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Topics - Geoni

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The Hydlaa Plaza / The Delightful People on Planet Earth
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:08:52 pm »
So, I've got a weird person story.

Last year, there was this kid who would run through the hallways of the school. Now, I'm not against running, but when you run into me and we start dancing because I don't know where to go and neither do you, then we've got a problem. So after a half-minute of juking I was ready to get through the damn hallways. I never saw that kid again for the rest of my freshman year.

Well, he has returned, being weirder than ever. I'm walking down the stairwell, starting from the third floor. I notice it is this same child, the one who keeps twitching his head back and forth for some reason. I watch his head, rocking back and forth as I try and push past the idiots who don't know what side of the stairs to use when they are going up, and the kid starts shaking his shoulders about. OK, I know he can dance, I learned that last year in the hallway, but at this point in time I assumed he was just showing off. I watch him with careful eyes, and suddenly, he whips out a laser pointer, letting the little dot buzz around on the white brick wall. I watch him as he watches the dot, buzzing about on the wall, his eyes twitching around in their sockets. People laugh, but me, no. I pass by him in anger. "What a show off!" I think to myself as I push my way down the rest of the stairwell.

Now, two weeks later, I'm walking through the annex of the school, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand comes into my face, almost hitting me, and I hear a loud voice say "Eyuugs!"

It was him.  :@#\

So, that was my weird person story, tell me yours.

The Hydlaa Plaza / PS Debate Team
« on: May 12, 2010, 05:04:23 pm »
So I've noticed there is a slight bit of arguing on the forums, whatever section it may be. I myself am a kind debater, waiting my turn before replying. I think many of us enjoy this form of posting once it gets going. Perhaps we can reduce arguments causing posts to become off topic by coming here.  

Though I should mention there are rules we have to follow before debating:

-no cursing
-no discussion of religion/politics/beliefs
-no personal attacks, blatant or not.
-no bigotry
-of course no score keeping.
-don't become a debater if you get emotional.
-If an argument happens to pop up on any post, just say BATE! and come here to yap about it.

Well...somebody say something about something, so somebody can contradict something about something.

The Hydlaa Plaza / School relief thread
« on: March 28, 2010, 11:22:53 pm »
SCHOOOOOOOOL!...don't the most of us find it conflicting? Well I figure here is the place to vent from your school frustrations.

-remember to keep your name and school to yourself, so many stalkers these days.

Don't forget about hot lunch!

Why? The picture of the tables is gone, and replaced with the Arcane Chrysalis picture. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice picture, but I'm missing that ambiance the tables brought to the site.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Favorite Movies: Discuss Them Here
« on: February 22, 2010, 07:50:59 pm »
Much like Kiern's Favorite Music thread, this is where you can post good movies. I'm not too old, and I haven't seen all of the movies that are worth watching that were released before...lets say the 80's, so post any of your favorites, and if you have the time add a side note to why the movie/movies are your favorite. I'll say some of my favorite's [in no specific order] If it's in another language please add that on the side!

-Gone With The Wind [U.S.A] Classic, that's all I have to say.

-Amelie [France] I love this movie because it is well written, has good humor, and the acting and cinema-tics are great as well. But what i love the most about this movie is it's score by Yann Tiersen. [This movie is in French but has English subtitles]

-Titanic [U.S.A] I love this movie first and foremost for the screenplay, the acting is great on all of the parts, and the CGI is remarkable for it's time.

-Pan's Labyrinth [Spain..i think] Great storytelling, great acting, cinematic-ally well done, and all together a good movie with the exception that it is a bit sad.  :( [Spanish with English subtitles]

-Spirited Away [Japan] Definitely the best animated movie in the history of film in my opinion. Beautiful watercolor style, a story that can entertain a 6 year old child, and engage a 88 year old's at the same time. The score is great, and it is one of those movies you can watch over and over again and still notice something new. [You can find this movie dubbed in about any language]

Slumdog Millionaire [U.S.A] I love this movie because it simply caught the essence of poverty in the world, and it captured it with great cinema-tics to add. The acting was alright, and the score was very upbeat. One of those movies you just can't miss, and will make you feel happy!

Avatar [U.S.A] We all know about this movie if we don't have our heads stuck in the ground. I thought it was a very simple story that stood for environmentalism, and was one of the most beautiful movies i have ever seen. One i say you can't miss in the theaters.

