Author Topic: The legend has wings (sign up and rules)  (Read 5315 times)


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« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2003, 11:10:35 am »
Name : Andromath Spellweaver

Race : Yilkian

alignment: Lawfull Good

Back : At a young age he was sent to a mage school by his family having shown amazing natural aptitude for casting spells even at the age of three after many years of schoolnig in the aracane arts he become disiplined and poerfull able to control most magik\'s well being well versed in all forms of magick how ever he is strongest in the crystal way after many years he joined the arcane order as mere aprentice but he was soon uped to the rank of adept when the council memebers realsied how power full he was.

Weapon: He carries a stave around with him which can be used as a melle weapon to keep monsters and creatues from attacking him usualy to allow him to cast a spell to incapicatate them

Strength: a jack of all magicks But strongest in Crystal way. He is also very agile allowing him to dodge some blows and to attack very fast with his stave

Weakness : he has very low endurance whislt not being fat and over weight he skiny and a weakling very prone to dmage from swords


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« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2004, 08:03:56 am »
*Removed* (Full info in a seperate thread :) )
« Last Edit: February 13, 2004, 10:13:50 am by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2004, 12:39:30 pm »
Name: Thakaltas

Race: Enkidukai

Personality and Alignment: At least partially insane. Tends to see everything as a threat, and thusly tends towards killing over asking questions. Chaotic Neutral.

Background: Lived just outside of Hydlaa for much of his life.

Weapon: Mainly the more interesting polearms (halberds and bills). Can fight with a sword, but usually doesn\'t.

Armor: Medium armor, to allow him to move quickly as well as providing decent protection.

Strengths: Fast, agile. Good with a halberd. Infravision.

Weaknesses: Weak against magic in general. Not very resilient.


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« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2004, 04:21:06 pm »
(it\'s been a while since I\'ve participated in a RP thread, but I\'m going to give it a shot :D )

Name: Saethan

Race: Diaboli

Personality and allignment: Appears calm, quiet, neutral from the outside, often bored.  Is able to very convincingly act like he cares about you(although doesn\'t find a reason to put on this act very often).  In reality usually couldn\'t care less if the people he interacts with were alive or dead.  Chaotic neutral, as he isn\'t really out to cause any harm but his careless use of the dead can seem evil, also has a small obsession with obtaining more power.

Background: Was abandoned at a very young age, came upon a house in the middle of a forest with a very elderly man in it.  He took Saethan in, probably happy to have somebody to talk to.  He claimed to be a mage, and told story after story about both horrible and wonderful things he had done.  The stories(particuarily the darker ones) fascinated Saethan and led him to research the dark magics, research that started with scrolls he found in the man\'s house after the man had finally died of old age.  

Appearace: Wears a heavy hooded cloak that shades his face and hides his horns and tail, easily mistaken as a Ylian unless you get close enough to make out his face.  His cloak is designed to make him as un-noticeable as possible(barely noticeable if standing still in a shadow),  people tend to notice Diaboli and he doesn\'t like that.  Carries a staff that appears to be nothing more than a walking stick, with a large red prism on the top of it.

Strengths: Highly adept at dark and red magic.  His tail is also abnormally strong for a Diaboli and can be used to suprise enemies should they get close.  Has no reservations against raising the dead to fight for him.   Has natural charismatic abilties like all diaboli do, but rarely uses them except in dire situations or for controlling undead.

Weaknesses:  Not very strong, has no fighting skills beyond the suprise factor he gets with his tail sometimes.    Overall weak at close range.

This might need a little work(i.e. \'came upon a house in the middle of a forest\', how generic eh? :D).. just now made it up because none of the old characters I\'ve used for other stories sound interesting right now.

[edited to add chaotic neutral to allignment]
« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 04:23:45 am by Saethan »


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« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2004, 05:41:00 pm »
Name: Vassago

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: A person with no respect for authority, and a enourmous fear for mages. Is mostly by himself, but when he is drunk, then *damn* he is talky

Background: A son of the wealthy Sir Tyrher von Yttertaft. In his youth he was bullied around by almost all other children, this continued to the day when the other children hired a mage to take care of the \"strange\" Vassago von Ytterhaft, this was a terrible thing to do and he was left, almost dead in the middle of the day and now with a fear of magic and cursed to never get to be exposed of magic again. The rest of his life he was residing in darkness and getting used to the lack of light. He died at the age of 42 in the hands of a diabloii mage.

