Author Topic: more death= more fun!  (Read 3052 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2003, 11:04:14 am »
im not whining but basically the devs have been two faced on the subject of making this game unique. first they are very open about letting players have thier opinions about what the game should do so they can make a unique and great game, and then when we do have opinions they rarely even look at our ideas and we have people like you who take our thoughts and poop on them.


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« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2003, 07:43:00 pm »
Honestly, there really is no level 99 in this game, there is a reasonable need for safe zones, just where they are is the key. I would love it if I could post my well-thoughtout ideas about this, but I really want this sub-forum shot in the head. I am sure the Devs know what they are doing. I might not like somethings, if I don\'t boo-hoo and I will keep on playing. Others, will go play another MMORPG (but oh so not as good as this one I gaurantee) and we will never see them again. Really Whemy, take Venge\'s advice. If you some jerk to kill you every time you log on, then you have problems concerning practicality....really dude think about it. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


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« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2003, 06:31:01 pm »
I got a good idea (i think)
There are places with no PK, but a person can come in a building (like a bank) and say:
But it would be hard to get OUT with the money, because everyone will be lookin at you like you crazy(or players will be notified) (ie: The bank is being robbed!!! different for what kind of player you are) (ie2: like a bounty hunter gets a go save them ! message while a mason will just say the bank is being robbed)
hi btw
« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 06:32:55 pm by Xargon »


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« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2003, 08:05:12 pm »
then what\'s the point of robbing a bank if you know you can\'t leave with any money?  Anything that branches off of pk\'ing sucks. I still hate pk\'ing. If the monsters become too easy then I\'m sure the Dev\'s will notice this and put stronger and harder monsters.
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« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2003, 03:40:44 pm »
I dont see why some people hate PKing. It adds a level of excitement and strategy to the game you dont get with monsters who repeat the same moves over and over. If kept in check PKing can make the game more fun. Of course I dont think massive XP losses are the way to go. Certain areas in the wilderness and places with high level monsters and treasures should be set to PK, fighting over treasure would be cool. PvP is also awesome. Having this in arenas will add more excitement. I wouldnt mind watching a wizard battle.

edit: crappy grammar
« Last Edit: November 12, 2003, 03:42:08 pm by AgentZ »
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« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2003, 08:25:34 pm »
The last game I played was heavy PK, and while I utterly despise this forum, after reading this thread I have to post. (moral imperative and all)

For those that want no PK:

No... and here\'s why.
Player vs. player (PvP) of any kind adds both reality and strategy to a game. There will always be a flaw to every monster that makes it easy to kill, a bug that makes it easy to get around, or some such nonsense. And if you just wait till your player base gets bored, then add a couple of things that  are new for them to kill, they either have to be so ridiculously hard that they take too long or the players just demolish it and say \"what\'s next?\" This is why 2nd edition AD&D has retirement suggestions for >20th level characters. Yes, there will still always be those 118th level clerics out there, but when you sneeze and cause the extinction of dragons there\'s just not that much fun you can have as a character, no?

For those that want full PK:

No... and here\'s why.
Full PvP discourages role-playing. Too often power gamers will be attracted in mass quantity. Imagine the possibilities... High level fighters camping newbies... Low level fighters hiding in corners.... no one playing a merchant or bard because they couldn\'t defend themselves..... hardly any new players.... The only fix to the situation becomes to start having unrealistic situation where PvP becomes impossible. And then you have people that find their way around those. All you have to do is have all these problems then get a guild of leet-speakers going and your game will crash faster than lightning on a tin roof.

And now, for those who want a harmonious mixture:

Congratulations. This is the working solution. No PvP is ridiculous. You have no value for life because you take it for granted. Full PvP you either buff yourself so you *can* take it for granted or you cower in fear of those who already have. The guild-style fighting in this game sounds incredible (full PvP in a mutual war) and could lead to epic conquests and battles. The arena-style PvP is also fun because once you step into an arena, you have agreed to die and it\'s your fault if you do. Personally I would like to see more than one or two arenas but I\'m sure these guys will do it right. They\'ve done everything else extremely well.

