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Messages - Fantasyfiend

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General Discussion / Long Game Running
« on: October 21, 2004, 05:06:41 pm »
I haven\'t been in these threads for a while now. Just came back in today because I had some time between classes. I was frankly shocked and amazed at the new screen shots that were seen when I entered the site. Nothing like I remember. Incredible progress. I haven\'t seen character animation, but I thought I would just pop in and say \"Excellent Job\" by the looks of things. Keep up the good work.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Transient Commumication
« on: March 01, 2004, 06:33:44 pm »
Ever get the feeling you did something and someone\'s avoiding you for it?

I asked a girl out to see a movie. Not a date or anything, I know she had a boyfriend, but I was just looking to enjoy a movie with someone I considered a friend.

Anyway, she gracefully declined, and I tried to explain I wasn\'t trying to come between them. It\'s not my thing. Anyway, I think she\'s been avoiding me. It kinda bugs me. I\'m not mad, or anything, I just feel like I offended her or something. Maybe asking her to see a movie was a bit too much as a friend.

Just out of curiousity, does anyone have a suggestion to break that awkward silence? I\'m a little at a loss for what to do (First time for everything, I guess...)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 18, 2004, 04:55:25 pm »

I\'m sorry Kiern. I really didn\'t realize you were kidding. If I had, I wouldn\'t have been such an ass. Again, sorry.

The reasons games with knockers (Not Joanna Dark boobs. I\'m talking the silicon stuffed pillows) suck, is usually because the spent so much time programming the boobs to bounce just right, or the sun to glisten on their sweaty bodies perfectly, that play control is usually forgotten. IE, Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball.

Now, that\'s not -entirely- a bad thing. To be fair to games like \'Sexy Beach 2\' and \'DOA: VB\'; They have really good graphics and effects. However, the draw is that they got considerably unrealistic in breast size. If those boobs were really like that, the girls of DOA:VB could not jump that high with quickly spiralling and landing on their faces.

Bouncing breast physics don\'t bother me. Hey, that adds realism. With computer capacity now, why shouldn\'t we? Hair effects in the wind as well. However, while they super-emphasized that, they left out the \"GAME\" part.

But it comes down to this.

Who Cares?

I finally figured it out. Games are for entertainment. If I like getting my groove on at the bowling alley in front of strangers, it\'s my 50 cents. If a guy is hard on his luck for a big busted, small minded girl whose only purpose in life is to tickle his fancy (and other things....) then \'Sexy Beach\' is the game for him.

This is how I can justify playing GTA. Cause I\'m a nice guy.

I get tired of being polite. How better to live out some aggression than being a horriffic example of human life? It gets some tension out. As, I suppose, it does for anyone else playing games that disregard gaming, in favour of sex.

Really, Harvest Moon isn\'t as much of a game, or Pokemon Snap. Harvest Moon was great. So was Pokemon Snap actually. There\'s potential for a good Gamecube game there.

Anyway, play what you want. Me, I\'ll be killing pimps for their money and using said money to buy guns to hold up a store and get more money with.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 18, 2004, 02:49:27 am »
Actually, yes. I was the one speaking out against society\'s inability to break their attention from a glowing box.

You really want to know what\'s differant between sex and violence? I don\'t even know that. I really don\'t know how to justify gunning down cops, while staring gawkeyed and some brain-dead bimbo.

Bear in mind, when I say that, I don\'t mean women. I mean the women in this game. Go to X Play\'s site, and check out the footage. The people who programmed this game created the illusion that girls have nothing better to do with their time than to let people watch them and giggle stupidly when your hand touches their knee. That creates a pretty sorry image of girls. Not that it really matters, because anyone retarded enough to put that on their game rack, doesn\'t have a snowball\'s chance in Hell with a girl anyway.

