Author Topic: Big Brother  (Read 744 times)

ninkwi njadro

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Big Brother
« on: March 21, 2002, 07:59:16 am »
Chapter one: The orphin  

I remember it like it was the day of yesterday. I always looked up to my big brother. ever since the day we first met.

I never knew my parents. maybe they abended me maybe not. Maybe they were killed, maybe obducted. I just can\'t get my mind of it. I have to know. Luckily I was found by two dermorians. Aare was like a mother to me just like I tought of Isilme as my father. They named me ninkwi njadro. Ever since they took me home the villagers started to ignore them. They were different. I was different. Isilme tought me to hunt just like Aare tought me the silent path.

I still regret the day it happend. I was walkin to school and as usual the other dermorian kids were picking on me.Especially the one named Alda Then something inside me snapped. I just couldn\'t take it. Nothing more. For fifteen years I had been taking it. But no more. I shouted from the top of my longs:\"ALDA CUT IT OUT!\". I drew my wooden practice sword and I smacked on his nose with all my strength. Alda fell almost immediatly. Blood poring out of his nose. It covered almost the whole path. He was just lying there not moving. all the other kids where yellin and crying. I dropped on my knees. what had I done. He had no right to pick on me. But I almost killed him. Then the villagers came out of their houses. they probably heared the screams. \"Uh O\" I said to myself as I saw Taule Alda\'s father coming. When he saw Alda lying on the floor he yelled:\"WHO DID THIS?? \"IT WAS YOU WASEN\"T IT!!\" he said while pointing at me. Then I got up and ran away as fast as I could. He tried to catch me but I was too fast. I just kept running and running.

That\'s what happend. It was four years ago but I remember it like yesterday.

ooc: this just a lil biography for my character and I will finish it today or tommorow
« Last Edit: March 21, 2002, 08:17:59 am by ninkwi njadro »

ninkwi njadro

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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2002, 09:12:17 am »
Chapter two: Heru  

after I ran a whole day I arrived in a town. I lived there for a year among a pack of thieves. Together we stole a lot. In the begin I did it to survive. But I started it to like too much. One day we decided to break into the dojo in town. we tought we would get a good price for the weapons that were there. I always had to go in first because I had mastered the silent path Aare tought me. after Ango picked the lock on the backdoor I walked in first as usual. Inside was a big training room. It was almost empty except for one or two wooden swords. Ango was still standing by the door with all the others\"well there\'s nothing in this room walk on\". I walked trough the room silently not making a single sound. I saw another room it was dark inside. I slowly walked towards it. I walked in and I was looking for a candle but there weren\'t any. i saw something movin. \"No ninkwi you just imagined it\" I said to my self. suddenly someone or something grabbed me. I shouted out:\" Ango help me someone HELP!!\". I heared the thing that grabbed me breatging. \"calm down\" it said \"I\'m not going to hurt you\" it took me back into the other room. The room with the wooden swords. it released me. when I turned around I saw it wasn\'t a monster it was just an old man wearing a black kimono his hair was grey and he had a bold spot right on top of his head.\"where did you learn the silent path boy?\" the old man said.\" none of your buisness\" I bravely said. But inside I was still scared. \" well I think I must just bring you to the guards\" the old man said.\" No no not the guards, I will tell you. My mother tought me\". \"hmm that\'s strange an enkidukai woman who mastered the silent path\". \" My mother is not an enkiduaki. well my real mother is but I do not know her. I am an orphin. I was raised by dermorians. but the villagers didn\'t like me so they scared me away\" after explaining the old man everything he said:\"well I see your not a bad kid at all if you want you can live with me. my name is Heru\".

