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Messages - Jarexia

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Can`t add a lot more to what Rigwyn already said...
I`ll add that disguising yourself `perfectly` is`s boring and lessens the chance of others willingly being your victim. Add a description of your character`s disguise at the start of your character`s description...and if possible make a shortcut you can hit to make sure they notice (not everyone checks descriptions). And please keep it brief yet with something the victim can identify you by. A piece of jewelry, a particular colour of handkerchief over your face, etc. Rather than trying to make your character featureless when they`re `on a job`: have them change their clothing, their way of acting, their stance/posture, etc. Become another person, rather than becoming a nobody. Alternatively have your character speak in a particular accent, always use a certain turn of phrase, etc.
(For example: Kaisa, on the rare occasions when she does armour-up and do a bit of banditry, tends to always speak using gambling terms/phrases).

I don`t see anything wrong with trying to look at things in a different way.

I`m not usually one to bother labeling my characters with an alignment, but ff you want to represent your character in a nutshell then, yes, I think it`s a good system. I guess it does give more information than D&D`s nine alignments and the fact you can be law-avoiding yet rule-driven is a nice feature.

Kaisa, gambler and Outlaws Elder
Evil, Law Avoiding, Sane, Rule-Driven Modernist, Dakkru-worshipper.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The Nature of Crime
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:58:45 am »
The shackles restricted her from performing some of the more elaborate and showy shuffles in her repertoire but considering her audience it mattered little.
Kaisa, after a job gone foul, found herself in jail. The cell comprised one corner of a larger chamber, partitioned off with thick steel bars from ceiling to floor on two sides, the others being the stone walls of the building itself. A similar cell mirrored it on the other side of the room while the rest was given over to...well, it looked like a combined guard`s lounge, interrogation area and armoury. Balconies overlooked the room and all but encircled it to the left and right. Barely minutes after being roughly `escorted` into the cell she found herself playing with the one possession she had been allowed to keep: her deck of cards. Thank Dakkru for that! She would have died without their comforting feel between her hands...not to mention their aid in dispelling or at least delaying the inevitable boredom. Eyeing the prisoner in the other cell and the guards outside she also thought there might be an opportunity to make a some gains, perhaps not monetary, but...
The eyes of the dwarf in the other cell had fixed upon her as soon as she`d swayed her shapely rear into her cell, but now they were on the small rectangles of thick parchment that flowed in her hands. She let him salivate a bit before looking up, as if she`d only just noticed him.
“Fancy a game?”
He nodded and moved across to the nearest cage-like wall of his own cell, just a couple of meters beyond her own, sitting on the flagstone floor. Kaisa stood and tried to pull the rickety wooden cot across for a more comfortable seat but found it bolted to the wall and clicked her tongue. Looked like it was going to be an uncomfortable seat on the floor for her too.
The guard, a hulking ynnwn in full platemail, looked over from his seat, pausing in his work on a broadsword with a whetstone. When he noticed the enkidukai shuffling cards he went back to his sharpening, occasionally looking up.
“So, what`re we playing?” asked the dwarf, running his fingers through his thick red beard.
“Crystal Facets,” she replied and his face creased in a frown to which she shrugged and looked about their spartan cells. “You`re quite welcome to seek alternative amusement.”
He held up his hands, “No, no. `s just that I got robbed blind once. Four of diamonds and three of emeralds and the guy pulls out the seven of rubies and a vig`. Next hand I get that...he gets the Crystal, and I get deep in debt.”
“Sometimes that`s how they fall,” she nodded.
“Well, nothing to lose in here,” the other replied and stretched out, trying to find some measure of comfort on the stone floor.
Kaisa didn`t reply, hoping that, once the guards got bored with watching them, she`d be able to get the dwarf talking. Sure, neither of them had any money or other goods to use as stakes, but there was always information. His name, what he was in for, how he was caught doing whatever it was he`d done. Heck, perhaps he`d be worth approaching after they both got out.
The two played a few hands, each getting their share of luck though she got the Dark Crystal for a loss in the last hand, before the ynnwn guard yawned loudly and sheathed the sword he`d been working on and hung it on a rack to one side. Perhaps he`s going to have a snooze, she hoped but she wasn`t that lucky. Rather he stood and approached the cells, kneeling in the small corridor between the walls of bars, and motioned for her to deal him in.
Kaisa clicked her tongue with mock reproach, to which the guard shrugged, “We won`t be gambling. Plus this way I get to keep a good close eye on you two and make sure there`s no gossiping.”
Cursing internally she rapidly dealt each of them a pair of cards, deliberately dealing the guard the Dark Crystal from the bottom of the pack without him noticing. She did catch an amused crease in the dwarf`s eyes though. He`d seen it. The dwarf won that hand and the next. Her the third and the guard the fourth. That finally loosened his jaw.
“Judging by how you two choose to amuse yourselves while you`re in here, you`re not going to be changing when you get out, are you?” he said, looking from one to the other.
The dwarf`s eyes widened in mock shock, “If I`ve said it once, I`ve said it a thousand times: it`s tragic circumstances what got me in here!”
The ynnwn rolled his eyes, “And what tragedy was this?”
“I got caught!” and the dwarf erupted in bellicose laughter. Even Kaisa could not help but give in to the grin that tugged at her mouth.
Stifling his own laughter the guard motioned for Kaisa to deal again. “Just can`t help yourself, can you?” and reached for his cards...only to find them out of reach.
Kaisa had dealt all three hands, face down rather than up, within her own cell.
The ynnwn frowned at her and reached through the bars, finding his arm just a shade too short. The dwarf studied her patiently.
She calmly lifted the dwarf`s cards so that only she could read the faces and announced, “Two of diamonds and the four of rubies for a six.”
The dwarf nodded.
She then lifted her own cards, again so only she could see them, “Octarch of Rubies and the seven of diamonds.”
And then repeated the procedure for the guard`s cards, “Two of rubies and two of emeralds for a four.”
The guard scowled, “how can I believe you? Play fair! Show us our cards.”
This time it was Kaisa`s turn for the innocent expression, “You`re not suggesting that I`d cheat, are you?”
“Well, pardon me for accusing a thief of being dishonest, I`d hate to cause offence,” he retorted in a voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I`ll take my third,” the dwarf said, ignoring the guard, and she dealt him his third and final card.
“Three of rubies for a final score of two. Bad luck.” She looked to the guard with raised eyebrows, “Get the Crystal and you beat my straight seven.”
He folded his arms, “If I can`t see the cards you`re dealing then I can`t trust you. No game.”
She then scratched her jaw with the pack in her hand, “You`re suggesting that, given the power to hide something from you, I`d automatically cheat when I usually – believe it or not – play fair?”
The guard nodded.
“Is that because I`m a criminal?”
Another nod.
“You`d never do that? You wouldn`t be tempted to cheat given the opportunity? If there was enough riding on it?”
The guard`s nod was shallower.
“You asked if, as soon as we got out, we`d go back to lives of law breaking? Well, why do people obey the law?”
“Because it`s right. It keeps the peace. It keeps us safe.”
The fenki nodded as the ynnwn spoke, “All very noble but people don`t obey the law because they want to...but because they have to. Break the law and we all know what happens.” She motioned to herself and the dwarf, who was sat with an amused smile, watching her lecture the guard.
“But people don`t want to follow it. The law is just. Actually the law`s the law, justice is another thing, but my point is that injustice is profitable to the individual. Take this game of cards. I remove your ability to see your own cards: you can only trust me that I`m not cheating. I can cheat all I like, laws be damned, and I`m sure most out there would do the same.”
“But for the law,” the guard added.
“But. For. The. Law,” the fenki gambler repeated, “And as long as there`s you lot, there`ll be people like us here to test the balance. To take that risk, follow that primal urge to take what we can when others aren`t looking.”
The guard chuckled, “ this a confession to your crimes?”
Kaisa snorted and shook her head, " Of course not," flipping the cards face up...
The two of diamonds, four of rubies and three of rubies for the dwarf...
The two of rubies and two of emeralds for the guard...
And the Octarch of rubies and the seven of diamonds for herself. A winning hand. Just as she had said.