This solution works because it naturally appeals to both sides. If you don\'t want PvP, don\'t go where you know it can happen. If you do, go there. I wish there was a better in-character explanation for it, but there simply is not (that I know of).

If you don\'t like the way it is around here, you have three options:

(1) Find another game that has less things you dislike.
(2) Write your own game your own way.
(3) Suck it up and play PlaneShift, as is.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2003, 08:29:14 pm by Yarulion »
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« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2003, 02:40:11 pm »
I think a possibility for PKing would be to have safe zones more or less. Like in cities and X distance away from the city no PKing but everywhere else allow it. For people that don\'t want Pking but want to travel to other cities have a transportation method like coaches where there is no Pking there. Also I don\'t know how it would be done because of the no levels but what if Pking wasn\'t allowed until you reached a certain experience point or maybe a set amount of time you played the game. This would be not only where you couldnt go out and try and kill someone but they couldnt come after you either. A little measure to help protect the newbies for a little while anyway.


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« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2003, 11:34:49 am »
This has been fully discussed so if you want to have more opinions, just read a few threads.

My answer is \'No\': Why?
 - i hope teleportation will never be implemented so if wildneed is not safe, newbies would be stucked in towns.
 - if you make a level/skill/playtime threshold, once this level is reached, you will be killed a lot because there\'s always people more powerful than you.
 - if there\'s unsafe zones, people who don\'t want PK will miss a great part of the game.
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« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2003, 06:05:06 pm »
Don\'t get me wrong I am all for PKing right from the start I think it makes things much more intresting. I was just trying to think of ideas that might work for those who don\'t like PKing


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« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2003, 01:21:56 pm »
The last mmorpg i played there was a lot of pk\'ing, and i really didnt like it...i got pk\'d a lot as a noob, and then as i grew, the pk\'ers left me alone.  but then a few pk\'ers came into the game.  as a highish level, i was left alone, but then i got attacked by a load of lower levels, quite a challenge and quite fun.  then i realised pk\'ing is meant to be a challenge, if its not then to put it frank its cyber bullying.  i tried doin it with theses same people on a lower level char i had, and let me tell u it was great fun, i rarely won, but it was great.

the problem with this is you know ur gona have noob killers, thats why an idea would be to take exp/skill exp or something like that off a pk\'er for every level below them that the victim is. and if the victim drops non rare items no one would be too pissed about it..i hope.  well thats my idea, i like the sounds of it, mayb some one can work a bit more on it.
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« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2003, 03:46:13 pm »
While I have nothing to add to the discussion about PK, I am in favour of some creative death penalties.

   Simply taking a hit to skills seems a little blunt.  In single player computer games, we often have the option of \"saving\" before going out on a dangerous quest.  Although it would be possible to do this in planeshift (save your char at the nearest temple, or something) it seems to me to be a little too weak.  It also brings up the problem of items- are your items saved? Do they remain on your corpse?  What about that Super Magical Axe of Deathbringingandkillingandstuff? Losing time and powerful items are very frustrating experiences.  

   Somewhere I remember a mention of dead players ending up in some kinda \"land of death\" or something that they had to escape from (probably balanced to be equally hard to get out of at any character strength).  I think that this is a good idea, as it makes death a pain in the buttocks, while avoiding the frustration of having your character skills go backwards.  

   Another possibility would be a brief character suspension (1h? 12h? 24h?), and relocation to somewhere inconvenient (say, a remote farming village, far from lucrative quests)  
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 03:47:10 pm by dfryer »
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« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2003, 04:52:42 pm »
Let\'s take an example...

If Mr. A. decides to take a plane and fly it into a very large building, just for the fun of it, and he kills.. let\'s say 5000 people... Those people don\'t really get to whine much about it, do they? It just happens, and poof they\'re dead. There\'s nothing that anyone can do about it.

