Author Topic: more death= more fun!  (Read 3072 times)


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more death= more fun!
« on: October 12, 2003, 11:28:47 pm »
To truly make this game different from lots of other mmorpgs maybe there should be heavier death penalties. like tremendous experience decreases. this would fix so much... people wouldnt just go suicidal into a forest and see how much xp they could gain. I mean really would u do that in real life? Instead more penalties should be given for dieing and better xp for killing things. This combined with realistic battle (a rabbit or dog could not survive being hacked at by a  
human being with a sword.) would make the game very interesting. Life would be sacred in a game for once instead of people boldly killing others. There would be a sense of community. This would add so much spice to a game already unlike others. The market is filled with mmorpgs with no real value for life. Why make the same mistake over and over.... start here.... please?


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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2003, 11:34:51 pm »
i forgot to add a couple of things! this system would be good for all types of people (ones who dont like PKing and ones who do like it!) this would be because less fights would happen because surely every battle would be a gamble with death and penalties. And PKers who are strong enough can kill other players but will have to be very carefull not to loose. Penalties should probally range around 1/3 of experience lost, or loose all items in inventory, or character can only be killed a certain number of times before having to start a new account. (also this is probally in another thread but we should be able to have a bank where we can keep our stuff in safe keeping!)

Happy PKing! (and not PKing


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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 11:07:20 am »
To sum up: I *don\'t* like this system.

First you want to make a game like real life. real life is boring and it\'s why we play PS. ;-) Why instead of applying penalties, just remove the player from the game, that\'s more realistic.
A thing that i don\'t like in heavy-death RPGs is that you spend a lot of time killing small monsters really above your exp level to be sure of not dying. That\'s really annoying. I don\'t want to be force of killing rats during months just to be sure of not losing the game.
And finally you said that there will be no more PK. That\'s obviously false. Your system will make PK worse! PK is never done aginst same-level player. It is huge-level players that kills newbie for fun. Do you think you can reach level 10 if you lose 5 level each time you meet a player? No, really not..
High Loremaster of the Arcane Order.


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« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2003, 01:17:31 am »

I like the idea of having rats and dogs killed in one hit with a sword. I like the idea of making the forest more dangerous.  

One third your exp!!! Yikes!!!  PS will have skill levels so what do you mean?  If you go out into the forest and are killed all of your skill points go down 33%???  At low levels not a big deal, but if you just compleated the 10,000 Bake-me-cake-quest and now have a baking skill of 200. You are back down to 140.



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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2003, 02:59:54 pm »
You do have some points on increasing the value of life in a game, but it seems other have already countered them well enough.  The thing you said that they overlooked, a maximum amount of times of dying and you have to start a new account?

Well, it\'s the most ridiculous thing I\'ve ever heard for a GAME suggestion.  If I spend 2000 hours on a mighty kingpin character that has accomplished more than ever expected out of the game, and I die a few times, I\'m deleted?  2000 hours gone like that?  I\'d like to think I have a token of my hard work on something, no?

Allow players to steal perishables from the corpses of their victims:  Gold, potions, stones, gems, basically loot, but not hard-earned equipment.

(This game definitely requires a bank system, at least for money, so you aren\'t walking around with 2 million tria and you accidentally die and lose it all.)
Zakynthos the Wannabe Teacher

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2003, 05:59:09 pm »
Pk\'ing sucks, I hate pk\'ing, I can argue about it all night. No Pk\'ing. Only pk\'ing should be in arenas or colleseums and that\'s it, nowhere else.
My name is NOT pronounced, \"Kway-per,\" it\'s pronounced \"Kye-per.\"


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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2003, 07:04:02 pm »
Or a designated area of the world perhaps?  PK Land galore, mwahahaha.

