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Messages - DaveG

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 135
General Discussion / Re: The Ojafest!
« on: August 05, 2006, 04:21:19 am »
One idea might to have a roof-jumpping competition.  Lots of people have been getting good at jumpping along the tops of the stuff off to the left of the main area.  It's mildly dumb, and fairly useless, but fun nonetheless.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: The Team and the Community
« on: August 05, 2006, 03:37:48 am »
Now that that's done, who is going to lock this? :)
Oh, oh... I will! o/

I thought this one would fizzle out on its own.  Guess not.  Lock.

1) We do not have hundreds logging in on a daily basis, get your facts strait.
Yes, we actually do.  Average online is usually over a hundred.  Unless all those people are on 24/7, we have some logging on/off at different times and probably a couple hundred people in total, at different times.  (we really need better stats, though)

Why has this thread not been locked? It is offensive to everybody, I think. The Planeshift dev team are OBVIOUSLY committed individuals. It does not take a 99 INT to figure that out.
Don't you just love irony?  It's a long rambling thread complaining about the lack of a player voice, yet somehow the voice is allowed in this thread.  If you had no voice, this would've been deleted long ago.  You very much have a voice here.  (sometimes loud and annoying)  However, we have no obligation to listen to it, and if you continute down you run the risk of making us ignore you more often.  Datruth, just think about how this all sounds.  Your second post in this thread contains this:
You have to understand something though.
Sometimes what you implement impedes the Players.
We don't like going on long walks, and we're letting that be known.

I'd think one of the nicest and most intelligent persons on this board would understand what i meant.
You've always been a fair person, so hear us out.
We want fixes, and we want them now.

We won't settle for the Tester theory anymore.
What do you expect will be the response?  That's one of the more arrogant statements I've heard around here in a while.  Frankly, I'd prefer to simply ban anyone who refuses to report the most basic of testing, but that's probably more extreme than the rest of us.  I see no posts from you in the bugs forum or on BugTracker, and my guess is you won't ever be there.  You've been here for about 6 weeks (based on forum registration) and you've already got an ego the size of mount Everest.

You want to give "input" but you haven't the damnedest clue what that would be.  Complaining about making to citys not directly next to eachother is not input, it's whining of the worst kind.  Demanding bugfixes is not input, it's just plain arrogant.

Let me sum things up:
1) We encourage constructive player input.
2) Most players don't do #1 at all, this thread included.
3) We have no obligation to listen to your input.  If you give us crappy ideas or whining, we aren't going to listen to you.
4) People who can't stand that the players are not running the show should leave.  No, you're not in control here.  You can't show up somewhere, loiter around for a handful of weeks, or any time period, and just start demanding things.

Threads like these are odd.  They're like self-fulfilling prophecies and self-proving theories, all rolled into one.  You say you don't have a voice, and eventually the thread is locked.  We say your voice isn't always as thrilling as you assume it to be, and the posts here prove that.  I don't really care what you convince yourself.  We are making a game here because we want to.  It's free forever, and players even have the rare posibility to talk to a few devs.  If you're mad that this isn't what you want, good for you.  If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all.

Edited to add:
Oh, a request was made of a post from Talad.  I thought I might as well just paste what he said in the other thread:
In my opinion the game is made as we think it will look great, but with many hints and tiips from the players. We often look at the forums and wishlist to understand what people want. We have some basic guidelines that will not change whatever players say (like the Player Killing argument), but in general we are open to discussions, like we are inside the team.

Honestly, I really don't even know what this thread is about.  You're demanding bugfixes and "a voice", but I don't really see anything of substance here.  This isn't exactly a nice little discussion, and if you ever want to give "input" it had better be done as such or expect another locked thread.  These forums are getting more and more spitefull, and less and less respectfull.  Please discuss, not demand.

Let's take a look at Talad's account on BugTracker, shall we...
57 open, 52 fixed, 35 other (dupes, not bugs, etc)

He's bombarded with so many insignifigant things (like a pilar being slightly off center) that it takes quite a while to get to them.  For important things like this, it's best to either pester him on IRC and/or get another less busy dev to fix it.  (especially if you already have the fix)

We need to get those old ones taken down.  :/

Wish list / Re: A magical direction indicator.
« on: August 03, 2006, 03:44:09 pm »
A tracking spell is farily simple, and probably done before.  Nevertheless, a good idea, and something to probably add to the list.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: 00B815CD
« on: August 03, 2006, 03:35:14 pm »
No.  Try reading the stickies and making sure the installation instructions were followed correctly.  Then try the camera.xml bugfix, and if that fails, post again here with vastly more information.  We can't help you with so little.  Also, try reading the guide sticky.

General Discussion / Re: The Team and the Community
« on: August 03, 2006, 02:28:25 am »
Just a clarification:  I counted 30ish pending applications in the settings department; not prospects.  I'd expect most of those to get rejected outright just due to bad/spam applications.

Secondly, donating money isn't exactly the biggest of help at the moment.  (in the future, it might be, but not really now)  If you know how to program, apply to the programming team; if you can create textures or model in 3D, apply to the graphics teams.  (yes, settings, music, and the PR "team" aren't exactly hot-spots...)

Getting rid of the wish list is a horrible idea.  Make no mistake, we're not going to just throw whatever ideas are requested into the game, however more than one decent idea has spawned in that thing.  Yes, it's often full of spam and people requesting the obvious, but I like to hope that every now and again it's vaguely useful.  There hasn't been that many good new suggestions in a while, but I'm optimistic, and it doesn't hurt to keep around.

