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Messages - Damola

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Intel driver works quite well. It is a bit slow for playing PlaneShift in Full HD, but it works. Can not give reliable FPS number due to ThinkPad T520 laptop overheating issues that I have not repaired yet.

With newer Intel graphics I bet it would be quite fine. Especially then newer means Haswell or Broadwell. I am not sure about driver maturity for Broadwell tough.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:22:35 pm »
So will there be experimental medicine, medical testing, semi-intentional psychiatric abuse and public humiliation with a little bit of moral shaming on the side?   If so, this could be interesting.  \\o//

Damola tilts her head in utmost innocence "Abuse? No. Of course anyone I treat I treat with my glowing light and love for every living being, just ask Evirea, she knows". Damola's face then shows some slight grinning, a faint hint of some smirking, or does it?

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« on: June 25, 2015, 04:22:18 pm »
Now I have been warned about some kind of incompatility between Damola and Rigwyn. "Would that create antimatter?" I wonder.  ;D

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:58:42 pm »
May you be blessed …

Damola – the peaceful being she is –sometimes thinks that an express portal to the world of the dead for Rygwin may be a good idea instead. But then she wonders: Will it actually change the state of Rygwin at all?

Then she practices in forgiveness, believing that Rigwyn in his essence is a feeling being like anyone else. She feels grateful for the blessings Rigwyn kindly sends out to the members of the Healer´s Council and believes in a power that is pure love which creates everything, including, but not limited to Rigwyn.

[Of course all of that is OOC, unless someone gets to know Damola a bit closer:)]

Fan Art / Re: The Tailor
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:13:14 pm »
Commissioned by: Damola
Intended Wearer: Damola

Wow, Mariana, thats beautiful!!! Damola will feel so special in it.

Thank you.

Solita may try to sneak in with potatoes in her pockets to support the vegetarians...

Wonderful. I am living a vegan lifestyle in real life (as some may have guessed when observing Damola closely). :)

We will have the three winner dishes from the Delicacy contest:

1. Licina with her Hearty Flat Pie.
A hearty pie, instead of a sweet one.

2. Lorra with her Ynnwn Trout and Carp Gorla

3. Enal with his Mineral Rush.
With the only recipe for our Kran citizens. So if you are a Kran, stop by, we also have other Kran specialities and drinks.

