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Topics - Idoru

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Animal extinction
« on: March 20, 2007, 04:23:27 pm »
Animals are becomming extinct because of us.

This is a fact, the rate of extinction is running at 10,000 times the natural rate that has been observed from fossil records. one third of amphibians are expected to become extinct in the coming years, 20 percent of insects are in the same situation. Ecological diversity is essential for the eco-system to function (as wikipedia would say, Citation needed :)).

Anywho, what are we going to do about it? We could clone them, this would still lead to a deminished gene pool. A small gene pool basically means a species is doomed to die out. Maybe artificial breeding programs (artificial insemination and the like) This would bolster the gene pool but is difficult to accomplish at large scale and would be virtually impossible to do outside captivity.

This subject interests me alot and it worries me an equal amount. I would like to know what you think we can do, what we should do, what we cant and what we shouldnt do.

General Discussion / Bored? Why not create a guild.....
« on: March 10, 2007, 03:30:57 pm »
That is one of the tips that the game throws at you when you log in. Now, Is that what we want to encourage? people who get bored of the game, creating guilds with groups of other bored people?

I have seen so many times people being berrated for having 'no good reason' for creating their guild. Maybe they should just say 'Because I was bored' because that seems like a perfectly valid reason according to the in game tips.

Your views please?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Forum spamming
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:52:01 am »
Im just curious, do any of the other guilds forums recieve spam members? The Elemental Lights guild forum has recieved 5 different spam-members in about the last week. Selling the usual junk, drugs, MP3s, cigarettes that kind of thing. But anyway, its a pain having to delete them. Anyone had similar problems?

The Hydlaa Plaza / When do you know that an RP has gone too far?
« on: March 07, 2007, 09:33:43 am »
Link (4KB)

Anyone else found any bizzarre RP related stories?

Forum and Website Discussions / Assumption we all have broadband
« on: February 25, 2007, 05:06:08 am »
Ive noticed some of the members of this forum making quite a few posts along the lines of:

You can't say that this isn't great.

Not a personal attack on you Parallo in any way, just I saw you do it last and that prompted me.

My point is that people with poor bandwidth internet connections are excluded from this conversation because they have no way of finding out what this actually refers to.

I suggest people do, as came later in the same thread:

Here is a tune I used to play when I wanted to go out for a smoke. The Revealing Science of God from Tales From Topographic Oceans one of my all time favorite albums.

Now, it doesnt take much more typing, but it allows for everyone on these boards to see what is being talked about and not be reserved for the lucky ones with high speed net connections.

General Discussion / Bugger
« on: February 22, 2007, 02:59:21 pm »
right, I havent searched the forum because im lazy, my connection is poor, and im trying to play PS.

But correct me if im wrong. wasnt the word 'bugger' removed from an NPC's vocabulary?

General Discussion / No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:15:51 pm »
Well, I thought I would see how quickly the community would come to help a new player if they actually tried to RP.

I was dissapointed :(

It took about 15 minutes at harnquist before someone offered help OOC, that was while I was asking for help IC. I am greatful for that help but it wasnt exactly what I was after.

20 minutes later, a player finally offered me help IC.

Does the community not bother with those who try to RP their 1st day in game? or do you need to stand at harnquist saying, 'I need money' like a player stood doing while I was there.

If the community wants to try to improve its inclusiveness then they really do need to actually offer assistance when its asked IC. I dont mind if you ignore the annoying newbie types, but trying to help those that have bothered to read the settings should be a high priority for any player.

I dont know if it just my system or not but when PSclient is running it consumes 100% of my CPU time. When I change another programs to a higher priority it just doesnt have an effect. PS still consumes 100%. This happens even if I have PS on the lowest priority and the other program on the highest. Is this a feature or a bug?

The Hydlaa Plaza / The hot news in the UK
« on: December 05, 2006, 12:29:53 pm »
BBC News Article

So, this is a news story that seems to be running for a while in the UK. It has major implications for diplomatic relations between the UK and Russia.

Have a read and then post your reactions please, click the links on the right of the website to get more info on this story that the tabloid 'news' papers love.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Anyone love Morrissey?
« on: December 02, 2006, 02:25:36 pm »

So, who loves the music of Morrissey?

I think its fantastic, whether The Smiths or solo work, Whats your Favourite album (by either The Smiths or Morrissey)? Whats your favourite song?

