Author Topic: The legend has wings (sign up and rules)  (Read 5286 times)


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The legend has wings (sign up and rules)
« on: November 30, 2003, 05:56:58 am »
This is the sign up thread for whats hoping to be the first large scale multiplayer roleplaying story in a very long time so bare with us.

First everyone who takes part is going to have to post some character info, and feel free to join the story anytime: For example:

Name: Kwartz

Race: Kran

Personality and allignment: Simple and kind, true neutral as too dumb to be otherwise.

Background: Found wondering aimlessly by the explorers guild was taken to Hydlaa where he now resides.

Weapon: Fists and anything heavy lying about at the time.

Strengths: Strong, Large, Tough and Resiliant to Magic.

Weaknesses: No magical abilities, Low inteligence.

Anything else:

Each person who takes part is expected to post somewhere between 1 - 5 paragraphs of story, feel free to include any of the characters taking part but try to reflect their personality accordingly.
Also there is no problem in taking the story where u feel, try not to be too daft though.
And finally dont post all powerful characters, its just no fun that way, each should have their own strengths and weaknesses.

-----I\'LL LEAVE YOU ALL BEHIND-----      ( *hugs Moogie* - sorry )


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« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 10:46:50 am »
Name: Moogie

Race: Enkidukai

Personality and allignment: Kind, selfless, optimistic. Chaotic good.

Background: Moogie was found lying unconcious in the forests near Hydlaa City a few years ago. The warrior Draklar took her into his care and nurtured her untill she was well. Moogie remembers little of her past, but her friends in the once Feline\'s Lair guild know a bit more.

Weapon: Preferably a staff, but she does keep a Rapier handy too. ;)

Strengths: Strong inherant magical abilities of the Brown and Crystal ways.

Weaknesses: Weak at actual combat.

Anything else: In times of suffering or anxiety, Moogie turns her attention to the pendant she has worn since she can remember, to give her the means to carry on.

I think that\'s all. :)


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« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 11:26:12 am »
This is my character!

Name: Baird(reall game name too)


Personality and Allignment: Stubborn, willing, Nuetral.

Background: Baird lives in the Hydraa Plaza and has few peple he trustes. He is very rich and has many a weapons. He was found by the Explorers guild as he stumbbled on thier lands and collapsed as he was ruined and weathered. They revived him using strong magic and he ran away many times. After the last time the people treated him nicely and he stayed. He now lives in the Tavern. He always carries his two Silver Falchion.

Weapons: Prefers his two Silver Falchion but sometimes uses his Galkard.

Strenghts: Brute Force and martial combat. He does not believe in magic.

Weaknesses: Any arcane abilities. And blinding light.

Everquest Online Advetures Rules!


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« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2003, 06:02:49 pm »
Name: Draklar Az\'randal

Race: Dermorian

Gender: Male

Personality and allignment: Stubborn, Diligent, Honorable, Lawful-Evil.

Background: Banished from his homeland, he traveled to the Hydlaa city. There, he became well known for his good deeds and fighting for justice. However scars of the past didn\'t leave his soul and eventually led him into the path of darkness.

Weapons: Two Handed Great Sword.

Strenghts: Strong, Tough, Somewhat Resistant to Magic.

Weaknesses: Able to use only Red Way of magic, Somehow less resistant to the Dark Way.

Anything else: Loves poetry and wine.
AKA Skald


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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2003, 01:13:42 am »


Outsider: Fallen Solar/ Baatezu;
His original race being nonexistent in these realms he adopts many forms as the need arises but the general form is human or elven.



Personality and allignment:
Shrewd, Unemotional, Vile, appears Civil and sophisticated but is actually fiendish and devoid of morals; Neutral Evil.

As far as he remembers the memories are hazy ones of being shackled to a wall in a dark dungeon. The only sound he recalls are his own cries of anger and pain amid intense silence and visions of darkness. Then one day he felt the wards holding him weaken and his power rise. He then broke his shackles and ventured out into the realms. He wandered for hundreds of years gathering knowledge about this world and its ways. His continuing quest for his actual identity and his reasons for being here in this alien realm.  His wanderings finally brought him to Yliakum where he felt some strong urge to linger. He thus settled down and started forming a society of evil.  To this day the actual reasons of his coming and presence in Yliakum are unknown even to him save for the fact that his instincts told him that this was his destiny.  

