Author Topic: Imbuning Weapons/Armor/Shields  (Read 1387 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Imbuning Weapons/Armor/Shields
« on: August 11, 2004, 11:56:31 pm »
I remember suggesting something about this a while ago, but it was within another post so I never got much light. I thought I\'d try to explain it in greater detail here.

Imbuning weapons and armor isn\'t anything new, but from my grand experience of many crappy mmorpg\'s who try to squeeze as many monthly payments out of you by disguising a cheap, time-consuming, ridiculously laborous process as an \"exciting weapon customization\" feature.


I thought that if I bought me a longsword in Yliakum, (like I would in real life) not only would I want to stand out from the rest of the noobots, and the thousands of other swords that look just like mine. Also, it wouldn\'t be too hard for me to mosey on over to the blacksmith to have him tweak my sword up a bit.

Each weapon has a number of items that can be used to enhance the weapon. Some items most enhancements are cosmetic, though some more powefull items will enhance the attack and defensive power of a sword or armor. Some items may even add magical effects or stat modifiers to a person weilding/wearing them.

Each Weapon has up to three items that can be used on it. A character collects these items, then either using his/her/its armour/weaponsmithing skills, imbunes these items into their desired peice of equipment.

The difficulty of a procedure is based on the power of the weapon being altered and the rarity of the items being imbuned. (Most items are common, I will explain later)

Faliure, results in the weapon losing a few points of its durability again, depending on the difficulty of the procedure. ( I will explain more later)

Types of Weapons and Items:
The three types of items are: Alloy, Inscription, and Stone.

These let you add three types of alterations to the weapon: Coating, Engraving and Jewel.

The blade is covered with the coating, it is also engraved, and a jewel is added to the pommel or hilt. It depends on the weapon. On bows for example, the engraving, jewel and coating is done throughout the bow.

For Shields and Armor, Stone and Jewel is replaced by Symbol and Emblem.

Each item can be found throughout Yliakum, most can be bought from stores. The more poweful, or interesting effects will be found by rarer, more expensive items found in dungeons or carried by the more powerful monsters.

Examples of each are:  

Gold - Gives your weapon a fine gold coating (making it poisonous to certain residents of Yliakum.

Silver - Dittoness...with a silvery variation :)

Damascus - A Rainbow-pattern adornes your weapon. Is not a precious metal.

Platina - Used in the holiest of weapons. This of course will make a very nasty anti-diabloi/deamon weapon.

Vow of Laanx  - Curse said to be spoken from the lips of Laanx that was said to shatter stone. (Really Rare)

Talad\'s Oath - Oath of spiritual strength spoken by the most loyal worshippers of Talad. (Also Really Rare)

Polished Sapphaire - Grey-blue stone relatively valuable.

Rockbeast\'s Heart - Pusating, hardened crystal that seems to always be warm to the touch.

Iron Glyph - The universal symbol representing the whole of Yliakum.

Things like Emblems and Engravings are rarer than the rest of the items, Emblems like the Iron Glyph would be more commonplace, as would Guild emblems (which could be submitted after a period of Guild activity)

Lets get to work:  
To actually get all these crazy things together, you must either be a swordsmith, armorer or a shield...making, person. I\'m not too sure about how this will work, but it shouldn\'t be too complicated.

Items + Weapon = Imbuned Weapons

You could just do it one at a time, but where\'s the fun in that? Each item counts as a seperate process.

Faliure is per item and again, is based on the difficulty. Faliure results in the weapons durability being reduced by a few points, but the items will not be destroyed (unless you\'re trying to do something, really, really difficult, then one is randomly lost)

Some Loose Ends:  
The items used in the imbuning process cannot be removed, but they can be replaced by other items.

Projectile weapons like shurkiens, throwing knives, throwing axes and the like, cannot be imbuned. ( I have my own crazy post for those :) )

This only applies to metal items (with the exception of the emblem as it is sort of painted on.

Helmets fall under Armor, but can be jeweled like swords. All other pieces worn fall under Armor and those rules.

I stress that most of the items (especially the rarer coatings) have some use, i.e. poison to a certain race, e.t.c. Its all about being a little different than Joe R. Noobert, or Ron B. Powergamer.