“Because I don`t cheat.”


[With thanks to Plato for inspiration and Porridge for a line]

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: February 24, 2010, 10:50:15 pm »
The Outlaws are, as ever, recruiting the cream of Yliakum`s scum. With the `Ojaveda Troubles` being one of the more public RPs currently taking place (much thanks to those taking part on both sides) there`s also always a bit of spying going on, beating, murder and kidnapping contracts being posted (two this week) and the occasional act of outright banditry. Last weekend alone: one traveler robbed of some armour in the forest, another killed at Camp Banished and a poor miner forced to mine gold for his captors [whom, with his verbal diarrhea, he very nearly bored to death].

Want to be a badguy? Take part in criminal RPs that are fun for both sides?

Here we are. :devil:

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: A True Assassin.
« on: February 23, 2010, 11:59:03 am »
Four – The Big Fat Kill
The idea was to send the target to Dakkru`s dark embrace so that not only others -colleagues, family and perhaps most importantly the authorities- thought it had been an accident, but also that the target him, her or kraself thought it had been an accident. The nature of death was that unless the target was particularly old there was a good chance that sooner or later they would find their way back from the Death Realm. It could be days, it could be years, but people had a nasty habit of coming back. And if they knew they`d been done in by someone then they usually came back with a burning grudge. But if they died accidentally they`d have no one to hunt down...and they`d have the embarrassment and confusion of having died in an accident. Feeoh fondly remembered a xacha priest he`d gotten drunk, set up and killed down on the Stronghold. No priest would come back and want to talk about dying dressed in a fenki courtesan`s garb and a ball-gag, crushed to death by a rampant rivnak stallion in his personal quarters.
Death, as opposed to True Death, was so much less likely to be investigated. Of course, it meant that he only got his target out of the way temporarily, but more often than not that was all that was really needed.

One important factor in his work was that, depending on the target`s lifestyle and the locale, a great many situations could be explained as `accidental death`. A farmer crushed by his livestock or farm implements? Happens all the time. A knife through the ribs? High crime in Hydlaa plaza but not quite so shocking in the dark alleys of Ojaveda`s more shady Dsars. Also so much easier to disguise as a simple mugging by also looting the body, rather than murder and its true motives. So usually he took some time to get to know his target: both their daily routine if any, and their interests. Usually one of the two lead to something he could exploit, be it a bizarre and depraved penchant for eroticism as with the xacha priest down on the Stronghold, or a habit of going out hunting alone on a rivnak into the wilderness every morning. Routines bred predictability. Hence he`d asked a lot of questions of Kaisa. The controlled environment of the winch, and its security though...they didn`t leave him with many options or much time. He knew he had at least twenty four hours to dispatch Mesusa. Plenty of time to learn the lay of the land...though not really enough to learn the target`s routine and find a vulnerable point.  At worst it might have to be a spontaneous act when he saw the opportunity.

He slipped his boots off in case they made any noise and scampered between the shadows cast by buildings, the Azure Sun overhead still a fair few hours from full brightness.
The winch area comprised four tiers of land decorated with offices, warehouses, a few houses for officials and paddocks for livestock, with roads curving down to the left and right toward the main building itself. To each side cliff-faces rose up as natural barriers and with the wall segregating the area from the rest of Hydlaa at the back, the only open side was that which dropped away down to the Barn and other levels. On a good day, when the weather was clear, one could see across to the city of Donton on the far side of the Dome where the second winch was.
He had been told the Quinx Mercantile Guild had a small warehouse with quarters on the left side of the second tier down, identified easily enough by the sign hanging over the door, decorated with the image of a quinx: an iron-bodied mute creature said to be one of Laanx`s creations. This one was painted hefting a pair of crates with great ease. Clearly the merchants either had links to the Iron Temple or simply sought the masquerade lord`s blessing.
As he mused this over, a ylian woman perhaps in her early twenties and dressed in travelling clothes with the rusty-red cloak of her guild stepped out of the building. Amani, he thought. The Outlaws hadn`t told the woman what they planned to do to Mesusa, only that he`d be removed so she could complete her half of the bargain, so he thought it best if she remained ignorant of his presence. Apparently the Outlaws had offered her money to do this job for them, so clearly she could be bought. He didn`t want anyone buying her as a witness either. Killing her superior without her knowing about it beforehand would also serve to scare her into secrecy.
The woman came out with a wooden bucket and crossed the road to a small pool in the middle of a clearing. Gathering water for morning ablutions and breakfast, no doubt.
Rather than rushing into the building while her back was turned and potentially running straight into his target unprepared, he sprinted low across from his hiding place to the wooden fence encircling the warehouse and its small compound. He wanted a closer look at the building itself.
Two stories, it appeared a good two-thirds of the building was storage space. He peeked through windows to see nothing but crates stacked to the rafters. The final third was accommodation: the ground floor living space and a small kitchen and pantry. A chimney spouted from the tiled roof and vented grey smoke. He didn`t risk climbing the gutter pipe but assumed the upper area had to be bedrooms. Probably not more than one or two.

As he examined the building another possibility came to mind: species. This Mesusa was a ynnwn: a diaboli-elf halfbreed, and that meant he had a serious allergy to precious metals. Feeoh had once managed to poison a ynnwn to death, over a protracted length of time, by inserting small amounts of silver dust into his food. It had steadily built up and killed him. Not quick, not cheap and most certainly not painless. The buildup of silver in the corpse hadn`t escaped the local sawbones` attention, but by that time Feeoh had been long gone, moving to one of the other levels. Again, there wasn`t enough time for that, but still...precious metals might be the key...

