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Topics - eldoth_terevan

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Interesting RP Site
« on: July 07, 2008, 07:20:19 pm »
Lot of information buried in these articles.

Wish list / Creeds
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:29:18 pm »
After four years of PS, MoM, and WoW I know that the RP versus everyone else situation is not limited to PS. Not in any way shape or form. On MoM and WoW it is about 1/3 (or less) RP, to 2/3 everybody else.

I mean RP to at least minimally mean that someone makes a name that is consistent with settings, and does attempt to act in character in game. I do not necessarily mean that they create highly-detailed backgrounds and RP productions. But plenty do outside of PS. Plenty.

The issues and frustrations that people express in all of these games with regards to those-who-immerse and those-who-do-not will never be resolved by trying to tell people what to do.

The free nature of Planeshift, and MoM for that matter, mean that there will always be new people trying the game. Probably mostly kids that are not going to take to things like RP focus just because it is stated that it is an RP game.

Perhaps there could be a visual colored indicator that appears with a player name in game. Something that would indicate creed, or whatever you might call it.

Lets say we have two creeds: RP and PL. One shows as a green dot near the name, the other as a purple dot near the name.

Everyone can vote on what creed their own character, or other characters belong in. Like a karma system, but with no penalties.

The only advantage is allowing the players to sort themselves and each other into visibly different groups for purposes of managing interactions in game.

There could be many creeds, but the number should be small to keep it manageable. Maybe Hardcore RP, Casual RP, PL, OOC, et cetera. Maybe it could be a line near the name, or some other indicator.

Believe it or not I think about this stuff at night before I go to bed. This is not a finished idea, and I am not arguing about it. Take it for what it is worth, and be excellent to one another.

The Hydlaa Plaza / ZT Online Article
« on: May 07, 2008, 12:43:24 am »
We should really be thankful for games like Planeshift...

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Get Info / Version Information
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:08:55 pm »
BTW: If I do a Get Info command on the psclient application from the download I see...

Version psclient, 0.3.011

Not that it matters much, but having that version correct might save some confusion on somebodys part...


Wish list / Killsteal Concept
« on: November 03, 2006, 10:58:22 am »
I did a brief forum search and did not see anything like this. Sorry if I am reposting something already discussed, but I was having to listen to someone who was in the arena describing at length about another character stealing their kill, and I thought of this and wanted to mention it.

Two players are attempting to attack a rogue. Right now, one player engages the rogue in combat, and the other gets the message "You must be grouped with...". This of course leads to many IG rows between players, which become time wasted for other players and GMs when it gets heated.

Could the default action for the player who attacks slowest somehow be an ASSIST? This would mean that -- for one round at least -- the person who lost the draw would be helping the opposing player. I think that it might take the fun out of players harassing each other over mobs, and the rest of us having to listen to the arguments. Thank you.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Mac Chat Window / Mouse Pointer Focus
« on: September 27, 2006, 11:40:20 am »
Sorry if this was actually a common fix and not just on OS X. But I wanted to say thank you to whomever it was that stopped the mouse pointer from keeping focus on the chat window in game. This is a tremendous relief to me as I do not have to grab the mouse an extra couple of times a minute, and can just use the tab key as one would expect. Things have been generally good since the last update and nicely immersive IMHO. Also, your time getting the Mac version out after the main updates still beats any big companies release schedules by about a year. I thank you again.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Very New Update
« on: September 15, 2006, 02:31:57 am »
I tried updating three different instances of the client, and a fresh install from the torrent download. My update was 9.1 Mbs in about 156 files. After update, the pssetup, updater and psclient all crash immediately after launch. Tried chmod -R 766 and chmod -R 755 on all executables. Tried renaming and then deleting version.dat file. Not updated executables launch normally, all crash instantly after update. Even tried setting the monitor to thousands, just in case but no. Is there something stupid I am missing? Thank you.

General Discussion / Magic Relay Race / Ritual Working
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:37:14 pm »
Just a quick idea folks. I was not sure how to search for previous posts about this one so I decided to make a thread. This game might be called magical relay ... and it started as a simple idea that could be used to perform a show ritual for RP or used as a competition. This could be with higher level players, but a couple of lower-level players could do this as well.

1) Get 3 or 5 or 7 or X number of PCs together that have Crystal Way and can cast Summon Missle.
2) Get together in an open space and form a circle.
3) Everybody challenges each other to a duel and accepts (Or just with the player on the immediate left and right of you) but the point here is not to kill your friends (necessarily) so hold on a moment.
4) Choose clockwise or widdershins... and one player starts by casting the missle at their next player.
5) The next player starts casting their missle at THEIR next player so as closely as possible to coincide their cast, with the recepit of the first missle from the first caster.
6) Repeat around the circle ... around and around and around.

Why do this? No reason! But think about it... You would be making a circuit. There is resistance on the individual players. They have to be able to recover from the missle hit when the charge passes through them. So it would be kind of fun seeing how long a group could keep this going...

At night people could stand on different points in Hydlaa around the square and it would be like fireworks. Two or three people can play this with each other like a game of catch. If you get good at the timing it could be a seamless flow. A large circle could gradually move closer and closer together which would make it more interesting because you have to keep responding faster and faster.

But wait! There is more. Get 5 evil players with Red Way make a small ... hehehe ... 5 pointed star and start casting the Flame Burst (or Flame Strike  whatever that is called). That would look cool from above. A 6th player could stand in the middle and pronounce maledictions as well, maybe casting Life Infusion for extra effect in he middle of the pentagraming flame bursts.

