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Messages - Marqsaynt

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General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: March 07, 2014, 06:39:05 pm »
@LigH: It's only burglary if you take something... Marq was just, eh, napping.

@Illysia: WHOA, I totally forgot I used to put all Marq's drinks on Nurahk's tab. Thanks for reminding me! Gave me a really good laugh.

It's good to see you two lurking around still. :)

And on a related note...

You might be an oldbie if you only post on the forums every 2 - 3 years just to see who is still around.

Edit: And Eurac, believe me, there are broke Oldbie characters too. :P

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:47:58 pm »
*blows the dust off the thread and coughs violently*

...If your buddy list goes from (A)eshion to (Z)orbels.

I also made the mistake of looking at the date I created my oldest remaining character and now officially feel old.

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:30:34 pm » started this topic back in 2009.

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] The Royal House of Purrty
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:58:11 pm »
Some of my most enjoyable time spent playing PS revolved directly or indirectly around Lolitra or one of her characters. She was an excellent roleplayer and more importantly a wonderful person. She will be missed and remembered fondly.

Seems only fitting to go out on an RP line so, for one final time...

*Marqsaynt sends Lolitra a wink* "Take care, Princess."

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: September 05, 2010, 11:20:30 pm »
Uh... no. I actually like my phone to work. :P

Have you ever fallen UPstairs?

General Discussion / Re: Roleplaying and YOU!
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:03:13 pm »
P.S. BloodedIrishman is a long time PS player, and is like the PS Chuck Norris.

Well, there goes my hope for the PS community. :P


Nice effort, Knightspark9. Being occasionally reminded of the basics can be good for veteran players too. I'm not sure if you've seen it but, there's also a sub section on the forums (that no one can ever find) that has some other guides... though for as much as people have liked to debate what RP is/isn't over the years, fewer guides than I'd have expected.

May be able to find some useful things there that could give you some ideas on how to expand your guide more. Keep up the good work.


Arnie is probably better off not running around with that name anyway, regardless of how innocent the name choice, some people could misconstrue it and pre-judge the person behind the character.

If I'm not mistaken, wouldn't this be one of those times where the player could come up with another name and, pending GM approval, have a nice GM change their name back to something of the player's choosing? Then again, maybe it turned out to be a happy accident and Arnie digs the name "Dinicile Cayatera."   

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Warcraft Real ID Feature
« on: July 07, 2010, 05:13:18 pm »
It could be worse... Blizzard could have decided they wanted to be the next Chatroulette instead of the new Facebook.

Still though, leave it to a money-grubbing, multimillion dollar corporation to make the internet an even more creepy place...

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:29:20 pm »
It sounds to me like this is a case of not seeing the difference between one's character and one's self


I think this is more of an MMORPG learning situation than anything else. There's nothing wrong with the in-game description or the person that initially found it personally offensive... Just seems to me to be normal RP "growing pains."

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:39:12 am »
This implies that you think it should not be changed, is this correct? (Y/N)
 Y: If you're going through a dark hallway, and trip on a rock, do you leave it there for the next person?
 N: Glorious, how do you think it should be changed, and what do you think should be added? Put any concise suggestions on the bugtracker.

I'll imply it, state it, write it down and have it notarized. I think the definition is fine.

Adding some politically correct prologue to the description would be like putting a "Caution, contents may be hot" warning on cups of coffee... within the context, it should be obvious.

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: July 01, 2010, 09:12:22 pm »
How many people spend time reading all the lore before jumping in game? I agree with you about politcal correctness, that is until I actually got offended by something.

I read everything I could find on the PlaneShift world before jumping in game (so that's at least one).  I am not offended by the PS definition of atheist, it only applies to an imaginary world... ironically anyone that read the settings would have known this. Hypocrisy annoys me.

You're lucky this isn't baseball (or California criminal law) or you'd already have three strikes.

Moral of the story:

PlaneShift is a role-playing game....
1. Know the world.
2. Try to keep in-character (IC) and out of character (OOC) separate, even when it's difficult.

Hang in there, you're not the first person to get tripped up by the above... Everyone that has played PS for any amount of time has had to learn/relearn the above at one time or the other, even more than a few "veterans."

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Favorite Quote
« on: June 26, 2010, 03:50:02 am »
"If anyone looks that close, just kick 'em."

Perfect advice for when you've walked out of the house accidentally wearing two different socks, or anything else that could make you feel self conscious... Pretty sure one of my (Great?)Grandparents originated it though couldn't tell you who, when, or where.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: June 22, 2010, 03:45:36 pm »
Of course they are around, they are just lurking.

*looks directly at you and taps on your computer screen* Yeah you.... I know you're there. ;)

Anyone know how to get fingerprints off the -inside- of your computer screen?

General Discussion / Re: Do you or Don't you care?
« on: May 28, 2010, 06:54:16 pm »
I tried it out because it was supposed to be a medieval rpg that supported 6 ways of magic, fighting mechanics, and it let you customize your own character. If it was just walk around and chit chat with others in 3d then I would never have bothered trying it.  I was one of the few that learned about rp and changed.

m not saying trash the game mechanics and go back to crystal hunting .. but perhaps someone who was around during that generation might have better insight as to what attracted them to the game, how they learned about it, and how long for the community to grow.

