Author Topic: The legend has wings (sign up and rules)  (Read 5288 times)


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« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2004, 07:51:00 pm »
Name: Maverik

Race: Enkidukai

Strength And Allignment: Violent, Can\'t Remeber why he is where he is, Blademaster/Dark mage.

Background: A young tennager who awoke to find himself in the ancient sewer. Dose not know why though.

Weapons: Great Sword

Strengths: Fast Good with a sword and magic.

Weakness: his own Rage.


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« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2004, 05:24:58 pm »
I would apreciate it is any alchemists or seige weapon users could please post here
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« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2004, 05:58:20 pm »
Name: Krayn

Race: Klyros

Personallity and allighnment: energetic and playful.  neutural good.

Background: There are many stories of how he came but not even he is sure but he believes this is what happened.   One day Krayn was eating with his mom, dad, and brother at there hut.  Then the sky grew dark he didn\'t know what was going on. But then he saw dark figures coming.  He and his family flew into the sky. Then suddenly an arrow shot Krayn\'s wing. He soared down uncontrollably and hit the ground. The next thing he remembers is a group of Enkidukais finding him. He has no idea who his family is. But he is on a quest to find out and no one will stop him.

Weapon: duel swords

Strengths:his agility and strenghth while flying

Weaknesses:Wings being harmed and long ranged enemies

Anything else: When he struggles he remembers he has someone that loves when he sees the pendant he had when he fell that day which shows him atleast he had a family.


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« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2004, 04:27:28 pm »
Name: Nonk the Mad

Race: Enkidukai

Age: 32

Alignment/Personality: Chaotic Good, bad tempered, kind, trusting and loyal.

Background: Has wanted to be a warrior ever since he saw a duel at the age of three, and has trained in his spare time ever since. During his childhood he was also apprenticed to a blacksmith and later a fletcher. Eventually he gained enough skill to move out and become a knight errant.

Weapons: Mainly a sword and shield, but will use pole arms and bows when appropriate.

Strengths: Skilled with most weapons, can repair weapons and armour, can make arrows and has learned rudimentary tactics on the fly.

Weaknesses: Is illiterate, knows no magic and is awful at anything requiring the least amount of stealth.


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« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2004, 10:18:16 pm »
Name: Parodox

Race: Elf

Personality: Neutral (won\'t cause trouble if isn\'t nessary)

Weapon: Long posion dagger at his side and a three hooked claw on his right hand.

Background: He has a history which he tells no one. He trys to forget about the past and doesn\'t care for the future. His quest in life is to live by any means he has.

Strengths: Secracy and the art of instant killing. He is aslo good at stealing and making potions.

Weakness: Fighting for  a long time in hand to hand combat.

Anything else: He doesn\'t talk to others much reforing to keep to himself. Those that know him will tell you he is weird and dangerous.


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Hope im not...
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2004, 03:43:39 am »
Hope im not too late to join...

Name: Matthew

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: True Neutral, Kind, Wise, Called Demented by his enemies as he exerts strange strengths in battle and beats large numbers of people alone.

Background: He was trained at a very young age to be a warrior and did not really have a hometown as his family or tribe were always on the move... one day the tribe was captured while he was hunting, they were all gone by the time he got back so he set out on a war trail against the captors of his tribe.. his trail still goes on til now...

Items: A dagger, A bow, Some basic clothing

Strengths: Good at surprise attacks and causing fear in the enemy, he can use this to beat a whole army on his own.

Weaknesses: Severely weakened in cold areas or cold weather, Goes mad when he sees fire as after his tribe was captured their tents were all burned to the ground, Not very strong (he cant carry plate mail or heavy items and hits less damage in combat), His battle rage which if not concentrated could be fatal to him not his enemy.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2004, 03:44:03 am by Matthewrdot »


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« Reply #51 on: December 28, 2004, 09:22:20 pm »
I like to roleplay, and I\'ll do my best(I\'ll only be able to make one post, then I\'ll be gone for a week at least).

Name: Bartimus Konn

Race: Ylian

Personality and Alignment:  Enigmatic.  Although he maintains a cheerful disposition, you can see that he is never as he appears to be, for when you look into his eyes, they do not shine as the eyes of most creatures do, as if he had no soul.  Although he chooses not to draw distinctions between people by labeling them as good or evil, he could be considered a good person, who commits acts that could be viewed as evil, due to reasons that he says cannot be revealed for his sake and the sake of others.