Then what you said about GTA. For me, the real differance here is skill required. The dictionary I have defines a game as something played for entertainment, I think a game is defined by a test of skill that\'s entertaining as well. It doesn\'t take much skill to reposition a camera behind a girl\'s can so someone can \'touch\' it. In GTA, you have to work to get away from the cops. It takes everything you got to escape the Military. If you buy GTA just to drive around at night and pick up hookers, than your kind of missing the point of the game (well, I guess you could play like that...). The point of this game is stare at silicon endowed girls eat a banana in slow motion. Dragon\'s Lair had more play depth than that. Besides, It was funny watching Dirk fall into the fire.

I didn\'t hear about the virtual glasses and gloves sucking. That\'s too bad. I really think it would be a step in the right direction for games.

Oh, and Kiern, you don\'t have to slam others for what they like to play. I stated how sad it was that games have come to this. If you read, I never put -anyone- down for what they played. If you wanted to play Micheal Jackson\'s Hide and Seek. That\'s your game. If someone wants to play Sexy Beach or DOA Beach Volleyball. Fine. Cool. It\'s not my thing. I would rather play something else. To each his or her own.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 17, 2004, 09:58:27 pm »
Those are some pretty good points. And well taken.

When I said backslide, I didn\'t mean games in general, I meant the Final Fantasy franchise (which I personally think is, and I enjoy RPGs). I couldn\'t dream of arguing that games are entering a second golden age. Doom 3 looks freaky. All the better to blast away monsters. Some game idea\'s are revolutionary and involve sex. The Sims, for example. I don\'t play often, but I\'ve been known to binge.

I think about it now, and it\'s roles. Sexy Beach 2 includes beautiful women with lower back problems from carrying around their obviously implanted luggage. Who would pay these? People who have sexual or relationship issues. That comes to me playing Grand Theft Auto. I\'m a nice guy, so stepping out, gunning down gangsters, beating up pimps and robbing them, crashing vehicles, and running guns is a hoot for me. As, I suppose, that game is a blast for anyone willing to pay 50 bucks for the same sensation they could get off the internet.

I know how long sex has been in games. I downloaded a Commadore 64 emulator off the web and came across a site dedicated to adult CC64 games. I was frankly surprised to see how many there were. Mostly imported from Japan and Europe (horny Germans...). So I am aware, I guess it just irks me that that game is sitting next to Dues Ex somewhere in Japan. Maybe I\'m over reacting.

Anyway, I guess I\'m getting my point across. You pretty much have the same thoughts as me. Yeah, it\'s a game, I wouldn\'t play it. I\'m better than that. Someone would. Hey, if they enjoy it, more to them, I guess. Personally, I\'m playing a neat free sprite-based rpg-ish game at It\'s not much, but I like it.

As far as immersion in gaming, I heard about a Mech game that costed like 200 dollars, but it came with a console you sat at, as if you were inside one. Cool. Now if only it were cheaper. Actually, I\'m surprised 3D eye-wear and sensory gloves aren\'t being used more int today\'s games. I could only dream about playing GTA from behind the wheels of an Infernum as I brutally ran down Hatians who have a nasty pentiant against me.

Anyway, I think you are right, though. Technology is getting better and cheaper. And more immersive. Dance Dance Revolution is my own addiction.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Vulgarity in games
« on: February 17, 2004, 08:54:11 pm »
I don\'t know how many people here watch XPlay on techtv. A little show about games in America. Well, it showed an import game called \'Sexy Beach 2\'. In it, you stalk girls around aparrently tropical enviroments, and shower them with gifts, like scantily clad bikinis, or things that don\'t even count as clothing, but as twine. Eventually, you got to \'touch\' them. Give them back rubs, thigh massages, tickle their belly, and any other sick little fetish limited only to how far one\'s mind can sink into the gutter. Farther along, you take them back to your place to test the springs on your matress.

Now, I\'m not a prude. I play GTA: Vice City, though I don\'t solicite hookers in the game, but how would I go around justifying playing that, and shooting down a game that\'s play control consists of \'looking\' at overly busted girls, then clicking on them. Does it even constitute as a game?

