Author Topic: The BISM Story #2  (Read 481 times)


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The BISM Story #2
« on: May 02, 2002, 07:24:01 pm »
(ooc: i had this done A LONG time ago, but my comp was having trouble opening files and i had to retype which i finally got around to doing, also im not posting these anymore on ps board ya gotta go to the BISM website to find all the rest! hope ya like!)

We had found him.  After months of hunting with my two companions, Alandar and Tyalin, we had ast least found our prey.  The wizard who, until this moment, had thought he was the predator was backed into a corner with no where to go.  After having cast a spell of searching to look for us he had wasted his energies for the day.  He was quite suprised when the spell showed him that Kiern and the others were right next door to him.  Unable to do anything else ha had locked the door and prayed they didn\'t know he was there, and lay down on his bed to rest.  Obviously his prayers had failed him, for we were there, with him on the bed helpless.

 \"So old man\" I said \"Who ARE you?\"
  The wizard replied \"I am--\"
then he started to mumble something i could not quite understand.  Recognizing the beginning of a spell Alandar, who was the biggest of us, drew his sword.
   \"STOP HIM!\" he shouted
Tyalin was already moving and was almost to the wizards bed when I heard the door slam open behind me.   Thinking it was just Alandar doing something I didn\'t bother to turn around.  Tyalin had just reached the bed and struck at the wizard with his sword.  The sword hit the mattress of the bed, the old man had vanished.  I turned to see what Alandar was doing, instead of seeing him guarding our backs he was laying on the floor, out cold.  Three men stood over his body, and by their clothing we could tell they were guards.
  \"Don\'t move\" one of them said
The other two walked behind us and chained our hands together.  Then they both hit us over the head with the blunt end of their weapons, and we joined Alandar in his dream world.

Three months ago Me, Alandar, and Tyalin had just recruited a few worthy individuals to join us in setting up the BISM.  Our reputation as outlaws had dissappeared, and instead, was actually replaced by respect.  We had gained favor of many different cities for doing small jobs for them.  

The two former thieves and me had almost forgotten about the incident with Rzkliel and the others.  The the old wizard from that night had reappeared.  I had been walking around the market looking for goods with one of the newer members of BISM when someone started walking toward us.  I could not tell what he looked like because he was covered from head to toe in robes.  Then I saw what he was holding, a staff.  I knew I had seen the staff before and when I realized where from I whispered to my companion to go find Alandar and Tyalin and bring them here, fast.  He dashed off in search of them and I placed my hand on the dagger in my cloak.  The person walking toward me, whom I had realized as the old wizard from that night, lowered his hood and winked at me like we were old friends.  Before I could say a word the wizard placed his hand on my forehead and started to chant.  Starting to panic I tried to break free of his hand, but found I could not move.

Just then Alandar and Tyalin came running around the corner, pushing everyone who was in the way to the side, their disturbance broke the spell over me and I grabbed my dagger and plunged it into the wizard, where his heart should have been.
Instead of falling to the ground, the old wizard just smiled at me and completed his spell.  A beam of light sprang from his staff and came at me.  But instead of hitting me, it hit the man standing next to me, who had been watching all that was going on.  The man let out a scream as he was transformed into a pile of water.  I stared at the water puddle in amazment wondering why the beam had missed me.  I looked up at the wizard, who apparently from his shocked expression and widened eyes, also didn\'t know what had gone wrong.  The others reached my side and we were about to get rid of the old man once and for all.  I blinked, the wizard was gone!  He had been standing right in front of me and he was gone!  

A crowd had gathered and they were all whispering and pointing at us with suspicious looks.  The guards had started toward us and we took off out of the city.  We returned to the BISM\'s hideout and informed the others of what had happend.  All of us decided unanimously it would be best to fin the old wizard and figure out who he was and what he wanted.  So, leaving our best men in chage, Alandar, Tyalin, and me began our search.

  I woke to find Alandar and Tyalin still unconcious on the floor next to me.  Wondering where I was I got up to look around.  My head still hurt from where I had been hit but I ignored it, having endured worse in my times with Rzkliel.  Soon I realized we were in a jail cell.  I found a guard right outside our cell who looke bored.  I asked him why we were being held here and on what charges.
   The guard smiled and said \"Does it matter?  You and your friends are being hanged soon anyways.\"