
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Eliseth on October 24, 2010, 05:20:08 pm

Title: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Eliseth on October 24, 2010, 05:20:08 pm

The PlaneShift SkunkWorks department is off to a good start. I have great faith in the team that has come together already. We had our first meeting on Wednesday out of that meeting sprung our first project.

Phase 1 of the project is to identify a problem area. We would therefore like to ask you to vote on the poll above so that we can start our research as soon as possible.

As a suggestion, the SkunkWorks team believe that we should focus on the mechanics and the engine for our first project, as this appears to be causing the most grief at the moment. If you do not agree, it would be helpful if you could specify the reasons behind your vote. This will only help in finding solutions to the problems.

As an alternative way to gather information, I have set up a survey ( on our website. Please fill it in if you have the time.

It's time for players to have their say as to how PlaneShift is developed. Please, use this opportunity and help us take PlaneShift into a brighter future.

- Eliseth

Please have a look at our website for details and updates on our progress. The SkunkWorks team will do their best to stay open and transparent.

If you would like to join us, please go to the recruitment thread for details on how to apply.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sarras Volcae on October 24, 2010, 07:38:44 pm
character models... pleeeeeeeeeease!
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Vakachehk on October 24, 2010, 09:38:52 pm
I voted for graphics.
Grass would be nice to be implemented, changes in the character models so that they can wear cloths :)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sarras Volcae on October 24, 2010, 10:33:55 pm
more importantly, models for all the races
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Ruya on October 24, 2010, 10:38:46 pm
I wish we could vote for two!   I'd like expanded graphics, but I'd equally like more settings info.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Overtherainbow on October 24, 2010, 10:58:36 pm

Also, why have I not been added to the team. I expect you shall quickly rectify this situation.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: ncfbn on October 24, 2010, 11:46:23 pm
I agree , character models simply because of how disappointing it is to new/potential players when they choose a race and see there is no model for it yet. Also I think having models for all races will lead to a more diverse population.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: LigH on October 25, 2010, 01:59:31 am
I voted for graphics.
Grass would be nice to be implemented, changes in the character models so that they can wear cloths :)
Having grass on lawn is already implemented (regarding technology and art), but has been deactivated. Was available on the Laanx Temple green and around Harnquist's forge but caused a lot more lag. Was avaialble in the East Passage too. Xordan once developed a massive speedup, but I am not certain if it was ever implemented in that way.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Jacula on October 25, 2010, 03:10:37 am
Public settings, without a doubt. They don't have to be the most epically written nor a full books worth, just a solid foundation to create a specific ambiance in the game, if you will.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on October 25, 2010, 05:15:30 am

Okay...I take my reservations about this project back...there is a good chance it succeeds as it doesn't look like anything new at all...just some people pointing out things that are obvious anyway without the will to try anything new. So sorry...I have a lot of respect for most people in this group...but maybe that is what made me expect a bit more of you.

Better Graphics and more models? Okay, no idea might draw some more people to PS. Still I would argue that this isn't one of the most important things to deal with now. PS just got a new part of it used that often?

Settings improvements mean more quests? So in the end nothing will change and the only way to get some infos about PS is doing boring quest? What about releasing even unfinished settings work for players to discuss? What about updating the mainpage? What about giving NPCs in general more knowledge about Yliakum?

Mechanic improvements? Ahm...isn't that the field with most progress in PS within the last two years anyway? So many new skills, recipes, combat improvements, mounts....and what for? The player count getting lower and lower?

Luckily at least the rest doesn't seem to get any votes (yet).

