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Messages - Capprion

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General Discussion / Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« on: November 07, 2008, 12:37:36 pm »
voted no...   who wants to feel like they are walking on thin ice 24/7. if you break rp you already get swamped by people telling you what to do or asking you to not talk ooc or whatever.

the only thing more strict could be getting killed or a kick from the server..would drive people away. especially people who dont RP overly well. might make them a bit nervous to even speak

General Discussion / Re: a request from the settings team
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:43:41 pm »
i get that we are inside of a big rock pretty much.but what about things like sure at one time or another a rampaging fire has had to happen. no way to avoid it. even if not  we all still carry torches around build campfires use magic that makes heat and flame. with all of this smoke and gas why are we not choking to death?

water usually flows down, how has nobody ever followed the water up ( or down )? if it comes from the surface world im sure a kran or a klyros would have been a bit nosey at least once and went up-stream..

dwarf people are very diggy things. im amazed they have not dug their way into a bottomless pit or at least to the tip of our little rock. 

how is it we are all still in the dark that we are actually living inside of a very small space

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« on: August 19, 2008, 03:46:21 pm »
[ all of the /me going on was way to distracting, was over used really. im not picking at anyone but honestly who do you think in a event like this would realistically notice you giving a glare, and a slight yes or no shake of the head or lip biting...once in a while maybe but (" gasp glare gasp cry gasp glare whisper gasp  nod whisper glare smile smirk glare ")  it was rather aggravating that it seemed to be more for attention grabbing than to just put yourself more in character for some people i myself went to the /me a time or two but one persons name coming up every 2-6 lines with things nobody would possible either notice OR care about is...never mind. other than this i really enjoyed the trial. i also enjoyed all the arresting going on :thumbup: ]

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Sapere Magi
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:39:38 am »
good news, gwinn has avoided the wrath of Mytur.......for now  :devil:

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Sapere Magi
« on: August 07, 2008, 08:15:55 pm »
nice story, or maybe a sad one? its all about the same really. now down to what i came here to say
shame shame Gwinn. should Mytur not have been given word of this? the reformation of the magi and not a word to the poor lizard. you know he has been alone a loooong time now, you might have some explaining to do.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Bullies need to be hit with a shovel D:<
« on: November 10, 2006, 03:00:17 am »
well really what you should have done well ok maybe not should have done but what seems best to be is lean over to him real close
and ask him exactly how much better his day will be if you dont have to jam an ink pen in his eye

bullies arent lookin for attention n they dont feel bad about themselvs. they just dont like certain people or they think it will be easyer to pick on a select group  and well thats how the world works  the buisness world. and the world of bullies. they are the same     just do a corporate takeover.

General Discussion / Re: Please, just stop this bullcrap.
« on: November 05, 2006, 12:58:02 pm »
the best way i can describe evil is
~ Hate
~ trying obtain power when it is not yours
~ picking fights and arguements just to see the person get mad or upset or to kill them
~ causing conflict
~ misleading people / betraying trust
~ being rude, this n that, causing even the slightest ammount of stress just because you can and you belive nothign can be done about it
and whatever else you can think of that i cant at the moment

hate cant be done in PS not the way we would like to achieve it anyway if we stick to the settings , the story and setting states all races live in harmony. ( wich makes me wander exactly why we fight ulbers and rats and exactly why when the topic of racism comes up we are told we all are one race yet we select what race we are when we make a character. maybe its just something the devs dont want to deal with right now so they say were all the same but were diffrent and there is no explaination for it at least not one that would hold up againsed somone saying " i hate Kran " well if im a dwarf and a bg blue guy comesu p in front of hes not a dwarf and im not going to call him my brother cousins sisters aunts neices grand fathers stepson  ...i dont care what nebody says lol )

we cant get power because in order to get power you have to RP and as soon as that little bout of RP is done you no longer have the power because well...its others people controling how much of an effect you can actualy make

were not even sposed to stress other players out. i know most say this is only OOC but i have seen almost CHAOS happen over some IC statments

cant really cause much conflict IC outside of guild happinings. nothign that can effect a large scale of people do to the fact that players dont have any real social ladder system  were all just in a big pot being stirred around as equals

betraying somoens trust is easy and can be fun sometimes to see people squirm and whine, but then it eventually gets turned into somethin OOC

in alot of ways yes we can be evil but the settings and the Devs and GM's would most likely prevent allot of i just tend to be a bit of everything   sometimes ill say hi    sometimes ill ignore you and spit on you when u turn to walk away..thats about all i can do if i wanted to stick with the story

but zanzibar is right to.  in fact Xillix is right can we all be right?  the PS world is a very strange place

