Author Topic: The legend has wings  (Read 11611 times)


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The legend has wings
« on: November 30, 2003, 05:58:56 am »
The Legend Has Wings
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The Legend Has Wings

Legend has it that many years ago, Talad formed 6 crystals. Each representing a different way of sorcery, and each imbued with an essence of his divine power, the Great Ebony God gave these crystals to his loyal followers so that he would become the one true God through their use and reverence. However, Laanx soon learned of this. She cursed the crystals with her own dark essence, and from then on, those mortals who called upon the magic of the crystals would suffer great mental and physical torture, and that pain would feed her own power. The crystals had become a double-edged sword to behold, and because of this, the followers of Talad banished the crystals to where it was thought they would never be seen or used again...
Hundreds of years later, another part of this legend has been unearthed. It is said that the bearer of all 6 crystals would obtain Godlike power and become an immortal being, perhaps even rivalling Laanx and Talad themselves. Even the average Kran is smart enough to realise that becoming a divine being would negate the curse of the crystals, and thus a power struggle between the major guilds and peoples of Yliakum has begun.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2003, 06:00:52 am by KwartzTheKran »

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« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 08:26:03 pm »
Moogie awoke to the dull sound of rain at the window. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, pausing for a second to gather her sleepy thoughts. The girl pulled her quilt from the bed as she got up and moved towards the window, and sighed.

It\'s been five days... when will the rain stop...?

Moogie plodded lazily downstairs and made some breakfast, before dressing up warmly and venturing out into the rain-drenched streets of Hydlaa City. It didn\'t take long for the Feline to soak through as she dashed towards the marketplace, basket in hand, to do her weekly shopping.

What a horrid day... She thought miserably. The marketplace was almost bare and the gutters were overflowing with rainwater, creating streams that wove across streets and collected into deep pools where the roads dipped. Its no wonder that nobody\'s trying to sell goods in these conditions... It was stupid to even leave the house today!

The feline turned back and began running home. She found a sheltered alleyway nearby and decided to rest for a while, wondering where she could go to buy some bread to see her through one more day of rain, when a sudden explosion a few blocks away rocked the ground violently. Moogie cried out in suprise as she was thrown to the ground. She squeezes her eyes shut and covered her head in fear of falling debris untill the tremors ceased, which lasted so long she was afraid they would never end.

My god..! Are we being attacked?? Moogie\'s mind raced, as she picked herself up off the wet floor. Above the houses across the street, the girl could see a thick cloud of black smoke rising from the direction of the explosion. Immediately, Moogie began worrying about the possibility of casualties, and she ran towards the scene of the blast as fast as she could, her mind already preparing a range of healing incantations for the injured.

End Note: I have no idea where this could possibly go... so good luck. I thought I\'d take the first chapter seeing as nobody else was. ;)


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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2003, 03:04:02 am »
I\'ll go next.I suggest you read my charachter profile in the sign up thread so that the context is clearer.Anywho, here\'s my bit:

The Bowels of Hydlaa

\"Damn these incompetent mercenary mages!\" grumbled Auran as he advanced from behind the crumbled walls. The building had been razed in the explosion.\"What is the world coming to if a mage cant control the yield of his fire ball!!\" he muttered glancing at the mangled corpses of his two hired mages. His intention had been to have a hole blown into the building floor to access the ancient sewer system that ran beneath the city of Hydlaa.

Few knew about these sewers now. Of those who did, most tried to forget, and only a handful ever ventured into them. Still fewer returned from such adventures and were always stark mad from unnamed horrors they had experienced in its depths. This is how Auran chanced upon the secret of the sewers. In his wanderings he had come upon a mad man in the southern port city of Lorna. Among his insane ravings a few words and phrases caught Auran\'s fancy. The man spoke of Dark powers, powers over life and death. He also spoke of \"the Vermin Keeper\" and horrors beyond the comprehension of mortals. Auran knew this was somehow linked to him and he had to know more. Having followed the man into a dingy deserted ally and  rendering him unconsious, Auran came upon a old parchment while rummaging through his rags. This parchment was a faded and tattered map of the Hydlaa sewers and spoke of an ancient artifact of immense power hidden in its bowels.