Still studying the rear of the warehouse he heard the door close on the other side. Amani must have gone back in. Sneaking along the wall, his knees and back bent to keep him under the level of the windows, he stopped outside what he judged to be the kitchen window.
“Ah, there you are at last!” came a male voice punctuated with a yawn.
“`morning Mesusa,” Amani replied in a weary tone.
“Come on, come on, I`m hungry,” said the ynnwn bossily and Feeoh heard the ylian woman`s footsteps as she moved toward the window he crouched under. He held his breath. There came a chopping sound from within: evidently Amani had started to make breakfast for the two merchants. There was a creaking of wood from within as someone climbed stairs. Mesusa must be big. Or fat.
“Lard-arsed bastard son of a rivnak,” Amani muttered to herself as she chopped veg and put it into the pot which was slowly starting to boil.
Fat it is, then.
It would be so easy to knife Mesusa in the night and plant the weapon on Amani, Feeoh knew, but he was being paid specifically to keep Amani clean. In a way he was being paid to do what she`d probably love very much to do herself.
As Mesusa came back down stairs the sounds within changed to those of the two merchants eating, the domineering ynnwn reminding his junior of all the duties she was to perform that day in preparation for the next morning`s shipment and other deals. He conspicuously left out detailing what he would be up to, if anything.
Feeoh left the sound of spoons scraping on plates, drinking and Mesusa`s belching, and made his way back round to the rear wall and the windows to the warehouse. Fortunately one of them had been cracked, evidently some time in the past a crate had toppled inside and broke it, the splintered panes still held precariously by the wooden frame. He took a good look to memorise how the window looked before he set to work. Fortunately nothing was resting against it anymore and he carefully slid a naked finger into a gap where a chip had fallen away. The edges looked sharp but he knew if he wore his gloves then his finger would never fit. The elf tested the shards of glass, finding them loose and with extreme care proceeded to work them loose, starting with the topmost one lest it fall noisily. Freeing it he placed it flat on the ground, taking a moment to look around and listen before rising again to work on the rest of the glass.
It took far longer than he had anticipated and twice he cut his fingers on the edge of the glass shards, careful to remove any blood from them before stacking them on the ground. Eventually he had removed one window and peered into the interior of the warehouse. Stacks of crates and barrels, as he had seen on his brief check earlier. He leaned in and placed the stack of broken glass on a crate to one side of the window before hauling himself inside. With as much care, if not more, he placed the broken window panes back into the window frame, cutting a finger a further time and uttering a curse under his breath as he pulled on his leather gloves, not wanting to leave nolthrir bloodstains everywhere.
Iron-bound wooden crates and chests formed a labyrinth within the warehouse, and an ill-lit one at that, for the outer stacks blocked much of the light that did get in through the windows and he soon found himself navigating almost by touch. Thankfully, being a nolthrir, he had an excellent sense of direction. After some fifteen minutes of carefully inspecting the labels nailed to various crates in case he could find something of use he eventually found that most of them were locked and those that weren`t had their lids nailed down. He`d need more than his dagger to pry them open and set about searching for a pry-bar. It was as he reached for such a tool that he heard the large wooden doors on the front of the building side open. Snatching up the bar he snuck through the shadowy maze toward the front. He didn`t want to have to brain the ynnwn to death with the iron club but if it was that or be discovered then he`d do it and figure out a way to make it look accidental afterward. And quickly: bodies didn`t tend to stick around once they`d expired.
The door slid noisily closed again and Feeoh frowned. If the merchants were going to be either taking stock out or moving stuff in, they`d need the doors open. The heavy footfalls on the stone floor indicated that Mesusa, and Mesusa alone, was still within the inspection?
Trying to remember the layout of the stacks without having to run his hand along the walls, the nolthrir assassin worked his way toward the sound of the merchant`s steps, trying to come round behind him.
After less than a minute the footsteps stopped, Feeoh too freezing momentarily until there came a jangling of metal: keys, and a huff as the corpulent half-breed bent over. Feeoh peeked out from behind one wall of crates to find Mesusa unlocking a crate, lit by a thin beam of light penetrating between two stacks. He was no more than seven paces away. Seven quick strides, a strong swing, and the ynnwn would be on his way to Dakkru`s cold embrace.
But something stopped the nolthrir.
What was in the crate?
The hinges squeaked as the lid was drawn back and Mesusa`s crimson face was illuminated as the scant light reflected off something gleaming brightly within. The merchant gave a hoarse cough and pulled a pair of gloves from his pocket along with a small bag. Feeoh could hear the other`s childlike giggle, everything else as silent as the grave. The merchant straightened, holding up a small, shining disc between gloved fingers, his other hand over his mouth as he coughed again. His beady eyes were fixed upon the platinum coin. With another greedy chuckle he slipped it into the small bag and bent back over the crate to scoop up more.
Feeoh saw his chance and carefully crept across to the stack of crates between the merchant`s back and the wall. In time with the clinking of coins he climbed atop the bottom crate, his chest and face pressed against the two above. Three more towered atop those.
The lid squeaked again as Mesusa began to close it and Feeoh almost spat a curse. He`d taken too much time! But the lid squeaked again as Mesusa changed his mind, deciding to pilfer a few more coins after all.
The nolthrir held his breath and turned, balancing on the edge of the crate with his bare feet, so that he now faced the wall. He put his webbed feet against it and pushed as hard as he could. He bit his lip rather than let out the grunt of exertion which his lungs begged to release. And soon enough the stack toppled, smashing into the ynnwn merchant`s back and hammering him face-down into the crate of platinum coins.
Quickly rolling off the scattered chests, Feeoh spared a quick but critical glance at his victim: three heavy boxes were resting on his torso and head, from the back of which blood was trickling and the hands lay limb at the sides. What he could see of Mesusa`s  face was already swelling up and turning a foul green with allergic reaction to the platinum.
Thinking quickly Feeoh tugged the purse of coins from the corpse`s hand. He noticed the large `M` embroidered on it and chuckled to himself as he pocketed all but two of the coins, leaving the purse on the ground as evidence. As he did this Mesusa`s corpse faded away, taken by Dakkru, and the crates fell noisily again.
Time to be out of here.

