Author Topic: something has to be said about the ignorance  (Read 894 times)


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something has to be said about the ignorance
« on: July 15, 2004, 07:42:59 pm »
ok first off every one thinks that if a free pk system happens people will kill noobs for their loot, my experiance is quite different

you see many times a noob steals your stuff and you want to get back at him so ou kill him and just for the heck f revenge you take his meager weak items, first off no experianced player would ever want a noobs items as they always suck, only once in awhile are they good very rare but true. now few peopl kill for loot exept for groups of noobs themselves, but what people are forgetting is that people hunt for sport and profit, pking is not a action its a way of in game life,  many people think \"oh well he pked someone so he must be bad lets all gang up on him blah blah blah\" but what they dont get is lots of it has reasons. in my experiance in the game tibia before the skull system most pking was done as a sport or a game, and it was done by large groups of noobs and a few powerful magicians who could make fire explosions. in conclusion no one ever really wants noob loot
also here is a thing i posted in another thread please read :)

      reasons why pking happens

1- kill stealers and loot stealers
2- liars and jerks
3- beggers and trash talkers
4- people in enemy clans and enemy guilds
5- hits and experiance
6- ars the fun part of all mmorpgs
7- eople who kill your friends

well here are the only reason i pk i only pk for loot if i really have to because im going on a mission a quest or going out to war personaly i like the open pk and am for this side.

now the thing is this is good because if someone is doing something mean like blocking you from getting away from monsters and such but it also has its downs because of the whole inapropriate actions of some pkers known as mass pkers. that if we played tibia befor the skull system we should all know what happens then.

now arenas well,
people do not have to comply but here are the good things

ehem there are those who kill a person and that persons friends go after them, but that persons friends also hunt down the pkers guild and systematicly attack each one of them. there are random pkers and people who pk for fun wich is very fun but i no longer do that  
the arena is a god idea in theory but it will oficially turn this game into another prunescrape and that a enough said.

in all neither is a good idea completely,
there needs to be either a mix or a open authority system.

well my idea is to have arena\'s and also in game kilometers so that after about 3 in game kilometers outsde of town it will be a free zone but inside towns there will be arenas for tounyments and such, guild wars will be to put it in lamen terms \"taken out side\" of course this will be accompanied with the want of town building to build towns for you\'re clan or guild to make it all the more powerful and sucsessful. it could be accompanied by many things including seiges and other possibilities

close to the last one but you can fight and kill in town but you will be a ward of the police for charges of \"insert race here\" slaughter and if yo get cought you would go to a jail but outside of towns and in arenas they would be safe this would make pkers think about it but have the option to still pk people for their reasons like bounties and stuff
« Last Edit: July 15, 2004, 07:44:09 pm by Black_rose »


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« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2004, 12:31:19 am »
Noobs will be Noobs and there will always be noobs..

There will have to be stronger rules on pking.. maybe like the biding idea i had suggested before.. because i can promise that the devs will get hundreds of emails saying there eq was stolen from them.. there eq was hacked from them.. all because they went to pk and died..

maybe have a feature that you can turn pk on and off?

/Playerkilleron  <-- long so people cant do it by accident..

and you can only turn it off after a 24 hour period.. from your last fight..

(its to stop people from turning of pk before they die..)
this way it is up to the player if they get pked or not..

this way it will save the rpers and the mild rpers and let the pkers do what ever...

it also places all responsiblity on the player so if eq is lost they cant send an email saying it was stolen..

Many thanks,


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« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2004, 03:47:09 pm »
It\'s not \"killing noobs for lewt\" that\'s really the driving problem, but large groups of people who get off on frustrating other players, specifically by an unrealistic amount of killing.  Anonymity makes most of us a little more jerk-ish.

There are plenty of games that have fairly open PK, so Planeshift\'s restrictions aren\'t \"depriving\" anyone.  The restrictions exist so that people who want to play primarily against NPC enemies can, and people who strive for dominance must use more creative means, or just take it to the arena.