By technicality, yes it does. Personally, in my books, no it doesn\'t. I think gaming takes more than a foot fetish to play. But the question about GTA comes back up. Well, this might sound lame, but I think it can be justified since it actually takes some finess. Skill. efort. The other is digital porn. Perhaps that sounds hypocritical, maybe it is.

Either way, I find it sad that games have sunk to this level. Personally, I think it really started with DOA: Beach Voleyball.

Maybe I\'m looking at this from the wrong angle. I mean, anyone so incredibly pathetic as to buy a piece of trash like that obviously couldn\'t get a date, so maybe, ironically they need it.

To sum up, What the hell happened to games? I know with graphics improving, games can, and have become more mature since thye have the power to. But since when did mature  slowly eating popcicles and running slow motion through a sprinkler in a white shirt? Perhaps one of the most \'mature\' games I\'ve played is Harvest Moon. A personal favorite. Final Fantasy is a good example of maturity. For the most part. It focusses on telling stories and testing the might of the player. X-2 looks like a backslide.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2003, 02:05:49 pm »
Jessyn, I got that part about the loop somewhat. I\'m taking programming classes. Can\'t say I knew you could loop with strings though.

\"Kill me, and I\'ll make sure you never work in this town again!\"
\"Paint Chips make me thirsty\"

I saw the first one on \"The Man with Two Brains\" starring Steve Martin. The second one came from a shirt.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2003, 01:57:44 pm »
Blood baths? Realism? I dunno. I enjoy blood when it\'s done to the point of \"un-realism\". One of my favorite movies of all time has to be Evil Dead 2. In it, blood flows like water. But it\'s done in a humourous way, being so overly done it\'s funny. Even the props. Dismembered hands and such. Enjoying a bloodfest comes from that little evil thing in all of us that enjoys seeing someone\'s fingernails being ripped out in slow motion. It\'s all good fun.

But what I consider more interesting than blood shooting everywhere, is \"What causes it?\" I read a comic called Johnny, The Homicidal Maniac . If you like violence, check it out. It\'s funny and makes for an interesting read.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2003, 01:41:23 pm »
Before this goes any further, I better wipe some of the mud away.

Aender, Sorry about the animosity. But being seen as some vicious dictator like mind was offending. You are right on several degree\'s. However I stand on my thoughts that there are better things to do then television. I think it\'s waste of time. Still, I think that it has some good shows. Most of it I don\'t like, and don\'t watch. If you do, hey, that\'s your choice. I don\'t care, because it\'s not my mind. You can\'t have a constant hobby, there\'s nothing wrong with sitting down to something once in a while, but as I see it, someone who sits in front of it from dawn till dusk need to get out and find something to do.

I still need to find something to do to develop a life. I have a bad habit of seeing society as cockroaches, but\'s it hard not to when media portrays society as that. I guess television has swayed opinions of mine, but in the differant direction. Instead of considering that normal and accepting it, I consider it normal and despise it. However, I am working on it. If I actually got out of my comfort zone and met real people instead of despicable money whores that I\'ve misunderstood \"normal\" people to be. God I must seem like an ass right about now.

Anyway, one of my friends in my Visual Basics class might be calling this weekend. I can\'t even remember the last time I expected a call. That sucks. Oh well, things are looking better. Now I just need to find a good hobby and maybe a girlfriend. I think that\'s what my real problem is. Some people don\'t have lives, so they spend it infront of a box. I spent it despising said box.

I think it was the legendary Vincent Price who once said something to the effect of Boredom is the eighth Deadly Sin. I think that\'s true. When you got nothing better to do, you don\'t fill that with anything better for you.

Anyway, television is degraded at times. Yes. It has some good traits. Yes again. Does it matter what crap is being filtered through that screen? Not really, because I got more important things to do than mince at an inanimate object.

