if such would be in a game, it would greatly increase it\'s gameplay value IMO...!

I like the idea of travelling merchants, and it would be great if you could plan some raids upon them, and maybe steal a percentage of the goods they carry... Gives some more gameplay for the buccaneers :P


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« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2003, 12:25:53 pm »
Hehe, yes, one of the jobs for soldiers would likely be to protect merchants and their caravans.  Otherwise they\'d be easy prey for anyone who wishes to loot their goods.  Glad you thought of that   :)

Now all we need is for some other people to post who\'s names don\'t start with \'X\'  ;)

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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2003, 01:22:09 pm »
Well if y\'all want to know about a good MMORPG, check out World of Warcraft.

THAT LOOKS WOW *drool* *jaw drops* :D:D:D

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« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2003, 02:11:53 pm »
Originally posted by Xandria
Now all we need is for some other people to post who\'s names don\'t start with \'X\'  ;)

hehe ;) yeah, come on people, what are you wating for?? :P

Yes, guarding a caravan would be an exiting job if danger is lurking around every corner, else it would be rather dreary..
but I hope the terrain will be stunnningly beautiful, so that it might take up some of the tedious journeys that are sure to be in store for caravaners :P

Yeah, after midgard, WoW is my second choice (not that it has many of the ideas I liked about midgard, but still... It\'s warcraft after all ;) )


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« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2003, 05:35:25 pm »
This is such a good idea I\'m gonna steal it!
(Nobody put a copyright on it yet right?)
I\'ve been trying to think of creative ideas for a long time, but I never thought of that.
My best idea was that each NPC only needs one person to do a quest, so that person gets it. Most are simple, like \"Get me an anvil, I\'m too busy\". It may become a routine to ask a certain person who is particularly active though.
That\'s my idea.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2003, 05:39:20 pm by Davis »