Author Topic: How should the PVP system work?  (Read 7228 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2002, 11:50:01 pm »
dwinney to answer your question

i just thought that it would be possible to accidentally hurt people.

because thekker wrote earlyer that if we were team fighten like a monster it wouldnt be a good idea to throw a huge fire ball in there because it might hurt your friends


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2002, 02:47:11 am »
yea yea, you all out PKers will change you mind when you die and lose all your stuff!

then you\'ll be like \"Change it, Change it\" or \"He Pinged me, he cheated\"

yes, everyones happy when they win, but when they die their like \"this system sux! planeshift Sux!\" because the same thing happend in Runescape!

Everyone was like \"i want a PKing area\" so bang, they got one then when they all ran out to explore BANG! they get pked now they say \"Andrew Gower is a loser, he\'s a crappy programer, booohooo\"

sorry I\'m in a dialogue mood


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2002, 03:23:45 am »
yes...PKing in town is not encouraged. Well its not encouraged anywhere by me!


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2002, 06:45:46 am »
Ive been reading this with some interest.But I must state for the most part there should be total pk except in certain safe zones though outside of the zones there would be guards player and non player as well as lvl restriction in some parts ...I dont know about most of you good people but ive played my share of rpgs and im not into going around just randomly killing people ..though some people will be however there are benifits to this one it is a real adventure you just dont walk up to anybody and fight them or talk poo to them knowing they cant do anything about it due to lvl or areas that you are currently in also for rogue and thief even assasin characters as well as people that wish to play evil villians there is no hope for the world if they cant kill on call (if they cant it will only lead to scammers and such ive seen it in other games )
Now I do agree and think there should be penelties for just going around killing outside of the arena if they are a native we dont want mad high lvl people random pking everyone in sight but there should be other high lvls that should be able to keep that person in semi check as well as npcs if it gets out of hand i mean we sit here and talk about roleplaying well lets roleplay we dont know what lvl other people are do we sure some might become famous but hey they have there fame to think of as long as there is some group order against random pking that takes action against certain tresspassers I dont see any problems perhaps a safe zone lvls and a certain lvl before you are allowed to pk or to be pked.
Also for those of you that say well your mage isnt gonna be able to cast his fireball into a group LOL if he is a good mage and a roleplayer he shouldnt be doing that anyway he should be trying another spell to either trap entangle confuse the foe or to empower his team.
Any mage that casts a fireball in any world into the midst of his comrades (unless the are protected by some means)is a fool or not to be trusted and lacks the discpline to hold true to his or her calling in honorable ways.
make it so if people are in line of site they take damage it will just make the mage that much better in the long run or that much deader.

PK all the way ..well almost  


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2002, 08:07:48 am »
Well I dont think we have many PKers here so far, I only remember one guy (forgot his name) and he said he was gonna be more \"business-like\" , and not just randomly PK peanuts.
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There\'s magic in your smile,
It seems there\'s nothing we can\'t do.

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Excerpt from L2EB  


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2002, 03:34:46 pm »
if he is a good mage and a roleplayer he shouldnt be doing that anyway he should be trying another spell to either trap entangle confuse the foe or to empower his team.

  IF is the operative word here. Obviously even the densest powergamer probably wouldn\'t nuke his own friends, but it has been known to happen. Judging from the quality and kind of posts on these boards, I don\'t see too many random PKers here (unless they\'re all lurking). That might well change once the game comes out, though. I\'m sure a lot of ppl will come over from RS, and then we\'ll be dealing with RPKers all over the place unless we have some sort of system in place to deter it.
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- Anonymous.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2002, 05:34:14 pm »
Originally posted by Kendaro
 A good alined can\'t harm another good alined and same goes with evil aligned. It would probably be a lot of work but I feel personally that to do PK right and give it meaning in a RPG there has to be a code and no one should just be able to kill anyone else without cause or rules allowing it.

how would a \'good guy\' get a evil status thing then? and vise versa?

\"Manchmal erhielten Sie, durch die Risse zu lachen, l?cheln durch die Schmerz, damit Sie durch die sorge leben k?nnen.\"


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2002, 09:22:37 pm »
Not all that are born into this world are good. As the Kendaro has seen many times, there is a seed of badness in all. It is up to the individual on what way they will follow and what side they shall choose.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2002, 09:25:17 pm »
I think evil should be able to kill everyone, and good only kill evil. But thats if their was an alinement, which I would rather not have.

I say we should not have zones because people will be jumping over and back on the line getting away from an opponent.

I do not know what to say except that....well....uhh.....cheese tastes good.  :D


  • Hydlaa Resident
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PK thoughts
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2002, 11:07:16 pm »
I agree the safe places should be small and inbetween evil should be able to kill anyone and good should be able to kill evil.
Pking yes it has to be in but absolute random Rpk is bad but in order for the world to have some sort of structure you need to have that option of just killing the booger with dueling and such i dont see how that would settle anything

normal person minding there own business

N00b Ha ha you suck bleep bleep you cant even kill me that is ooc of course the player could kill the noob but due to laws and order wouldnt (for the most part)

player :um I challenge you to a duel

Noob: lol noway you bleep bleep

this takes the whole game ooc

another way it could happen

normal person doing his normal stuff

noob hah you Bleep bleep (lets face it people in a world where you can be killed by anyone you dont talk like that to someone that could kill you unless your an idiot)

Why even play if you cannot interract with fellow players just go grab your ps2 or your xbox and woah instant fantasy world that hey its all set in stone I can do this and that but i cant do this .

