Author Topic: Xynk's Prayer  (Read 2987 times)


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Xynk's Prayer
« on: February 26, 2002, 07:29:15 pm »
A Creature born of evil,
Born for evil
Executing Evil,
Destroying Evil,
Not to become
or Rightiouse ((SP on that))
But to become Master


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As you pray
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2002, 07:54:03 pm »
You hear a soft whisper

Truth is like a drink its always best hot or cold never lukewarm.
Do you say that prayer for thyself ?
Or do you say it to guide you?
A master or Master of all.
I wonder .
Entropy\'s call is sweet but to sail along that corridor leads to madness.
Do you seek to master oneself or be Master of others?
Each is like a knife and can cut you at any time.
I invite you ...
If your courage lasts I shall send for you.

The Crimson Brotherhood          


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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2002, 09:14:25 pm »
As you finish whispering a knife enters your flesh, cutting between your vertebrae, severing the conduit of energy that allows the bearer movement.

As your life fades you hear \"I do not kneel. I do not bow. I stand.\"
« Last Edit: February 26, 2002, 09:17:06 pm by mistwalker »
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2002, 10:26:33 pm »
You awake in a padded cell strapped securely to a hard surface.You realize you are once again in the insane assylum.Or are you a man dressed in a white lab coat enters your mind babbles on lost in confusion.Is it a man where am I you cry against the rag in your mouth.
 Hopelessly lost in your delusions you struggle trying to make sense of it all.You seem to recall you were once trying to kill the whispers that echo in your mind. But they have grown so much louder.Then all is silent for a moment when you think youve finally killed the whisperer.
But then you realize it was the voice of your inner self.And now its dead your mind begins to drift no longer restrained to this body as your eyes roll back in your head.
Drool begins to choak you from the rag and you cannot breath ..what is breathing you try to remeber.
You think in some distant corner still left of what might be called a mind that the man is trying to strangle you but in fact he is trying to help you .

Its all right you hear as your mothers arms wrap around you protecting you.As you wake from a fitful dream that begins to diminsh more as you feel her tight embrace around you.Then you remeber what you did in another world in another realm ...was it a dream you cant stop shaking.Then you hear a voice whispering \"everything be well children deserve more than two chances dont make it three choose wisely.

The Crimson Brotherhood          


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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2002, 06:43:49 am »

i jsut love happy endings zaylik  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ..

*bites my lower lip as the tears fall*;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;( ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  :(

\"Manchmal erhielten Sie, durch die Risse zu lachen, l?cheln durch die Schmerz, damit Sie durch die sorge leben k?nnen.\"


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« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2002, 01:51:58 pm »
Mistwalker does NOT wake up in an asylum. Mistwalker loots zaylichs dead body and travels home. (ooc: your just mad I killed you. Try to stick to the Planeshift world, and don\'t be a sore loser)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2002, 01:53:28 pm by mistwalker »
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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ooc out of character
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2002, 01:58:49 pm »
Fine loot Zaylich\'s body

just know this
1. You wont be able to get within 20 feet of me without running and most likely dying in the game. due to either me casting a spell up your backside or one of the brotherhood seeking to cleave thy puny skull from your scrawny shoulders.

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ooc out of character
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2002, 02:03:27 pm »
Um you really are not all there are you.

1.I you couldnt even find me in planeshift world.
2.If you did most likely someone in the brotherhood would be dragging your stinking carcass.
3.Learn how to roleplay.and go read grays anatomy because your description really bites.
4.Just for your information I was in my inner sanctum casting a spell that allowed me to exactly did you come to find your way there.

The Crimson Brotherhood          


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ooc out of character
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2002, 02:06:22 pm »
5.You gave away your last chance btw I was trying to be civil now go crawl down that wanna be hole in the ground you call home and be ready to be mad alot in P.s as we kill you over and over again .


quote quote underline

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« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2002, 02:22:15 pm »

Yeah, well, every post since mine has been a way of trying to cheat. First it was: you didn\'t really kill me, you were insane.

Second it was: I wasn\'t really there.

Third it was: Yeah, but my guard of people that don\'t really exist would kill you. (I don\'t see anyone jumping up to try to save you)

You  learn how to roleplay. Your descriptions are nothing to be proud of. Just your sad attempts at fluffing your words. Making them sound more impressive, without having a lot of meaning.

And lastly, how are you gonna find me in planeshift? I have a different name in every game I play, and this name probably won\'t be the one I use.