Now, with PlaneShift, it\'s somewhat the same. Things happen, and you just can\'t do anything about it. PvP settings will be decided by the devs, there\'s nothing you can do about it. If the devs don\'t want PvP, then there wont be any PvP, and again, there\'s nothing you can do about it. However, if the devs want some areas to be PvP friendly and others non-PvP friendly, then again, there\'s nothing you can do about it, but at least you have a choice. So people - quit whining and face the facts that the devs are the ones who decide what\'s in PlaneShift and what\'s not in PlaneShift. If you don\'t like it, follow Venge\'s advise to whemy. Go play Shadowbane and be a n00b there.

Did that make any sense, or do I need to start forcing it down people\'s throats until they understand it? :)

Edit: I just need to point out that it\'s called the \"Wish List\" because they\'re just wishes. It\'s not a \"Post-What-You-Want-In-The-Game-And-We\'ll-Make-It-Just-For-You\" thread.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 04:54:49 pm by Kiva »
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« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2003, 05:22:49 pm »
Originally posted by Yarulion
And now, for those who want a harmonious mixture:

Congratulations. This is the working solution. No PvP is ridiculous. You have no value for life because you take it for granted. Full PvP you either buff yourself so you *can* take it for granted or you cower in fear of those who already have. The guild-style fighting in this game sounds incredible (full PvP in a mutual war) and could lead to epic conquests and battles. The arena-style PvP is also fun because once you step into an arena, you have agreed to die and it\'s your fault if you do. Personally I would like to see more than one or two arenas but I\'m sure these guys will do it right. They\'ve done everything else extremely well.

I agree with this whole-heartedly! I would love to join in a Guild War where you have an all-out epic event that could resemble the war battles of \"Lord Of The Rings\" movie. Maybe there could be a reward system for the winning side(?) But, I don\'t look forward to becoming isolated (or to see other\'s become isolated and paralyzed) because there are only special areas we can explore or live, such as towns or rest stops between large free-for-all PKing areas. The idea of several arenas seems like a working idea too, since those that do enjoy the hack-and-slash of other players as themselves can have their fill. If I want to PK I would like to join up with someone else who would enjoy this sort of game playing too. I personally do not have any desire to chase others around who may not wish to participate in PKing just because I can. That?s just plain bullying. A cooperation of respect seems the way to make it the most realistic, as that?s how human societies live today. History shows us that any other way of living to the contrary can and does eventually wipe out groups, societies and nations. I really hope the devs will make it a balanced game world for all sorts of players and not favor one or the other.


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« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2003, 06:59:19 pm »
grominist are you crazy? wish least doesnt mean u just wish for it, and it never happen! wish list is something u post for someone to look at appriciate and maybe if the moon and stars are aligned right that person will adapt it into the game. the whole point of planeshift is to let the players have some say in the developement of the game. and if we dont post here where else can we post? the official official one is crap and this one is fine so why should i change because you\'ve got sand in your v*g**a?

I am leaving this post as an example of what I do not want?

Insults like this and using D***a** is not what I want this to turn into


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« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2003, 08:26:53 pm »
When it comes to PK, the devs created this as a sub-forum of \"wish list\" *just* so all the PK fans wouldn\'t mess everything else up wishing for a PK that was never going to come.
So in this case, wish list does mean that no matter how hard people wish for unrestricted PK, it never will happen.  The developers know what kind of game they want to create; if you have an idea that they\'ve never heard of before, then they\'re interested in hearing it (and implementing it if it fits in with what they want).
I think Gronomist was just trying to clear up the impression that some people occasionally seem to have, which is that the developers are the unpaid servants of everyone on these boards who wants to create their own MMORPG.  Obviously (from your last post) you understand that this isn\'t the case.   There\'s no need to be coarse about it... like sand.  Sand is coarse.
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