The PlaneShift project has always prided itself on being free and open source, open for anyone to contribute to. The reality is, however, that many players don’t really believe that it is. For a portion of the playerbase, the project seems closed to a large extent and not very open to community contributions.
So, what about this? You think the opinion of the playerbase will change by introducing even one more step between them and the PS team? Maybe I got the intentions wrong...but for me it sounded as if the Skunkwork team wanted to improve the communication between the players and the PS team...not only collect ideas and hand them over. What about some out-of-the-box thinking and suggesting some real changes to the PS team in order to make the development appear more open. What about suggestions allowing players to submit stuff they did for PS more easily? What about coming up with ideas how to make the whole developing process of PS more transparent and giving players a voice in it? For example it's really nice to see that weltall and RlyDontKnow take themselves more time lately and actually explain why some suggestions can't be done or won't be included very soon. But both can only talk about coding issues...every department of PS could do much more PR work like this. And sure...I hear it already...there isn't enough time and manpower for this. Great..and you think a lot more people will apply to the PS team with the current players attitude towards the team? There is really so much more that the Skunkwork team could do than just collecting ideas and hoping that one day the devs will look into them.

In the end it appears this initiative won't bring many people back to PS or attract new ones. Lot people left because the changed hardware requirement and I seriously doubt this team can convince the devs to remove the shader support again (and also don't think it would be a good idea at all). And a lot people left because the game turned more and more into a bad copy of some mainstream mmrpgs...and almost all options in this poll only suggest this should be carried even further. Does anyone really believe PS can compete with most free mmorpgs out there? People will download it, look at it for half an hour then go back to some other free-to-play game.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Catlemur on October 25, 2010, 06:04:19 am
Aiwendil repost this to the Wish List  and the Complaint department,add more details and we would do anything posible so your voice is heard.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on October 25, 2010, 07:30:22 am
Haha...I bow to you Catlemur..beat me in sarcasm there.

My voice doesn't need to be heard..I'm not part of this community anymore. So just take it as a hint to not repeat the same mistakes the PS team did in the last years also with the Skunkwork that you might save one or two people who are like I used to be from leaving.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sangwa on October 25, 2010, 07:55:11 am
I voted setting, because we're totally lacking some roleplayable quests. Graphics worry me though, an improvement to make these crappy graphs less demanding would be perfect. It makes no sense to ask people to have a top notch computer to play PlaneShift...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Eliseth on October 25, 2010, 12:55:11 pm
Aiwendil. Glad to see you're still lurking around. Hope all is well with you. I realise that your experience gives you little faith in what I'm trying to achieve. Thank you for raising your concerns, I will take them to heart and do my best to be an exception to the rule. For clarity's sake let me reiterate what this team is attempting to do.

We are trying to gather information about what players would like to see in the game, various problems that prevent them from enjoying the game fully and then coming up with new and innovative was of dealing with the said problems. We then take the solutions directly to Talad, who will then pass it on to the team for implementation.

Now I realise that a major concern is that Talad is not going to approve anything that's not his idea. I don't believe this is the case, I think he realises that PlaneShift is in need of fresh ideas. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yes similar attempts have been made in the past and have failed. It does not necessarily mean that this is also going to fail. Give me a fair chance to prove it, please.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Caraick on October 25, 2010, 06:23:43 pm
I'm torn between voting for character models, and training/combat mechanics...

However, the imbalance of different armor types, weapons types, and uneven training levels lend too much voice to the side of mechanics (

That's just my thoughts, and specific complaints on the knives and daggers skill, the others make good reading as well....

Please, for as much RP's sake as for anything else, fix weapons and the dreadful imbalance of the current combat system...

Regards, and good luck!
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sadie on October 25, 2010, 07:53:13 pm
  @ Eliseth, "good on ya, mate"  (old Australian expression.... :)

  @ Caraick, and the forum.... "what he said."

   What I say/add:  please, remember the original purpose of the game.  Have fun.  Not work so hard you think you have become a *gasp* PL'er. Just to get to lvl 7 in cooking.

  My three tria.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Candy on October 26, 2010, 01:25:00 am
Mechanics is the most important, in my opinion. I can't enjoy new art, settings, whatever, if the client doesn't. Freaking. Work. As for balance and skills and all that jazz, still important, but not as much as making sure people can actually run PlaneShift without having to jump through hoops to get the client fired up and then put up with incessant crashes. I'll admit, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be on my computer, but every time I see there's a new update, I still wonder if I'll be able to get in after it's done.