General Discussion / Re: Raging Alcoholics
« on: October 31, 2006, 12:50:02 am »
{Mytur is a recovering alcy ...i myself have a circulatory system = 160 proof with the remaining fluids being  daluted blood and rat poison...}

Mytur is always up for hanging out in the taverns no drinks for me tho . im just a table dancer

ya know i actualy agree with some of that themule

i never really gave i much thaught but ur right in a way
but yes asking for help is for the most part the only way to get help. we cant tell if your new or just an alternate character
unless i see you wandering around the plaza for a week i might stop to see what might be goin wrong for ya

General Discussion / Re: Little-boy-with-wooden-swords
« on: October 24, 2006, 07:38:52 am »
i meant to include that i have killed people in the plaza. and got griped to about it anmd often by these " special " people  who have just killed 4-5 people in the plaza themself during RP

General Discussion / Re: Little-boy-with-wooden-swords
« on: October 24, 2006, 12:23:21 am »
i just wana know why any time a new person - or a popular person kills somone in the plaza everythings all good
but you get somone other then those selected few doing it and you will get 30 tells a bunch of whackos telling you and them where not to kill altho if it werent meant to be able to happen there would be a boundry im thinking
 like a Harn. you cant kill him.  if its so bad to kill in the plaza then why not have a msg and a restriction on players also

and iv noticed. if its a RP been going on for like a week and somone gets killed thats ok. but 2 people having a confrontation or something kills one another its not?  does time and popularity make things right or wrong? 

is anyone in real life going to meet somone they want to stab and tell that person to go to a certain location so that he can actually do it? and then get away with it because he is well-known-liked-popular.... well ok sometimes

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Virtual economies attract real-world tax attention
« on: October 23, 2006, 02:04:27 pm »
gov. diggin deeper into the pot to take its share yet again.   
if this money went to something more then buying crab cakes for the fat overpaid lazy lying whelps of the worlds governments. then maybe it wouldnt be so bad.

everyone says EDUCATION ..we need more taxes for education...
and we already have more then the money we need generated from tax in the US to pay for education the teachers the buildings books and yada yada whatever . the problems with education is well simply put / kids dont want to be in school, they are hounded, hassled, and basicly looked at as infirior morons by the teachers and boards of education. they get up early and dont get out till around 3 in mostp laces and still have 4 hours of homework to do, and most things learned in school is non applicable to most jobs you will have anyway. when i was in the 9th grade they built a new school here, cost 2 million. new buildings dont make for better education.

the truth about it, most taxe $ go into stupid things.
the government here in the US has also been attacking people making money online alot latey. first with the gambling thing
and now with games and game items
i figure it should not be taxed really. i mean if i was to see you on the street and give you a 10$ bill    should they tax that ?
no. because its me giving it to you just cuz i could
same with online games paying cash its not like a job in any way, the items are virtual the game is nothing but a program. it makes me sick, one of these days they are gona start trying to tax everyone a dime for each dollar they give to somone at work to get a bottle of pop.  its almost like being double taxed..they get it from you, and from the company that gave you what you was buying

the tax we pay each day for everything. where is it going? nobody knows. and anyone who says they know exactly where the money is going is full of it.

the laws on tax are meant for real world things, not money passed to and from gamers on this net...the net dont even exist if you think about it.  every computer in the world shuts the net still there? nope. and as much as tax rates increase and decrease im having trouble deciding if there really is any law one way or another.  did anyone even vote on this stuff?  wait nevermind yes the people in washington did and thats the only opinions that matter right? the american people have been screwed around so much that they dont even know whats good or bad for them anymore. SIT ( people sit ) BEG ( people beg )

thats my look on things anyway

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: How do you play?
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:22:58 pm »
"lvling" is important to alot of rp...

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Stock casting
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:21:02 pm »
yup the more power GM's get the better the game will get

General Discussion / Re: preganany span
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:13:22 pm »
as fast as the day/night cycle is...i dont think it really adds up without using decimals

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