For years the parchment had lain in a chest among other strange things Auran had gathered in his travels. Now that he was in Hydlaa he intended to investigate it further. But unfortunately the secrecy of his task was now in peril thanks to the blundering mages. Something had to be done and quick.

The rain had paused and the clouds parted. Auran peered down the gaping hole. A gurgling noise seemed to come from some deep faraway passage in the sewers. The light through the hole showed strange glistening jellies clinging  to the passage walls. Ugly unnatural plants and moulds clung to the recesses amid the crumbling masonry. They had shrivelled up and grown blotched where the light fell. A black trickle ran at the sewer bottom which could easily have been putrifying blood instead of foul water. A nauseating stench emanated from it.

None of this flustered Auran. He had seen things stranger and far more horrid. Even after hundreds of years in this realm he had dreams of faraway lands. Of lands fair and lush, lands harsh and barren, fiery pits, dark caverns with fetid pools of rotting flesh, countless things beautiful or vile beyond measure. He couldn\'t recall clearly but he knew he had seen and heard more than he remembered.  

Turning his attention to the task at hand he prepared to enter the sewers, when he heard footfalls behind him. He darted into the shadows just in time to see a enkidukai head peer through the broken doorway. As the head drew back he recognised it as Mogura.\" Grab shovels and prying bars\" a voice sounded outside. A fair crowd seemed to have gathered. Seizing the opportunity at hand, Auran jumped through the hole and dissappeared in the darkness of the sewers just as the rescue workers came in.

FIN for now

Take it away me amigos:). I suggest everyone put in a chapter title for the part they write.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 11:00:10 am by Auran »

Auran. No More.
Forget you ever knew me kid.


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« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2003, 07:44:25 am »
KA-BOOM Seperot sat up from his bed to the sound.  he quickly gatherd his wits and knew what it was. BOOM-Snap the door flung open and 5 kran charged into the house. the Feline ran for his dresser grabs some cloths and a crystal. \"You\'ll never have it NEVER!!!\" the rogue yelled down the stairs as sepeort opend his hidden passegeway to the grond floor. more kran emerged from the front door and charged around the house leaving 1 at the door. He had to take the risk and charged at the Kran. The kran looked dumbfound in surprise that anyone whould charge at him and was even more  surprised when the enki dived through his legs. Seperot then used a small fire ball spell on his house useing the crystal. Seprots body when numb with pain for a minuet befor runing to his Magaras. and flew off to his guild HQ he had to find the rest.

short and crap :P


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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2003, 08:38:38 am »
[Edited: Ah nevermind... this can make sense, somehow... *pastes text back into the post*]

It took several hours to fully tend to the wounded at the scene of the explosion. Two mages, whos allegiance and names were as yet unknown, had died instantly. The authorities had been quick to declare the blast an \'accidental misuse of advanced magics\', claiming the caster wasn\'t powerful enough to control the spell he conjured.

Moogie was exhausted. Her energy had all but been completely drained. At the suggestion of one of the victims who\'s wounds she\'d healed, the girl wandered across the street to sit on one of the brick walls that seperated each building\'s entranceways.

I\'ll just rest for five minutes... there may be more... Moogie was suddenly knocked down as a figure crashed into her, himself tumbling over several times before regaining his feet and continuing down the road in a mad dash. Moogie looked onwards in shock for a second. A man with a shovel waved his fist angrily as several others rushed over to pick the feline up off the floor. It had happened so fast, nobody quite knew what happened or who had knocked the healer down.

\"Are you okay, Miss? What rudeness, some people...\" They fussed. Moogie nodded gratefully, still shaken but otherwise undisturbed. Her hand wandered to her neck as she walked over to the wall and rested against it. She frowned in annoyance. Where was it? She felt all around her neck, and finding nothing, Moogie\'s eyes widened in panic.