You don't have to make things as complicated as I did, just post the movie, and if there are two for that title please post the version you are talking about.

Reply away! :D [I wouldn't mind seeing some debates about movies!  :thumbdown: :thumbup: ]

Complaint Department / On a quest for quests
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:21:04 pm »
 I am somewhat upset because I am unable to get any quests what-so-ever. I tried almost all of the npc's in Hydlaa, and Ojaveda, and i haven't gotten one on any of my characters. I posted something on the flyspray and nothing has happened. Is there anything else that i can do so that I am able to get quests? I've also tried typing in what it says on the little mouth/help symbol of the npc, and that didn't work either.

I miss Trasok's yelling at me!  :'(

Wish list / Models by age
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:55:53 pm »
I've played a number of children players and they of course don't look any bit like children, more like adults [obviously] I think that they should have 4 model setting for age to choose from in future versions:

-Child [I can't see playing a little Ylian, or Dwarf boy when he has a full beard, and actually feel IC!]
-Elderly [hunchbacks, gray hair, wrinkles, etc]

For what i know, these can apply to all of the races, (maybe not the kran for elderly) but for most. I think it will make the experience of playing a different age other than somebody in their 20's and 30's which is the age that the models seem based around in PS in my opinion. I think that the creation of the age in the model should also impact the stats of the character, say an elderly character would have very low strength, endurance, and agility, but make up in intelligence, will, and charisma. I'm not sure if this has been posted or not before, but it's my major wish out of this game.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Omegle=Hyperventilation, Cleverbot=exasperation
« on: January 22, 2010, 05:18:54 pm »
Child post of "Omegle: Hyperventilation for overprotective parents".

So after getting bored of talking to strangers, i decided that it is time to talk to a more intelligent form of abnormal and atypical form of computer chatter: Cleverbot Essentially, Cleverbot is an intelligent computer that talks to you. So here are some things that you can do to outsmart it, or just confuse it:

-Use your intelligence to point out anything it says that does not make sense, and build on that.
-If it makes you feel stupid or offends you, then start rhyming with everything it says.
-Keep chatting for a very long time, i think eventually it gets bored.
-Use a fake name if it asks your name, because if you say you are female, it will say it is male, if you say you are male, it will say that it is female [I'm not sure if that's right but that is the conclusion i have made.]
-Just enjoy cleverbot, and mess with it until you can't make a bigger mess.

My conversation:

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello?

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm good.

User: Good is well, wells contain water.

Cleverbot: I know. That's why I'm drinking it. Aren't I clever?

User: Erm, more of a cretin I think.

Cleverbot: I thought it was grey?

User: I thought it was violet-blue.

Cleverbot: I thought it was nice when max came to see his father at the end.

User: I thought it was funny when my recees peanut butter cup had two wrappers around it instead of the usual one.

Cleverbot: Thats off topic. And pathological.

User: Pathological? I say it was more ethical.

Cleverbot: Is that confusing for you?

User: No, but I am confused why notebook paper has to have blue lines.

Cleverbot: Why are you confused about that?

User: I think black lines are darker, and easier to see.

Cleverbot: Why do you think they are the best band ever?

User: I like rubber bands.

Cleverbot: You're funny.

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: It's ok.

User: Who says that it is not ok?

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: You responding to me thanking you, saying 'It's ok.'.

Cleverbot: Livin life high everyday clique wasted.

User: I ate crayons because I liked how they tasted.

Cleverbot: Om nom nom!


Cleverbot: No, it isn't. My name is Cleverbot.

User: Oh I'm sorry, I think I forgot.

Cleverbot: You forgot your own name?

[that is when it quit, it doesn't say so like Omegle did]

These are only a few things that you can do to mess with cleverbot, or you can just talk to it like it is your friend, have fun and don't let it get you angry and exasperated.

My favorite word that I have made up:


Part of Speech: verb

Definition: Doing a good job at secretly following somebodies every move in a slow fashion or manner; cleverly stalking.

Used in a sentence: Georgetta was murking on that ex-husband of hers, and she was determined to get that child support.