Settings would be the second-most: Complete the settings, make them publicly available. Making more quests can wait; it's probably better to complete the settings first to avoid all the retcons you'd need to do if you did quests first anyway. The rest - graphics, new areas, and sound, can also wait, though it would admittedly be nice to have all the race/gender models.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on October 26, 2010, 02:34:42 am
Mechanics is the most important, in my opinion. I can't enjoy new art, settings, whatever, if the client doesn't. Freaking. Work. As for balance and skills and all that jazz, still important, but not as much as making sure people can actually run PlaneShift without having to jump through hoops to get the client fired up and then put up with incessant crashes. I'll admit, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be on my computer, but every time I see there's a new update, I still wonder if I'll be able to get in after it's done.
that won't be fixed with skunkwork or any complain get to code and fix it. we can't reproduce these problems so we can't fix them. Most of the crashes doesn't even come from ps code but from cs code only on some particular hw configurations.
Do you want to have it fixed? start building the client. plus what is your hw? the list of players with hw not able to play games here is quite high.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on October 26, 2010, 10:33:36 am
I think it would be far more beneficial to tackle playability snarls than the superficial stuff like graphics. Things like the insanely complicated and troublesome cooking process, which oddly enough got tweaked into the mess it's in rather than starting that way. However, part of that problem is that it got changed by people that don't actually use the mechanics for it. It might look better in code but it is so not worth it in terms of cooking anything efficiently. Or coming up with plans like preventing players from equipping weapons in a city to drive home the point that the guards exert influence whether a GM is actively playing them or not, or refining Dakkrus curse to nail repeat offenders rather than nail everybody when it could have been a /die to unstick when a GM wasn't around.

@Weltall, chances are that the SkunkWorks group won't suggest anything that can be simply fixed by bringing up the issue. The whole point is just identifying problem areas if I understand right. Very few things will be conceptual problems that a committee can come together to rethink. And on the hardware issue, PS is in no position to expect people to have hardware like is required for other games. It doesn't remotely have the content necessary to justify straining people's computers... and to be honest, PS runs worse on less than required hardware than a lot of other more complicated MMOs. The problem is that PS needs to be streamlined and it doesn't have the people to do it.

However, this attitude is the kind of stuff that made me quite trying to get a group to find solutions to problems. It's not my group wasn't working. They did great, but what's the point if the few devs that are still around are mostly coders which have the "no!" mentality (Although I will give RlyDontKNow credit for doing better about that these days). It's not that you expect a magic wand to materialize and fix stuff but at least if a problem is identified and accepted it might be one day be fixed. But turning your head and acting like there is no possible solution is part of what keep PS running in circles.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Elvicat on October 26, 2010, 10:41:17 am
Mechanics is the most important, in my opinion. I can't enjoy new art, settings, whatever, if the client doesn't. Freaking. Work. As for balance and skills and all that jazz, still important, but not as much as making sure people can actually run PlaneShift without having to jump through hoops to get the client fired up and then put up with incessant crashes. I'll admit, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be on my computer, but every time I see there's a new update, I still wonder if I'll be able to get in after it's done.
/me agrees to this and wishes he could actually do something about it without just whining

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on October 26, 2010, 11:53:53 am
I think it would be far more beneficial to tackle playability snarls than the superficial stuff like graphics. Things like the insanely complicated and troublesome cooking process, which oddly enough got tweaked into the mess it's in rather than starting that way. However, part of that problem is that it got changed by people that don't actually use the mechanics for it. It might look better in code but it is so not worth it in terms of cooking anything efficiently. Or coming up with plans like preventing players from equipping weapons in a city to drive home the point that the guards exert influence whether a GM is actively playing them or not, or refining Dakkrus curse to nail repeat offenders rather than nail everybody when it could have been a /die to unstick when a GM wasn't around.

