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Topics - Pizik

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / Recursive Acronym
« on: July 24, 2009, 07:46:48 am »
Can anyone come up with a recursive acronym for PlaneShift, something along the lines of GNU is Not Unix or Wine Is Not an Emulator? I look forward to some weird ones ;o)

Single Author Stories / Do gods feel remorse?
« on: February 14, 2009, 02:14:48 pm »
Laying on it's back, legs flailing for purchase on the humid evening air, the little beetle struggled in it's vain attempt to right itself. Unaware of how it ended up in this predicament, or of it's spectator; Jarleth sat and watched with morbid curiousity. The sense of power over the life of the insignifigant creature was a perculiar sensation for him, maybe this is how gods feel, possessing the ability to snuff out the existance of any of the creatures in Yliakum. If he killed the bug would he feel remorse? Do gods feel remorse?

He noticed her sitting on the fence, only in his periferal vision, but still he recognised her. His cheeks flushed slightly and he lowered his head further in an attempt to hide the fact. Of all the people in Hydlaa who he wished wouldn't know he had been crying, she was at the top of the list. With his head lowered his hair had fallen forwards, she was now obscured from his view. A double blessing. Milress, a year older than himself, tall for her age, and the target of the affections of all Jarleth's peers. Bold, smart, attractive, she frequently dismissed the attentions of the boys that would pester her. Jarleth never had, he envied those who had the strength of character to approach someone so unattainable.

As he raised his head a little to see if she was still there, watching, he flinched startled that she was now only a couple of meters away, looking at him intently. He knew how the bug felt, unable to escape, the object of fascination to a superior creature. He knew all too well that she could crush his heart as easily as he could kill the bug. Someone so perfect would feel remorse. Surely.

"What ya doin?" The soft tones of her voice knotted his stomach as they always did, a thousand thoughts ran through his mind, what should he say? What could she possibly want from him? Why did she have to speak to him now of all times? Had the others enlisted her, another joke at his expense? He sat silently, eyes fixed on the little beast wedged between the paving slabs, the empathy with it's situation all too vivid to him. Milress knealt down in front of him, with a flick of her claw she released the bug from it's predicament, Jarleth looked up quickly to see a satisfied grin on her face. Her attention returned to him, fixing his gaze for a moment, before his instincts took over and he bowed his head once more, avoiding eye contact. With a childish giggle she ruffled his hair, turned on her heels and sprinted away towards the fountain.

Relief that he could once more relax his guard, anger that he had not spoken, and desire. The ever present desire.

Server Status / If Leveling....
« on: January 20, 2009, 02:17:20 pm »
....was made easier, would you prefer it? Being able to max everything in a couple of weeks for example.

If yes, would it not mean that everyone was, rather quickly, equally leet and defeat the object of you levelling up in the first place?

If no, should levelling take even longer than it does now?

If niether, is the system perfect as it is?

Okie, I have seen a few people asking about keeping their chat logs, screenshots, shortcuts and various other options seperate for the two servers we now have. So, I have written this little windows Batch file to give a very simple menu that will change the directory that PS saves these things in. To get it to work you must have PlaneShift installed in the default location c:\program files\planeshift steel blue\ (most will have). Just copy the text in the code box below into notepad and save it as PlaneShift.bat you can then put this file anywhere you like (Wherever you normally double click to start PlaneShift is a good idea). Double click the file and it will launch a little menu, pick the number of the server you want and it will write the files to either the default place, or to a new folder called planeshift2.

[I have only tested this on windows XP, it probably won't work on ME/9x or vista]

Code: [Select]
:: PlaneShift.bat
:: Runs PlaneShift using the prefered config files for a specific server


ECHO Please choose which configuration you wish to run:

ECHO For configuration press 1

ECHO For configuration press 2

ECHO To quit press 3
set /p Input=Choose an option and press ENTER:

if %Input%==3 goto exit

if %Input%==2 goto ez-ps

if %Input%==1 goto laanx

"c:\Program Files\PlaneShift Steel Blue\psclient.exe" -cfgset=PlaneShift.UserConfigPath="%appdata%/planeshift"

"c:\Program Files\PlaneShift Steel Blue\psclient.exe" -cfgset=PlaneShift.UserConfigPath="%appdata%/planeshift2"


Wish list / Rain-fall.... off
« on: July 17, 2008, 06:22:50 am »
Little idea I had for more realistic rain effects. When issuing the /rain command it would be nice to have a falloff parameter. How I envision it working would be you issue another number after the other options that would indicate the range from the sector the command is targetted on. As an example, if you used the value of 2 targetted on Gugrontid, then rain would fall at 100% of the chosen intensity in Gugrontid, then 50% intensity in the gugrontid to BDroad1 corridor then 25% in BDroad1 and then have no effect in connecting sectors. A level of 3 would do 100%, 75%, 50% in the sectors mentioned above, then 25% in bdroad2 and the forest road north of Hydlaa. level 4 would be 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% and so on (up to a pre-defined distance cap  for simplicity).

I'm sure we have all stood on a map boundary and seen it bone dry on our side and raining kitties and puppies on the other side. A similar function could be used for snow and fog which both have great effect on atmosphere which is then destroyed when you are near a map boundary.

Anyway, please dicuss the pros and cons of this idea.

Fan Art / A bit of blender by a noob ;o)
« on: July 06, 2008, 01:01:06 pm »
OK, I have dabbled with Blender several times in the past but never kept it up because it's so dam confusing when you first start. Over the past two weeks I have decided to have another try at it and see what I can manage to do. With the help of Blender 2.46, Indigo Renderer 1.0.9 and GIMP 2.2.9 I have been playing around and I would like to share the first of my renders with you.

(Note: I have done more than these, but I would rather do a progression of noob to not-so-noob and don't want to post too much at one time. Expect more in the coming days. In addition, these are not PS themed renders, but I plan to do some that will be in the near future.)

The basic un-textured model mainly run as a test of Indigo. This one took 11 hours to render (so, not the frame rate you would want in CS ;o) )

The above render was my first attempt at texturing, as you can see the grass texture looks fairly poor because of the noticeable dark repeatitions.

The above was after lots of time spent working out how to do 'realistic' looking transparencies in Indigo.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Click here to improve your english a little bit.
« on: June 23, 2008, 11:00:19 pm »
Totally meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but something that annoys me alot more than it should:

Please feel free to discuss simple errors in english, or just talk  about how annoying pedantry can be ;o)

Fan Art / Exporting Cal3d from Blender
« on: May 17, 2008, 01:05:08 pm »
Has anyone ever done this? If you have done, please help me out by posting some info below. Thanks.

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