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Messages - tygerwilde

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 50
The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 12, 2004, 09:00:56 pm »
playstation is the only gaming system worth shelling out a couple hundred bucks for. both the other systems combined have maybe a dozen games I\'d even be slightly interested in playing. my playstation library is easily thrice that, and I sell my old games to get new ones on a fairly regular basis.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 09, 2004, 01:42:57 pm »
meh, I have a tendancy to dissappear for a few months at a time

General Discussion /
« on: December 05, 2004, 10:31:44 pm »
haven\'t you ever seen a thread hijacking before? :P

General Discussion /
« on: December 05, 2004, 06:53:14 pm »
to watchers statement, sure it would be possible for them to do something like that, but it\'s much easier for the developers to track such movements on their database and delete them from it, as well as removing the player and ban their IP. yes, people will do such things with the intent of harming the game, but at this point they AREN\'T harming the game in the least, because at this point, it\'s NOT a game, it\'s essentially an engine in testing. they NEED people to push every boundary to the breaking point to see to it that there\'s no way to do this in the final game.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2004, 07:42:23 pm »
I\'m an art student studying studio art in relation to computer arts, I could fake it close enough to get in, but I haven\'t got a way to get there... :(

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2004, 07:35:14 pm »
SF, xordan is right on this one, it isn\'t a 21 GHz processor, it\'s three individual 3.5 GHz, I\'m quite certain that the technology is very nice, but it still isn\'t the same thing

still, I\'d like to see the games that could be run on something like that... too bad the good ones are always produced for PC or PS2 :P

General Discussion /
« on: December 04, 2004, 06:35:25 pm »
for general chatting purposes with friends, teamspeak is the best thing IMO

Wish list /
« on: December 03, 2004, 03:19:16 pm »
what\'s that about a full size, inflatable love interest now?!?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 03, 2004, 03:14:03 pm »

I didn\'t tell you this, but gamer girls are freaks, take that from a guy married to one. all the wild nubbins you could want. go, see the games, get laid by lots of gamer chicks, often multiple at once, go to mexico some other time

Wish list /
« on: December 03, 2004, 01:47:49 pm »
in a perfect game, there would be no static spawns... *wishes*

an end to camping forever

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 03, 2004, 01:45:49 pm »
way down near the bootheel, I\'m in Cape girardeau, fairly largeish city, but nowhere near one of the major trade centers. we get most of our people by having a major college, SEMO

I\'m actually from california, moved here with my family when I was a teen

Wish list /
« on: December 03, 2004, 11:55:44 am »
wouldn\'t neccessarily have to be controlled by AI either, that\'s what ingame DMs are for, someone with tools to place mobs in strategic places, give them \"cover\" and aggro them at the right moment, all they would need would be some competent DMs and simple tools that could be used quickly and easily

with good tools, a dm could set up instances of just about any kind of event. towns could be attacked, unique quests could be given to PCs, rewards could be given (out of pre defined items and money)

General Discussion /
« on: December 03, 2004, 11:36:01 am »
no, hacking in testing phases IS a good thing, just so long as the hackers are trying to hack all the systems available, and are making thorough reports on exactly what they\'re doing. hackers, quite simply, make the best beta testers. they\'re not hurting anyone by doing this, and in my opinion are earning what they make in game by doing it. however, if they continue to hack for their own gain in the full version, or if they fail to report the hacks they\'ve accomplished, it should be punished severely

remember people, this is pre alpha, we aren\'t here to play, we\'re here to test, and what hackers do is a benefit at this point, as it enables the devs to block the hacks before the game is in it\'s final version.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: December 03, 2004, 12:02:39 am »
that\'s not neccessarily a reason to quit bothering, if they\'ve never had experience testing, this is a still a good opportunity to put themselves through the paces. also, there\'s been some rumor of the devs allowing us to transfer our crystals in the past, don\'t know if that\'s going through or not, but it surely can\'t hurt them

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 02, 2004, 11:33:13 pm »
how\'s it doin man, long time no see. how many of the oldheads are still around?

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