@Weltall, chances are that the SkunkWorks group won't suggest anything that can be simply fixed by bringing up the issue. The whole point is just identifying problem areas if I understand right. Very few things will be conceptual problems that a committee can come together to rethink. And on the hardware issue, PS is in no position to expect people to have hardware like is required for other games. It doesn't remotely have the content necessary to justify straining people's computers... and to be honest, PS runs worse on less than required hardware than a lot of other more complicated MMOs. The problem is that PS needs to be streamlined and it doesn't have the people to do it.

However, this attitude is the kind of stuff that made me quite trying to get a group to find solutions to problems. It's not my group wasn't working. They did great, but what's the point if the few devs that are still around are mostly coders which have the "no!" mentality (Although I will give RlyDontKNow credit for doing better about that these days). It's not that you expect a magic wand to materialize and fix stuff but at least if a problem is identified and accepted it might be one day be fixed. But turning your head and acting like there is no possible solution is part of what keep PS running in circles.
maybe because i don't swim in the sky?
Let's analyse it then.
The current engine team is composed of me and rlydontknow + 1 prospect, we both have our duties which come to priority as it's obvious and we both have computers which works well with ps. The prospect didn't give any trouble with the engine too.
So what you are asking us to do? find a ghost issue no one here can reproduce? supporting cards here no one has (provided you need also skills in writing shaders which are a different topic than generic programming)?
Do you want to do something useful provide some crash backtrace else your claim is unexistant as it's not possible to investigate on it "i've a crash somewhere in this one milion lines of code (sum cs and ps) i'm sure you can find it" - i'm sure we can't find it. (i think this well explains how it works: ) Do you think i should go and write hate posts in the gnome bugtrackers as they don't fix multimonitor support since 2003? (yes it's still broken in many ways).

Also the stability of the client has increased a lot  but the macosx client is hindering any possible release. shall we drop it? i don't think so even if i wish it daily it's not possible so what? hope someone will be able to build it before the next year.

Have you seen the server? the crashes on it are rare if not almost absent. why? we have ways to see when it crashes what happened and so we can fix it. Right now the crash we have are exotic things like a gm reloading an npc while someone is storing an item on it and clicks in the same exact instant the store button. and this got fixed too quite fast.

yeah i'm too realist... but trying to put up as a problem something which is evident to anyone like some hw crashes (and sorry but an nvidia 7600GS is not so a great piece of hw it's quite crappy but works well. you can't even play at decent framerate a game like oblivion on it while ps works quite well, here we are talking of people wanting to play with intel cards or things which are almost as old as the game itself).
Plus another thing people like to do around here is comparing apples with oranges yes they are both with a circle shape just like both directx and opengl are used to program graphic hw to make something which barely looks like a real world image but opengl wasn't supported by many vendor decently till some years ago like with ati), intel support is called crap in linux even for simple 2d graphics lately and in many cases it's at the level of opengl 1.x: they are complaining about it even to show some wobbly windows in kde, nvidia does up and downs sometimes. directx is the most well supported api but it works only on windows and anyway today it wouldn't be possible to switch to it without rewriting an huge part of the game. Likewise those stating we want to be back to crystal space 1.4 that won't happen. It took almost a year to do the transition and no one is going to convert it back, plus support for cs 1.4 is quite limited: just the other day someone was tryng to build it on a windows machine and it didn't build correctly. I don't know if he was able to figure it out but almost no one could help him as all the development effort is geared toward 1.9 which will become 2.0 and the architecture of the both is changed in a lot of ways.

There is no point in people pointing out that the client crashes and they should be fixed, i complain myself about it more than you think but if there is nothing of the above then it will stay like this because there is no workforce nor  a reproduce-able scenario.