The most intelligent show...hmm..can\'t say I know too many. FLCL is confusing, but I don\'t think that really counts as smart. I don\'t watch many crime dramas, where the most intelligent television seems to be. Mystery Science Theater was pretty clever. Funny as Hell too. Crank Yankers & South Park? I guess they\'re OKAY. They can be funny when they\'re not trying to be overbearingly offensive. My favorite South Park was when Cristopher Reaves regained strength from Stem Cells. It was pretty funny. Crank Yankers is funny sometimes, stupid at others (Mostly others).

True. The smart get smarter. The dumb get dumber. Too bad television has to reflect that as well. Shows that mean to have value are getting better at finding interesting subjects while shows centered around genitals (aka Jackass, Real World, Survivor). The people behind Jack Ass must have some gay issues to work out, because some how or the other they end up in something skimpy and/or something about their crotch. Hopefully they\'ll sustain enough damage not to reproduce. Whatever. My backs to the screen anyway. Computer at my house faces away from the television (thankfully).

As for God wiping out the Human race, not really. He gave them a second chance. He almost  wiped out the race. Destroyed all those sinful people (those were the days...). Actually, in a strange observation, many cultures have their version of Noah\'s Ark, so I\'m wondering if God saved more than just Noah, to stop inbreeding.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2003, 11:37:35 am »
Frankly, I don\'t CARE which bands are popular. I decide for myself what music I like, not that damn box. I hear something I like, and I listen to it. Unlike the sad few who sit at the edge of their seats waiting for the next big boy band, or the next punkest thing. I listen to older music, but I do listen to the White Stripes and some Gorillaz when the mood takes me. I find most modern bands to be pathetically lacking. Musically, and characteristaclly. All the vocals and stylings sound the same as every other band. I

Yes, I would agree that our opinions are differant. I don\'t think people should persue a hobby, per se. I think that people who have nothing better in their life to do then stare at a box that dribbles nonsense should go out and get a life. I know, since I don\'t have one. But I don\'t fill the void with that slime. I try to fill it with taking classes and trying to better myself intellectually. It doesn\'t pass for a life, but that\'s something I\'m trying to work on.

And again, you didn\'t read my post. I said for people to get a life, and the choices they make don\'t effect me. I posted that already.

A bad life is better than no life at all. They choose their lives, they live it. Not me, so I don\'t see why I have to swallow and accept bitter pills that I don\'t need

I don\'t care what people do with their life. I find it sad that they would do things like base what\'s real by what they see on Empty-V or Jerry Springer. As far as people becoming zombies to capitalism, they bombard people with so many commercials that they become unseeing of the stupidity of it. Do you remember those pots with the siv lid? Remember the commercial where the mom is fighting a siv, while the ungrateful family are voicing their protest loudly? The father tapping his watch, keeping the \"Woman\" on a schedule? What bothers me is when they try and get me to believe that that family is going to improve from a pot with holes in it. Was it a good product? Maybe, I haven\'t tried it. Should it be marketted? Why not, someone might like it. Should they act like everyone\'s family is ungrateful and driven by some stereotype of a dominant male? Hell no. I get tired with stupidity and stereotypes of what the world is being crammed down my throat.

And yes, I do interpret you calling me a fascist. You put words in my mouth that I want people to dress, act, and watch the same thing. If you meant something else, then I certainly missed it.

The way you\'ve argued, it seems that everyone should watch a certain show, dress a certian way, like certain things. they should all be squeaky clean.

It sounds like your calling me a fascist. That or a prude.

I don\'t expect people to be anything, other than what they are. If you think me having hopes for a better world is expecting too much, then I\'m sorry you expect me to just lay down and accept the world as it is. If that happened, we never would have reached the Rennaisance. If we just accepted everything for the way it was and not what it could be, then as far anyone knew the world would still be flat. I don\'t demand people to change. I urge them to try something new. Something I\'m starting to take steps in myself.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 04, 2003, 02:44:26 am »
You know, verbal attacks on me as a facist are really pointless. You don\'t know me. Don\'t pretend you do. When my siblings are watching crap on tv, I walk out of the room, and exercise my free will. If I don\'t like it, I don\'t make myself watch it. That would be like hammering nails into your skull when no one made you.

