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Messages - Kendrick

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
General Discussion /
« on: October 20, 2002, 02:56:50 pm »
yup that is pretty funny when u think about it


General Discussion /
« on: October 20, 2002, 02:41:51 pm »
i think you just have a virus, you should buy a new computer. one that doesn\'t let viruses in. i heard of this one called \"The Anti-Crash Computer\"

you should look into this

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 19, 2002, 08:27:41 pm »
Call yourselfs revolutionists! and then don\'t call yourself a guild. just a bunch of people bringing goverment into a game. and i hate work and school

I have learned something at work today. Girls like it when you turn your head at them when they walk by. uhh, that is to say blah blah science of the sex. and and and.

during the winter months protect your lips by using chap stik in the morning and before you go to bed, and use lotion on your fingers and toes. and let me just say one more last thing.

lift your legs to acheive a firm buttocks, tighten your stomach when you walk and sit and breath, i mean by that- always. and work out your P.C. muslce, because in the end, that is all that girls care about.

and to end the circle i shall tell you this: if i learned this important stuff at work, why do i go to school?

General Discussion /
« on: September 04, 2002, 05:06:26 pm »
Hey look I\'m in the darkness! whataya gunna do?

come on, bring it!

General Discussion /
« on: September 04, 2002, 03:55:14 pm »
so your saying your not going to do any quests, aleya?

i\'ve only heard that one 15 millions times. but everyone allllways decides to use the excuse \"I was bored\" and then they end up doing them

BTW, and once again, The Azure Order is the funkiest guild out there, so shove that down your pipe and smoke it

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 04, 2002, 03:45:27 pm »
theres a list here

General Discussion /
« on: September 04, 2002, 03:42:47 pm »
As i have stated before, The Azure Order is so Good, that it equals 10 Evil guilds.

so thanks to us, it is balanced

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 02, 2002, 09:39:09 am »
I\'m a member of an enemy to his guild, and a member of his guild :D I\'m so lucky! and guess what guys! I speak spanish!
Kendick Has-th Joined-th. He speaks Spanish. He taught me how to say  AHSDHASJFHSAIJFHIJSFG
and i\'m a good teacher!

and I have a cool new nick name as well (if you read carefully)

Guilds Forum /
« on: August 23, 2002, 09:37:17 pm »
the Azure Order is a happy guild, we womp all the evils wif our massive power of mind thunder... da\'s right, mind thunder, step off!

we\'s so good we make up for all the non-good guilds, step off!

and we have a shizzy site! I use it as a Diary! :O

Guilds Forum / Sexorcist!
« on: August 21, 2002, 08:34:14 pm »
Maybe i\'m crazy but this is sexist :O

and imma say this, even tho I won\'t be liked as much after

no rule against it, and every seems to be with it (thanks to the support of certain persons) but it is sexist out the butt :O

the male guild didn\'t get so much support (dunno why this is different)

anyways, that is what i think

General Discussion / whiips
« on: July 06, 2002, 02:36:37 pm »
whips, sorry. your up there now.

i wish people would tell me things when they happen

add to your msn messenger if ya got it

General Discussion / Azure Order
« on: July 05, 2002, 09:51:47 pm »
The guilds forums say i can\'t post so i post this here and someone can move it

I made an update to the Azure Order site (Yes, that is Shibby stuff you see it all decked out in)

contact me if you need anything

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Mystic Cow (Comedy)
« on: July 04, 2002, 11:40:47 pm »
This was \'spose to be on Kada\'els forum but it\'s broke so some one give this to Kada and they will be cool if they do

The Mystic Cow
by Chubbs (Kendrick)

It\'s a normal day at the BBB, \'cept noone is drunk yet. Do you know why noone is drunk? The Holy Mystic Cow Statue is gone! thats why! without the Mystic Cow, noone is the Kingdom is aloud to drink, for it is the cow who protects the peoples stomachs from cancer.

Bill, The Dwarf: Oh, Hello Kada, Hello, Hello, Hello. Hello Kada.

Kada: HI BILL!

[Bill looks around. His neck is so fat he can\'t move it, so he has to walk around in circles to look around]

Bill: What\'s this? What IS this?

Kada: No drinks \'til the Mystic Cow is found. I think that idiot Cyonamie, the one who is in charge of it, lost it.

Bill: Shamma Whaaa? Shhheet!

[Bill just stares into space. Not outerspace, the space thats in front of him]

Thoos, the Big: Whaaa? Cow gone missing, kada? what that mean? that mean bad?

Kada: Yes, Thoos, i\'ve told you not just 5 minutes ago. That is very bad.

Thoos: Okey dokey kada I do that.


Kendrick, the Chubb: Aha!

[and then]

Binary, the Smart: Boo!

[after that]

Whitti, the Fast: Woooshhh

Kendrick: Dun Da Da DA! It\'s us the Azure Order! The guys who will help you!

Kada: Weeeeee!

The Bar: Huray!

Washi: Hi Kendrick, Whitti, and Binary.

The Azure Order: Alo-ha!

[Aloha is what those Hawaii people say for Hello. They say it for good-bye too. I don\'t know why, maybe because they don\'t know the differance]

[In an instant]

Cyonamie, the playa: Word, yo. Tha Cows is outta here. gone. And a big Dragon took it. It was all like \"Word, yo. i\'m taken this cow.\" and I was like \"Das Wack! Gimme dat Flashy Cow back! Jack! or i\'ll put you in some brown sack... mack!!\"

Meket: Yo man, thats shibby.

Kendrick: To the Dragooooon!

[To the Dragooooon]

Whitti: Look, there it is!

Dragon: Hola, Amigos.  ?Usted no puede tener su vaca!

Kendrick: What?

Binary: He says we can\'t have the cow! Kill him!

[The battle was bloody, and if you were there you would have heard things like \"Who ha!\" and \"usted bastardo, usted cort? mi cabeza\"]

Kendrick: We won! the Azure order Won! Weeeeee!

Binary: look the cow! it\'s flashy!

Whitti: yes, thats normal.

[The BBB]

Kada: Thanks

Kendrick: No Prob, kada. Kada dada maba haba.

----the end----

P.S. I\'m getting a tattoo of a cross on my left chest on the 21st weeeeee!

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: May 26, 2002, 09:41:24 am »

Try changing the resolution.

go to C:\\Program Files\\planeshift (if C is your hard drive) and then open psclient.cfg with NotePad (Right Click. Open With. Scroll Down and find NotePad)

now heres the tricky part

under the thing that looks like
; ******************
; * Part 2: Config *
; ******************

is something that should look like this

; Width/height of CrystalSpace visual
Video.ScreenWidth = ****
Video.ScreenHeight = ****

turn those *\'s in 800 and 600

Video.ScreenWidth = 800
Video.ScreenHeight = 600

if that don\'t work try uninstalling, then reinstalling

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: April 03, 2002, 06:55:03 pm »
Abemore (forgive my spelling) is right :)

the krylos thing is just saying that they can fly, walk, and swim

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