[im not hopeful for many responses from people who arnt British  ;)]

The reason I bring this up is that he has been voted into the top 3 greatest British living icons.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Well, now im depressed....
« on: November 29, 2006, 06:01:55 am »
BBC News Article

I'll say no  more than how can a 'developed' country treat people in this way.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Christmas shopping
« on: November 25, 2006, 08:08:46 am »
So, when do you start Christmas shopping, Some people are insane and start in january, while some are equally insane and start on 23rd of December. I try to shun Christmas altogether because im a scrooge and just figure that every Christmas so far has been an anti-climax so why should the next be different.

Well anyway, what are your views on Christmas in general?

Forum and Website Discussions / Colours on forum names
« on: November 23, 2006, 03:17:00 pm »
Im just curious how many groups there are and what the colours on the names mean, so far ive got:

Black = Normal User

Red = Dev

Blue = GM

Yellow = CS Dev

Green = Forum Mod (or admin?)

So, is that all or are there more?

Forum and Website Discussions / 'Unified Download Here Post'
« on: November 22, 2006, 04:31:49 pm »
I dont know if im the only one, but downloads from BT are really crap with me, I just wondered if it would be a good idea to have a Forum post that lists the download locations, both BT and direct.

I havent found one yet but if it exists id love it if you would PM me and whichever Mod sees this first please delete it so I dont look stupid for too long ;)

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] Elemental Light
« on: November 07, 2006, 05:39:20 am »
Elemental Light


I aimlessly wandered the streets of Yliakum, separated from my band of brothers, looking for solace, recently having been devastated by the loss of the Wrath of Azure, my first true family. The lightning struck and my clothes were drenched with a rain that mirrored the tears in my eyes. I slowly drifted out of Hydlaa on my way back to Ojaveda, the place to which I had felt I would never return.

Idoru, Gharan, Gisera, Calthos, Justeclair, Gondric, Malm, Myself(Restound), Nereverine, Chalie, Restlin, Fafire, Kikkem, Hachee, Seerilice, Kalika, Loh, Unksi, Skagwort, and countless other members were left homeless, cast asunder without direction.

After much searching, many perilous trials, and countless tribulations we met and rejoined under a new banner, to be led by Idoru, a child of Talad.
We turned to the light of good for guidance and therein do we dwell.

Idoru had re-united most of us and together we met over the fire. We had forged a new alliance with one another, no longer stranded on the road, lonely, hungry, and without shelter. We held our hands high above the fire and commited ourselves to total loyalty, to be a band of brothers that are incorruptible, to be led by the Elemental light.

Idoru, Gondric, Skagwort, Chalie, Unksi, Nyjull, Zelfuro, Samadhi, Restlin, Riviln, and I now become the shelter for those who have nowhere to turn, we give direction to the confused and ill guided, we give hope to those who would never have accepted it before, we thaw the shields of ice that surround the hearts of the uncompassionate, and we forge a bond of friendship that is everlasting and forever bright.

We all would willingly give the ultimate sacrifice, our lives if it were asked of us. We rich, who can live lavishly, choose to live like our poor brethren. Together we strengthen each other, through the pain of the past, through the struggles of the present, and into the beautiful blooming of our future.

We live for each other, we die for one cause, and we shine with a brilliance and light that forever brings hope to Yliakum. Call on us, we will answer you, destroy our homes and we will forgive you, steal our money and we will enlighten you.

To the leader that inspired us all to give, to the brother that couldn't help but make us laugh, and to the Knight who protects us all, We shine together, forever bonded as one, as the Elemental Light.

1. Ulber bait: You are newly brought into our family, you have come from a broken world and escaped into a sheltered one. [In order to qualify for a promotion beyond this rank, you need to register in the Guild Hall [guild forum at ]. In the Guild Hall you will be granted access to a wealth of collected knowledge and information that will help you to make a decent living in this realm.
Currently, you receive a guild's pay whenever you need it. Also from the moment you come you are given basic weapons. Such gifts are given to help give you a good start. You are also given access to a wealth of information that will not only allow you to play the game but excel at it.

2. Azure Apprentice: You are now a fairly experienced adventurer able to take down most docile creatures. At this point we help find you better weapons so you can take down the harder creatures. Your knowledge has also increased and you understand the basics of our world.

