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Messages - geloren

Pages: [1] 2 3
Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Update
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:08:10 pm »
updating never worked for me on mac... I usually click on repair and you get the updated files anyway. No idea why.. but it works this way.

General Discussion / Re: Feedback on new progression system
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:03:39 am »
The new system is an improvement.. mostly for new players.
It's been mentioned above here that rebalance is needed and I do feel the same way. Progression Points become useless for people who trained their stats to the max. So I'd expect an adaptation to that.
Quests need to be reviewed, but I guess that's already a work in progress.

Rebalance the game and this makes a nice improvement.

PlaneShift Mods / Re: MinimaTuux update
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:41:20 pm »
FPS issue also here. Skin looks great but game is hardly playable with it.
Can't even turn left or right while standing... it takes minutes before character responds.

so in other words: Confirmed

I'm using radeon driver myself, but then on a legacy ATI mobility radeon X1300. (that's the reason why i'm stuck with it. ATI doesn't support legacy products anymore with recent kernels and newer xorg) It works and is playable performance-wise. Graphics do flicker sometimes, but it can be lived with.

As you have a 'newer' card, the only thing I can recommend is installing the official ATI driver (fglrx) either from the ATI website, or by making use of package manager.
Performance will be much better and you'll get support for everything PS needs.

updated drivers to latest but i see no diference in game experience.

Editing the file in config folder to disable compression of textures made things worse. With this addapted, some things like rocks, walls and floors do disappear sometimes. So, I reverted this change.

Guess i'll be wandering the plains of Yliakum for a while in flicker.

Is there any change made to the game (the way textures are processing from 0.5 release?) I'm just curious why I got these problems from there and not earlier.

Up to date drivers, shadercache already removed (even more than once, when there are updates being done)
KMS is disabled in kernel config, that wont be the issue. I tried KMS but performance is really crappy. back to the beginning

Before I get to the bugtracker with this issue, i'd like to see if i'm the only one with this kind of strange behaviour.

I've run previous releases of PS on my systems without problems (besides some crashes of course).
Since the release hit 0.5.....  i've been having major issues.
I can play the game since two weeks now and its freezing, crashing, and acts very weird. It seems like textures are flickering and let a checkerboard colored pattern through.

I made a video of it, so you can see what's actually happening:

I'm on openSUSE linux 11.2, ati mobility radeon X1300.
Note that i played previous versions well, with nice performance.

I hope this gets solved as i'm mostly doing bugreports and testing instead of playing the game. (i've been playing a lot and i'm having a break) I'd like to help the devs, but now i need help my own.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: 5.2.1 seg faults immediately
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:34:52 pm »
Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.
I've tried the same thing as i'm experiencing some problems with the client and found the game running better with this adaptation. I renamed the file instead of deleting in case a revert should be needed.

With this confirmation, I'd like to show others this is a rather safe option to try if they experience problems of this kind you discribed.

greetz, and thanks again!

Linux Specific Issues / Re: 5.2.1 seg faults immediately
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:16:38 pm »
I'm out of ideas...
This is something one of the testers or devs should look at.

Quite curious what's causing this

Linux Specific Issues / Re: 5.2.1 seg faults immediately
« on: March 03, 2010, 12:57:07 pm »
Your discription indeed confirms that nvidia driver seems ok.

You could try to remove the folder .crystalspace in your home directory. I did that once 'cause i had a suspicion there was something wrong with it and it didn't hurt me.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: 5.2.1 seg faults immediately
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:57:11 am »
I've seen this before and it is your Nvidia driver.
Either it's not installed, or not properly.
Try to install, reĂŻnstall the Nvidia driver.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: no audio / can't run updater
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:51:23 am »
About compiz... I have no idea if that causes any trouble. I'm not using it anymore since i had problems in the past with 3D games relying on opengl. But as far as i know these issues should be gone with latest compiz packages.

Back to the audio because that was your main problem...
Do you have Openal installed? if not, try to instal it with your package manager provided with your distribution.

Before i continue to explain how to enable sound further, i'm waiting for you to answer about the openal thing.

I was indeed playing (or at least trying to) in fulscreen mode. I've switched back to windowed mode but now my system freezes from the moment i try to launch psclient.

In case you are wondering if my system has enough memory. It has, 2gig RAM and if i compare to my girlfriend her comp, wich has only 1gig, it should be enough.

Linux Specific Issues / Still and yet again errors while starting psclient
« on: February 24, 2010, 11:02:44 am »
Since the release hit 0.5, i haven't been able to play anymore. 0.4 series worked like a charm here.

From segfaults to errors en back and forth.

Now, as of today... i'm seeing something new. this is the ending of te output when trying to start psclient:

  Texture '/lib/std/shadow_noise.png' not found.
  [node: shadervars,shadervar(name=tex shadow noise)]
ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  130 (XFree86-VidModeExtension)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  10 (XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)
  Value in failed request:  0x2c00002
  Serial number of failed request:  300
  Current serial number in output stream:  304

I'm guessing that the major opcode of failed request means something and the number should explain what. Although googling it for a half an hour didn't return much.

Can anyone explain what's wrong? I'm anxious to test (and perhaps play) the new release.
It's been way to long since i walked the plains of yliakum  :(

aditional info;
Opensuse 11.2  x86_64
ATI mobility radeon X1300
video driver: radeon of radeonhd (both work almost equally and give me these errors) No, installing FGLRX isn't possible as my card is legacy and the driver doesn't support opensuse or kernel and/or xorg version

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Failure while launching game...
« on: February 23, 2010, 04:11:50 pm »
Had that openal error too on opensuse 11.2
The package that suse provides isn't openal but openal-soft. It shouldn't be very different from the openal package wich isn't available anymore for 11.2, but it's responsible for it.
remove the package openal-soft with YaST and the error should be gone.


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