And if you haven\'t been reading my posts then open your eyes and read this (This is directed at you, Aender):

Kissing in public doesn\'t bother me. If you want to dress like a slob, do it. You want to listen to Death Metal? It\'s your right. This is America. You can do anything, right up to the point of twisted perversion in America, and you reasonably have a right to do as you wish, but when someone forces THEIR freedom of speech down my throat, I have every right to regurtitate it back right into their faces. I don\'t want to control society. I want it society to take the next big step. In times of ancient England, kids were getting knocked up at like 12-13. Kings actually had a right to sleep with a bride before the groom did. Now that I think about I was wrong to some degree about a failing society, but it\'s a work in progress, and television is hindering that progress. I\'m not saying DON\'T watch tv. Hell, I do once in a while if I find something I WANT to watch. But people have 15 hours of stuff they watch, not because they want to watch it, but they\'re not constructive enough to walk away from it and find something better to do. Potterymaking, Going to concerts, have sex with teenagers. WHATEVER. A bad life is better than no life at all. They choose their lives, they live it. Not me, so I don\'t see why I have to swallow and accept bitter pills that I don\'t need. I don\'t see why, just because half the city of Houston goes to skin room, that I have to acknowledge their propaganda. It\'s like pop-ups on the internet or spam in my email. I never asked for enhancement pills, so I do what every one with free will does. Delete that sucker. I have every right to ignore something I don\'t like. But that\'s not the way life is. Things can\'t be ignored all the time, and in this case, that unignorable -thing- is how much time people spend with something that has little substancial worth.

Oh, and Aender. It\'s ironic that you make me out like a facist. I expressed myself at the top of my post, and posted that it was the working of an angered mind, and was my opinion. You CHOSE to write your opinions trying to make mine small. I was saying what was on my mind. If you don\'t like what I have to say, you can use YOUR free will and ignore this. No one is making you subscribe to my notions, but you chose to acknowledge them and argue. Not me. Don\'t make me out to be something I\'m not.

As for those \"Truth\" commercials, I would have to agree. It fanatacizes that smoking cigarretes is like putting a gun in your mouth. Blaming the cigarettes would be like blaming Smith and Wesson for school shootings.

Television, as I have come to realize it, is a roll of the dice. Sometimes it can come out with something so ingeniously funny as Invader Zim, and then the next moment it\'s blaring out some other idiocy. It has done good things like showing the world, America\'s first man on the moon. We knew, almost instantaniously, when the Twin Towers were hit. But for every \"good\" it can do for society, there are twenty \"bad\" things.

TV cannot, and should not be taken away. I\'m not saying for people to destroy it, I\'m saying for people to do something better with their time.

Balance is what so many lives are missing. People don\'t seem to know when to stop drinking or stop smoking or stop waving their genitalia in front of a camera. Balance is understanding that if something bothers you, you avoid it. Apperently it doesn\'t bother people to make idiots of themselves on television, so I avoid it. I just also chose to speak what I think.

Kblilik is right, I knew when I started this thread that it would draw contradiction like moths to flames. I am more than happy to debate, and come to a better conclusion, and have once or twice through this. But I stand on my opinion that television is degraded.

To Kramy: I haven\'t seen any of those, though I was interested in Tremors. I\'m not sure how many of those are Reality Shows. But I avoid those like the Black Plague. Television hasn\'t figured out how to show real people, and stop trying to characterize them as things like The Vegetarian, The Homosexual, The Insecure One, or The Partier. People are still made out as extremes, rather than average people.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 03, 2003, 12:36:32 pm »
I\'m not even going to touch on the whole \"God exists or not\" argument. I\'ll respect your beliefs but you damn well better respect mine and anyone else involved in this. Religion is irrelevant in all this.