The next day the accidental death of the Quinx Mercantile Guild`s trader Mesusa was reported in the Hydlaa Post, the fact that his body disappeared noted and prayers directed to Dakkru for his safe passage through the goddess` land. Both the Hydlaa Guard and his own Guild were waiting with large clubs and very difficult questions for him should he make it back to Yliakum.
Feeoh looked remarkably different the next time he strode into Hydlaa. Clean shaven and clad in fine clothes -a considerable portion of his payment from the job- he met Kaisa and Mogweh in Kada El`s. The nolthrir never asked the full details why they had wanted Mesusa temporarily removing...something about a shipment they wanted diverting, the smiles on their faces sufficient proof that events had gone according to plan. The less he knew: the safer for all parties.
Kaisa set a beer in front of each of them and they raised their drinks in a silent toast before downing them.
It was only as Feeoh lowered his mug back to the table that he saw Thorian wink maliciously at him from across the room, and a strange feeling spread through his stomach...
The End

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: A True Assassin.
« on: February 16, 2010, 08:54:45 pm »
Three – Spiked Drinks At Kada El`s
Feeoh hadn`t cleaned himself up in the slightest before arriving in Hydlaa. The guards at the gate stifled coughs and looked away as he strode between them, head down. His first port of call was the tavern to buy a drink. He chose a fine Stonebreaker whiskey, not for it`s undoubtedly exquisite flavor but for the fact that the bottle was large and opaque. He sighed resignedly as he made his way round the back of the tavern with his expensive purchase and proceeded to pour the fine malt liquor, product of Delving`s famous distilleries, into the city`s flow of effluent. There would be some particularly dizzy rats wandering the tunnels before long, he thought as he rinsed the bottle at a well and refilled it with clean water.
When he stepped back out onto Octarch`s Way it was with a well-practiced drunken stagger, the bottle in one hand, his other stretched out to trace the wall to his right, seemingly ever-ready to catch himself if should he stumble. Finally he eased himself down with his back to one of the large stone blocks that formed the base of the plaza`s fountain, facing the short path to the winch.
He sipped the water slowly, outwardly a destitute soak, as he gazed through his lank hair at the large doorway and the armoured guard before it, wondering just how in Dakkru`s Black Crack he was going to get in.
He could get himself a permit: he knew a few ways but none of which he could do without drawing attention to himself or leaving a trail. Even if he did manage to pull off the job and do in this Mesusa-character making it look like an accident, the guards would likely want to talk to everyone who`d been in the area at the time. And he was pretty sure the guard made a note of who came and went.
He could always try to fly a drifter over the wall from either the high hill behind the smithy or from one of the nearby rooftops, but if he was spotted he`d likely be blasted from the sky with magic and security on the gates doubled.
He needed someone to open the gates for him. A trader. Someone who got stuff from the lower levels.
Feeoh almost dropped the bottle as an idea struck him and, chuckling as he went, he wandered back to the tavern and an old acquaintance.

Thorian looked as shifty and untrustworthy as ever. The dwarf initially scoffed at Feeoh`s request and laughed, believing it to be a joke by the drunken nolthrir until he slipped a stack of circles and a scribbled recipe into the dwarf`s grubby hand.
“Dates, dandelions, red alox. Just make sure it`s damned strong and get it into everyone`s drinks.” He almost warned the dwarf to seek alternative accommodations for that night, but the little rogue had cheated him on their last deal and so Feeoh turned and left, leaving the dwarf scratching his head.

By morning Allelia was writing out an order for new sponge mattresses to be imported up from the lower levels to replace those ruined in an unexplained bout of debilitating -near paralyzing- diarrhea that had struck her guests the night before. Feeoh watched from a corner of the room, sipping at his bottle of water as the dermorian barmaid handed the order and a sizeable purse to the kran representative of the Quinx Mercantile Guild. Unfortunately it wasn`t Mesusa, that would`ve been all too easy if the tavern`s order had lured him out of the winch area. Nevertheless he tailed the trader as gemma made his way to a cart and rivnak. The wooden cart creaked and strained as the stoneman climbed aboard and the nolthrir took the chance to slide under and lift himself up, hanging between the front and rear axles. Soon enough it was making its rickety way over the cobblestones toward the winch gate. Feeoh prayed to any god who was listening that the cart would not give way under the kran`s considerable weight and crush him.
It stopped briefly by the guard outside the gate as the merchant`s papers were checked and kra`s name logged. The nolthrir hardly dared breath lest he be discovered, and held on tight to the woodwork above him. He watched the tarnished plate boots of the guard as they made their way round the cart, stopping once more to hand the pass back to the kran and then the great reinforced doors were drawn back and the cart clattered on through.
As soon as the doors closed behind the cart, Feeoh dropped down to the road, choking back a cry as the rear axle clipped his chin. Shaking the stars from his vision he rolled off to one side and behind a stack of crates in front of a building. Uttering hushed curses he checked his chin and mouth only to find he had bitten his lip. He sucked at the salty blood and looked about. Thankfully due to the early hour no one seemed to be about. If he remembered correctly the winch brought up shipments twice a day. Perhaps the kran was hoping to head down on the first platform that day. He idly wondered what the tavern staff had done with the soiled mattresses...probably pitched them over the back into the sewers. He peeked over the crates once more before darting off into an alleyway, heading down toward the mercantile guild`s warehouse and his target.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: A True Assassin.
« on: February 13, 2010, 09:56:31 pm »
Two – The Right Fish-Elf For The Job
Feeoh sprawled across a boulder that was half-submerged at the edge of the lake, the great wall of Yliakum`s edge rising up behind him. It would have been like an image from an ancient ylian legend of half-fish half-women temptresses...were it not for the nolthrir being male and looking quite decidedly disheveled. His dark blue-green hair was matted with weeds, as was his thick, long beard. Leather armour -the tanned hide of a greater maunderer- clothed his body, though it looked like it had seen better days. In fact, the only thing that didn`t appear to be in a state of disrepair was a gleaming dagger at his belt.
Mogweh looked from the sprawling elf to Kaisa and frowned before speaking in a low voice, “Are you sure about this guy?”
Kaisa nodded and smiled as she made her way round the edge of the small lake toward the nolthrir. “Good to see you again, Feeoh.”
The nolthrir lazily rolled from his back onto his stomach, still atop the rock, and brushed his hair from his eyes with one hand. Kaisa had stopped as soon as the elf began to move and now cocked her head to one side, “It`s me, Feeoh. No need for the dagger.”
The elf`s face broke into a mischievous grin and he slid his other hand out from under his belly, the hand empty.
“Grrensholo, tabei. Jhur si?”
Kaisa waved off the enkien, “good enough. I-“
“Who`s this?” Feeoh`s eyes had darted from Kaisa to the darkly-dressed menki at her side.
“A friend, Feeoh. A friend. Listen; you been working recently?”
The nolthrir kept his eyes on Mogweh but shook his head, dislodging detritus from his locks.
“Good. Got a job for you.” If he hadn`t done a job in a while that meant there wouldn`t be anyone looking for him. No heat that he might bring down on the job or the Outlaws.
He brought his eyes back to hers.
“Aces, I really don`t think this fish-elf is the answer. Let`s get some of the mercs onto it,” Mogweh said, half to get the nolthrir riled and see how he reacted, half because he honestly thought it.
Feeoh scowled, “What kinda job?”
“An assassination.”
This caused the elf to sit up, sliding his legs round so that he was sat atop the rock facing the two enkidukai. “Same as last time?”
Kaisa nodded, “It`s got to be an accident. Nothing suspicious.”
“Well then, menki,” Feeoh now looked to Mogweh, “How would you and your mercenary buddies handle it, eh? A vial of arangma blood dripped over a dagger? Hard to get your hands on, that stuff, and very hard not to notice in the corpse.” He hopped off the rock and began to casually stride round the two as he continued.
“Or perhaps butcher this poor fellow? Hack off his limbs, tear out his tongue and cauterize the stumps then send him to Dakkru looking like a consumer larva? Butcher`s work,” he spat. “Messy, noisy, butcher`s work only an animal would do.”
Kaisa held her tongue and gave Mogweh a look that told him he should do likewise.
“Or how about just stick a knife in him? You could get some fool who calls himself an assassin to do that real cheap. Ten-a-tria, thugs like that in Hydlaa. `Cept the victim`ll most likely see their faces or at least enough for the guards to track `em down when he does make it back to the land of the living. Track `em down, squeeze `em and get your names out of the amateurs you were foolish enough to hire.”
Mogweh tapped his finger on the hilt of his saber with irritation. “And just how would you do it?”
The nolthrir broke into a toothy grin and spread his hands out to his sides, pirouetting, “Trade secrets, tabei, trade secrets.”
Kaisa put a reassuring hand on Mogweh`s shoulder and threw a pouch of tria at Feeoh`s feet.
“Trust me. He`s the right fish-elf for the job.”

