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Topics - zanzibar

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Interesting (peaceful) flash game
« on: December 07, 2008, 03:21:02 pm »

I like this game.  Nighttime setting, no shooting or swords, soft music.

And yes, I'm a fan of the endless forest.

Edit:  Actually, the music gets really annoying after a while.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Measuring the bandwidth use of a computer.
« on: December 07, 2008, 01:38:58 pm »
I want to measure how much a computer downloads over different periods of time.  Is there a Windows program or feature that will do this?

Forum and Website Discussions / Get rid of the Wish List forum?
« on: December 06, 2008, 09:23:04 pm »
Someone made a wish, then this was posted in reply...

make a feature request on the bug tracker if you really want this ingame ;)

If the wish list doesn't get used / is in the way / is less efficient than the bug tracker, maybe we should get rid of the wish list forum?

It would be pretty easy to do and we wouldn't have to delete anything.  Just make it so only devs have permission to post there, then make a thread with the title "Do you have a request for a feature?  Read this first." and that thread would be a manual on the bug tracker.  I don't use the bug tracker myself so I don't know how long the manual would have to be, but it seems to be the most convenient way of doing things from what people say.

General Discussion / Do planeshift installations get "dirty" over time?
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:09:27 am »
When I installed the game, it ran very smoothly.  As time went on, it got worse and worse, and I had to decrease my detail settings more and more.

I'm not talking about during the course of a single session, I'm talking about over time across many sessions.

Any theories?

The Hydlaa Plaza / help finding a post....
« on: December 02, 2008, 08:15:41 pm »
My forum skills aren't good enough for this.  Some time ago, there was a thread about how much better things used to be.  I quoted from a translation of Eugene Onegin (Pushkin).  Then someone who's forum name I can't remember for the life of me (he was a "hardcore" roleplayer who believed fights should be done with dice rolls and I think his name began with an S) replied with something like " ::| Don't ever do that again."

Anyway, there are multiple translations of Eugene Onegin, and I'm having difficulty finding the translation and the passage that I used here.  If I could find the post, then I could use it to find the rest of the translation.

Any help would be appreciated!

General Discussion / I have a formula to determine what level you are!
« on: November 23, 2008, 11:17:30 pm »
Inspired by the other thread.  This post is only half serious, so please no flames!

[Weapon Skill] times [Armour Skill]

Divided by

[Weapon Skill plus Armour Skill]

For instance, if you have level 30 sword and level 30 light armour, you're 30x30/(30+30), or level 15!

If you have level 10 sword and level 10 light armour, you're level 5!

If you have level 10 and level 30, you're level 7.

If you have level 90 and 60, you're level 36.

What do you think?

The way I remember it, some people were upset that particular skills could be maxed out after a couple weeks of play.  Maxed out characters were not entirely uncommon, although maxing out magic didn't mean as much back then as it does now because there was only one spell per way.

So leveling became harder, and more expensive.  And still people would max out their characters - although fewer than before.  And now it's even harder.

Am I remembering it right?  Is this a good thing?  Or a bad thing?

If playing the game means leveling your character, it's a good thing.  But with everyone (well, not everyone, but a lot of people!) leveling their character all the time, doesn't that mean they aren't doing other things?  When I think about what those other things are, I think of the different ways players interact and connect with one another.  Helping each other out, exploring the game together, etc.

When you're distracted by leveling your character, are you less likely to help new players?

These are just my thoughts of right now.

As a player, what do you do that nourishes the roleplay community and environment?

The roleplay environment depends on people interacting with one another.  How do you make that happen between people other than yourself?

What is it that you think others should be doing, or doing more of?

I want to keep it positive.  We talk a lot about what people shouldn't be doing.  Let's look at it from the other direction.

This is mostly for my own curiosity, but I have a favour to ask of those who play the game regularly.  Can you keep track of how much time you spend doing what, then after a few days of recording data, post your findings?  It would be a chore, but I think it would be useful.

General Discussion / Some honest questions about Atheism in the settings
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:02:37 am »
I did a search for "atheism" covering the last 400 days of the forum.  This topic has been discussed, but I don't think it's been discussed the way I'm going to discuss it, so I feel comfortable making this thread.

I'm approaching this topic from a place of ignorance.  I don't know the plan of the settings team and I haven't been involved in the discussions about religion and the settings at that level.

I made a new character today and the description of Atheists raised some questions for me.  I'm not sure I know what Atheism is anymore in the context of Planeshift, or how it's viewed.

Despite the obvious presence of Gods and Goddesses throughout Yliakum, some deny that these beings are worthy of worship.

This is the line that has me confused.  In discussions, we've always distinguished between two senses of Atheist: One, someone who denies the existence of the gods.  Two, someone who denies that the gods are worthy of worship.  Two very different senses.

My understanding was that the consensus was that the first sense, the sense closest to the real life definition of Atheist, is absurd in Yliakum.  First off, the definition of "god" may be synonymous with "infinately powerful wizard".  But secondly, people in Yliakum recognize the existence of the gods because people in Yliakum recognize the existence of the gods.  It's a cultural thing.  An outside observer, while they might find it right or wrong, would see this if they looked at Yliakum.  Everyone recognizes the existence of the gods.  This is ok because of the flexible definition of "god" and because the influence of the gods is so pervasive in Yliakum society.  In our own world, there was a time in Europe when pretty much everyone believed in God, and there was far less evidence.