\"Ah... my pendant! Where is it?\" The girl scanned the floor where she had been knocked over... nothing. She hurried back to where she had been tending the wounded but it was nowhere to be found. She thought hard.

\"Have you lost something, Miss?\" One of the workers asked.

When that man knocked me over... I felt a tug at my neck... oh no! With a gasp, Moogie turned and bolted in the direction of the thief. No! No I can\'t lose it!

\"Come back!!\" She yelled into the mist, before disappearing into it.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 10:14:58 am by Moogie »


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« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2003, 11:11:56 am »
Draklar was sitting in his usual place in the Kada-El\'s tavern. Sticking to the bottle of morimatra wine, he tried to catch any late rumours from the local drunkards. \"That some people find every hour a good hour to get drunk\" - he thought. They were talking pretty loud, making it even easier for Draklar to track their conversation. Those people weren\'t drunk that much, so most of stuff they were saying might be considered as truth. Still... nothing of Draklar\'s interest was mentioned. He shruged and started searching his pouch. A couple of trias jangled on the table as Draklar got up from the chair. Ri\'Miyan, the local waitress, rushed to take the payment. \"Oh well...\" - he thought - \"It seems tis going to be another borin...\" - While walking out of tavern, loud explosion interrupted his thoughts. He immediately turned towards source of explosion. There was black smoke rising above the roofs. Few of the barflies passed him, rushing to see what happen. \"What now\"? - he asked in annoyence and one moment later started walking slowly towards the source of smoke.

While getting closer he was thinking what could cause such a explosion. \"Could it be another careless alchemist? Probably... though explosion was much louder than last time.\" Draklar wasn\'t in rush to see what happened. He had other things to worry about and even now, his thoughts were aiming in their direction. Suddenly he noticed a shape, someone was running quickly towards him. For few seconds mist was disallowing him to catch any details. When the person got a little closer, Draklar finally noticed more. The person obviously was running away from something. Holding an object in hand, he was glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. It was more than obvious what happened. \"Damn vulture\" - he said, grasping his sword\'s hilt. Just as the man was passing him he swinged his sword, hitting person\'s legs and making him trip in same moment. He crouched to take the object from stranger\'s hand. The man was still alive, but unconscious. He looked at the object. \"Moogie\" - he said while standing up. Not caring about the injured, he hid his sword back into the sheath on his back and walked away. It didn\'t take long to meet the owner of object, in front of him there was Moogie herself. Not saying anything, he threw the pendant to Moogie\'s feet and passed her in silence. Finally he got to the source of explosion. There was large crowd around the building. Pushing everyone on his way away, he got to the hole in floor. Looking into it, he had only one thing to say: \"What the hell?\"

ooc: now back to the main topic ;)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 11:14:57 am by Draklar »
AKA Skald


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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 11:54:05 am »
Strange things are happening to me

It had started off a confusing day for Kwartz.* An explosion in the centre of town had people running past him away from the noise screaming, a few seconds later more people were running back the other way, this time towards the noise. Whilst following the crowd (behind 5 kran as it were.) He was just about to enter an old house where the rest went when an angry looking enkidukai ran towards him screaming, a few seconds later Kwartz found himself stood in the doorway of a house in tatters... he reasoned that it was better not to think any more about it, these things could give him headaches for months... He picked up his \'HeLLp FoURE hYEr\' sign and hung it around his neck, everyone has to eat...

* Everyday is a confusing day when your 9 ft, made of solid stone and yet cant seem to reason why when you flap your arms you fail to fly.

(I like the way this is going, several storylines all meeting, when this is more in depth i think ill put them in a more sensible order though =)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2003, 02:29:54 pm by KwartzTheKran »

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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2003, 11:54:13 am »
The road had been long, too long. Keldorn wasn\'t sure anymore if his feet were even moving since he lost any feeling in them about 3 hours ago.
But he couldn\'t stop here, he had almost reached Hydlaa, he could allready see the temple of Laanx towering over the many houses. A magnificent view to say the least. With what power he had left in his body he moved on, keeping his eyes on the city that came closer and closer now.