And if you know how to roleplay, why do you leave the PS world, and go into an insane asylum? Your a hypocrite and your stupid.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2002, 02:25:10 pm by mistwalker »
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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ooc out of character
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2002, 02:49:45 pm »
I dont know why im even responding to your drivel.
Notice where it says out of character.
I wrote a rather nice poetic thing about you last night consisting of all those ideas.But since unlike you I dont like to flame I wont repeat what i said.
I will say this though.

You try to preach about me roleplaying out a different situation.
You dont know the first thing about roleplaying.Id seriously like to know what game you supposedly created.
1.I was talking with the person who wrote this thread not you.
2.Unlike you I have never tried to harm anyone in my roleplay threads (notice it says roleplay)
3.All of my threads that I have spoken in have either been dreams or whispers.
4.The reason for this is that unlike you I know i cannot control other peoples actions. (hence they make there own actions).
5.I merely create an atmosphere.
6.How could you or I or anyone kill another....
7.Yes my imaginary group consists of 12 people now funny maybe you should telll them to stop posting to me since im dead and thier not real.
8.I would continue talking this idle banter with you concerning roleplay but I fear it would be lost on your ears .
9.Even with a name change im sure it would not be a problem finding one such as yourself lacking in all common sense or must i go find other topics that you posted on that others agree with me.
10.That said I would appreciate it if you went back to your delusions and kindly left as I do not deem you worth wasting my breath any further.

Thank you and good day.

P.s just for your information
I only cheated ooc when you were being ooc as there was no setting or background for you to kill me with.
Since you your character and mine have never met.
And you do not know what he even looks like.
What race am I oh great roleplayer.(sarcasm)
The only contact you and I have had was a illusion in the form of a message.That you there as well tried to kill stating it was me when it was even said it was an illusion.
If you remeber oh great and mighty one.The description was shrouded and the voice kept changing.And the other people were laughing quite loud at your attempt to kill something that didnt even have any matter.
So with this in mind please inform us all once again how you could acomplish this feat it must be something truly remarkable.

The Crimson Brotherhood          


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« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2002, 03:55:16 pm »

Thanks for not adressing the points in my last post.

Don\'t lecture me about roleplaying, when you seem to not have any clue what it is.


I said I would kill you, and I did not say when I would kill you.

You also flamed me first.

You do not \"harm\" other people in the post, you just tell them you are better than they are, and that they must choose between being below you or dieing.

You are a hypocrite, and you cannot even stay within the correct world, let alone roleplay.

You say I lack common sense, but every post you put up in these forums is so stupid I shouldn\'t even have to say anything.

When I said Imaginary people, I meant that the fact that NO ONE defended you, NO ONE was posting to help you.

And you mentioned setting or back ground, and how would I know who you were.

My CHARACTER would know you from the illusion that appeared, and your appearance in other posts. Fool.

If you would not be a moron, and actually adress some ofthe points in my previous post, and if you would learn something about roleplaying, THEN would be the appropriate time to respond to this post, not before.
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2002, 03:57:14 pm »

Why do you even talk? Nothing Intelligent ever comes out.

Thanks for not adressing the points in my last post.

Don\'t lecture me about roleplaying, when you seem to not have any clue what it is.


I said I would kill you, and I did not say when I would kill you.

You also flamed me first.

You do not \"harm\" other people in the post, you just tell them you are better than they are, and that they must choose between being below you or dieing.

You are a hypocrite, and you cannot even stay within the correct world, let alone roleplay.

You say I lack common sense, but every post you put up in these forums is so stupid I shouldn\'t even have to say anything.

When I said imaginary people, I meant that the fact that NO ONE defended you, NO ONE was posting to help you.

And you mentioned setting or back ground, and how would I know who you were.

My CHARACTER would know you from the illusion that appeared, and your appearance in other posts. Fool.

If you would not be a moron, and actually adress some of the points in my previous post, and if you would learn something about roleplaying, THEN would be the appropriate time to respond to this post, not before.
A fool and his head are soon parted.


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ooc out of character
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2002, 04:36:04 pm »
A knock resounds upon your door. A Messenger calls from without, sliding a slim encased tube into your dwelling. It falls upon your floor with a dim *thud*.
Then as you watch in amazement it opens. Brilliant light, in a array of colors, streams the air creating a semblence of one cloaked in crimson with chalky skin.