Weapon: Daggers, stillettos, anything short, pointy and preferably poisoned
Strengths: Wealthy, used to darkness, ambidextrous, lucky and a sixth sense which has saved him many times

Weaknesses: No magical abilities, if exposed to magic, he will probably be killed

« Last Edit: January 10, 2004, 05:50:56 pm by Vassago »
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« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2004, 12:06:38 pm »
Name: Electrokah

Race: Male Human

Personality And Allignment: comical, witty, cool, and he is also short tempered when it comes to certain things but otherwise calm, and he is lawful/good/freelancer

Background: Just a regular guy, until he reached the age of 20 which is when he started changing, he gained the super-natural power to control pure energy, his structure and skeletal system became extremly solid, and his athletic abilities greatly increased ... he could manipulate energy, like emitting focused energy beams and lightning bolts from his hands and with his newfound strength and hardened body he begain to vigorously learn Martial Arts and sword techniques for 5 long years, with Master Zenji\'s guidance and that of many other Martial Arts Masters he had became a very powerful and skilled Martial Artist, and with the knowledge of Martial Arts he could then utilize the full potential of his body, mind, and spirit, he than could run, jump, dodge, and block incredibly better than any of the Masters that trained him ever could in their wildest dreams, he had vowed to use his strengths and power for all things good and pure  

Weapon: The most incredibly strong, sharp, and lightweight double-edged broad sword ever known to exsist, it can almost cut thru adamantium

Strengths: Energy Control, and super-natural strength, power, and agility, which all are greatly enhanced by the knowledge of Martial Arts

Weaknesses: Broad Sword has trouble cutting thru adamantium, and weak when exposed to strong dark-magic, strong earth-magic, halloween, voodoo, after consuming bluecheese and liver, and any other gross food

Anything Else: Electrokah has a good sense of humor, and keen eyesight, and has recently become an animal trainer, he loves cats, should you harm a cat he will kick your ass, not anything serious just a harsh spanking with the flat of his blade, and he is a little frightened by clowns in those rainbow outfits, yeah they look like psycho\'s


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« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2004, 08:48:21 pm »
Name: Sengoku

Sex/Race: Male - Human

Age: 24

Personality And Allignment: Amazingly Calm and some would say unemotional, Lawful - Good ( he would say honourable - good).

Background: Upon his birth, he was born into an age old tradition of his village, that tradition was honour. For 16 years he trained to use the katana, the tanto, the wakazashi before being considered a man in his village, after this, 4 years later he left to seek his honour yet he never returned to his village. This training with weapons and the code of honour, this teaching gave his villages warriors a set of codes to live by, elevating them above hired killers. Those who followed the code in the true sense, never considered their own lives when entering battle, showing what they felt was true honour and loyalty.

Weapon: Katana with ancient runes running along the blades centre, also next to the Katana is his secondary weapon which is rarely drawn, the tanto (a small knife, similar in style to the katana).

Strengths: Agility, Strength, Reflexes, Code of Honour

Weaknesses: Weakness to most magic although the swords runes seem to protect him from week magical attacks and spells.

Anything Else: His most distinguishing feature is the scar that runs from the top of his right eye, all the way down his face, although he can luckily still see the scar is easy to see and he has so far never told anyone why he has such a scar and it may also lead to some questions about why he never returned to his village after this scar had appeared... He also seems to have some skills with the arts, such as poetry, writing, drawing, painting.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2004, 08:49:34 pm by neotepz »
Sengoku - Ashigaru Samurai of the Kenzuke Guild


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« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2004, 10:09:32 am »
Did anyone notice almost all characters have more a less the same weaknesses (Bad in/against magic or physically weak)?


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« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2004, 08:52:16 pm »
amazingly, yes.

i think the weakness in magic was to stress the weakness to the mage, seropot or something like that (soprry bad with names)
Sengoku - Ashigaru Samurai of the Kenzuke Guild


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« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2004, 10:24:26 am »
Hope you guys don\'t mind if I join in a little late!
(I figured out a way to come back from the dead though)

Name: Monketh

Race: Dermorian

Personality and allignment: Rational, a centrist kind of guy

Background: One of the Master Rangers.  Like many in Yliakum, he woke up one day and was picked up by a guild.

Weapon: An assortment of throwing kinves, a longish dagger, a rapier, and anything lying about.