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A True Assassin.
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:50:20 pm »
One – There`s A Problem
“There`s a problem.” The voice was barely muffled by the door.
Not a phrase anyone relishes waking up to.
Kaisa yawned and stretched on the sponge mattress. Kada El`s lower room might turn into a fighting pit on occasion, and the miasma rising from the sewers made the back veranda less than pleasant, but the beds...oh the beds! She could sleep an eternity on them.
The rapping at the door again indicated that everlasting slumber would have to wait.
She slipped on her pants and tunic, then her bulky plate mail gloves and boots and splashed some cool water from a jug onto her face. Shaking the drops from her whiskers she clunked across to the door and opened to reveal the Akkaio menki who had woken her.
Stifling another yawn she rubbed sleep from her eyes, “What is it, Mog`?”
He peered wordlessly past her into the room. At first she thought he was checking the bed to see if she`d shared it with anyone -the fenki never having been associated with a male (or female for that matter)- then decided he wanted in so he could talk freely. She stepped aside and closed the door behind him after checking no one else was stood in the hallway.
“Ooh, still warm,” said the menki, reclining upon the bed and look down at it with a grin before the fenki coughed her irritation and he got to business. “I confirmed that the Quinx Mercantile Guild is to receive the shipment up from Nalvys via the winch in three days` time. The crate`ll be in it. Two members of the guild will receive it. Amani and Mesusa.”
Kaisa frowned and shook her head, “Their names don`t ring any bells.”
The menki, always in the know when it came to people and events in Hydlaa, continued, “Amani`s a junior trader in the Guild. Ylian woman. Young, upcoming and greedy with it. Snatched the bribe so fast she left scorch marks on my palm. She`ll make sure the crate disappears from the manifest and gets to us. Mesusa, ynnwn guy, is her senior...”
The trailing off of the menki`s words indicated that this Mesusa was the reason she had been woken.
“I take it his morals are not as flexible as his enterprising junior`s?”
“According to Amani: no, not at all, though it could be she just wants all of the bribe for herself. Want me to approach him?”
“Where is he?”
Mogweh chewed his lip, “Both are now in the winch area. Preparing their warehouse for the shipment.”
Kaisa withdrew a pack of cards from a pouch at her belt and rubbed her jaw with them, a habit she had when thinking. But these weren`t her playing cards for Crystal Facets. This was the smaller deck. The tarot deck.
After a few minutes she nodded to herself and flipped the top card from the deck onto the mattress next to the menki.
The sliver of hard parchment landed face up.
Mogweh whistled when he saw the image on the card. “I`ll get Rigwyn or one of the merc`s onto it,” and he began to rise from the bed.
“No. I don`t mean to say that Rig` lacks compunction-“ this drew a grin from the menki, “but I`d rather use someone from outside the family on this one.”
The menki deferred to his superior, “Got someone in mind?”
She nodded, “I just hope he hasn`t worked for a while.”
Frowning, Mogweh followed Kaisa out of the tavern, beyond the city walls...and all the way across the countryside to a lake.

General Discussion / Re: Think NPCs are dumb? Click here!
« on: January 25, 2010, 04:31:34 am »
When asked about Yliakum, Londris gives the usual info that a Hydlaa NPC would...including ending with "This is the first level, or the Dome"...
but he`s in the Death Realm citadel.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] X marks the spot
« on: January 25, 2010, 04:14:18 am »
Kaisa sat in Th' Broken Door, a half-full beer before her and her battered platemail armour in a bag next to her. She was back in her leathers.
Dakkru's black crack! It had gone from a relatively simple lure-and-robbery into a tense stand-off.

It had all started back in Hydlaa with Rigwyn introducing his latest two recruits to the family. They'd seemed keen enough and, if she admitted it herself Kaisa was keen for a bit of action too, so she had suggested 'a job'.
Soon enough there was a treasure map making its way around Hydlaa collecting soon-to-be victims and Kaisa and Jacula, both clad in platemail, weapons out, found themselves crouched round a fire in a dark cavern, waiting...

After what seemed like hours of waiting they finally heard the screech of a dying velnishi. Someone was coming.
Jacula extinguished the fire and the two slowly stood, careful to make as little noise as possible, and readied their weapons. Not more than a few minutes later they heard another shout, though this time from a humanoid throat, and they charged off down the rocky passage...

(01:21:16) Mellas looks over at Sulaika. 'Can I check the map?'
(01:21:16) Kaisa shouts: Well, well, well. Nobody move! Drop your weapons and hand over your valuables. Nice and quickly now. No one need get hurt. [Just a few Tria or anything you don`t mind losing. RP cooperation appreciated]
(01:21:36) Sulaika turns her head to Mellas, "Hmmm, maybe it was only one part of the treasure Mellas?" She puts the map on the ground
(01:21:40) Lace raise slowly stand keepin himself strictly controll "carefull... dont come too close now "
(01:21:42) Mellas turns around quickly and stands before Sulaika
(01:21:58) Jacula raises a glowing glyph towards the crowd 'Don't make any sudden movements.. I`d hate to.. slip'
(01:21:59) Kaisa looks to the pregnant woman, "What the-?"
(01:21:59) Kaisa says: No one wants the nice mother-to-be to get hurt now, right?
Kaisa shook her head and took another swig of beer as she remembered how surprised she'd been to find a heavily pregnant woman amongst their victims. The enki wasn't scared of killing; she'd sent three men to her goddess, always when on a job, but...a pregnant woman?! It brought back memories of another time, years earlier, when she had been in a shockingly similar situation. Asked, nay, ordered to kill a young pregnant peasant, the fenki had refused and turned her back on the dark path she had set out on.
She shivered at the memory, and at how close this last job had come to having a worse outcome...