A voice comes from the apparation:

\"Behold I am Father Zaylik, of the Crimson Brotherhood. As you are most likely an unbeliever, my words may make little sense to you. Though they appear in your language this is merely a conduit a recepticle, so that The Crimson Brotherhood may spread the truth.\"

The voice pauses then continues:

\"It is my belief that those not of the brotherhood are lost in thier own hearts and lack traits such as Duty, Honor, and Loyality, that I hold to be truth.
In this Hollow world, Yliakum, there be few who I deem worthy! I believe in life and that everyone has a station be it individuals or races, tribes or clans. So in this matter guilds are formed.
Some, in honor, rise above their station, being granted certain dues for the honor they possess.
Our ways for the most part are simple concerning our outer circles. Those of little or no stature give honor to themselves and respect to there greaters by bowing.
Those that are too proud to bow shall be broken and made to kneel in truth. They that are too proud to bow, are weak in spirit.
Just as we protect the weak, and they care for us with their servitude, so do we work on behalf of the weak of spirit.
This is our way of life and comes from our historians. We dont expect you to understand as you are unclean to us.
Before our army decends upon your dwellings and lodgings, simple brothers shall come to instruct you in our ways.

As the Father of the Brotherhood, I implore you at this time to see the error of your lives.

For the time will come when all shall be as one, and the Crimson Brotherhood shall prevail across the Hollow Realm. There shall be no escape from our grasp.

I have stated before there be only two choices.

Bow or Kneel

I must clarify this statement.

Only in life will you have these two options

With that the apparation flickers as the light fades away.
Just as it is almost gone you here one final voice.

In death you have no choices.

my first speech to you.
then you commented and then jandryl did

Originally posted by mistwalker
You say you enter my dwelling and I am amazed. This is incorrect. If you entered my dwelling, it would be against my wishes, and you would die, as you are mortal, as my sword would cut your flesh, like anyone else.


( OOC: Although i appreciate your attempt at roleplaying, i think you should look again at the post. Never at any time does Zaylik say that he has entered your dwelling. and i would really like to know how you are going to cut the flesh of an

Iffin yer gonna be swingin yer sword around like dat when der aint notin der, then i think ya should make sure that yer family is gone fer da day as ya play wit yer sword. I would sure hate ta see em get hurt by yer blind, misunderstood rage. And by da way, tanks fer da extra hexas i got while ya was messin arround wit dat apperatin.

then you again mistwalker
You say that I should read more closely? He entered my dwelling in one form or another, and I said I would kill him. I never said when I would kill him. You ASSUMED I would swing at the apparation. Read a little more closely next time.

And what exactly does \"And by da way, tanks fer da extra hexas i got while ya was messin arround wit dat apperatin.\" mean? Try typing in english.

\"Iffin yer gonna be swingin yer sword around like dat when der aint notin der, then i think ya should make sure that yer family is gone fer da day as ya play wit yer sword. I would sure hate ta see em get hurt by yer blind, misunderstood rage. And by da way, tanks fer da extra hexas i got while ya was messin arround wit dat apperatin.\"

This is roleplaying? Quit being a hypocrite.

then jandryl again

(ooc: If you can not recognize roleplaying when you see it then you probably need a few lessons. Here are a couple of tips to help you recognize when someone is roleplaying:

1: Usually, but not always, when someone is roleplaying, they use a dialect (other form of speach) to communicate to others in the game.

ya/ye = you
tanks = thanks
da = the

these are forms of accents used

2: roleplaying means your playing a personna other than yourself. Henceforth a character roleplaying would say something like:

\"And by da way, tanks fer da extra hexas i got while ya was messin arround wit dat apperatin.\"

instead of

\"and by the way, thank you for the extra money i recieved while you were fighting with the illusion.\"

By doing this, you give your character some character, creating a person who is interesting and has a life of its own. Most people I have come accross that roleplay, do it to escape their dreary, mundane lives and want to play a character that they can not express in r/l.

This game is in a fantasy setting, not a sci-fi setting or a real life setting, therefore the characters here will have a tendency to use different dialects (aspects of language) and have differenct characteristics than people and characters in non-fantasy rpg\'s.

This conclude todays lesson in roleplaying. if you have any further questions please pm me as most people on these boards already know how to roleplay and don\'t need lessons.

looking forward to hearing from you)

Anyways the point Im trying to make is you cant read .If you cant understand what I said or what Jandryl said or anyone said when it is so obvious thats between you and your english teacher.

Also I would love to see this flame you said first as I have never ever flamed you thank you one scrap of proof I can also go get other posts proving who flamed who if you like.But knowing people like you will probably just start editing all your posts.
Have a nice day intellectual moron.

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« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2002, 04:44:27 pm »

\"3.Learn how to roleplay.and go read grays anatomy because your description really bites.\"

Said by you. A flame. Proves you are stupid, that YOU are the one who cannot read, and also that you are a hypcrite.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2002, 04:46:15 pm by mistwalker »
A fool and his head are soon parted.