Keldorn walked about ten minutes on, now he could see smoke coming from the chimneys of the houses. Aah, the city. I\'ve heard tales about it, busy streets, merchants at every corner. What a sight it will be.  -- Keldorn thought.
Keldorn had never really ventured outside the safety of the small village where he had grown up. The small village had been his home for his entire youth, and he would most likely have lived out his entire life there if he didn\'t have such a need for adventure in his blood.
The tales he had heard from the travelers that sometimes stayed for a night in their village made Keldorn curious about this mysterious outside world, but of all the stories they had to tell, Keldorn was most interested in the stories about this city, this city called Hydlaa. The biggest and most beatifull city of the realms. If he would ever leave his home, that would be his first adventure. Reach the city that had allready taken shape in his head: Hydlaa.
Keldorn could now see people standing at the gates, by the looks of them they had traveled from far away. Their clothes looked worn from travel, dirty. Not much unlike his own he noticed as he looked down to reach inside his bag for some water.
They were merchants if he was not mistaken. They had large caravans with in them what looked like cloths.
They seemed to be talking to some guards standing at the gates.
Keldorn now was close enough to overhear their conversation: \"I\'m sorry, but you cannot go through that street. There has been an accident there, some sort of an explosion. You\'ll have to go around it.\" the guard said to the merchant.
\"But that will take me too much time! I have to deliver these goods in half an hour, I am allready late!\" the merchant replied, shouting.

Keldorn walked past the guards and merchants, they didn\'t seem to notice him. Since he wasn\'t that large anyway. So, an explosion? I have a feeling this city is going to get pretty interesting. -- Keldorn thought and smiled.
As he entered the city he could see tens of people walking in all directions, people talking to eachother. Merchants yelling across the streets.
It seemed like chaos to Keldorn, like the world was about to end and everyone was rushing to save themselves.
Allthough Keldorn had a feeling that he was the only one noticing the chaos, City folk  -- he thought.

Walking down the street he saw several guards rushing down the street, they seemed to be in a hurry. \"Quick, to the site of the accident\"; the leader yelled.
The accident?  -- Keldorn thought, Must be that explosion, could be worth checking out.
Keldorn\'s curiousity was too great, he had to know what was going on. Just a young boy, a sword he had inherited, and a unsationable need for adventure.

Keldorn followed the guards, running after them with all the strength he had left in his tired body.
Finally he could see black smoke, a lot of people were at the site. Hurrying back and forth.
Several people were standing around some hole, looking down.
Keldorn approached the hole, slowly.
Looking down he could not see much. His eyes had too much trouble seeing through the smoke which was still covering most of the entire place. Suddenly he heard something beside him: \"What the hell?\", someone said beside him.

Keldorn looked to his side, there was a Dermorian standing there, looking down the hole aswell.
The Dermorian, now noticing he was being watched, looked at Keldorn.
Keldorn, not so sure what to say said: \"D- Do you know what happened here?\"
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 12:31:45 pm by Keldorn »


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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2003, 12:25:00 pm »
THE day had come. it was time......

i was young then, and we were a rare commodity and need for my severcies were few any far between, but the pay would be enough for life times

the \"job\" wasn\'t simple as i would have liked, my target was as elusive as they get , for months we played a cat and mouse game, it was as if he knew i was comming for him. time and time again he had out smarted me. however i knew he would slip make a mistake and i would get to him

that day had come sooner than i imagined , i had traced him down to a taveren it was out of the way and the authorties would be too far away to save him or ever know what happened  

