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Messages - Aznakh

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General Discussion / GOOD NEWS !!!!!!
« on: January 06, 2008, 05:04:24 pm »
Hello everybody,

after some time I finally got my new laptop  \\o// !!!!! A Macbook Pro 2.4  :D Fortunately I was able to recover most of the data. I will send a briefing e-mail to everybody involved in the project once I have a moment (end of the fiscal year, so I have rather much work as well  ;) )
The project is NOT dead !!!:devil:

General Discussion / From bad to worse :(
« on: November 23, 2007, 02:30:10 pm »
Hello everybody,

on wednesday I was travelling from Lille (france) to Paris with the train and some foul individual stole my hand luggage containing my laptop.  :'(
In the laptop were all the files for the PS Trailer project. It is terrible the stream of bad luck I had lately with my computer. I have to wait two weeks until my new one comes and I can run through my backups.
I will post news as soon as I have some.  ???

General Discussion / Re: Official Planeshift Trailer [PRE-PRODUCTION Phase]
« on: November 09, 2007, 02:51:54 pm »
Hello everybody,

I am sorry for my absence, but my computer (laptop) took a flight.  :o literally ! As a consequence the casing got damaged and I had a memoryslot failure, meaning that only one of my two 256 MB memory chips work. As a consequence I am not able to run final cut pro or PS.  :'(
I will keep everybody updated on what is going on, however I will be 10 days without a computer.

General Discussion / New version delays
« on: October 15, 2007, 03:44:16 pm »

well, everybody is happy because of the new PS version.  \\o// However we will not be able to procede with shooting until there is a new mac-version.  :(
So in the meanwhile I will continue with the preparatory work (as time alows me - I am having some difficult time in RL) until the mac version comes out.

Again a big  :thumbup: to everybody involved on this project and a big  \\o// to the dev team for bringing such a great game.

Hello everybody,

As announced in my previous post the recruitment phase is as of today officially over.  \\o//

We will pass now into the pre-production phase for the coming 2 weeks. In the coming six days I will contact everybody by mail and I will organize an IRC session so that we can draw out the planning.
So, everybody keep sharp as we want this trailer done before christmas. ;)


As of the 30th of September I will close the recruitement phase. From Saturday the 6th of October on i will post the roster and we will hold a pre-shooting organisation phase during which we will work out the fine details of the shooting process.

Further news will follow soon™.  ;)

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Without sound!?
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:48:05 pm »

I had initially some performance issues with sound enabled. However once I disabled the sound in I had a very important performance increase. Maybe there are some sound related issues specific to the mac ?!?!?  :'(

Is shooting happening?

No, unfortunatley not.  :(

I would like to make a small rectification. The e-mail adress which you will send me will remain entirely confidential and only your name will appear in the roster. I am just saying this since there has been some concern by some people about this issue.

Now I hope that before next monday I will have all the names in so I can start working on the roster and send out the script to everybody.  \\o//


Just a small update:

- I am still travelling, however I will have from now on a more stable internet access.  :thumbup:

- I will compose this week-end the roster of all the people participating in the project since there is only 1 position to be filled in and send it to the people involved. To all the people involved please do send me an e-mail (no PM !!) giving me the following info: e-mail and name to put on the roster.

If everything goes well we should be able to start shooting in 14 days.  \\o//

Hello everybody,

it is good to see that the project got back some life into it. A big  :thumbup: to everybody. I am currently travelling for professional reasons, so i am not able to be around as often as I would like to. Also my internet access will be very limited until end of next week.

Is there a "demorian" missing in the request list for actors?  ;) Just saying
And also, what does the 2d graph person have to do? Because I can handle grpahics a little bit ^^

The skin for the nolthrir and the dermorian are the same currently. So in fact it would be the same. As far as the 2D artist is concerned we allready have a person currently working on it, and it looks very promising.

During or after this project, I think a series of official gameplay videos need to be created.  It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me why many magazines would be asking Talad for only a trailer, because then they'll just ask for gameplay videos next.  Such videos should demonstrate the crafting, fighting/magic, questing, etc. systems that we have present in the game, and could use a male voice as a narrative.

Off course the trailer is just a start.  ;) We will then produce more videos as time goes by and the game evolves.

Personally I think you will be better with having one cameraman as at least then your film quality will remain consitant. Otherwise you may have film that is of varied quality and it just wouldn't flow as nicely. If you do have more than one you have to make sure they can all film with the same software and at the same quality.

it is much easier to work with multiple camera angles, this is a directorial choice, and I prefer to have several cameramen so that should one not be able to make it we have backup.