Great Jagzer, and here goes final announcement:

~~~ New Dishes Presentation ~~~

Remember the Delicacy Contest at the Red Crystal Den´s?

It has been a while and meanwhile the winners of the first three prizes worked together with our cook Kabitar to refine their dishes for serving them at the Red Crystal Den. And our first winner, the one who thought out the Heary Flat Pie recipe, Licina, will also be there. Of course, all of the other participants of the contest are invited as well.

Come to the New Dishes presentation at the Red Crystal Den´s, enjoy one of the new dishes or even taste all three of them. Talk with other cooks about new ideas, enjoy a drink, bring in a performance for the time after the dish presentations. And maybe there even will be some surprise.

See you there at our Den near the Hydlaa plaza, just at the lower end of the stairs to the Kada El tavern!

The Red Crystal Den team

[Event is at 30th of May, 20:00 GMT+2 (CEST)]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: sexism in gaming
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:19:11 am »
Some people should hang a sign with

WARNING: Going outside contains scenes that may not be approbiate for children or sensitive people

I stand by that I want to choose what I take in.

If I go outside in the country I live, I usually do not see people abusing each other in the way the video depicted. It is sad that human beings at other places do things like this to each other. I know this, I am aware of it, but that doesn´t mean I have to watch it or simulations of it. I even don´t think there is any benefit in me watching it. It won´t help anyone who suffered this.

I am even quite sure that this may be harmful to people who actually experienced a trauma like this, up to the point where it could even activate memories that may be healthier to keep at bay until the person in question built up resources to deal with what he or she experienced. Trauma therapist have shown that it is not necessarily beneficial to re-experience the trauma one experienced.

I may be quite sensitive to it, cause of having faced some abuse in my personal history. So now either take into account my oppinion that I think videos are this can be unsuitable for children or sensitive people or not.

I claim my right to be sensitive either way. Its not an illness to feel deeply.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: sexism in gaming
« on: May 11, 2015, 04:30:00 am »
Okay, I missed the content warning and the intendet purpose according to the video description is educational, but still: I think this is inapprobiate for children or sensitive people.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: sexism in gaming
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:27:02 am »
Volki, I feel compassion for you feeling horrified about the video you posted.

I also feel anger. I still struggled tomorrow to get some of the images of the video out of my mind.

Please, if you ever post something like this again: Include a BIG FAT warning.

I will do so now:

WARNING: The video Volki posted an URL to contains in game scenes that may not be approbiate for children or sensitive people

I know children are playing PlaneShift and I know sensitive people are playing PlaneShift. Please give them a fair option, not to view the video. And I think the video contains stuff that is clearly not approbiate for this kind of players. It contains scenes of celebrating sexual abuse, physical abuse and torture.

Volki, what were your intentions with posting this link? I didn´t see it to the end, but stopped at the first image that I felt shocked about. But from what I gathered the video is not about healing any of session, but about creating shock and sensation, in victimizing people and creating moral offense. None of this is going to change anything about what you see in the video. From what I have seen I do not believe there is a true intention in healing things with this video. None at all.

Please be more careful in what you invest your energy.

I will report with video as inapprobiate for children and sensitive people with Youtube.

Again I am shocked at how low the treshold is in videos about nudity, even natural nuditiy without any sexism, yet if it is violence the sensitivy seems to be much higher.

And what does it have to PlaneShift? PlaneShift does not contain any of this. I am aware of people playing that their char is being tortured by evil mages and so, yet it is truly opt in.

Please include a warning in your post that give people a clear option to consider whether they want to view the video. Once I had seen the first image of celebrating cruelty in the video, it was not easy for me to get rid of it again.

Remember the at the Red Crystal Den´s?

Meanwhile our winners worked together with our cook Kabitar to refine the dishes for serving them at the Red Crystal Den. And our first winner, the one who thought out the Heary Flat Pie recipe, Licina, will also be there. Of course, all of the other participants of the contest are invitated as well.

30th May, 20:00 CEST (GMT+2)

Wanted to get at least this preliminary announcement out.


The three winners of the cooking contest perfected their recipes and teached
our cook to prepare them deliciously. To celebrate this we open the Den´s to
offer these new dishes to our guests for the very fist time. The winner of the
cooking contest together with our cook will be there to serve the Hearty
Flat Pie. And of course all other cooks who participated in the cooking
contest are invited as well.


Enjoy the three new winner dishes.


The Red Crystal Den near the Hydlaa Plaza

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Amdeneir Health Fair
« on: March 20, 2015, 04:07:31 pm »
[Siteya, send you a PM, I will look up a bit more exact storage details once I am near a storage again. Damola only makes preparations out of plants and minerals. She doesn´t use any animal parts by choice. So she cannot provide help with that.]]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Amdeneir Health Fair
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:31:56 pm »
I hope I can be there with Damola. Could well be. As to what to offer? Well Damola can teach about crystal way magic and some blue way healing spells. And also bring herbal preparations of all kinds with her.

Okay, I stop investing anymore more real life energy into this.

I appreciate that it is not up to me to decide what everyone who was in the event remembers in order to keep Damola playable for me. Asking for that would be similar to the "You are dead" command Damola received from a GM. It would add a violation of freedom in how to play a char onto an existing one and is not helpful. Everyone naturally remembers what he or she remembers. If that is that Damola has fallen into death that way, it is his or her memory.

I will just claim the same freedom for Damola back. No GM at all will have any power over what Damola remembers or how her future behavior regarding it is supposed. No GM at all will have any power as to whether she gives any explaination or not or whether this explaination does make sense or not.

So just don´t expect any consistent response, if one at all, out of her regarding that event, I will continue to play Damola lighthearted, joyful and serene without spending any further moment on any consistent story on why this is the case. I won´t play her traumatized in any way, without any further explaination as to why this is the case. She may just close her eyes, concentrate on something deep inside of her, will be immediately in a serene mood and probably not say a word at all when being asked about the event. Heck, this even can have an IC explaination, but I don´t care at the moment. Whether she remembers anything from it or not, and why, I don´t care at the moment. I just won´t sacrifice any of her special traits for the story. I just won´t give anything at all the power to take away my fun with playing PS. And I stop giving this any more of my energy (to think of a consistent or plausible story).

If thats not what you expect, you are free not to approach her about the event. I totally don´t care about any reactions to her future behavior regarding the event.

Unless I gained trust again in the expansiveness necessary to play Damola or her sister in a way that is consistent to her during a GM event, I won´t take part in any future GM events.

So this is settled for me now. I won´t argue with anyone´s memories any longer or with any GM decision regarding what has been IC or not while still protecting Damola´s consistency and playability as a char. I thought that taking Damola out of the event ICly or altering the past would be the only way to keep her playable and consistent for me, to continue enjoying playing PS, but I now found that if I do not care at all about any explaination whatsover regarding her future behavior regarding the event I am free to play her the way I want as well.

Whatever happened, whether she really died or not, nothing of this has the power to touch what for me is Damola. Accept it or not. I don´t care.

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