Strengths: No apparent general strengths, other than sword forging
Weaknesses: Food

Anything else: Revived by cult to be used as a sacrifice, thusly lives.  Clothed in dark cloak (with hood).
« Last Edit: January 28, 2004, 10:25:12 am by Monketh »
The key to manipulative bargaining is to ask for something twice as big as what you want, then smile and nod when you are talked down to your original wish. You are still young, my apprentice, and have much to learn in the ways of the force. -UtM


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« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2004, 10:23:51 pm »
Name: Kuiper

Race: Male - Xacha

Personality/Alignment: Kind, nice, mildly shy, and sometimes over-optimistic. Filling up with anger

Backround: About 17 years ago, when Kuiper was born, he lived a good life for a while. His father was an accountant at the nearby gold bank and his mother make tapestries for royal families. But after a few years later his father had died from a terrible disease and his mother had to died from this disease. He knew there was nothing left. He then left to become a monk, where he only chose to train with hand-worn weapons. Since then hes been quiet and angry but never showing it, fillied with anger, he uses that anger into the power of his punches.

Strengths: After years of meditation he has become very tolerant of magic attacks and has pretty strong melee attacks.

Weaknesses: Has almost no experience in ranged weapons, or any bladed weapons; e.g: Swords, Daggers, Axes, polearms included.

Anything else: Has knowledge in Herblaw, skills in Pharmacy, and healing.

Weapon: Anything that is worn on your hands, whether it be combat gloves, claws, gauntlets, or knuckles. But specifically, these here. Gauntlets with silver spikes.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2004, 10:26:59 pm by Kuiper7986 »
My name is NOT pronounced, \"Kway-per,\" it\'s pronounced \"Kye-per.\"


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« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2004, 02:57:57 am »
Name: Syzerian

Race/sex: Male Dermorian

Personality/Allignment: Good, trustworthy, honorable, quiet

Backround: Banished from old homeland for herecy(sp?) and taken to hydlaa by a necromancer

Weapon: long bow, weak lightning and healing magic, spear

Strengths: a master with a bow and arrow, immune to ice and cold, fast and agile, weak lightning and healing magic

Weaknesses: close combat, fire, cant swim

anything else: demorian night seeing ability, follows no religion
« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 03:01:11 am by Syzerian »


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« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2004, 01:07:48 am »
Name: Phanx
Race: Kran

Personality: Phanx is as dumb as a brick with a childlike innocence; easily duped and quick to forgive. He (deferring to the male pronoun) is extremely loyal to his friends, and he is quick to help any creature he sees being unjustly harmed.

Strengths: Phanx has the usual strengths of the Kran race.

Weaknesses: Phanx has an unusually high craving for rubies, which he will gobble up at any given opportunity.

Weapon: Kran is a pacifist, and only believes in empty-handed fighting.  He is a skilled martial artist.

Background: Kran left his homeland in search of enlightenment, joined The Brotherhood of the Holy Crystal, and is serving all other sentient beings while residing chiefly in Hydlaa.


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« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2004, 02:13:47 pm »
Name: Zaeku

Race/gender: Enkidukai/male

Personality/alignment: cold, uncaring, arrogant, never speaks unless required to or listener is a close friend, loyal, obedient/ neutral-evil...following commands

Strengths: Strong, agile, uses magic to alter lighting in areas...whether it is azure-illusion way or crystal way-light or dark way, skilled in hand to hand combat

Weaknesses: wears no armour for any available extra speed...defence is extremely low, no magical/physical resistances of any kind

Equipment: Steel gloves, gauntlets etc ommiting claws, may be barbed or spiked, dark hooded cloak so shadows take full effect

Backround: mercenary, currently employed by mysterious cloaked figure.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2004, 08:36:48 am by mercenary »


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« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2004, 07:01:35 pm »
Name: Nuc

Race: Kran

Personality and allignment: Lawful-Evil. Thinks he\'s the best, always right (but usually isn\'t overtly arrogant). Strong believer of Talad, and considers Laanx and his believers as a danger. Dislikes every other race besides his own. He can get into rages over minor things and going berserk. He never actually trust anyone, always on the watch, but expects others to trust him as he feels himself as trustworthy.

Background: Nuc was created before the other races came to Yliakum, and remmembers how they came in and acted as if it\'s their home. He trained in combat by his own. He was an apprentice to a Ylian weapons blacksmith in his teenhood.

Weapon: A big battle axe he forged on his own in 6 months. He took alot of time and effort into forging it, fitting every tiny aspect of it to him and his needs thus increasing it\'s strength when it\'s in his hands. He\'s pretty much ok with maces and war hammers, and terrible with anything else.

Strengths: Strong (even compared to other Krans), well trained in combat.

Weaknesses: Slow, not agile.

Anything else: The general pros and cons of Krans applies to him, of course.
September 23rd, 2004 19:52:38 UTC
<+Grakrim> I have a legal copy of Windows XP Pro.

October 19th, 2004 24:43:02 UTC
I have copies of [Windows] 3.1, 3.11, 95, and 98, too. Not to mention various versions of MS-DOS