Author Topic: PK....  (Read 620 times)


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« on: August 10, 2004, 09:28:32 pm »
I read that this game will never have pking. without pking this game would just be like playing zelda in a chat room. fair enough the zeldas are amazing games, but who can honeslty say they still play them????

 Thats what will happen with this once all the quests have been done what is there to do then???? absolutly nothin except for chat... so it would basically turn into a big chat room or end up being a big flop. i used to play a game called diaspora.... it had 1 quest.

It also had Pking and safe zones. thats was all anyone needed. it had hundereds of players every day and ppl made theire own quests, and belive it or not, the game which actually aloud PKing had very little pking in it at all. this is because most ppl are against PKing anyway so this encouraged ppl to make anti pk guilds and there where bounty hunters that hunted down pkers ,there were theives/ salvagers that took contraband from the destroyed ships and sold it for money.

there was a whole political system created becuase of pking by the players for the players. there where wars against pk guilds and anti pk guilds , there where malitias that wer like the police that stopped pking.

the thing is without pking the game may be good until everything is done.... but then what?? with pking there are endless opportunities, pppl would always be online to check what was going on with their guilds, sending spys into other guilds to gather information, and the fun is still theire becuase there is a risk of getting caught. it makes it more realistic. its what ppl want.

and u know what really anoys me? if there is a really powerful creature on a game what do u do? u run away from it and try to avoid it. if there are pkers u try to avoid them.

thats why i think u should have safe zones, which could be the cities and have sorcerers that can teleport ppl to different cities. therefore ppl who dont want to fight dont have to! and if ppl want a real challange they can try to get rare items in a pk zone.

ppl always go on about fighting monsters with garbage AI or not having monsters that are challenging enough. well if pking was aloud ppl could have a basically unlimmited level of difficulty and there would be no need for a i becuase what is more inteligent than actually ppl

people could also hire other players to escort them through dangerous teritory. Pking opens hundreds of jobs and an unlimited amoutn of replayability and excitment.

The main quests could be for new ppl to understand the game, once this has been done they could jump into guild wars or try to make money their own way by escorting ppl. those are just examples.

this game has great potential and it sounds like it is all getting thrown out of the window. ppl say if you dont like it well leave. maby i eventually will end up doing becuase of it and so will potentially hundreds of players becuase the game seems the same as every other game they have at home, except u can chat to someone whilst u play.

PKing in my eyes is the whole point of online play, i believe that is what it is for! what would you rather? keep on killing monsters that are programmed to do the same limmited number of things whilst a human can use a different approach everytime opening up a whole new level of play.

sorry ive rambled on a bit and i think i might have repeated myself:S but this is suppsoed to be a MMORPG not an regular rpg with a chat room. Make it original and make it a nxt gen MMORPG. This game needs PKing...


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2004, 03:08:57 am »
That system sounds flawed because
a) teleporting people would probable cost money or else everyone would do it
b)If there are rare items outside the walls greifers become very rich by looting the items off others\'s corpses.
c) how do you know that the guy who is escorting you is not going to kill you?
d) What stops newbies wandering out of a safe zone by acident?
e) I can not think of a job which benefits mor by pk that normal monsters
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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2004, 05:00:18 am »
Sure we will have PvP, but not PKing

Really, i can\'t see the good with PK, except grief
« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 05:00:34 am by Androgos »


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« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2004, 06:16:32 am »
but for the first reply of course teleporting would cost money, so what if a noobie wanderd out of safe zone? that is there decision and makes for a better game with more freedom. if the n00bie wanders out they may get killed they may not, that would be there choice. yes u may think that it would end in tears. look at society today in the real world.

once upon a time ppl went round killing each other but laws and police were put there to stop it. and most of the population follow it and dont kill ppl. now i know sum1 i going to say \"but millions get killed every year\". out of 6.5 billion that aint much, and if  the game has about 200-300 players online at once the amount of pk would be low. and in a game like this i can guarantee it would.

i agree when a pk rule gets put in a game it can get a bi messy...... for about the first week, until strong guilds have established themselves as anti pk and bounty hunters have established them selves.

basically what im trying to say is PKing = an unlimited amount of replayability.


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« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2004, 06:23:15 am »
oops i forgot, also for the looting, youw would only be able to make money out of it, like in diaspora. you couldnt loot the weapons on destroyed ship.

i dont think you should be able to loot rare items i think just crystals and such, like food or minerals or watever ewlse is going to be in place, i disagree with someone stealing a weapon that they didnt earn.

the key factor of games like this are ppl wanna make money, so they can buy weapons and get strong enough to go find stronger weapons. so being a thief should be like a job, you only get money for it.