The community connectedness here is very much a result of tone and how connection attempts are made.  When someone starts off a thread with "We want fixes, and we want them now.", yes, they'll be told to go to Hell.  On the other hand, if someone finds bugs and actually fixes them, they can become a dev rather easily.  Too many people seem to think it'd be a *poof* now you're a dev, thing, and it's not.  No, you actually have to contribute for a bit.

The simple statement of "no, this is not a democracy" should not be some sort of shock.  Do you really think we'd just implement whatever the players felt like requesting?  If a bunch of people said, "hey, dying sucks, can you get rid of it?" the answer is no.  The idea that somehow we are working for the players is very strange.  Yes, I would love to get good suggestions from players and implement them right away, but that usually doesn't happen.  From your prespective, it looks like we're ignoring perfectly valid suggestions, from ours it's often quite the opposite.

This game is ruled by a few members who ultimately decide how it becomes regardless of user input.

Like if we wanted to get rid of Gold altogether, but dev team disagreed, it would never happen, ever.
I'd like to know: Why does this sound odd to you?  Seriously, to continue the example (yes, I know it's not a realistic one), gold ore is a perfectly valid thing that one could find inside a giant cave.  If a bunch of players, or even all the players, decided that they didn't like it, tough.  We put it in there and it's going to stay because we agree with our reasoning.  I'm astounded that anyone would assume the contrary.  Random people, most of which we don't really know, do not get to decide upon the development process.  If, however, there was some problem with the way gold was being used, lets say it was too common or something, then yes, we'd be stupid to ignore that.  We highly encourage player input, but please don't think that means we're somehow working for you.

Look, the concepts of us having the final say and you having a say are not mutually exclusive.  Yes, of course PlaneShift would never be where it is without players and player input, but you also must understand it would never be where it is if players had the final say on everything.  We'd be RuneScape's evil twin if we did that.  We are the ones making this thing, and we will decide how it progresses.  More than one good idea has come from the Wish List (some in already, some on the waiting list) and I hope that more will follow.  However, more than a billion bad ones are there too, and frankly the Wish List's second purpose is to house those there instead of increasing the spam count in our inboxes.

Karyuu:  Perfect Moogie quote.  ;)  Rather nicely sums things up here.

General Discussion / Re: The Team and the Community
« on: August 02, 2006, 11:17:47 pm »
Ah, ok.

Oh, if you were wondering how backed up:  The settings dept. application list has a good thirty-something people awaiting review.

General Discussion / Re: The Team and the Community
« on: August 02, 2006, 11:11:46 pm »
Wow, sometimes I forget people keep posting to these things.  Interesting to see it was renamed.

First of all, Datruth, stop posting double spaced and with red/bold crap.  It just looks stupid and it's annoying.

Secondly, one of the requirements to join the team is the ability to work with the team.  From the content of your posts, you're being way to condescending for that, and in addition to Karyuu and Xordan, I wouldn't really want to work with you either at this rate.

With respect to ranks, we don't really use them that formally.  "WTB" was a term created by our "crazy Itallian" (as jokingly put by Venge ;) ) and while it says "Want To Be", it is the primary dev rank.  I probably should've asked for a promotion to "member" myself, but frankly I haven't needed to care.  Not like I'd get magical uber powers from it.  We might want to start actually using these titles at some point, as we get an influx of more people to the team.

With respect to the applications, as I already said, those lists are backed up.  It looks like Talad has cleaned up the graphics ones recently, but not settings yet.  That one tends to get fewer good applications, and more people who think they know how to "make a game", and simply don't.

Please, I don't see that much of value in this thread.  Drop the junk or it will be locked.

What, is it missing a hard transform or something?

Edited to add:
Yep.  Ok, I flipped them in cal3d files on our SVN.  Will be in next update.

Then you get the very same response.  Read the stickies.

General Discussion / Re: The "don't spoil" spirit has gone too far.
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:42:08 pm »
Venge is being pragmatic, and Talad likes to hope we can all get along.  I think that as we progress the two concepts can merge together.

I think what people need to understand, is those that "RP" or "PL" are both not playing the game as intended.  You're not supposed to just make up stories and chat all day any more than you're supposed to just kill things and never talk to anyone else.  PS intends to be an RPG where people play the game in character.  That means playing the game; there are warriors killing lots of things, craftsmen, mages, merchants, even people who don't necessarily train any skills, and even the occasional dedicated story teller.  All this is in a truly living world, with multiple active quests and active economic and societal systems.  However, while we intend accommodate many different styles of gameplay into one cohesive world, everyone is expected to chat and act from the perspective of their character.

At this point, no, we can't do this.  The infrasturcures don't yet exist, so the community self-divides.  This will not always be the case, and I do hope those who are used to the (rather boring) extreme forms of both RP and PL don't try and keep them around forever.

Wish list / Re: Client download
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:41:18 am »
This has actually been suggested by a few devs as well.  (I think WoW uses something like this)  Not sure if we'd ever really do something like this, though.

Development Deliberation / Re: Network improvement
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:38:43 am »
I think what you're suggesting is the client calculate what it can and cannot see, and send that to the server to decide what DR to send out for what it can and can not see.  This would be a big waste, as sending that data would be more than just donig the DR.

If I missunderstood you post (and I probably did), you don't need to explain it further.  Please understand, this has nothing to do with something usefull here.  Sure, if we could hook into some culling thing on the server, it might be nice to not send unneeded DR in case of a large group of actors moving around in an area.  However, as I have already said, it's not a big deal by any means, at this point.  There are other things that do much more than this theoretically could, and even then, we're not exactly using loads of bandwidth.

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