(01:22:23) Mellas nods and looks at Sulaika. 'I think it's best we cooperate...'
(01:22:24) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(01:22:50) Vilthis turns to his attention to the new comers "You WOULD prefer to permit me to walk away without any hassle"
(01:23:01) Jacula directs the glyph towards Vilthis, his eyes snapping to his entropic hand
(01:23:07) Kaisa laughs
(01:23:13) Lace turns to comers "if .,,we sheath our swords don`t hurt the ladies ?..if you promise that ..I won`t fight "
(01:23:15) Sulaika looks confused, "Whats going on?" She looks at Jacula and Kaisa
(01:23:30) Kaisa says: You move, corpse, and you all die.
(01:23:37) Lace slowly sheaths his sword
(01:23:48) Sulaika holds on her breath
(01:23:49) Mellas shushes Sulaika, standing before her. 'Just... give them what you got, I don't want you to get hurt.'
(01:23:51) Vilthis says: I'll desire to see the attempt...
(01:24:01) Vilthis casually walks towards Kaisa
(01:24:13) Kaisa says: Corpse, you try anything and the woman...and her kid, dies. Got it?
(01:24:20) Jacula squeezes the glyph causing it to glow brightly directing it at Vilthis head as he walks up to Kaisa
(01:24:33) Kaisa says: Valuables. NOW!
(01:24:47) Sulaika whispers to Mellas, "What do you mean?"
(01:24:53) Vilthis says: Which is of greater value? Your lives...Or their valuables?
(01:25:07) Lace drop his right knee and dark glow appear his left hand
(01:25:23) Kaisa says: Nah, corpse. You don`t get it, do you? You make a move: she and the lil` baby die.
(01:25:38) Vilthis says: You would know better that you people would never live free again in any circumstance.
(01:25:51) Vilthis says: I'm willing to bargain...However on MY terms.
(01:25:57) Kaisa yawns
(01:26:00) Jacula tilts his head at Vilthis, eyes darting to his entropic limb. He swiftly moves up to Sulaika, as he attempts to grab her in a stranglehold
(01:26:19) Sulaika shivers and looks at Lace and Vilthis with scared wide opened eyes.
(01:27:14) Sulaika coughs and tries not to move under Jacula's stranglehold. She snaps for air.
(01:27:22) Lace winches "ungh...pain ,,,can`t do much now ...Vilthis carefull now .,we don`t want to endanger Sulaika and her baby "
(01:27:33) Kaisa looks to Lace, "Sensible man."
(01:27:59) Kaisa says: Cough up some loot. Before the lady turns blue.
(01:27:59) Vilthis says: Dead or not...Our souls ALL belong to Dakkru.
(01:28:23) Kaisa says: I don`t disagree. But let`s leave the theological discussion for another time.
(01:28:24) Jacula keeps Sulaika's head in a vice grip, allowing her to breathe normally. He looks to Vilthis with a malign glow in his eyes from under his hood 'Lay down your weapons.. It would by a pity for this innocent mother`s throat to. .Constrict'
(01:28:47) Vilthis says: You seem to contemplate upon life to be of great sanctity...I assure you..It's an overrated pheneomenon
(01:29:07) Vilthis walks towards Kaisa as he lightly taps her shoulders
(01:29:14) Kaisa says: Oh? How about that of an unborn child? You don`t mind killing it?
(01:29:24) Kaisa shrugs aside, untouched
(01:29:27) Lace says: Sensible ?..perhaps ..unh heh .. I`ll gived my word didn`t I..shadowranger always keep them"
(01:29:31) Jacula tightens his stranglehold on Sulaika's throat at Kaisa`s words
(01:29:42) Vilthis says: I would be more concerned about you...Enki
(01:30:03) Kaisa says: Ebon. If this guy doesn`t drop some shinies on the count of five...Do her.
(01:30:09) Kaisa shouts: One.
(01:30:10) Sulaika blinks and stutters. "W...what you want from" She trembles scared.
(01:30:45) Kaisa says: Money. Treasure.
(01:31:07) Vilthis shouts: YOUR LIFE!
Was the half-decomposed xacha insane? He was turning what was planned to be a quick hold-up into a battle of wills...and during her long wait with Jacula in their hiding place they had talked a fair bit. Kaisa had the feeling that her ynnwn accomplice was particularly ruthless and only cared about one person other than himself. Still, he knew that she was senior in 'the family' and he should fallow her lead. She hoped.