the lock was easy to pick, tavs didnt offer have much in secruity for its customes. I opened the door slowly my monent lay at hand.
\"helo, please do come in,\" the voice beckoned it had that raspy feel \" Ive been expecting you \"  
i was shocked, dumb folded he couldent ,have he cant no!!!
\"Yes ! \" he said almost as if he was reading my mind \" but i did expect you to arive latter, it seems that i under estimated you dear Balac \"
HE knew my name BUT how ! ive never used outside help as i considered my self to be in the best of the best in my field there couldent been a leak even my employer did not know !
\"you can come in its safe ive havent done anything to the room thoses pesky owners would have charged me extra\"
his voice sounded asuring trustable , i entered even though my mind was screaming not for me to enter
\"you must be looking for this too \" his skinny frial hand placed the \'package\' on to the table beside him
\"years ago ive been entrusted with the task of keeping this crystal,\" his eyes looked stright at me they penetrated my mind \" and iam afraid the crystal does not accpet me and i therefore i must chose a new barear for the crystal before i leave this plane.\"
\"but how did .... you know.... how could you kn ... \"
\"Beacuse i was the one who hired you,\" the old man smiled as he saw the confusion on my face
\"The past months you have suceded the challanges and traps that i have set for you,\" i rembered one trip wire trap that lunched a salvo of bolts at me \" i belive you deem worthy of bareing the crystal or at least my part of it \"
\"but why .... why me ? \"
\"becaue the crystal chose You,\" i was getting no where i barely understod him and what did he mean by \'my part of it\' \"in time it will reveal to you what you must do.\"
\"now you my friend must do what ive payed you to do,\" he smiled \"you have to kill me now.\"

he opend his arms as if receiving me and closed his eyes and that was the last thing he ever did
i picked up the crystal from the round table and soon as my finger tip touched the crystal a pain i fought aginst it but it like a creeping vine it was slowly encloseing my soul and my mind wanted to scream but it blocked my mind then it all became claer ... it told me what i had to do and i obyed

now it was time ... time to return to hydlla city

hope u guys liked it :)
Originally posted by DepthBlade
I am not as good as you with posting totally random pointless things that neither are relative or make any sense.


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« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2003, 12:54:18 pm »
Good move all. Lets stick to the original storyline *Looks angrily at seperotX( :P*. Here\'s the second installment of my narrative:

The Lord of Flies

Auran trudged on in the Darkness. He could feel the slime sucking beneath the soles of his boots. He could see better in the dark than most but these passages were dark with an unnatural darkness. A solid darkness. A darkness that could almost be felt. Auran avoided striking a light as long as he was unsure if its glow might be visible from the hole. He advanced roughly making for the gurgling noise in the distance relying on senses other than vision.  

The sewer went on straight and downward inclined for a fair distance and then turned sharply right. Auran could hear tiny creatures scurrying about. He could feel numerous tiny eyes watching him. The stench had grown even stronger. The sewers turned left again and Auran decided it was safe enough to strike a light. Still he paused and listened to make sure no one had followed him. The passage ways were silent save the pitterpatter of tiny feet, the ocaasional squeek and the dripping of slime from the walls in muffled plops. Nothing else seemed to stir. It was silence save for the distant gurgling which had grown a bit closer.

The crystal embedded in the hilt of his Vorpal Sword lit up. The passage was filled with a eery blue glow. He could see the moulds and jellies grow even thicker here. Small rodent like creatures, warty and bloated, lurked in the shadows among the crumbling brickwork while  slug like creatures slowly crawled among the slime. He could catch glimpses of various small creatures trapped in the jellies, being digested. In a bigger blob of Ochre jelly he even thought he glimpsed a human jaw bone and a hand. He looked towards his feet. The small trickle of thick fluid he had seen earlier had grown broader. He soon realised the cause. The liquid was oozing from the walls where the slime stuck and feeding the stream.

He paid little mind to the details having seen this and more before. Deeper he went into the labyrinth in the bowels of Hydlaa. It had been a steady descent throughout if not a sharp one. The gurgling had grown stronger and almost seemed around the corner. A faint light appeared to come from behind the next turn. The crystal went dark as Auran twisted it. He carefully crept close keeping against the wall.