As I look at the roster, I am happy to see that there are only 4 more people missing for us to start shooting  :sweatdrop:.

I am happy to see that the community is that well together and would like to give everybody a big  \\o// for having come this far.

Once the remaining positions are filled up I will notify everybody involved by e-mail / PM and arrange a meeting on IRC so I can lay out the further planning of the project.

Thanks a lot to everybody.  :thumbup:

Hi everybody,

I am glad that there has been such a big response to my worries. This means that the community is doing well.  \\o// I have updated the main post for it to be clearer on what concerns the open positions. Open 1/4 means that one on four positions are open.

Now to get to some of your questions:

Perhaps if you posted a script people would be more inclined to participate. You could then have open auditions to fill the parts....maybe a little excessive but more info might help.

The script cannot be revealed because there is a story being told in it and there would now really be no point in releasing the story before the actual trailer is released.  :-X

Planeshift is supposed to have an emphasis on role playing right? So instead of this entirely OOC means of going about it make it an IC opportunity put up notices on the hydlaa plaza and the oja message boards, have auditions in the game, make a documentary on the making of the play, there is your trailer. Two trailers in one, they final production of the play and the making of the production.

None of the I got some nebulous idea, come here and be my stooge, I'll tell you what to do when we get started. I am sorry if this characterization is a little uncharitable but it seems accurate enough. Give people something to grab their interest, "Talad has decreed!" ain't gonna cut it.

For the above mentioned reason it is not possible to do so. Besides, the set up to shoot would take too much time in order to make it an ingame event and people will need to be concentrated. Also there would be too much OOC conversation going, so that it would not really create a good IC atmosphere.
e.g. "move the camera over there and turn like this in order to shoot this and this", etc.

I will this week-end put up a clearer roster, and keep people updated via e-mail and PM at least once per week of how far we are.

Once again I hope that we will be able to start shooting soon (TM)  :P

If you are going to help with this now is the time to speak up. We have cause to step up production so if you have it in you to try out for the project now is a good time to make your presence known. We should be shooting this already! 

I completely agree with Xillix. We should be allready in post-production in fact.   :-\ I started out with this project over 10 months ago and it should have been nearly or totally completed by now. I find it amazing that such a big community cannot produce a few people willing to help.
I understand that it is on a voluntary basis, however since we love this game so much this is an opportunity to give something back to it. So please sign up. If we cannot gather the people by the 31st of July I might consider abandoning the project alltogether  :(

General Discussion / Re: Required Improvements.
« on: June 16, 2007, 08:09:44 pm »
- Newbie friendliness...

- Mounts

Cmon... running is slow and has its limits... we need mounts! walking ones, flying ones, swimming ones? all good and successful mmorpgs have mounts... look at wow for example...


Why must this be limited to the arena?

- Teams

I think the game should take something from wow and include some sort of system like the 'horde vs alliance' system in wow.

1. I fully agree that some kind of newby help system must be implemented into the game. Also I might add it is somehow dazzeling that during character creation you make a background for your character, log into the game and find youself in your undies.   ::|
So maybe it would be a bit more realistic that your character starts off with some minimum gear, perhaps based on the background you chose during character creation.

2. I think that as the game expands and grows alternative forms of travel will be implemented through mounts, spells, items and public transport. Don't forget that the game is still under development.

3. I believe that there is another PvP system in PS, however I am not sure wether it is fully functional. Wars between guilds. I think that this kind of PvP adds to the intrigue of RP once a full political system, etc. have been integrated.

4. Through the background story (if you have read it) it is obvious that a faction based PvP system for PS is not adapted. I mean, against who are you going who are you going to fight ? Remember, we are all just stuck in a huge cave and fighting for survival.  :P

Hello everybody,

The roster has been updated. However we are still looking for a lot of people. We need to go through the recruitement process as soon as possible so we can start shooting.  \\o//
So any motivated people please send in those mails and pm's.
Also could somebody please resticky the post so we have more response and get started ?  :thumbup:
I will post updates 2 times per week on the progress we make.

General Discussion / Finally recovered
« on: May 23, 2007, 10:41:01 am »
Hello everybody,

after a very long and difficult month I finally recovered fully. As I previously posted I was very sick and was under heavy medication and in bed.  :(
However I am ready now to fully begin with the project we are all waiting for since so long.  \\o//
I will post this friday an updated roster with all the positions taken allready and the open positions.

Thank you all for your support and faith in this project.

P.S.: could somebody please resticky this post ?

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