Composite Long Bow and Vorpal Greatsword.

Strong, Agile, Resistant to necromancy and Fire but specially susceptible to anti evil spells.

Women :P and inability to tolerate holy or blessed artifacts.

Anything else:
Being a fallen Celestial and now devilkin, Auran has a variety of innate spell casting abilities though he is not a core spellcaster, Necromantic black and white come naturally to him. I prefers to think of his class as Archfiend which is a multiclass cocktail;). Also, in his native form he appears a steel grey Solar, with tattered wings of fire but that is a form he never dons in this world;).

Auran. No More.
Forget you ever knew me kid.


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« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2003, 10:13:26 am »

RACE: Klyros  

Gender: male

Personality and allignment: Neutural, loner , rather observe then be apart of something , paticent(SP*),  unoptimistic , RATHER FRIENDLY TO CHILDREN

currently resides in the far away form Hydlaa in a small remote village, hiding from his past and what he was An assassian

weapons: A nice kartar and a bunch of throwing knives in the chest which is in his room untouched for some time now

strenghts: Speed, aglity, blue magic , ablity to think fast on his feet

Weaknesses: cant last long in fights , fire magic
Originally posted by DepthBlade
I am not as good as you with posting totally random pointless things that neither are relative or make any sense.


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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 11:57:16 am »
Name: Keldorn

Race: Enkidukai

Gender: male

Personality and alignment: neutral good, kind to people. Approaches everything with a certain naive way. isn\'t aware of all the evil in the world.

Background: grew up in a small village, ventured out of the village to explore the outside world. First adventure would be to reach the city of hydlaa.

Weapons: small sword, inherited by his uncle.

Strengths: quick, agile, stealthy. Can go unnoticed past certain places because he\'s small built.

Weaknesses: not very good in close combat.

Anything else: Keldorn is more of a thief type character, sneaky and stealthy.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 12:51:38 pm by Keldorn »


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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2003, 01:40:31 pm »
uhh i shoulda posted here first >.>

Name: Seperot


Gender: male

Alingment & personallity: Neutral (more of a swing between good then evil but  neutral will do) fast thinker, rushes head long into the unknown, sneaky,

Backround: Violent childhood which ended in the death of his adopted family by his own hands followed by 12 years as a loner

Weapons: Katana, Short bow

Strenths: Roguish traites

Weaknesses:paranoid, extream lack of trust

Anything else: owner of one crystal


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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2003, 02:05:39 pm »
Name: TJ

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: Mysterious, Lawful-Evil a suave yet dark feel to him

Background: A skilled dark magician TJ has travelled  many planes in his time but is currently resting from adventures in Hyldaa

Weapon: A ornate double bladed sword lies under his dark cloak, red runes glowing faintly on the blades

Strengths: Skilled in dark and red magic as well as good fighting in skilled duels

Weaknesses: Cannot match brute strength. Weakness to crystal magic

Anything else: TJ\'s past is hidden, seemingly hiding a pain beneath his dark exterior residing in the depths of his heart no one has touched.


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« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2003, 02:52:24 pm »
well, i did write a long post here, but then the school network ate it, so i\'ll try again.  this doesn\'t necessarily mean i will be entering the story soon, but that i will.  Oh, and in game, NO ONE KNOW ANY OF THIS.(RPing purposes)

Name: Jessyn

Race:  Brae\'Latha  (pretends to be dermorian)

Gender: female

Personality:   a careful,methodical young woman, she isprone to occasional bursts of rage, these are uncommon, but dangerous to bystanders.  Cares only about herself and her friends(at least, that\'s what she tells herself)  shy.

Background:   torn from her world by powerful magic when she was very young, she grew up in the streets of various cities in Ylakium.  actually a type of elf known as a Brae\'Latha, she tells everyone that she is dermorian.

Weapon:  potions, an ancient Brae\'Latha sword, quarterstaff

Strengths:  alchemy, some stealth training, jane of all trades

Weaknesses:  only basic training in combat and magic, shy.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2004, 12:50:03 am by Jessyn »
Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.  


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« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2003, 12:09:19 pm »
Name: Tycho

Race: Believed to be Enkidukai

Personality and allignment: A carefree vagrant that oft leaves a trail of confused faces behind.  Rarely, if ever, is serious about anything.  Tends to get involved with whatever he sees that piques his interest, regardless of whether it\'s any of his business.  Neutral Abberation.