The sewer channel came to an abrupt end as the floor fell away. Auran went down on his knees and crept on. The black fluid formed a putrid waterfall as it plunged over the ledge into a ring shaped pool forty feet below. This was a massive circular hall. Auran could make out twenty other sewer channels opening into it, feeding the vile pool below with the black liquid. Its roof was still ten feet above his position supported by four massive pillars of stone. Large slugs clung to these pillars for at least ten feet above the floor. The glow he had percieved came from the center of this hall. In the center of the pool, on an island of stone, stood a huge iron statue. The form of a humanoid with compound eyes of a fly ,tentacles issueing from its scalp and eight insectlike arms. A massive iron slug was near its feet. The groud around it was littered with skeletons. It was too far to make out their races and indeed the need was little. Auran recognised this place. It was a shrine to Baalzebub, the lord of flies, the slug duke. A diety mostly unknown in these realms. In front of the statue was a stone altar and on it lay a large Black crystal. Despite being black it seemed to glow in all the chromatic components at once. It was this radiance that filled the chamber.\"Obviously a offering to the lord by a devotee\" thought Auran. \"I wonder how a sect of devil worsippers came to be here and whatever happened to them?\" thought he. But this wasn\'t the time for idle speculation. \"I must get down there\" he muttered to himself.

Fin again.

Hey how about that chapter title idea!!?

Auran. No More.
Forget you ever knew me kid.


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« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2003, 01:21:57 pm »
The rain fell from the hollow sky once again. Moogie sat quietly in a quaint little caf? a few streets away from the accident. Infront of her, a small cup of coffee; the liquid spinning to the motion of her spoon as she stirred it idly.

So carelessly... he just threw it on the ground. And he didn\'t even look at me... he used to have such a sparkle in his eyes... She mused. One hand, as always, was caressing the pendant she almost lost, the enigmatic stone she seemed to love so dearly.

Maybe he doesn\'t remember me. It\'s been a long time. The Enkidukai frowned as she remembered her old friend and she took a sip from the cup. Other faces floated by, people she had not seen in so long. Many guilds had called upon their members a while ago and left to faraway lands, admidst rumours of great wars between those who wanted to control the legendary Crystals.

Ahh... those... I wonder if Seperot managed to find that one yet... Moogie was so deep in thought that she didn\'t even notice when a stranger appeared in the caf? and sat down opposite her with his own cup. He paused to glance at her for a second, before deciding she must be mad, or blind, or both, and turned his attention to his newspaper.

Moogie continued to explore her thoughts, each one clumsily arguing for her attention and making little sense in the process. Her absent gaze drifted to the cover of the newspaper infront of her, and slowly, she focused on the headline.

\"RANGERS GUILD FINDS 2 CRYSTALS IN ANCIENT CRYPT!\" It announced. This perked the feline\'s interest, and pulling herself out of her musings, she began reading the passage. It talked briefly about the origins, purpose, and power of the crystals, before going on to mention the people involved in the exploration of the crypt, its location and other miscellaneous details.

The stranger peeked over the top of the paper to find her staring at the writing. With a cough, he sat up and folded it away. Moogie snapped back into the world and sat up straight in her chair as he left his seat and headed for the exit.

How strange...

Note: If you want to join in the story at this point, feel free to be the stranger in the caf?. I like making opportunities for people to enter the storyline. :)

Also note: Changes made so that something in the future of Sep\'s storyline makes sense. It\'s much better this way. :)


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« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2003, 03:05:22 pm »
Seperot fumbeld with his keys as he ran to The Rangers Guild  HQ but as he ran closer he saw the door was broken open. The rogue slowed down. was he too late? he swung open the doorto find a bloody masecare his whole guild dead. Seperot paniced and ran inside \"GRAKRIM!!! MONKETH!!!\" he kept yelling as he ran though. he chouldent find them dead bodys or live ones. he eventually found a groupof enemys dead he checked ther emblem on ther shirts and realised the faction but dident know there name he had to find info so he chould save grakrim and monketh...if they wherent dead yet.

The rogue landed in kada\'s tavern and wandered into the far corner not looking around as he when.he figured he\'d ask questions after a stiff drink.