[Have fun making some up, and no word is   :offtopic:]

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] A Glowing Wound?
« on: December 08, 2009, 06:22:43 pm »
Okay, here is a problem that needs to be solved: Glowing wound+dry skin+fever symptoms=______

Feonu has a bloody wound on his foot caused by stepping on glass. Glass is pulled out, now there is just a bare wound. Feonu wakes up in the dark and gloomy streets near the passage to East Hydlaa, with a torn piece of black cloth that seems that it could belong to a cloak. He looks down at the wound on his foot to find it glowing red, with the area around it slightly burnt. He wobbles his way out into the plaza, and then up the stairs near Harnquist, and then collapses there, letting himself pass out, not from being sick, but from being scared.
    He lies there for half a day as people just walk around him, and he looks as if he is dead, though, miraculously he is alive, but not well. Finally, a kind Ylian carries him to the tavern, and down near the fire, where the usual people who end up helping Feonu are confounded at not being able to heal him. Feonu's usual healer Bideene drags him upstairs to a room for him to have a proper place to rest himself. Feonu shows blood to be apparent in his sneezes, and the skin all over his body is dry as an ulbers hide.

    Three nurses constantly attempt magic to heal his scar but nothing happens, he doesn't even feel slightly invigorated from an invigoration spell. He doesn't feel any effect from a herb jam that is supposed to help numb any pain, and stop internal bleeding. The internal bleeding ceases but he is still in excruciating pain. He tells the nurse that he isn't hungry, he doesn't even look at his favorite food: Fish. One thing is apparent; Feonu has an undying drive to drink something, but the doctor and nurses limit the amount of liquid he drinks, trying not to let the abundance of water dilute the medicine they plan to give him.
    Was it dark magic that infected Feonu with a terrible case of the un-common cold? Or something else...

    Only fate knows...

                                                                              RP is open by the way.

In-Game Roleplay Events / A Journey for Carrots
« on: November 25, 2009, 10:06:14 pm »
   Feonu is on a search for carrots, so that he can help make a special dish for a friend, but he has some trouble going out into the wilderness alone. He is accompanied by Mandrith, who is a friend of his. They depart from Ojaveda on their search for carrots, and scan both of the roads for any place to harvest the orange plants. No results on the roads to Hydlaa. Tired, there seems to be a convenient camp near Hydlaa, and they are both very tired. Feonu begs Mandrith to stop their, and Mandrith allows it, but has a bad feeling about the place. They make their way into the camp, and all the eyes of the rouges are on them. Mandrith tells Feonu not to talk to any of the rouges, and they are only their to rest for a moment, but when Mandrith sets his eyes off Feonu, Feonu begins to converate with one of the rouges. The rouge laughs about something, and Feonu laughs back, then accidentally steps on the rouges foot. The rouge snaps, and punches Feonu very very hard in the face. Crying like always, Feonu runs away, with somebody who cares after him.
    He finds himself sitting under a tree just near Hydlaa, and he is holding his nose which is covered in blood. After moments of his silence, and crying, Mandrith helps heal his face up, and the continue their journey for carrots. Through Hydlaa they make their way through, leaving through the northeast gate. To Gugrontid they make their way, tired and hungry, stopping on the way their due to Feonu's many pains of hunger and thirst. Once they reach Gugrontid, they are dissapointed with a closed tavern, and the absence of any carrots. They leave, and make their way to a pond where they catch some fish, cook them, and eat them viciously out of hunger. They both decide not to give up their search for carrots. They make their way to the explorer's outpost.
    They are both saddened by the absence of any life in the outpost, and further saddened by absense of carrots. They find many troubles around the outpost, Feonu steps on something that bothers his foot, and causes it to itch, and he cant itch it due to a burn, Mandrith on the other hand is dealing with a rampaging ulbernaught that finds its way into one of the tents. Once they are both finished dealing with these dilemma's, they are approached by a fenki that calls them weird creatures. Why is this girl calling us creatures, has she never seen a Klyros before? they ask themselves. It is answered when it is apparent how the girl bumped her head and got amnesia. THey offer her to come look for carrots with them, and she follow them. Now they head to a merchant called Grok, and plan to ask the herbalogist if he has seen any carrots around. On the way, bad things happen.
   The fenki girl, ends up straying away from the two, getting herself lost again out in the wild. Feonu rests a bit, and Mandrith goes ahead at a high spot on a rocky arch so that he can survey the area for any sign of the merchant Grok. When Feonu catches up to him, Mandrith is so excited that he falls off the high arch, breaking his leg upon impact with the ground. Feonu cries, and is afraid for what has happened. But he decides this as a moment for him to summon a bravery that has been absent all his life. He follows Mandrith's instructions of tying two swords on opposite sides of the leg. After the pain, Mandrith is helped to his feet by Feonu, and they stumble their way to Hydlaa. in Hydlaa, a healer notices the two dragging themselves in the direction of the Sanitorium. On the street, Mandrith's leg is completely healed by this great healer. After converation of thankfulness between the three, Feonu finds himself tired, and Mandrith buys him a stay in Kada-El's tavern. He sleeps, perhaps dreaming of carrots, or less accidents and trauma in his life. The search will continue when he awakes, but will they ever find the carrots? <[][]3