Or you could make a big group and offer a reward to the last player standing. As players die and drop out the circle should get smaller until it is down to one or two people and their time for recovering grows shorter and shorter and they move closer and closer together. Last PC standing wins the prize...

Somebody has got to have a better name for this. And I would not be suprised if somebody thought of this already. But I have been having fun thinking about it and I thank you for letting me clog your board with such silliness... By the way: Pentagraming is not a word.

Wish list / Qualifications / Merit Badges
« on: August 31, 2006, 10:24:53 am »
This is sort of a follow-up to the Gods & RPing thread from the last few days. The issue is being able to see what a character's qualifications are. I see this data occuring near the estimation of strength at the bottom of the character description.

1. Go to the trainer you train your Cooking to level 1.
2. Click the Qualify button. This costs you say, 100 tria.
3. The qualification Busboy is added to your character description.
4. Continue on your way and come back to train one day and you train to level 3 cooking.
5. Click the Qualify button and the description Short-Order Cook replaces the Busboy title on your description, and this costs you 150 tria.
6. And so on and so on...

This would give a way for other characters to gauge the skills that are used by your character. Anybody who wanted to convince people they were a Master Chef would be willing to pay for the qualification. If they did not, no qualification would show on the description window. So it would be entirely at the PCs discretion. The trainers could always qualify the skills they train, or one might have to go to another NPC to get the qualification. Perhaps some kind of an issuing code for the qualification so that you would know whether this or that NPC had issued the qualification, allowing judgements based on the quality of it. Perhaps this could be a PC skill, so that level 1 Qualify allowed you to verify another characters level 1 skills and issue an appropriate qualification to them.

I just wanted that out of my head. Sorry if this was already kicked around, I had no idea what this might have been called in previous thread. Thank you.

General Discussion / Trash, Litterbugs and Preachers
« on: August 30, 2006, 01:55:32 pm »
I had a lecture last night from a PC who found me next to a bunch of items that were layed out by someone for presentation purposes. I can take the occasional lecture or criticism, that itself was not so bad because they were essentially right (though snooty), so I went ahead and picked them up all the items though ... even though the majority of the objects did not belong to me.

I feel that this subject is one that is considerably confusing to PCs right now, and I would like to make a couple of points, and ask a couple of questions...

1) Don't moralize at people about this sort of thing: PICK IT UP! If it is an object lying around somewhere then it takes less effort to pick it up than it does to type a bunch of stuff at someone who is probably just going to tune you out -- not that I would, I do TRY to listen -- but many would just take it the wrong way.

2) Either objects on the ground BELONG TO SOMEONE or they are LITTER. Make up YOUR minds, PCs! I have seen characters dress down a newbie for picking up something laying around that was obviously not being watched by someone, claiming that "it wasn't theirs" and while this is a noble sentiment it may not be correct in PS with regards to the strain it puts on the server.

2a) If someone has just placed an object on the ground between their legs and are standing over it, it MUST be considered theirs because they might be redoing their inventory or showing it to someone or trading. I have seen characters swoop in and grab stuff like this and I consider them thieves and more importantly, just plain rude. But if an object is just sitting around with nobody near it, that is another case...

3) I have noticed that objects in the world will still be there after the server goes down or restarts. What is up with the garbage collection processess? Assuming you guys have had the time to put them in, why do they not fire occasionally and take out the trash? Is it because the devs INTEND that items placed in the world should stay there? If that is so, obviously it would not be a good thing to have 10,000+ rat hides laying around near Harnquist, but are the players the ONLY ONES actually controlling this situation?

4) The reason that we have so much trash lying around is because -- for example -- if one has a rat hide that one does not need and a gold ore that one does, and there is nobody around who wants it, the PC is going to drop the rat hide. One trashcan by Harnquist's would be enough, and maybe one in Oja. The furnace will burn just about anything, but that is not fair to people who are trying to work Metallurgy to burn other items in there. All we need is one container that destroys utterly anything placed within it.

I think I already mentioned 4 in a post in the wish list, and I am sure it is not like you guys have not talked about these things. But I thank you most graciously for your consideration and your time.

Eldoth bows and smiles.

Wish list / A couple of GUI enhancements
« on: August 24, 2006, 09:59:47 am »
With the amount of settings and options it is hard to know if I found everything, but here are a couple of basic things I would like to see.

1) A key command to scroll the focus through the currently open windows in the client. So I target and loot from the keyboard, then I have to move the mouse back and click on the loot window and then I can ESC to close it.

2) Key command that would apply when in the CHAT window that would switch between ALL, SYSTEM, AUCTION, et cetera.

3) The CHAT window itself keeps focus if the mouse cursor is over it. So if I tab to get into chat and I had my cursor hovering in the area of the non-selected chat window suddenly I cannot tab to go back to the character I actually have to click on the world and tab back.

4) Edit description from skills window word wrap. Please wrap this, the only way I can see this wrapped is if I close the edit window and look at the character description. I have also seen problems with it displaying its contents, resulting in half-edited descriptions that I could not see all of until I logged in again.

5) Clear button for edit description on skills window in case we just want to blank it and start over.

6) Key command for skills window that would allow switching from STATS, COMBAT SKILLS, et cetera.

Sorry if any of these are already in there, I think I am approaching a level of deftness with the client but can never be sure. Thank you for the consideration.

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