I also indulge in things that are frowned upon. Reading comics that depict horrible violence. I watch FLCL. For the sex? No. I like the story and animation. I watch:

The Simpsons (When the rare chance comes around}
Family Guy
Samurui Jack
Mystery Science Theatre
Cowboy Bebop

There\'s a huge differance in knowing that filth exists in life, and dodging it, and knowing that filth exists in life, and wallowing in it.

Just so you know, I have no sex, protected or otherwise. I don\'t swear in front of children, speak in foul tongues in front of women. There\'s alot of things I don\'t do, and still better myself. I would hope you would understand and reciprocate.

Free Will. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want, but that doesn\'t make it acceptable. If I wanted I could rape someone in front of an orphanage. Would that make it okay? No. Attack the Constitution. You know, one of the biggest things wrong in America is Freedom of Speech. It allows good people to enrich the lives of others, but it allows morons to spill their grey matter vomit across unsuspecting victims. It allows revolting lyrics to be played in Parking Lots while children are trying to get to school. It lets bands like Cannibal Corpse say things to disgust as many people as possible.

Attack the glorious Constitution and Bill of Rights? You bet. Because it started out with the best intentions and was twisted into something that let freaks get away with crap, and call it \"The way they choose to be.\" And they have that unviolatable right, which they deserve as much as any American, and yet they abuse it.

No wonder other countries laugh at us.

I\'m sitting in a computer lab at my College. I\'m looking around and thinking, \"My God. Maybe there is hope.\" Because a majority of these people, these REAL people, have better things to do than waste their lives away mooching off the government and killing their braincells with chemicals outlawed by the government. THere was a guy with bright orange hair, all in black at my college. I thought he was just some slacker taking college work to avoid actual work. I was wrong. He knew way more about Math than I was able to comprehend. You can\'t judge people. These people I go to school with, I see hold chance for a brighter future. Who have better things to do than watch a 3-hour Best-of Spring Break marathon.

Television isn\'t real. It\'s a marketting device. Industries use it to force their way into brains, like sperm into eggs, planting their little mottos, logos, and any other BS they can get away with. There\'s nothing wrong with sitting and watching something. You have a right to do so, and have every chance to exercise it. They know that, and take advantage of it whenever they can. Just because bilboards depict grotesquely advertised skin clubs, doesn\'t mean you can\'t take a sunday drive once in a while. Just because the Playboy channel is on doesn\'t mean you can\'t watch the Civil War documentary on a differant channel. People choose the slime they bathe in. I did, and change for the better whenever I realize what I\'m doing. Most people don\'t care. They continue ignoring better sense, to indulge in their own little wills.

Messages brought to you by Phillip Morris. Remember how they weren\'t supposed to have cigarette commercials on television? They found a way around that. And people just sit and take it up the pipe, because it doesn\'t bother them. Making it seem like they care about your health. They don\'t give a damn, otherwise they wouldn\'t have a cancer increasing substance stuck on the back wall of convience stores in a big white box for all to see. And we have a choice not to smoke up. One choice I made a long time ago. To be honest:

I drink coffee, cola, and the occasional mixed drink (like twice a year maybe). Cola should count as bad substance, man that stuff gets sickeningly sweet at times, AND it can melt nails.

For every show that could be considered acceptable, there are easily 20 others that cater to home shopping, soap opera\'s, skin shows, and crappy music videos (Though that\'s my opinion of them).

It would make more sense to say what was wrong with me, than wallow in self-rightousness about stuff I don\'t do. However, I HAVE led a sheltered life (or something that can be called that, at times). I\'m thankful for it, and yet I suppose I regret it. I haven\'t been exposed to enough of the filth of society to accept it as normal, but I\'m better than it. I have my faults, and maybe I screw up, but I\'ll roast in Hell before I sit grinning at some screen for hours on end like a slack-jawed, 21 chromosone, dumb, money-spending American that damn box wants to think I am.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 03, 2003, 11:30:42 am »
Sorry, some corrections.