Perhaps \"guard enforced\" penalties could be enforced in an open PK system, and maybe they\'ll try it somewhere for fun.  Maybe they won\'t.
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« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2004, 09:26:03 pm »
Black_Rose your right. But the Planeshift arena/guild war is the best system that\'s fair. Open pk\'ing yes it\'s fair strictly only and only on the basis of, \"The noob didn\'t have to enter the pk\'ing zone.\" Well I don\'t think Planeshift is a game where adventuring is discouraged. Also when there\'s open pk\'ing your gonna get a bunch of people staying on the border like in $&oonscape waiting to run out of the pk\'ing zone. If your gonna have a open pk\'ing like that, then no ones ever gonna pk each other, then if that\'s the case, what\'s the point of pk\'ing?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2004, 09:26:40 pm by Kuiper7986 »
My name is NOT pronounced, \"Kway-per,\" it\'s pronounced \"Kye-per.\"


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« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2004, 08:43:05 am »
it wouldnt discourage adventuring as they claim the wild lands will be hugs so the chances of encountering other players would be rare also i thik i mentioned that travel by air would be relitivly safe and i think this encourages roleplaying because you might want to travel with friends to so it forces you to makein game friendds in a way and then there is many, many things out there like treasure chest filled wit diamonds and circles and murdur cases also secret powers and rare items could be found not to mention the all powerful dragons


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« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2004, 02:54:07 pm »
then what about everyonen clustering at the border, just when you think your gonna kill the dude, he runs outside into the safe zone.
My name is NOT pronounced, \"Kway-per,\" it\'s pronounced \"Kye-per.\"


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« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2004, 06:36:20 pm »
well i doubt anyone would be that dumb as to try what you do is rn in a big u then go up behind the guy an stab

but anywase i wouldnt care the only people that care are insecure people and children under 8


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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2004, 07:24:06 pm »
I care.
I\'m not insecure.
I\'m 15.
Your spelling and grammar may be making me and others think you\'re younger than you really are.

If I spend hours, days, months of my life acquiring items, only to lose them when I travel out to see the world, all for some 1337 pk\'er\'s sport, I\'m going to be seriously pissed.  But if I\'m a newbie, I can\'t do anything about it.  OOC actions beg for OOC reprisals.  He may be tough sh*t, but that doesn\'t mean his computer is, nor his english.

The Devs have good reasons for making their choices.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of arguments have been made in defense of open pk.  Many were similar to yours.  They have not given an inch.
The key to manipulative bargaining is to ask for something twice as big as what you want, then smile and nod when you are talked down to your original wish. You are still young, my apprentice, and have much to learn in the ways of the force. -UtM


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« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2004, 07:53:05 pm »
Originally posted by Monketh
I care.
I\'m not insecure.
I\'m 15.
Your spelling and grammar may be making me and others think you\'re younger than you really are.

If I spend hours, days, months of my life acquiring items, only to lose them when I travel out to see the world, all for some 1337 pk\'er\'s sport, I\'m going to be seriously pissed.  But if I\'m a newbie, I can\'t do anything about it.  OOC actions beg for OOC reprisals.  He may be tough sh*t, but that doesn\'t mean his computer is, nor his english.

The Devs have good reasons for making their choices.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of arguments have been made in defense of open pk.  Many were similar to yours.  They have not given an inch.

the thing is in this game if you die you dont loose items and what i ment was who will care if some noob who you could own makes a few cracks? really


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« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2004, 08:59:02 pm »
If by \"makes a few cracks\", you mean tells other people about your actions in an atempt to ruin your reputation, that is not important.  I don\'t care about the pk\'er.  I\'m looking out for the \"noob\".  I know some people take their freedom to speak too far, but that\'s what /ignore is for.  If you don\'t do something wrong, and don\'t seem like you could have done it, any attempt to break your reputation through mere talking will fail.  

Griefing is real.  Jackafts do exist to make others miserable.  Challenge the idiot to a duel.  If he refuses, then brags, post the log.  Open pk is not a necessity.
The key to manipulative bargaining is to ask for something twice as big as what you want, then smile and nod when you are talked down to your original wish. You are still young, my apprentice, and have much to learn in the ways of the force. -UtM


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« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2004, 03:13:50 am »
i strongly disagree with open pking...

for example: say that there was a pk area say a forest or a room.. and your new to the game?

a player comes up to you can says here let me show you around.. and he takes him to this pk area.. and the new player is killed? not only does it give a bad impression of what the players are like of ps but it also doesnt give a good impression of ps..   X(

Many thanks,
  Danny  :))


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« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2004, 11:56:33 am »
thats why i want something like well i guess i could say similar to diablo style. you know a certain level but instead of level how about combat stat. one combat stat would have to be at least 9 in order to fight.;)