3. Azure Avenger: You have clearly demonstrated your worth and by now you only need loans from time to time. You have the general drift of Yliakum down easily and you are now learning its inner secrets and exploring its every corner. You receive pay when you really need it, but loans for weapons and such.

4. Azure Master: You have been seen to give as much as you receive, you are a clear asset to our Guild and this can be considered GENERAL member status. You know the inner workings of Yliakum, have helped out new players, and are making a small income. You share your knowledge with the lower guild members and you help in whatever ways you can although you still have some need and will still be receiving a good wage.

5. Azure Champion: You have a vast knowledge of our world, you give a little more than you receive. You should have very good weapons and also a good income. At this point you are given some gifts from the lords, guardians, and tamers of the guild because you have reached the highest position a person can reach on his own. Any further progression will require not only the GP(Guild Points) but also recommendation from a Twilight Guardian or higher.

6. Twilight Lord: You are now expected to give much more than you receive. You are expected to help out the lower members in finding information, providing tria for advancement, and donating weapons to the guild bank. You will be given 5000 tria for entering this prestigious group. Activity is crucial at this point so that you can be around to help our members if they should ever need it.

7. Twilight Guardian: You need at least a 50% agreement from the Tamers or a 25% agreement and an exception made by Idoru(Leader) to advance to this rank. At this point you are GREATLY honoured, for very few have reached its peaks and you are regarded as an irreplaceable asset. You will be rewarded with a Special Weapon. You will also receive 20000 tria. Again you will be expected to help the lower members, and you are also expected to be pretty active in the guild.

8. Ulber Tamer: These are the Right Hand Men of the Guild. They can be seen as mini leaders who follow the direct orders of Idoru(The leader). They have meetings at certain times to address the needs of the guild. They no longer receive monetary support from the Guild, they are the givers of money. They get the information, they spread it, they are very active in Yliakum, and they will do whatever it takes for you to succeed.
In order for someone to gain this rank you need full agreement of the current Ulber tamers as well as an agreement by Idoru(Leader). You will have a special Ceremony in your name and the whole guild will cheer you on for the sacrifices you have made for our family.

9. Big blue: Our one and only leader's rank. We can never amount to it but we live our lives trying to follow the example of our leader, without whom we would be lost. Our famous Big blue Kran Idoru.


When you have displayed that you have improved your abilities you receive 1 Guild point(GP). Special ranks have promotions that require more than just GP, but for the first 5 ranks, all that you need is 75 GP or higher to be promoted. Usually we wait till you are at about 90 GP but if we see that you have done a tremendous task that has helped our cause, we will give you a promotion at 75gp. Again it is very rare to get a promotion if you have under 75GP in your current rank.

GPs will also be awarded for participation in guild based events and acts of exceptional kindness to players regardless of their guild. These will be issued at the discretion of Idoru and the Ulber Tamers.

We do have weekly guild events and they are held Thursday through Sunday. Participating in these special events will get you a minimum of 1 GP to a maximum of 20GP, depending on your activity.

GP can also be gambled for in duels against Ulber Tamers, GP can be lost and won on these occasions by both Tamers and the challenger, Tamers would never lose their rank due to duels. Persistant requests to a Tamer who has rejected a duel will be penalised heavily.


No evil members, not even slightly evil. Of course if you make a mistake now and again, we will be o.k with it, but we do not want our members periodically doing evil acts on purpose.

We are here to help the helpless, not bring need upon the needy.

Current leader structure:

Idoru (Leader)
~~~~~~~~Ulber Tamers

Our Final goal:

Our foremost goal is to create a world of Hope, where people in need can come to us for assistance. They may come whether they are in our guild or not, our help doesn't require their allegiance. We have been through a lot of pain, we have seen despair, and now we hold the cure to this world's ailments.

We now offer that cure to Yliakum, We eradicate injustice, and we provide a strong knit family that survives through all hardships. We are Elemental light, forever stopping the suffering and pain that has come to this bleak world.



The following Guild History was Compiled by Elemental Light off of the framework of Restound's original post. We have all put our hearts into it and Elemental Light has written it's history together as a family.

PS. Please keep to posting about the Guild and not about each other. I feel this is obvious but sometimes the obvious obviously needs stating  :D

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