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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 01:34:48 pm »
I forgot to add how I thought this could be easily added to the game in terms of textures and such.

Lets use a breastplate as an example.

First you have the basic layer for the breastplate with its bump-mapping and texture.

Above that you have three \"blank\" layers that are place holders for the type of alteration. (See above)

Each layer adds an \"overlay\" bumpmap and texture to the original model. (I\'m not sure if you can do this, because I\'m better at skydiving than 3DS MAX)

The Jewel, when added, will be set in the original color of the weapon\'s metal. When the coating is added, the Jewel remains the same, but the metal surrounding it looks like its been coated with gold for example.

*Edit: Like Photoshop\'s Layers...(duh)

The Engraving will also overlay the coating.

For a more visial example, see below:

Top Layer -- Engraving

Middle Layer -- Jewel

Bottom Layer -- Coating

Base Weapon

It is in this order because the engraving won\'t cover the jewel anyways so the top two can be interchanged.

I hope something like this can be done with the weapon/armor models...

I\'ll post diagrams of the whole messy process as soon as I find some webspace for my pictures.  :D
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 01:36:59 pm by Harwen »


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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 02:30:59 pm »
i like this idea...and it can work..cause im playing another game currently and in that game u can add sockets to ur weapon and in thos esockets u can put gems..which can give like faster xp..better attack..faster skill xp etc etc.. and u have 3 rates normal refined and whith every grade u get a better effect and with super u also get a visual the rainbow..randomly shows a big rainbow in the screen..who everybody can see.. etcetc..

just one think that i dont like is that when u have a rared stone.. it can fail.  This should not be possible for the rarest items..because that just isn\'t fun if u played for 2 yrs u finally find this ultra rare stone.. and then u use it..and it fails.. and not only that.. u also loose ur weapon.. this really sucks.. and since i dont really like to start things all voer again.. this would make me really really pissed.. :D but otehr then that this is a really good idea. and i allready know it can work so.. if the dev\'s think this is very possible. Then they should definately try to works this out.


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« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2004, 05:36:53 pm »
Originally posted by Harwen
Polished Sapphaire - Grey-blue stone relatively valuable.

Rockbeast\'s Heart - Pusating, hardened crystal that seems to always be warm to the touch.

Perhaps items like these could be enchanted by a mage first, then imbued into a weapon to add stat modifiers.

eg. Polished sapphire is enchanted with a destructive spell, making the stone itself useless untill imbued into a weapon. Once imbued, the weapon will have more destrucive power (attack).

I can\'t imagine a game without weapon upgrades...It is a must.


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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2004, 07:33:00 am »
Weapon upgrades and customization is a must, however, I\'m a strong believer of that magically enchanted items are supposed to be rare, and not as common as player characters. If you have a magic weapon or another magic item, you should have a pretty good reason for having it, otherwise we have just another Diablo clone type of thing, where magical weapons and items come out of rat-like monsters, and none of the items really are worth anything at all. As for the magic gems inserted into weapon and armor sockets, it\'s a rather old idea. I believe FF7 was the first game to use this idea, or maybe it was some earlier game. I can\'t remember exactly.

But anyway, I\'m all for the upgrading of weapon stability, swiftness, toughness, looks, weight, etc. whereas I\'m very much against the idea of any ordinary player having access to magically enchanted items. Owning magical weapons are supposed to be something you get for doing something which is extraordinary, not something you just buy on the local market because there is an overflow of a seemingly rare gem that makes your sword spit fire and lightning. No amount of money can buy magic stuff, and you should know that Harwen. :)
\"Somewhere over the rainbow...\"


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« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2004, 08:27:21 am »
Originally posted by Gronomist
I\'m a strong believer of that magically enchanted items are supposed to be rare

I agree whole heartedly, but given that one of the options at character creation is to start with a magical item... I am not sure how \'rare\' the design team intend them to be  :P


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« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2004, 11:03:28 am »
Originally posted by Gronomist No amount of money can buy magic stuff, and you should know that Harwen. :)

Ahhh! I do know that, and that\'s why I said in my post that only the rarest items would give your weapon anything worthwhile, so items like gold coating, polished saphhire e.t.c. would be very commonplace and do NOTHING  but make the weapon look better.

