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Topics - Efflixi Aduro

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
The Hydlaa Plaza / Anyone good with Excel?
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:13:10 pm »
Hey everyone. I have et another problem at work I was hoping someone here could solve my problem.

Okay so I have a list of thousands of names and addresses which are all in one collumn in different cells. For example:

Bob Smith
1000 Planeshift St.
Hydlaa, Ca 91201
John Smith
2000 Planeshift St.
Hydlaa, Ca 91201

And I need it split into 3 columns. Example:

Bob Smith | 1000 Planeshift St. | Hydlaa, CA 91201

Is there an automated way where it can take row 1 and keep it in place, move row 2 to column 2, row 3 to column 3 then just keep repeating that pattern?

Thanks for the help everyone.

And yes Hydlaa is located in California.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Image to text converter?
« on: March 12, 2008, 03:54:48 pm »
Hey everyone. I'm in some need of some help I was wondering if anyone here could help me since the people on this forums know computers and such so well.

My boss gave me a list of almost 300 pictures that have typed text on them. She no longer has the original files so she wants me to re-type everything on it. This will take me months and months to type up so I want to just have it done through a program. A friend of mine had a program that was designed to read pictures and turn it into text but its very basic. If you guys can give me any names for professional programs that can read an image file and turn it into text I would be a very relieved human being. :)

P.S. Hey all :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / i broke my hand
« on: March 25, 2007, 11:08:30 pm »
i broke my hand today
for the second time this year
in the same place...  :sweatdrop:
twice this year ive now punched something so hard i broke my own hand

why am i telling you all this?
well, my hands in a cast now and i cant type normally so please excuse my bad typing for the next month till my hand is free   :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Mac vs PC?
« on: March 24, 2007, 07:54:35 pm »
Hi there. :)

Ok, so I'm about to finish up my senior year of high school which means ill be going off to college next year. I'm going to get a laptop when I graduate because my desktop isn't up to my standards and I need a portable computer. So, I have about 2 grand to drop on the laptop of my choice. At first I wanted the mac power book because by the time I graduate the new version of OS X will come out. But, being someone who's always used a PC I'm not too sure about a mac. I'll need the computer for word processing and other school related uses which should be no problem. But, I also want to use the computer to play games and download music and stuff. I've looked at games for macs and they hardly release any so I'm scared to dump out so much money on a computer ill never use for games, and I don't want to be bound down to iTunes. Can anyone give me some advice on if I should go with a mac or a PC? :detective:

PS: Linux lovers, SHOO.  :innocent:

Complaint Department / The Death Realm is Anti-Newb
« on: March 08, 2007, 01:31:52 am »
I Decided to re-download and play CB today after many months. I Found myself in the death realm, I guess that's where I left off my last time I played. To my surprise the place was much bigger and I was happy, until i realized it was also much harder to find my way out. I asked a bunch or people but no one even bothered to help me. So, I decided to try to follow people but all of them would run and since my character had low stamina they would always lose me. I ended up figuring out that i hand to fall off the path and go into the cave thing and I followed the trail from there. But, the problem here is, I died about 15-20 times trying to get out of the death realm. The Paths are simply way too narrow which make the controls seem very awkward in the situation. The controls of planeshift seem flawless out in the open city but once you begin the sensitive turning along with the awkward camera angles in teh death realm you have a whole mess of frustration just trying to figure out where you're going. I also got stuck like 8 times while in the death realm.

I think either the design of the death realm or the controls need to changed to make the death realm less of a painful experience.

PS: I had no clue if this was off topic or a wish or anything. I just stuck it in general discussion move it if it needs to be moved thanks. :love:

PPS: I'm still stuck there.  :surrender:

PPPS: Thanks for moving it to whoever who moved the thread. And good news! Efflixi made it out in once piece thanks to a helpful Enki.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Coachella
« on: March 06, 2007, 02:14:14 am »
I'm surprised there's no coachella thread yet.

If you don't know what coachella is go to and you'll figure it out pretty quickly. I was just wondering if anyones going because I'm going to be there on day three. It would be cool to meet up with some ps players over there jsut to say hi. The only reason im actually going to the sunday performance is to see Rage Agaisnt the Machine play. If it wasn't for them I would much rather have gone to night two and seen tiesto.

Also, has anyone gone to coachella before? Any stories to share or anything?

General Discussion / going old school
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:13:37 am »
Okay so I was looking at random setup files I had decided to keep and i foudn the one for MB which made me come on the forums and now im posting this topic.  ;D

This made me think of the good ol' days where ps was nothing more than the hydlaa plaza and everyone would run around hunting crystals. Also those random contests we would make for the crystal giveaways and stuff. So for those people who remember MB, lets take a moment to remember what planeshift used to be like.  :lol:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Can anyone ID this song?
« on: October 30, 2006, 01:57:40 am »
I've been askign a LOT of people if anyone knows wha tthis song is called.
I've googled it endlessly.
I have yet to find its name.

By the way if anyone went to monster massive, I hate you.  :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Hehehe
« on: October 25, 2006, 04:37:56 pm »
Hey what's up everyone.  :) It's been like forever since i stopped by so i just wanted to say hi to everyone that I know. I might stop by more often from now on since I don't really play anything any more. Oh ya and... *found the MB setup file on his computer*  ;D

The Hydlaa Plaza / Mosquito ringtones!
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:52:59 pm »
so apparently theres sounds that adults cant hear that kids and teenagers cant

i didnt belive it but i went on this site that had them for sale and a previewed it

im 17 so i guess im getting too old for it because i can only hear some of them but I called my mom into the room and she couldnt hear any

my little sister could hear all of them too

so basicly the idea is to have one as your ringtone so in class your phone will ring and your teacher wont know so heres the website if you wanna check it out jsut keep clicking on mosquito tones till it gives you the list of the different ones then try em out =]

The Hydlaa Plaza / This video changed my life
« on: March 22, 2006, 10:37:31 pm »

its long but watch like 10 mins and youll want to see the whole thing

The Hydlaa Plaza / July 22 2006
« on: March 11, 2006, 03:30:33 am »
Is the day I\'m going to die.

I bought pit tickets to a slayer concert.

Anyone experianced a slayer or morbid angel pit before i hear those are the 2 worst bands.
Slayers concert was featured of a show called worst case scenario.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Interesting things at your school
« on: February 26, 2006, 05:08:40 am »
Well this obviously doesn\'t apply to universities since places like Harvard have had 10000000 interesting things happen.

I just found out The Doors played live at my school before and they actually signed one of the doors at my school.
Retards painted over it.........

So anything happen at your schools that are interesting?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Am I seriously the only one that remembered?
« on: January 11, 2006, 09:03:46 pm »
Did anyone remember that december 24th 2005 was the 1 year birthday for CB???
I don\'t remember a thread about it (and i just looked for one) so happy late birthday CB! :D

Oh and if there was one sorry for being stupid please go ahead and deleat this thread. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Chuck Norris is better than all of us.
« on: December 23, 2005, 02:33:52 pm »
It\'s true and this proves it: :-D

If you don\'t know who Chuck Norris is find out and come back. :)

Oh and my personal favorite:
\"Chuck Norris once inhaled a seagull.\"

Just thought I\'d share a funny site with my ps buddies. :)

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