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« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2003, 03:13:04 pm »
TJ left the cafe feeling a little annoyed at Moogie not recognising him despite his attempts to get her attention. Heading through the bustling city streets TJ made his way to the city gates and began to barter for supplies with merchants being stopped there, the supplies being for the reason he had decided to take rest in Hyldaa

Being a magician himself the idea of the Crystals he had heard so much about was something that could not be ignored... godlike power was the aim of all dark magic users and at last there might be a way to achieve it he thought as he packed the food into a bag over his shoulder and attached the waterskins to his belt.

\"Best place to start is the crypt I suppose\" TJ said to himself, hoping clues to other Crystal locations might be there, shortly after he half sighed to himself \"The willd is no place for a mage of my stature..\" and began to set off into the wilds outside Hlydaa, hoping no one else would be at the crypt, at least not for the same reasons as him.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 03:18:45 pm by TJ_2000 »


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« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2003, 04:27:20 pm »
\"D- Do you know what happened here?\" - the Enkidukai asked. Draklar glanced at the hole once again and shaked his head: \"I have no idea... I heard the explosion and just got here. Well one thing\'s for sure... it was no alchemist\" - he noticed surprised look on Enkidukai\'s face - \"Nevermind\". Draklar crouched and looked deeply into the hole. He tried to catch any view from the inside, when dead-cold thrill started spreading over his body. He couldn\'t take it, Draklar closed his eyes and moved away from the hole. \"Definitely... Definitely not alchemist... There\'s something very evil about that place\" Suddenly, Draklar recalled things he heard in the tavern few days ago. Some adventurers were talking about some cursed crystals. Since then he heard other news about them, but he didn\'t really believe that anyone could find them. The thought to explore this darkness was very tempting, but without right equipment it had no sense. Indeed, Draklar was meant to stay in Hydlaa just for few hours. He would be on his way to nearby fortress by now, if not for the explosion. Draklar stood up and turned to the enkidukai \"well... I\'m going, good luck finding out what happened, kid\". And so, he went to the Dark Empire fortress. Not only to equip himself, but also report what he found out.
AKA Skald


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« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2003, 05:37:09 pm »
Keldorn descents down the hole

Keldorn watched the Dermorian turn his back and walk away. Keldorn frowned, Strange , he thought. Why was he so afraid of this hole?  It only made Keldorn more curious as to what was down there.
Keldorn turned to the hole again and got on his knees. Trying to see anything, or atleast something that would make him understand a bit more what the Dermorian was talking about.
When he got on his knees all he noticed was a foul smell coming from the hole, Keldorn immediatly got back straight up again and took a few steps back. Holding his paw before his nose.

But Keldorn\'s curiousity only got bigger, wasn\'t this what he came down here for? Adventure? The hole was starting to look more and more irresistable, he just had to know what was down there.
A more wise man would probably not have gone down and used his common sense, but Keldorn was strange to these parts, and not very clever. He acted on impulse and on his desire for adventure.

Keldorn looked around, most of the people were busy tending to the wounded or trying to clean up the mess lying everywhere.
Keldorn looked to the hole again, a moment of doubt, maybe fear, overfell him.
The hole looked dangerous, it probably was.
But his curiousity got the better of him again. Keldorn quickly scanned the area. Noone was looking, from the shadows he quickly made a run for the hole.

Clinging on the inside wall of the hole he scaled down it, looking down to see where he was going.
The smell was getting more intense with every meter he went down in the hole. When he finally felt solid ground he let go of the wall.

Keldorn stood still for a few seconds as he let his eyes adjust to the darkness, Slowly he started to see shapes form.
Never had he seen anything like this, there seemed to be certain .. things growing on the walls. The foul stench was still present.
Logic told Keldorn that this would have to be some sort of sewer, Keldorn allready was sorry that he made such a stupid decision on coming down here.
Getting stuck in a sewer was not really one of the most heroic things. He tried to scale back up the wall, but it was too slippery. Keldorn fell back down in a puddle of some thick black substance.
Keldorn got back up, cursing under his breath. Now he was even more dirty than he allready was, this turned out to be a lot less fun than he thought it would be.

There seemed to be no other solution than to venture on into the sewers, there must be something down here, he thought, trying to find some good in his current situation.