My main idea of the post was to LOOK  different from everyone else, to have a little sense of individuality (your character likes blue for example so he decides to use blue gems/coatings on all his gear, he earns the nickname, blue deamon, e.t.c. )

It\'s my fault really, I dont think I do a good job at relaying my purpose in the midst of the chicken scratch I call an idea.

For records:

I totally agree with Gronomist! Rare items should be just that, rare, magic items should also be just that RARE! If not more so!!  

This \"feature\" is mainly for cosmetic applications, but at times it becomes useful (like gold being poisonous to certain races, e.t.c.)....

I hope I\'m clear this time....


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« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2004, 11:06:56 am »
Originally posted by Zephyrus
Originally posted by Gronomist
I\'m a strong believer of that magically enchanted items are supposed to be rare

I agree whole heartedly, but given that one of the options at character creation is to start with a magical item... I am not sure how \'rare\' the design team intend them to be  :P

Sorry to double post, but I don\'t feel like adding this to my last post when I was trying to be clear...anyways.

The magical item is weak, it says that. The type of magical items we\'re talking about are the types of magic that change your stats, that gives your weapon the elemental attribute of fire, or the type of magic that allows you to carve canyons into the earth when you swing your weapon. the especially rare ones.


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I love this idea!
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2004, 11:34:53 am »
Sort of like tattoos for weapons?
I would, however like to see more effects with weapons, on of the main reasons I choose to be a mage in most games is that the spell effects are sooo much better then a sword & I find it easier to RP when you can fire a rainbow or something, cosmetic things like enchantments such as you find a piece of leprechaun gold & add it is absorbed into your sword & now whenever you swing your sward a rainbow appears. Stuff like that?

CB Characters: Zeph Waterfox & Zeraph Waterfox MB: Zph


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« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2004, 12:07:10 am »
Originally posted by Zeraph
Sort of like tattoos for weapons?
I would, however like to see more effects with weapons, on of the main reasons I choose to be a mage in most games is that the spell effects are sooo much better then a sword & I find it easier to RP when you can fire a rainbow or something, cosmetic things like enchantments such as you find a piece of leprechaun gold & add it is absorbed into your sword & now whenever you swing your sward a rainbow appears. Stuff like that?

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« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2004, 04:19:22 am »
that about when u swing ur sword u should see an effect is very good, instead of just having a goldensword.. So it has to be like when u have a golden coating whit every swing u should see a golden..(damn english) \'flame\' in the path what the weapon followed...and u should just have bronze, silver, gold, platinum (which is really bright)coating, and this would then be the cheapest sort of effects.. bronze obviously cheaper then the golden coating.  But these coatings shouldn\'t be available at a shop though.. maybe only the coper ones or something
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 04:19:40 am by THAPRINZE »


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« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2004, 07:21:20 am »
I personally think that All weapons should have effects like the ones you see in Ninja Gaiden
Here is Example:

I would really like to see those kind of streak effects on all weapons (even newbie ones), it would give more interest in weapon wielding & less from mage, also it would be really nice for RP...

I don?t really suggesting we copy it but I would like to see something similar in the way of weapon effects definitely.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 07:21:54 am by Zeraph »

CB Characters: Zeph Waterfox & Zeraph Waterfox MB: Zph


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« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2004, 09:17:39 am »
hmm. letting us imbue weapons and armour with fun magic. at least until the greater game reminifcations are figured out.
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.


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« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2004, 09:20:36 am »
yes zeraph..that is exactly the kind of effect i ment..same sort of effect that they have in a game i play..but didnt had any screens..
so with gold that effect is gold coloured etc etc. exactly what i ment ;) nice...

alot of games have similar sort i dont think anyone will see that as copying, its just a cool effect in any RPg
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 09:21:48 am by THAPRINZE »


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« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2004, 09:27:55 am »
:D but I would like every weapon to have these sort of effects, it will give more of a graphical aspect to weapon-wielders, maybe the streak is bigger & longer if the weapon is more powerful & soon the weapon starts extending outward & can cut things from 5-10 ft away (when you increase your weapon skill to a point)

& Particle effects like sparks coming off your sword even while your just cutting air?

CB Characters: Zeph Waterfox & Zeraph Waterfox MB: Zph