Do you want us to work like any major game or software producer?
ok  -we will work on it-

glad now? PS: it works like security flaws in windows.
i was just told the bootloader of my arm embedded system is broken and i won't see anything working till december and even then i could lack functionalities if all goes well. let's see if they will respect even what they said. ah the revision of september worked flawless... and we are talking of a thing which could make a  business fail and it's supposed to be supported by giants of the computer industry.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on October 26, 2010, 12:18:53 pm
It's not that you expect a magic wand to materialize and fix stuff but at least if a problem is identified and accepted it might be one day be fixed. But turning your head and acting like there is no possible solution is part of what keep PS running in circles.

And this is why I gave up... not lack of substantial RP (even though it bothered me greatly), not bugs, not loss of friends in game... but the fact that progress is almost sure to be hindered and working to improve the game is often met with the same mindset by the same people. Shame that it gets cold shoulder long before it gets to Talad even. For all anyone knows, the group could work together to isolate the cause of individual crashes and suggest ways for devs to find it so it can be fixed. Bringing up a problem does not guarantee that it is only a statement that the problem exists.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on October 26, 2010, 12:25:43 pm
because if talad knows the client crashes a bit too much it will be magically fixed? i doubt it strongly. Considering also he knows perfectly it too. Suggest ways? done above and it's ignored. I think i didn't get a backtrace from anyone in months. plus it seems the only thing we got out which would allow it to be streamlined was received as a monster and wished to be removed.
So what should be done? which group also? we have 2 testers and they even have better hw than me. you've a slight idea on how many crash are handled internally and get fixed because we have backtraces? i think not.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: novacadian on October 26, 2010, 12:43:02 pm

Let's turn this frown upside down. It could be used in character development.

A young female Stonehammer ( walks slowly through the north gates of Hydlaa for the first time. She has come here struggling spiritually; the greatest challenge to her faith is His ( lesson of Patience. She sighs and asks the absent minded guard the direction to the Temple of Gugrontrid; fearing she may have missed a turn.

[ The story continues.... ]  ;)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on October 26, 2010, 01:39:20 pm
I rest my case... This Eliseth is why I have my doubts. Not because it is a bad idea to get people together but because regardless of how hard you work, anything that you say, well...

... it's ignored...

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Eliseth on October 26, 2010, 01:43:11 pm
Ok, our next meeting is tomorrow and our thinking caps will be turned on high as we go into much more specific research. Thanks everyone for you contributions, keep them coming.

It seems to me that there is a definite root problem that is not being addressed. The SkunkWorks are meant to think completely out-of-the-box... and so I was doing just that. By thinking completely creatively about issues, one tends to come up with radical ideas. Ideas that may rattle quite a number of boats.

Please read the SkunkWorks blog and give me some feedback either there or here about it.

If you're at all interested in what we're doing it may be a good idea to subscribe to the RSS feed.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on October 26, 2010, 01:55:21 pm
I rest my case... This Eliseth is why I have my doubts. Not because it is a bad idea to get people together but because regardless of how hard you work, anything that you say, well...