My confusion here is because the line I quoted in bold and italics mixes the senses.  "Despite the obvious... some deny that these beings are worthy of worship."  This is clearly a reference to the second sense of Atheist:  That sense that says that the character recognizes the gods exist, but does not see the gods as worthy of worship.

So I'm confused.  In every discussion I've had up until now, we've treated the two senses of Atheist as very different things.  One was always completely unacceptable, and the other was tolerable (and perhaps even relatively common).  The quote I took from the character generator seems to be in exact opposition to that.

I'm hoping that someone can help me to better understand what's going on, and how I could misunderstand things so completely.

The rest of the information on Atheism:

Most people consider atheists foolish at best and a condemned object of pity at worst.
This makes sense for characters who deny the gods exist.  I'm not sure how this should work for characters who don't think the gods should be worshipped.  Is this another one of those cultural things, that is simply true because it is true?

Athests will bear the worst effects of the penalty for dying since no god will grant them succor from it.
This seems logical.

The atheist does not look outside itself for truth.
This confuses me.  Can someone explain what the author meant by "look outside itself"?  Is "itself" a typo?  It should be themself.  Also, why is this so prescriptive for the character's reasoning (or lack of reasoning)?  Or am I reading too much into it?

People attracted to this faith:  People who have had a bad experience with religion, anti-social people, staunch individualists, and the irrational.
Again, I find this highly prescriptive for the character's motivation in being an Atheist, and frankly I'm not sure where it's coming from.  What's the rational basis for this part of the settings?  In Yliakum, do anti-social, individualist, and irrational have the same meanings that they do in the real world?  Why should these qualities be especially applied to characters who are Atheist, and applied to all characters who are Atheist?  (By "Why", I mean "How does this serve the game?")

I'm hoping that this post doesn't offend anyone's work.  If it seems like I'm being critical, I'm merely expressing confusion on a topic I know little about.  Understanding this issue better will help me (and possibly others) become better roleplayers.

Is there a guide or thread somewhere about how to make PlaneShift take up the least possible amount of operational memory?

General Discussion / Diminishing returns and powerlevelling
« on: October 28, 2008, 07:26:51 pm »
In the presentation Vengeance did for the google thing, one of the things that sticks in my memory was the concept of "diminishing returns" as a way to stop cheaters.  Basically, it means that the more you do something, the less incentive you have to do it.  An example would be mining.  The longer you mine, the less of a chance there is that you'll find anything.  Eventually, you won't be able to mine successfully anymore, and you'll have to take a break.  Vengeance thinks this will help stop cheaters, and I think he's right.  But can we also use this on powerlevelling?  When mental stamina was introduced to the game, part of the rational for it was to force people to take breaks from mining and killing things so that they would spend more time actually talking to other players and connecting socially with people.  The problem of course is that if you level your character enough, it's very difficult for you to run out of mental stamina.  Anything we do with stats and fatigue will end up affecting new players the most and levelled characters the least.  So how about "diminishing returns"?  Is there a solution in that?

General Discussion / What if you entered the game with maxed out stats?
« on: October 27, 2008, 10:58:17 pm »
I was just thinking.  How would the game be different if you could create your character with any starting stats that you wish?  There would be limitations on it, but there would be no levelling once you got started.  How would it change things?

General Discussion / reactions after returning
« on: October 27, 2008, 06:51:19 pm »
- The graphics are much smoother.  I don't know what was changed, but I can look around and it isn't choppy at all, even in complicated maps with full detail.  Zones load quicker as well.

- The client crashes if sound is enabled, but that's something that comes and goes with each version.

- 70 people were online.  I found three in the tavern, and half a dozen smithing at harnquist.  Other places I went to were more or less empty.  I visited a lot of different areas but not the mining sites, so my guess is that the mines are busy as all heck.  It was disapointing that people weren't being more social (although people would answer questions if I asked them something).

- Gladiators are hardcore now, even though rogues are still easy for my character.  I could barely defeat basic gladiators with level 60 light armour and daggers that deal 300 damage every hit, and I eventually died to one.  On the one hand it's better for realism.  The gladiators are supposed to be the best warriors around.

- But since there are fewer rogues and gladiators in the arena to fight, and gladiators are no longer profitable, it means the arena isn't a source of income anymore.  Which explains why everyone is mining.  I probably shouldn't be annoyed by this because it works in favour of realism.  But it did reraise some questions for me: How good are our characters supposed to be before they're considered good at what they do? How long should it take our characters to get to that point? How much grinding should there be in the game?  Will there be other ways to make money besides mining?

- Lighting problems are worse.  The torches are awesome though.

This might be a dangerous topic because "addictive" has negative connotations, but (in my opinion) being "addictive" is the mark of a good computer game!

What aspects and activities in PlaneShift count as outright "addictive"?  My theory is that by identifying the addictive activities, the devs might be able to better focus the philosophy of the gaming experience in the game.

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