At least in this kind of world you can interact work with others have friends ally\'s and clan members to help you in dire times along with guards and other players that just happen along seeing a criminal trying to kill someone .

Lets face it even in cities people get killed here and there but people can find shelter with the law and not have to fear as much.

as the dumb merchant who cant handle a dagger or so forth taking his millions from town to town without an escort and being waylaid by bandits .

Hmm how many people would run around without guards and so forth and friends if we were back in a real medievil world with magic and monsters ...not to many not till you tohught you were really good and could handle the situation right ..if you want all cozy lovey dovey no harm accept for monsters or not go play sims or go out and play in the real world .

In this kind of world if it is rp people come to become warriors mages thieves adventurers of all kinds to live in another world the skills farming mining smithing fishing alchemy cooking are side skills just like skills in the real world they help you obtain your goals.

In this kind of world good trys to establish themselves protecting the innocent destroying the villians while evil trys to make everyone bow down to them and cower in fear causing chaos everywhere while trying to destroy good.

Alignments people
laws put into affect will protect players if you go into a part of town or outside it you shouldnt um isnt that your mistake and shouldnt whatever happen that will happen it is a game remeber the fun is in playing it not always going the safest route adventure remeber.

Now you will have people trying to kill other people um if its done right it will only be in certain allys after night or out in deserted areas otherwise guards and other people will be forced to step in and take measures .

Some of the safe points I belive should be but not restricted too because a truly evil player should be allowed to use a spell or item to get past these at times making it ..More realistic.

Houses :thieves and such might find entrance using skills they have.
Temples and churches :sanctuary anyone....of course evil players with there being gods and all might have ways around this ...being powerful enough or directed from there diety.Also other evil people should be allowed to kill here there evil right ..guards and such could then report it making the person a criminal and killed upon site if they were caught .

Then they could be hunted down by all sorts of people with rewards and such coming from there capture or kill .with proof if the guards cant handle em.

guards should be made really tough and wander from place to place also there could be informers and such that could place reports as well as players with some sort of proof computer or otherwise that could report a criminal...UM Zordak failed to kill me in the catacombs where he attacked me ...this could be used and prices could be put on the persons head and so forth until he was caught and punished.
Also this would be a way to make other cities as the criminals dont want or wish to be caught losing time  items and so on since it wasnt a duel in the arena and such they would decide to move to another town Hey Im not wanted here ...and they wouldnt be but what about those people hunting them ...could they capture the person or would they become a criminal of another city .

Just more ideas had more but page was already longer than most like to read



  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2002, 12:32:23 am »
I like the idea of not giveing out XP for PKing


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2002, 12:38:37 am »
I was too lazy to read all of that, bit I did read about the people harrasing new or just regular people.

If I had a dime for every time someone talked nice to me when I was new in \"the other game\", I\'d be broke.

But out of character things will happen almost no matter what. There is nothing you can do to stop it. Its only bad, though, when you cuss them out like saying \"No way you son of a *bleep*!\". But what the moderators (to help a bit) is to make a chat filter so that when anyone cusses it says *bleep* or *beep*. Just to keep younger children ok.

But people can always nudge off curse words, but not rascist (or in many females\' case) sexist remarks.

One time (in \"the other game\") some person wanted some plate mail armor which took a long time for me to get. I simply said \"No thank you\" but of course he comes back with \"Stupid Jew\". I ask \"What was that?\" he said \"Haha your a stupid *bleep*ed up Jew!\". I reported this to the head of \"the other game\" but, as always, he was swamped with letters and had probably not even seen my message. I am Jewish and that was very offensive. He did not stop with the comment above, but I need not go any further with the conversation.

If any representative could speak, what will be done in this game about rascial, and sexist remarks, and just plain swearing?


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« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2002, 04:36:53 am »
Ok here is how the PvP should go down.

There should be racial tensions( i\'l ley the GM\'s figure out how that will work). You should only be able to pk within 10 lvls of your own( like a lvl 20 could kill a lvl 10-30), but must be lvl 10 to pk or get pked. If you pk a person you should lose faction with that race. After you kill a person you should NOT be able to take items, only money( BTW there should be a bank where you can store money and items). When you die, pk or no, you should have to go back and loot your corpse. Pending on your level is how long your corpse will stay before it goes POOF and (decay\'s) if you will.

  Thanks for listening ;)
Hey kiddoes, its your favorite basher......  HATE ME!

Dumb Woob

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« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2002, 03:21:05 pm »
i think there should not be full pking all the time everywhere, i want to just mine and smith unharassed by other people...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2002, 03:22:51 pm by Dumb Woob »


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« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2002, 06:10:06 pm »
what you think of MY pk ideas?
Hey kiddoes, its your favorite basher......  HATE ME!