The Hydlaa Plaza / Omegle: Hyperventalation for overprotective parents.
« on: November 18, 2009, 05:22:10 pm »
Here is what you should do to ruin the day of a peaceful stranger:

--Google Omegle, press the first link, and start chat.
--During the chat, make sure to mention that you have a mental illness, therefor giving the excuse to say anything.
--Ask them what they are afraid of.
--Once you know this, graphically mention something that has to do with their fear.
--Do all of this, and see if they disconnect or not, post how long you last in the conversation just for fun.

[I lasted 1 minute and 43 seconds!]

Now remember kids...never talk to strangers!

Complaint Department / I have to go potty!
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:54:56 pm »
I have come to the realization of holding it in for so long, that i just want to let it out in privacy. But...where are the bathrooms? Why would we have sewers, if there were no bathrooms? Why is there seasonings and spices, and no convenient crapper?  :@#\ Why is there not more plants if there are no bathrooms? Why is there nothing to lean over after 10 hot beers and extenuated mining? Where are we supposed to go when trying to get rid of a ring after a divorce? Is it too much to make three different bathrooms in each town? What are we supposed to go if we want to start gossip and vandilism through wall writing? Hurry developers, i can't hold it in much longer!  X-/

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Blind Love
« on: October 20, 2009, 04:56:23 pm »

Blind Love

    This is a tale of two lovers, fated to die with agony. Luna and Sol were always together, inseparable, unbreakable, though something seemed to have changed that. It all happened one day on the way to the Bronze Eagle Doors, when Sol had been enlisted into the army for a war that had been looming. Luna could not accept that she may in fact never see her lover ever again, or even worse in a casket. In fact, she made it out to herself that she could not stand to have her love die in somebody elses stead, and she indicated to herself that it was her duty that she kill him herself.
    He was clueless that she wanted to kill him, and she was clueless to the consequences of doing so. Right then and there when they reached the top of a hill where they were meant to say goodbye, Luna takes out her Dagger, backs Sol onto the edge of the cliff, and never anticipated what he would say next that would haunt her for the rest of her life.
    "Your eyes, they have such resilience. Perfect for a heart that shines brighter than the dagger you hold in your hand." He lets out a sigh, not a sigh of grief or stress, but a sigh of awe.
   As a tear comes out of Luna's crystal blue eyes, she takes her dagger and quickly lets it slide across his neck. She did this dutifully, and without flaw, resistance, or force. She did this with grace, she did this with love.
   "I love you Sol." she says without choking up, or holding back tears. She lets Sol fall off of the cliff onto the ground where a group of maulbernaughts were waiting to tear into a fresh, warm body.
    She does not do this duty of love without having to give Sol what he so loved about her. She takes the dagger to her eyeball and performs a quick stab to rip it out. She lets it fall onto the ground where he lie, and does the same with the other eye. She gave him eyes, that had seen all of him. Eyes that had seen his eyes with the same conception of love, eyes that had once and many times cried for him, eyes that had seen every inch of skin on his body, eyes that had seen his artwork, artwork of her. These eyes belonged to him not her, and as she leaves the hill, she binds her empty holes with trepor silk, and dresses herself in cloaks of darkness. She forever wanders with blind love.

                                                            [Hope you enjoyed it, hope to see yours!]  

I am having major difficulties with technical problems. I have been having problems with no sound, problems with memory leaks, and now new problem is serious. I have just recently in the past day had to update and then reinstall planeshift three times. The problem is that i log on and my chat box, menu, shortcuts, buddy list, etc are all able to use, but the loading screen still covers my whole screen even though i can use the menu, shortcuts, buddy list, etc. I dont know too much about computers so speak as little computer language as you possibly can when replying. Thank you

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