... it's ignored...
let me fix your quote

... it's ignored by who has the problem...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on October 26, 2010, 02:13:57 pm
A game should be playable by people with minimum computer knowledge, thus knowing how to build the  client should not be a requirement for being able to comfortably play the game. Thus one reason why player count is lower than it need be, players would rather play a game that just works rather than one that you have constantly tweak yourself... That's kinda why most games whether they are commercial or independent try to make stuff just work. ;)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sarva on October 26, 2010, 02:28:25 pm
If this was a completed game then your statement would apply Illysia. The fact that this game is still in development and not any where near finished means that the people playing it should have some ability to tweek things or expect that everything isn't going to work perfectly. Normally people with minimum computer knowledge aren't the best beta testers, or really people who get upset and frustrated over things not working correctly aren't the best people to be beta testing new software and that is basically what all of us are doing when we play Planeshift.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on October 26, 2010, 02:33:11 pm
great! i'm sure you've a deep plan as even withstanding opensource projects fail at this like the great 2.6.36 linux kernel which breaks some marvel ethernet devices and someone who has nothing to do with kernel development fixed (ps it's still not released as the first revision is still not even started), some revisions ago which makes intel ethernets go dead forever. Or problems with just making a third screen work without using specific multi - internal -- card configurations. or xinerama crashing the entire xserver if two different cards are used, or the opps i got two days ago which made my third monitor power off and had to reboot or crashes in firefox each time i press x to close a window or or or. we can continue the list forever there is nothing which just works not even windows linux macosx the last mainstream game or even openoffice ( i remember they still didn't fix dual screen presentations without using xinerama after 2 and 4 months). Or broken lightning, crashes when using dual monitor setups or when entering a door with proper permissions on the game files in amnesia, Or cars going under the road in burnout 4 making it unplayable and frustrating (wait i see something similar). or all those issues in windows since ever. ah just to say windows 2000 has a serious security exploit which they said won't be fixed *ever*. everything just works eh? games with a lot of money and work force fail at it, software with a lot of money and workforce fail at it, opensource fails at it and planeshift is no exception.

the samples i brought were all release not beta alpha w/e software things marked as STABLE for work! planeshift is a beta as i thank sarva for pointing out.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on October 26, 2010, 02:45:16 pm
That works both ways. There is a reason betas are often closed and I wouldn't even say PS is that far along. Beta would imply you are somewhat close to ver. 1.00... You can't hide behind "PS is a beta" when someone points out problems then turn around expect everybody to be a top notch beta testers that can tweak the game.

If people with minimum computer knowledge are not the best testers then this should not be open to the public yet, but since it is there needs to be more accommodation for the fact that most of the people playing the game are average people with average knowledge. Most people playing the game have to learn how to tweak it to get it to work. Very few come in with that knowledge, but even in beta, an open to the pubic game should be a little better about needing to be tweaked. However, that would be expecting PS to follow established patterns for game development...

The point is not that it should just work now but that should be the goal which is why you would have more people working on the concept than just the coders... However, if someone wants to put a "Don't come and play unless you have X technical skill sets" sign on the main page then go for it. At least it would be warning up front.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Tuathanach on October 26, 2010, 02:49:31 pm
I voted for graphics due to need for Character models so people know I am a lemur :)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: RlyDontKnow on October 26, 2010, 03:44:20 pm
That works both ways. There is a reason betas are often closed and I wouldn't even say PS is that far along. Beta would imply you are somewhat close to ver. 1.00... You can't hide behind "PS is a beta" when someone points out problems then turn around expect everybody to be a top notch beta testers that can tweak the game.

If people with minimum computer knowledge are not the best testers then this should not be open to the public yet, but since it is there needs to be more accommodation for the fact that most of the people playing the game are average people with average knowledge. Most people playing the game have to learn how to tweak it to get it to work. Very few come in with that knowledge, but even in beta, an open to the pubic game should be a little better about needing to be tweaked. However, that would be expecting PS to follow established patterns for game development...

thanks for pointing that out, let's better close the game and make it dev+reviewed testers only till 1.0, will definetely reduce the amounts of complaints  \\o// never would've thought of that...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Eliseth on October 26, 2010, 03:47:06 pm
Ok, I think both sides have made their points. Please let's try staying on topic.

I really don't want to have to lock or cut my own thread  :sweatdrop:

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: neko kyouran on October 26, 2010, 05:20:23 pm
Ok, I think both sides have made their points. Please let's try staying on topic.

I really don't want to have to lock or cut my own thread  :sweatdrop:

I could do it if you like?  I even have a song I can play whilst doing it.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Caraick on October 26, 2010, 06:32:56 pm
/me just listened to that... That should be the official PS forum moderator's theme song  ;D ;D
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: LigH on October 27, 2010, 01:18:06 am
A young female Stonehammer ( ...