(01:31:21) Kaisa shouts: Two.
(01:31:31) Vilthis lashes his tendrils maliciously at Kaisa unleashing a wrathful barrage of primal entrophy
(01:31:53) Vilthis says: She can die...But you would empower Dakkru with both your deaths
(01:31:54) Lace looks Jacula "if..we give valuables you don`t harm her ? ..* drops a sack on the ground*"
(01:32:27) Jacula slowly brings his serrated blade to Sulaika's throat, trembleling slightly at what he is about to do. As Vilthis attacks Kaisa he lets the blade cut her throat slightly 'That's right.. Don't be stupid' he exclaims loudly
(01:32:28) Kaisa staggers under the spell
(01:32:37) Kaisa shouts: Three
(01:32:49) Vilthis says: You have no leverage upon ME.
(01:33:04) Kaisa says: I don`t mind dying, corpse. I love Lady Death perhaps as much as you.
(01:33:06) Kaisa grins
(01:33:17) Sulaika coughs and glances at Vilthis and Lace and feels blood flowing down her throat.
(01:33:33) Vilthis intensifies his constriction as he slowly reduced Kaisa into an entrophic husk
(01:33:34) Lace says: Vilthis dont !..that man will harm Sulaika. I see it in his eyes if we dont give up
(01:33:53) Kaisa grits her teeth, resisting the spell as best she can.
(01:34:07) Kaisa shouts: Four
(01:34:15) Lace slowly stand up holding his shoulder a bit
(01:34:20) Jacula seems to be getting some strange enjoyment out of having Sulaika in her predicament.
(01:34:41) Kaisa grimaces, eyes locked with Vilthis`, "What`s it to be? I`m no murderer."
(01:36:00) Lace does windstep art and dashes towards Vilthis grabbing his arm trying to pull him apart
(01:36:29) Lace says: Vilthis ...don`t ...endanger Sulaika
(01:36:33) Sulaika gasps heavily and tries to speak slowly, "Guy's its alright...don`t do what they life has either way no value anymore...if they want to kill me...I will be happy, as everyone else." She feels more blood flowing down her throat.
(01:36:51) Vilthis turns to Sulaika
(01:36:53) Kaisa staggers back as Lace distracts Vilthis
(01:37:27) Kaisa says: Gents. What`ll it be? A few coins for your time?
(01:37:32) Jacula lets a vague touch of crystal magic wander over Sulaikas throat to prevent the bleeding, keeping her in a forceful vice grip with the blade inches from her throat
(01:37:38) Lace looks at Sulaika "I,,cant just let you be harmed..along with the child "
(01:37:45) Vilthis says: Your death would not be in vain - Sulaika.
(01:38:18) Lace looks at Kaisa"I left two sacks on the ground ..take them and let Sulaika go ..please"
(01:38:21) Vilthis turns to both the robbers - How does freedom sound like to you both?
(01:38:48) Kaisa says: What about the child? Dakkru`s black crack! I just came here for a bit of looting. Curse you xacha. Do you want to be responsible for these needless deaths?
(01:39:24) Vilthis says: Oh...The causations of the law views the 'circumstance' quite differently.
(01:39:34) Sulaika whimpers and coughs again, "W...wh...why?" She trembles under his forceful wice grip and starts slowly to fell unconscious.
(01:39:41) Vilthis says: You know this to be true...
(01:40:01) Kaisa says: Do we *look* like we care about the word of the law?
(01:40:02) Jacula seems tempted to cut into Sulaika's throat 'don't move.. I'd hate to slip'
(01:40:17) Lace shouts and holds his head
(01:40:58) Vilthis turns to the cloaked person and notices the coil burns "What about you...halfbreed?"
(01:41:09) Kaisa sighs, "Last chance gents." She looks to Lace, "Can you talk some sense into him?"
(01:41:31) Lace cold glow and devilish smile appears him and young ylian laughs dark tone "mmm hahahaha ,, ah I`d love to Vilthis how about let them go.."
(01:43:26) Vilthis says: Peculiar...I just see what is leveraged upon me to contemplate a bargain.
(01:43:27) Jacula keeps the blade pressed against Sulaika's poorly healed throat, loosening his grip slightly so that she can breathe. His eyes seemingly transfixed on Vilthis
(01:43:31) Lace says: they can keep that worthless treasure and my goods its nice to be a gentleman once in a while no ?
(01:43:50) Kaisa says: Xacha, you might not mind about death. Nor do I. But they do. They don`t share out beliefs.
(01:43:51) Vilthis says: Of course they could keep the treasure...
(01:44:12) Vilthis says: The material are of no concern to me...
(01:44:29) Jacula listens to Kaisa's words, his eyes growing dark under his hood as her faith is revealed.
(01:44:37) Vilthis says: Please...Criminals with conscience? Is this a jest?
(01:44:47) Vilthis grins
(01:45:02) Sulaika snaps for air and calms a bit down. Suddenly she feels a pain of wave inside her tummy and screams a bit, "Aaah." She presses her lips together and swallows, "S...sorry..." She tries to be quiet.
(01:45:27) Lace thinks a bit "mmm well materials aren`t the issue for me either ,,,I kind of promised to look after Sulaika so ,, I can`t let her be harmed"
(01:46:19) Jacula is about to stagger back as Sulaika screams. Yet instead he regains the strangehold 'This has gone on long enough' he grunts
(01:46:20) Vilthis loosens his grasp upon his appendage
(01:46:30) Vilthis says: Weaklings...
(01:46:39) Vilthis casually walks away from the scene...
(01:46:44) Vilthis says: "Do as you please"
(01:46:45) Lace looks vilthis "ah ...alright "

Kaisa had been half tempted to get the xacha back, force him to cough up his dark glyphs perhaps, but the other half of her was pleased to see the back of the morbid freak.
That left her and Jacula with their other three victims: the pregnant NAME, the nolthrir Mellas and the man Lace. They soon coughed up some loot...
(01:51:00) Jacula continues to hold Sulaika still as he stuffs the pocket of his robe full of her tria s well as a glypth
(01:51:38) Jacula sheats his sword as he places a hand on Sulaikas neck 'Do you know your way out of here.. Miss?'
(01:51:45) Kaisa says: Lady. Come with us. I don`t want the lizards getting you. Once we`re out, head to civilisation. And I`d choose your travelling companions better next time.
(01:51:52) Kaisa says: That xacha...
(01:52:05) Sulaika glances at Lace, "What about him?"
(01:52:10) Kaisa turns her head, lifts her handkerchief and spits
...and the two outlaws escorted the three hostages out of the caves - weapons at the ready in case Vilthis had prepared an ambush.
(02:03:55) Mellas sighs with relief when they return to the light of the azure sun, and looks Sulaika over for any wounds
(02:04:49) Lace looks sulaika and mellas "are you two alright ?"
(02:04:49) Jacula looks to Mellas and Suilaka 'We wouldent want you following us.. This wont hurt. Just remain still'
(02:04:58) Kaisa looks to Sulaika, "You take care...and for the gods` sake don`t go adventuring around in that state!"
(02:05:07) Sulaika glances at Mellas, "I guess I am alright..." She swallows and points at her throat, "is there anything Mellas?"
(02:05:57) Mellas nods to Lace and looks over Sulaika's throat. 'Nay, I don't see anything... should I?' she asks.
(02:05:57) Lace looks sulaika "i healed the wound at your throat so you should be fine "
(02:06:00) Jacula extends his hand and places it on Sulaikas shoulder, a bright flash of purple light eminates from it as azure magic infuses her body 'Sleep.. Relax'
(02:06:01) Sulaika frowns at Kaisa's words and nods slowly, wondering who this thiefs are."
(02:06:40) Sulaika falls asleep and lays down on the ground.
(02:06:52) Kaisa shakes her head, tired. "Let`s be out of here."
(02:06:56) Jacula walks up to support Sulaika and lays her to rest on the lush grass
(02:07:22) Mellas curiously looks at Jacula as he casts a familiar spell and reaches out for his hand. 'Thank you... ' she whispers.
(02:07:44) Jacula looks up at Mellas with a bright smile 'Care for her' he says as he squeezes her hand before following Kaisa
Once they were back in the Azure Sun's light, the two robbers split up, Kaisa heading for Oja, a beer and to think over the job...

[This was the third time we've run "X-marks" and decided that it may as well get posted on the forums this time since we learned quite a bit about those involved. It does, of course, make it difficult to run the event again...but we always have other schemes]

General Discussion / Re: Markets: We need some statistics.
« on: December 14, 2009, 11:03:21 am »
0.5 works.
And if the Outlaws aren`t there to do ill, then I can be there with a stall/auction (heck, we`ll probably do both). :devil:

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« on: December 07, 2009, 10:19:48 am »
Actually Volund wasn't going to kill Kaisa, he was going to steal a kiss after taking back his money.  :devil:
I can just imagine the next time they meet...
With blades drawn, glaring at each other,
Kaisa: What is it you want? You're only the second person I've ever murdered. You wanna be number three as well?
Volund shouts: No, I demand a kiss!
Kaisa: Enough with the shouting already. Okay, I think I see the confusion: y'know, love is when someone takes your *heart*...not your *life*, and your money. That's called marriage. That comes later.
Volund shouts: I will have my kiss, or your life!
Kaisa: I have this personal rule -call me old-fashioned- but I never date anyone I've killed.
Volund bellows and charges...