AenderCallenlasse, Are you justifying Hell on Earth letting someone die on stage?

Sorry, sashok about that God remark, I mean AenderCallenlasse.

I don\'t consider myself \"self-rightous\". But I find it pretty easy to see the fecal matter that has become society.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 03, 2003, 11:23:43 am »
Real World most certainly NOT is the best show ever made. For one thing it\'s deprived of anything real.

Empty-V sets them up a nice little crib and  personally I haven\'t seen them do jack other than make idiots of themselves. How many normal people have a hot tub, and how many normal people have money to burn that they didn\'t earn? Mostly, people still living with their parents.

That\'s what Empty-V is, anymore. Started cool with music videos, now it\'s the big pimp daddy to an army of slathering creatures who barely pass for human. Spring Break on MTV, I once witnessed a game to see who could undress and change clothes with a girl in a cramped phone booth. That\'s sick, sad, and pointless. If you can\'t see they\'re shoving \"naughty\" under your nose for ratings, then your pretty blind.

How many of those punks have NORMAL jobs. Sacking Grocceries, changing the tags on store items. Christ, they live in an uptown penthouse, and they eat at the nicest resteraunts. Do you ever see them settle with F\'ing McDonalds?

Besides, if that\'s what normal people are like anymore, then let this war end in a quick global genocide, because we\'re screwed where we stand. I never see so many people p*ss and moan about whose laundry is laying around. If people have that much sex, with that many partners, then the world is sadder and sicker than I thought. If that is so \"real\" then, again, that would explain the rapidly growing population, variations of VD, and why the world is so filled with a-holes.

And sashok, don\'t you dare blame God. He gave Adam and Eve warnings early on. Still they proceeded. The human race has a tendancy to destroy ourselves. Be it with drugs, food, sex, greed, blasphemy or what else you can think of. I wonder myself why he didn\'t just stomp out the human race early on, but it\'s not for you to pass judgement. Don\'t forget, your under him.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 02, 2003, 08:22:22 pm »
I agree with Jessyn. It\'s sad how many people have nothing better to do than stare for hours on end at a box. I think it comes from boredom. I know that sounds like an obvious statement, but there\'s nothing to occupy their minds, so they watch it. Personally, I got programming.

Commercials are bad, but I think infomercials are worst. They\'re like 1/2 hour commercials trying to justify the stupidest and most useless items. They had one for pills for male enhancemant, and they were actually going around on a street talking to people about the product, and it\'s effect. I don\'t know HOW they went about asking them about it (or why people even answered). Then they had a live audience. That was so horribly stupid I actually had to laugh. Come back to the show, people clap and sit down.

Shows on tv aren\'t really about morals anymore. FOX is real bad about showing things like \"Worlds Most Shocking Acts Caught on Tape!\" or Worlds scariest car chases, or world\'s biggest bowel movements. The only channels that seem to present anything close to a moral is the Hallmark channel. VH1 used to be cool, but now it seems they cater to rap and Pop more than anything else.

Yes, you can turn off a tv. You can turn off your radio, but that doesn\'t stop anything. Billboards for example.
I went up to Houston to visit some family that came down for Thanksgiving (It was actually the first time I drove through there without family. Except my cousin who drove through most of the heavy traffic). Anyway, there was a huge billboard for a laughably called \"Gentlemen\'s Club\". The ad said something to effect of.

\"You\'ll find it too hard to leave\"

Written big, bold, and across the sky, staining it. Subtle messaging? Hardly. That seems like one of the last things that should be seen from the 610 Loop.

It\'s really a shame when that kind of crap is suddenly \"Okay\" in this day and age. I realize that our ancestors during, say, \"The Salem Witch Trials\" and Prohibition were probably being a bit over Zealous, but I see no reason to go backpedalling hard in the opposite direction.

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