I wouldn\'t might at all if PK\'ing was in arenas and stadiums only.  Either way there should be some penalty to dying, ie money loss.
Zakynthos the Wannabe Teacher

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keep an open mind
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2003, 08:34:35 pm »
i think if you put 2000 hours into a game you would be care full and avoid fights more. There arent too many mean players who would be so evil that they would want to kill someone just to kill them. Plus designated places should be like forests. if people got in a fight in town then guards should come in and break up the fight. the person who threw the first punch would go in a jail cell for a few minutes. That way the normal citizen wouldnt walk into town and be mauled by 30 players. 30 feet out of town is a potencial zone for pking. And maybe ( im streching my ethics here) there should be no pking on main roads. Thay way it would be possible to have a character that has no involvement in fights but at the same time have a realistic enviorment to where people who do kill can go about it in a realistic fasion. so if your horse and buggy dodles into the forest a bit you could be attacked by a robin hood like figure and he could kill you take all of your money for being so foolish.


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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2003, 10:01:16 am »
Originally posted by whemyfield
i think if you put 2000 hours into a game you would be care full and avoid fights more.

So when you have reached 2000 hours of play, you don\'t do anything interesting, fearing to lose a bunch of exps.

I\'m not against losing exps, but that should not exceed 5~10 hours of play.
High Loremaster of the Arcane Order.


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« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2003, 02:40:56 pm »
Nonsense, Kuiper. PK can make a good game great.

For example, I played a MUDish sort of game called Realms of Kaos for a while. Outside of cities, it was free PK. You started in one city, and usually stayed there until you got to level eight. At level eight, you had to leave, and it was the most exhiliarating part of the game running scared through the swamp in front of the city you had to get to, hoping a PK\'er wasn\'t around the next corner. And it was fun.

The reason it didn\'t get tiresome was because of a skill called soulbinding. If you needed an item (armor, for example), you\'d get it soulbound by a cleric. It stayed with you when you died. Anything else, you lost. This was bearable because a. things were cheap, and b. monsters gave out a *lot* of gold.

It would have been a horrible game with PK confined to arenas only. As it is, it\'s a pretty good one.


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« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2003, 05:04:08 pm »
ummm, whemyfield, there really ARE people who are mean enough to kill people for the sake of killing them, or because they like to collect ears, or because it\'s a thursday.  People have always been like that, people will(sadly) always be like that.  Not everybody, no, but enough of them to ruin it for the rest of us.

Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.  


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« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2003, 05:04:21 pm »
hey think about this wouldnt it be a more fun game not to have people who just sit in a safe world and keep gaining more and more and more exp for 3000 months and then just kill people in an arena anyways? thats so dumb! i would rather have an exciting game where no one is level 99 and everyone is around 20 or 30! it would be so cool! wat maia inspires me! Runing when ur a newb and then hunting when your pretty strong! that would be a game! 20 minutes would go bye in 1 second for the fear of being killed! Comment what you like but to me thats a game! I read some posts by vengence and what official posts the programmers are posting are the same things that are in every single game! Its horrible! If we dont put something drastic in this game that makes it different im sure that it will be a free everquest! That apauls me so much! We should have a totally different game than any other game! We have seen that games like EQ and Runescape are almost the exact same thing. isnt that why we are here? These games are so boring and the same that we are bored enough to play a pre alpha tech demo! I\'m sure if we dont put something drastic in this game like major death penalties then this game will be so bland.. ugh it makes me so sick! Not everyone is going to agree with me here. But for some reason i think if the programers would put it in anyways with out everyone agreeing to it people would play it, try it out and find out that it is a very good thing! If you think this is crud then your saying \"i want play months and months for a level 99 character and then get bored and find a new mmorpg\"


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« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2003, 08:55:05 pm »
The solution that would apparently please the most people seems to be PK zones. Certain areas of the world where PK is allowed, and certain areas where it is not. There should be some incentive to go into the PK zones, whether it be better experience for killing monsters, or rare stuff laying around, etc.


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« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2003, 06:54:12 am »
basically larger pk zones, more incentive and more death penalties would just about do it. Though I know this coulnt happen i kinda wish that death could be anywhere... would make a very interesting game.


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« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2003, 11:48:12 pm »
whemyfield, go play Shadowbane then and quit whining.