Background: Wandering about in an all black body suit, the few travelers that see him may mistake him for an apparition in the darkness.  No one knows where Tycho came from, nor why he\'s anywhere a\'tall.  And if he knows he\'s certainly never told a soul.

Weapon: A number of spells of deception lay at his disposal.  Smoke screens, light flares, shadow blending, multi-imaging and more.  Though many of them seem like simple parlor tricks, only the most powerful mages can scry the truth from his greatest illusions.  He wields no offensive items or magic.

Strengths: Extremely agile and clever.

Weaknesses: Has no concept of how serious a situation may be.  Probably can\'t take a hit.

Anything else: [OOC] I dunno when or if I\'ll get involved in this thing (seeing as how much I\'ve done in this part of the forums), but if I do this character can at least fit in... or not fit in... just about anywhere.  And the idea is somewhat modeled after the Chesire Cat. [/OOC]

well, i did write a long post here, but then the school network ate it
I know how you feel, so if you\'re gonna do that, always work in notepad first  ;) .
« Last Edit: December 02, 2003, 02:16:12 pm by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2003, 04:19:28 pm »
Name: Kramy

Race: Kran

Age: Relatively new formed, Kramy is only 3 months old, although the substances he is made from have existed for eons.

Personality and allignment: Tries to do good whenever possible. Sometimes good gets shady though, and it is easy to trick Kramy into doing evil by explaining how it\'s good.

Background: Newly formed, Kramy is rather odd for a Kran. His intelligence is very high due to all the murcury forming his neural pathways. Reaching an intellect roughly half that of most humans, coherent speech is not much of a problem, though he still takes several minutes...or ponder over things.

Weapon: Ever since he can remember he\'s loved using staffs, pikes, and pointed things to poke stuff and get food.

Strengths: Very intelligent for a Kran, skillful in defensive combat, tough skin.

Weaknesses: Gullible, has little understanding of the world due to his age, and tends to get into lots of trouble.

Anything else: Kramy tends to get in trouble whenever he goes into towns. He just doesn\'t understand why the humans get angry when he eats parts or their paths of food. I actually don\'t know much about Planeshift, so feel free to explain stuff to Kramy(and me) as I go along. I\'ll try not to drift too far off track, and Kramy certainly isn\'t a superhero like seperot.


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« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2003, 06:05:26 pm »
Name: Natrina

Race: Enkiducai

Personality and allignment: Persuator and kind but rageful when provoked, Neutral.

Background: Daughter of Aturen, Naturina is the leader of Bloodclaw Inc.

Weapon: Claws and legs.

Strengths: Flexible and fast.

Weaknesses: Very week in taking damage.

Anything else:

"I had a dream of a Golden Darkness."
Guild Leader of The Imperial Trades.
Hail the Dark Empire


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« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2003, 06:23:45 pm »
Name: Kayto

Race: Enkiducai

Personality and allignment: Mature Enkiducai, was good willed hard working family man untill fate took him to Yliakum and turned his life upside down, hard outlook on life now, protective of younger charactors.  Neutral.

Background: trying to return to his family Kayto already skilled in blades and unarmed combat has now taken an interest in magic arts.

Weapon: Two short swords strapped to back, daggers and throwing blades. and a staff

Strengths: Flexible and fast .

Weaknesses: limited knowledge in magic (not for long!).

Anything else:
Has lost his way grives for his family and has hardend himself not to get attached to others.
My in game character\'s are Wolfshade and Kayto! no they wont try to join two different Guilds :rolleyes: !!!!


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« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2003, 08:04:47 pm »
name : morgrob

race : ylien

alignment : tends to neutral good,a usually kind person,simple for the way he spent his life up until now.

background : lost his family under dark circumstances he can only remember sometimes in his adopted and ran away.
he got taught the basics of the red and azure way,and is far from having them mastered.

weapons : none

strength : knows some red and azure magic.due to his youth on the farm he is quiet strong but doesn?t tend to use his strength.

weaknesses : he likes to communicate but is normally suspicious of strangers.once he thinks he got to know them though,he is far to confident.he has a need to find friends and share his thoughts and time with them which can be easily used against him.that may change as he grows older.
when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.