As for further victims, I`m sure we`ll be up to our old tricks again sometime ;)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Tapestry Of Secrets
« on: December 06, 2009, 11:22:24 pm »

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« on: December 06, 2009, 05:57:09 am » might get robbed. As two unlucky individuals found out...

Our two enkidukai anti-heroes set themselves up; he in a midnight blue cloak; she in battered platemail, a battle helm and a purple linen handkerchief tied across the lower half of her wait in the bushes to either side of the road from Hydlaa to Gugrontid, just past a convenient corner.
[my menki accomplice`s name has been removed at his request.]

And it wasn`t long until a man came running along...
(17:37:43) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life!
(17:37:47) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:37:56) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:38:18) Kaisa says: [just a few coins or whatever would be nice]
(17:38:18) Menki leans towards Shywan bradishing his sword menacingly.
(17:38:24) Shywan says: I see.
(17:38:40) Kaisa says: Quickly one wants to get hurt.

(17:38:46) Menki says,'Spill your load or we spill your guts fat boy' which point the man started to make a run for it but was quickly cut off.
(17:39:32) Menki snarls,'ooh looky we got a runna'
...but he soon opened up his tria pouch
(17:39:42) >Shywan gave Kaisa 500 Tria.
(17:39:50) Kaisa accepts the coins
(17:39:54) Kaisa says: Now get outta here!
(17:40:01) Kaisa swings a kick at the man
(17:40:30) Shywan bows low I shall do that
(17:40:34) Menki says,'and forget about us, cause we will not forget'
(17:40:36) Kaisa motions to Menki, "Let`s go!"

Emboldened by their success, the two decided to try it again...though the next fish that came into their net wasn`t quite so easy...yet another man, though this one appeared to be a warrior: a long sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

(17:52:26) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life! [Just a few Tria or anything you don`t mind losing. RP cooperation appreciated]
(17:52:28) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:52:30) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:52:48) Volund smirks
(17:53:03) Kaisa says: No need to run...just lighten your tria purse a little, eh?
(17:53:07) Volund says: I'm Volund the sellsword, you pick the wrong man to highwayman
(17:53:21) Kaisa says: Why? You poor or something?
(17:53:21) Volund throws his shield over his back and draws his longsword
(17:53:35) Volund says: For seven cycles I have slaughtered targets for tria
(17:53:46) Volund says: Why do we not test who is more efficient at the job?
(17:53:53) Kaisa says: Aaaah, one of those types. Gonna make us work for our money, eh?
(17:54:06) Menki chuckles,'pretty shield. If you think you can tackle us both at once''

And so battle was joined...the warrior Volund`s two long swords against the fenki thief`s two daggers...and occasionally summoned rocks. The duel, in the close quarters of the forest road, was fierce and the menki cutthroat had little chance to get in a swing with his saber. The man and fenki exchanged several blows, both drawing blood....before one of the man`s swords slipped between the plates of the fenki`s armour and dealt her a grievous wound...
(17:55:59) Kaisa says: Run!
Sprinting for all she was worth, she headed out onto the hills beyond the forest before collapsing, panting. Hands shaking, she cast what little healing magic she knew, while keeping an eye on the edge of the forest.
(17:56:14) Menki says: where`d he go?
Her partner in crime also set about healing her, and she had a good idea that the swordsman was probably doing the same in the shelter of the forest. Minutes later he charged forth from the trees, swords held high. Sighing deeply, she staggered to her feet and raised her daggers once more...

...only to prevail.
(17:57:00) Kaisa says: Cough it up!
(17:57:18) Kaisa says: Quickly now
(17:57:21) Volund pulls out a bag of tria
(17:57:39) >Volund gave Kaisa 5000 Tria.
(17:57:53) Kaisa says: scram!
(17:57:55) Volund lays on the ground and coughs
(17:58:10) Menki nods to Volund and says,'he's got spirit this un'

And again the thieves fled, heading cross-country to take shelter in the shadow of two small fallen stalactites.
(17:59:31) Kaisa pants and examines her injuries
...setting about healing her injuries once again.
(18:00:52) Kaisa says: Thanks...that was a little *too* close for a while.
(18:01:21) Kaisa takes out the purse they got from the warrior, "Here, you take it."
(18:01:22) Menki nods and slumps as his energy is finally sapped
...only for them to be interrupted by a familiar bellow coming across the valleys...
(18:01:26) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:28) >Kaisa Tuulod stands up.
(18:01:31) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:36) Kaisa says: RUN!
(18:01:44) Kaisa shouts: RUN!
(18:01:45) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!
(18:02:19) Volund shouts: I'll kill you both!
(18:02:37) Volund shouts: FENKI DIE!
(18:02:39) Menki shouts: if you were you'd have done it little boy
(18:03:02) Volund shouts: Get back here fenki, I'll kill you now
(18:04:05) Volund shouts: Scum and theives!
(18:04:14) Volund shouts: I'lll wring your little necks!

...and so the swordsman Volund chased the two thieves across the wilderness to Gugrontid where they split up, the menki heading into the city itself and quickly disposing of his disguise, the fenki heading out into the maze-like valleys surrounding the city to catch her breath and tend to her hurriedly-healed wounds.
Slowly she circumnavigated the city, surmising that the vengeful warrior would be searching for her there. As she passed over the Scar of Laanx she spotted a patch of wild-growing yarrows and had an idea: she began picking them, intending to strip off her armour and pose as a herb-collector. Unfortunately a now-all-too-familiar-voice came over the hill before she had time to put her plan into action...
(18:13:41) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:13:58) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:01) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:14) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!
(18:14:18) Volund shouts: I"LL KILL YA!
(18:14:31) Volund shouts: I SEE YOU FENKI!
...and thus she scarpered again...
(18:14:49) Volund shouts: YOU ROB ME?!
(18:14:57) Volund shouts: SWEETHEART YOU"LL PAY

...only for them to meet once more, decisively, beyond the valley-entrance of Gugrontid.
(18:16:25) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(18:16:39) Volund shouts: COME ON THEN!
Once more they danced the deadly dance, blades shining in the light of the Azure Sun: warrior on the path of the sword, and thief desperate to get away with her ill-gotten gains...
...but Dakkru was on the fenki`s side again and the man was felled.
(18:17:55) Volund roars, spitting up blood
(18:17:57) Kaisa says: This mercy.

[My thanks to my accomplice for his work, to Shywan for being such a sport, and to Volund for a whole lotta fun and some nerve-jangling duels]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: December 02, 2009, 03:37:12 am »
Aye, thats what I said many posts ago and I think so did Phiney. I'd be happy to. Who all are interested? I need atleast 5 volunteers who have some time.

I`ll bite. Auran, shoot me a PM (or an IG Tell to Kaisa or Giroum). I`d like to see what you can do (and in turn do what I can to help).

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