for four years he trained me in the art of dual wield. He gave me two katana\'s. He fed me tought me he treated me like I was his own son. But one day, I remember very well.I was about twenty years old. We were training in the courtyard when suddenly i heared the sound of flapping wings. There were pterosaurs aproaching. Heru walked outside to see I followed him we were standing in front of the dojo. The pterosaurs landed before us. it were about 15 of them all carrying fierce looking warriors. one of them I noticed was a white enkidukai he was in front. they all got of and walked towards us the white enkidukai leading up front. He drew a big sword I recocnized it.It was a dadao, Heru tought me that. he was standing in front of Heru. He pointed his dadao at Heru and said:\"you old man give me your money and all your weapons\". I then walked towards the two men standing there and I stood in between, between heru and the dadao. \"No I said. What are you doing here get out!\". the enkidukai laughed:\"haha and what are going to do o stop me?\". \"Fight you\" I said. he laughed again and slapped me in the face. I fell on the floor. \" I am giving you one last change old man do as I say or die\". \" he hacked his sword into Heru\'s side. Heru the old man as he was didn\'e saw it coming. Heru slowly dropped to the ground.As i saw this I just saw blackness before my eyes. I was so mad. I got up drew my two katana\'s and hacked away. I killed one of the gang members and another. they never saw it coming. when suddenly when i was fighting one ogf them The enkidukai leader came between us. He attacked me. I was parrying his attacks one after another. Then I attacked. but he was a skilled fighter he was able to dodge my attacks. all of them except one I slashed his right arm. He then grabbed his arm and screamed in pain. I raised my sword to do the finishing blow when all of the sudden I hear someone behind me say:\"you two halt you are under arrest\" I looked behind me and saw a lot of guards approaching quickly. I turned around to finish the leader. when i saw a sword coming right at my face I tried to dodge. but the sword just hit me above my right eye. the cut went over my eye on to my cheek. I felt the cut opening I couldn\'t see with my right eye. blood dripping on my clothes and on my hands. I looked up again and saw the enkidukai leader laughing:\"haha noone can defeat faroth\". I kicked him in his stomach. He walked backwards slowly. He then got on his pterosaur and flew off. just after his pterosaur left the ground I felt two arms grabbing me. It was one of the guards. the other guards were arresting the other thieves and looking trough the bodies.\" faroth\'s gang sir\" I heared one of the guards say the one holding me released me I quickly covered my eye with my right hand. \"well well boy quit an acclomishment you on your own slayed 6 of faroths gang and wounded him. i wish we had that kind of succes. We are after him for five years now and he always get away. we never once killed gang members we arrested a few but it took 7 guards to arrest one of them. and now you slay 6...\". \"7 sir one just died from his wounds\" a guard said.


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« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2002, 10:45:19 am »
ooc i think ill read the second later, its long:/ but its prolly good cuz the first part was.

ninkwi njadro

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« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2002, 03:14:17 am »
Chapter three:The second encounter    

After Heru had diedI lived in the dojo for a year. I had a few trainees from time to time.After Heru\'s death I was never the same. I had tasted the pleasure of killing. I didn\'t follow the rules. I took the law lightly. once in a while I would steal. I didn\'t care anymore it was unfare. It all didn\'t matter. One misty day I was training in the courtyard by myself when I heared the sound of flapping wings. I ran outside to see what it was. I was amazed to see it was Faroth. But he was alone this time. I allready took out my katana\'s and prepared for battle. when faroth had landed he got off and walked towards me. He said \"you won\'t be needing those I do not come to fight\". \'yeah right\' I said to myself.\"What is it you want then?\"I said. Faroth had a big grin on his face when he said:\"I want you to join my gang\".\"I laughed:\"You have to be joking\". \"No faroth\" said \"I just lost a member of the high council and I need a skilled warrior to replace him\". I walked towards him. I brought my face so close to his and whispered:\"no I will not help you\". After saying that I turned around and walked inside. I was on the doorstep turned around one last time and said\"was that all? \" .\"For now\" faroth said he got up on his pterosaur and said:\"Maer aur gwanur\". as I walked inside I tought \"huh was he just brabling?\"\"or what did he mean by that\" Then I remembered there was an interpeter in the other village. So I walked into town. I tought this would be a short journey. just walk to the interpeter and ask him then I could go home. how wrong could I be.

ooc: if U want to read what happend in the town read this thread.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2002, 03:40:51 am by ninkwi njadro »