Hmm… what the past was like? If only there was some place that kept a record of all the old role plays and things so we could find out. Oh right, the forums go back at least a good half decade. ;) And for the record, PS promised the same things way back when, I didn't even realize PS was still very much in development and had never RPed in my life... Honestly I just wanted to kill things and make an awesome cat person.

Out of curiosity I looked back at what seemed popular back in the “golden age” (*an ancient crystal hunter character rolls over in their digital grave*) just to see what, if anything, has changed and why.

In no particular order, these are the ones that stand out to me:

Guild wars, Tournaments, Weddings, HAGS (Hide and go seek), Races/Scavenger hunts/ guild quests, Player run stores/Markets, and of course the odd murder plot and purely character based story line.

Guild Wars
Maybe I’m just out of the loop but I can’t recall the last real guild war I’ve seen. Back in my day we had to walk up hill in the snow both ways it seemed like every few months some guild would cross some other guild and all hell would break loose… Even if your character wasn’t involved it at least gave folks something to talk about and would often IC polarize various groups. Also it is important to note that the warring guilds had a healthy respect for each other OOC, something important for a well played out RP guild war scenario.


What Killed It?

I honestly don’t know why these seem to have fallen out of favor especially with “everyone” seeming to want action based RP, can’t get much more action than a war.


These seem to still be around in various incarnations. I can’t say first hand how they compare to ones of the past but even in the “old” days it was a bit hit or miss depending on who was running the event.

What Killed It?
Nothing at all, still alive and kicking.

People’s characters do still get hitched, right? I don’t see these turned into events much anymore… but whatever, one less gift to buy.


What Killed It?
Maybe it has something to do with the divorce rate in Yliakum rising. :P Either way, it was often the well established RPers that turned their character’s wedding into events and if nothing else was a reason to party. Personally I can take or leave this kind of RP but, still interesting to note that it seems to have fallen out of favor with most current players.

Say what you will about HAGS being OOC, IC, whatever… I’ll be the first to admit that 90% of the conversations during a game were done in group and OOC. So if you’re trying to bolster RP why bring up HAGS?! Plain and simple it was a community building exercise. If you played HAGS with someone and they seemed like an okay person, odds are you’d RP with their character if you bumped into them at Kada’s.


What Killed It?
Long story short: Chat bubbles.

Races, Scavenger Hunts, and Guild Quests

I guess the occasional race still pops up from time to time, not sure about scavenger hunts but I can imagine they’re still out there somewhere but, whatever happened to guilds that created their own quests? Complete with rewards? As I recall there was even a certain Xillix character that had a guild that essentially created their own quest as the way to gaining acceptance into their organization.


What Killed It?
No idea, maybe you newbs are all just lazy (kidding). Though, I find it more likely that with the abundance of quests in game… people just don’t see the need anymore. Also, it may be difficult to motivate people like before with the prevalence of 300q weapons floating around. Back then a silverweave as a prize offered pretty strong incentive.

Player Run Stores/Markets
I still see these from time to time, as long as people want items I imagine they’ll exist. However, often they just deal in crafted weapons which is rather… boring. Back when looted weapons were the only weapons, there was a pretty amazing variety out there and a dozen merchants could have largely different stocks of goods. Also, most characters seemed to gravitate towards certain magic weapons, collecting rare “Peace” weapons or the like.

What Killed It?
Certainly not dead but, personally I find the variety less then exciting.

Random Other Things:

Harnquist’s as a Hangout

Everyone who was anyone used to be able to be found at Harnquist’s. New players would filter in looking for help and old players would essentially just hangout for some conversation. I can recall times when you’d have a good 8 or 10 people just conversing about things and various goings on in Yliakum. Essentially it was one of the places you could get the “news” about RPs and often get involved in them yourself. Ironically, while many people seem to look back on this now as a good time I can still recall some RPers complaining that no one would hang around Harn’s because of all the acrid smoke.

What Killed It?

Crafting. When the ore zombies moved in, the RPers moved out. Personally I can’t blame the people who are training crafting too much, with the system it’s darn hard to RP and not wreck whatever it is you’re trying to create but, for better or worse, things changed when crafting was introduced.

Random Dueling Parties

What better way to brush up on your fighting skills than get in one giant group and take turns smacking each other senseless? If I recall right, the addition of choosing whether to kill your opponent or not was introduced to make practicing dueling easier.  Yet I rarely see anyone grouping up and doing this now of days. For such a self proclaimed action oriented group of players… I find it odd this has fallen so far out of favor.

What Killed It?
Magic? No, this honestly started to fade before that system was overpowered. Change in dueling mechanics? Maybe a bit but, I adapted so it would make sense that any newer players wouldn’t have any problems. I actually can’t come up with one good reason why this doesn’t take place anymore, perhaps some newer players can enlighten me on why they don’t find it appealing?

Hopefully this offered at least a little insight into what PS was like a few years back and maybe even sparks a few ideas. It is by no means a comprehensive list just what I remember and enjoyed.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Word Association Game.
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:36:50 am »
Fish Bowls.

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