Background:  What happened in Bartimus\'s childhood is of no consequence, nor does he choose to discuss that knowledge with anyone.  But it is important to know that from a very young age, he had a great fascination with magic.  Because of this interest, he grew into a powerful mage, specializing in the Azure and Crystal Ways.  He is generally unknown to the public, and those who do know him see him as a priest of sorts, using his magic as a means to heal many people across the land.  But because of the things that he knows he must do, Bartimus is selective to those whom he chooses to know him, and will use his Azure magic to wipe the minds of anyone who he thinks may either pose a problem to his missions, or will not benefit him in any way.  Having used this skill many times over, he is now skilled enough that he can wipe selective memories rather than whole sections, and even add fake memories to replace removed ones.  This is a power he never abuses.  He has managed to revive a person from the dead with Crystal magic, but has only done it once, since he nearly killed himself in doing so.  Bartimus is not a sociable person, and is never the one to start a conversation.

Weapon: Staff with a glowing gem at it\'s tip that has certain magical properties.  The gem is not removable or breakable.

Strengths: Very skilled in the Azure and Crystal ways of magic.  Has a brain like a sponge, and absorbs everything he hears or reads.  Basic training with staff combat.  Fairly good Alchemy.

Weaknesses: Spent so much time practicing the Azure and Crystal Ways, his mind and body are now shut to all other Ways of magic, so he is unable to learn any spell from any other Way.  Slow on his feet and weak physically, since he spent so much time studying magic and so little time training his body.  

Anything Else:  

Height: 5\'7\"

Clothes:  Dark purple shirt and pants with black belt under a cloak which has the hood up hiding his face unless there is a special occasion.  He magically changes the cloaks color, depending on the job he is currently working on.  It is either silver of black.  Black boots.

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Hair Color: Platinum

Skin Color: Light Brown

Gender: Male

Age: 27
« Last Edit: December 28, 2004, 09:29:26 pm by Bartimus »


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« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2005, 10:48:19 pm »
Lyistra is.. well, Lyistra.

Name:  Lyistra Mentana

Race: Enkidukai, Cheetah variety.

Personality:  Helpful, a bit jaded, though, tender hearted, but sometimes entirely too skeptical.  Retains a childlike sense of wonder about some things, and will sacrifice anything for those she considers a true friend.  She also is very strong in Crystal Way, but deep-down fears to use any of that ability.  In addition, Lyistra loves blades.. training in a fighting art that is as much art and dance, as combat.  Her teacher, the esteemed Muareh-Scylrha, said she had lots of potential, but really needed to be more willing to be aggressive.  She has an intense fear of closed-in spaces, and tends to be uneasy at best in dark, closed-in caverns.  She carries her lyre, an eight-string Jhar`ath, with some specialized fretwork, nearly everywhere she goes.   She is obsessive about learning new stories or music, and loves a well-spun tale.

Appearance:  In appearance, Lyistra is approximately 5\'6\" tall, and has, rather than the usual cheetah colouring, darker fur, and tawny spots, the spots lightening toward her tummy.  She usually has at least some kind of jewelry about, though often wears the minimal clothing that is required for her modesty.  She collects Emphyry feathers, usually having three or four of the shimmering feathers woven into her waist-length hair.  A couple of moth wings usually sit within that hair too, dyed with different colours.

Strengths:  Stubborn as water and wind.  She tends to protect everyone she can.  She trains fiercely, and has good control of the two blades she almost always wields, a pair of enlarged kukhri  style blades.    She is fairly nimble on her feet, and with her paws,  more wiry than brute force build.  She has good hand-eye coordination.

Weaknesses:  She tends to respond... poorly to having her friends threatened, and she has a temper.  And sometimes her own self-doubt shows through, when she has private moments.  She tends to be overly trusting, and often gets lost in just moving when she\'s in combat (imagine seeing a cheetah enki femme dancing, having forgotten she was just fighting, till the inspiration wore off, an unusual type of berserker at best).  Tends toward distraction when something new happens that seems interesting.

Eye colour:  Gold, with a splash of blue on the lower-right quadrant of the left eye.

Skin colour?  You\'re going to shave her to find out? *chuckles*

Gender:  Female
Age:  19 years old.


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« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2005, 04:32:03 am »
Name: Tarachnul

Race: Stonebreaker

Personality and allignment: stubborn, irritable, Chaotic-good

Background: Deposed Dwarven Thane whose people were conquered and systematically exterminated, now wanders the world of Yliakum in hopes of establishing a new nation and returning his people to their former glory.

Weapon: Giant Dwarf-sized Axe, (fists as well)

Strengths: Size (low center of gravity :D )

Weaknesses: Beer and Bar fights(has been tossed out of Kada-els upon many an occasion)

Anything else: famous inventor of the axe hurling technique
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 04:33:49 am by Tarachnul »
Uuma quena en\'mani lle ume, ri\'mani lle umaya; uma ta ar\'lava ta quena ten\'irste\'  
(Speak not of what you have done, or what you are going to do; do it, and let it speak for itself)