Stonehammer. Aha. ;D

/me feels a need to visit Gugrontid again...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on October 27, 2010, 01:51:47 am
Read the latest blog entry Eliseth (I am obviously too stupid to find out how to comment there ;)) and only wanted to say that this looks much more like out-of-the-box thinking and more worthy of the really good people you gathered in your team. Hope you keep on working on side projects like this (and gather opinions and ideas not only on game improvements but also on workflow, communication and the project in the whole).

I'm sure there are a lot of other ideas out there that might be worth discussing on how to improve the development process of PS and regain a bit of trust from a part of the community back. While I am not really a supporter of the ABC license already some smaller steps than getting rid of it might give some good results. For example I could imagine packing the PS client also with some none-ABC content like more gui skins for the start. Might show some people that their work is appreciated and makes them want to contribute more. Or maybe come up with some ideas to make it easier for none-PS-team-members to add something to the game...the developer's test server could be opened for interested developers after them asking for an account there. Maybe also some more effort could be put in explaining none-Team-members how stuff can be done for PS...I know there is again that personal problem that keeps the team from writing documentation but already the logs with hints and suggestions for the latest graphics-team member might help some people to come up with some own art for PS.

So let me just say in the end that after reading my previous post here I found it much harsher than I wanted to write it. I was just a bit disappointed about what the first post of this thread suggested (at least to me)..just another team that filters ideas of players even more until nothing is left of them and thinks adding new stuff is all that is needed to solve the current problems. ;) Seems I was wrong about allow me to conclude with the wish that the whole skunkwork team succeeds with this and doesn't end up disappointed like some others. Good luck to you all.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Eliseth on October 27, 2010, 04:04:05 pm
Thank you Aiwendil. The team had another meeting today. Please read the blog for details.

Please continue to post feedback and ideas. It all helps to build a big picture.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on October 28, 2010, 02:06:53 am
Okay, so some more ideas. Nothing really new...but who knows, maybe after all those years and lost players it is taken more serious now

Edit: guess what...typos
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Minks on October 28, 2010, 03:49:49 am
I voted graphics. How a game looks is the second impression any new player gets (the first being download/registration/installation process).

And let's face it, we need more players.

Certainly, people will argue now, "quality vs. quantity", "we need only the "right" kind of players" (whatever that is, the opinions obviously differ greatly at this point. In my humble opinion, the evolution of the player base is a natural process anyway. You can try to direct it a bit but you can't force it. )

These days, all commercial games, even those as old as Morrowind (2002) with the right mods have shinier graphics than PS (probably also most free games, but I lack experience there). People are spoiled. Prettier textures, more models and animations to look at, maps to explore and clothes to try might keep a lot of players at it until they get to appreciate the ingame community and roleplay. I know from my own experience as a newbie that this might take at least a few weeks of lonely stumbling around.

And more players will mean more chance for casual and organized roleplay, yes, also more levelling, cities looking more alive, more ideas, more potential bug reporters, bug fixers, tester, contributors, GMs and even full devs. More everything.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Jacula on October 28, 2010, 05:06:31 am
Aiwendil is right on the money, read it thoroughly and take it to heart, not just into consideration.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sangwa on October 28, 2010, 09:52:32 am
Aiwendil's critiques about license and spoilers are right on the spot. Those are very important steps indeed.

The rest doesn't seem half as healthy, because if implemented it'll make PlaneShift even more of an effort, by adding new variables into everything. It's just not worth the good it'll bring, because player/tester opinion is usually 80% crap and because it'll imply slowing down or going against a stream.

Have some blokes figuring out what is the general opinion in the forums? Sure (SkunkWorks is a pretty good way to do that). Get some blokes to answer to people's doubts in the forums? Sure (Some mods/devs have been doing it, though not enough). Create teams, features, processes, etc. to further augment the noise these people make? Better not.
It's for the best that PS doesn't become the community's slave, because the project actually needs a better reference than the shifting winds of the general mood. I say it's better to displease some people, as long as it's done with an "In Your Face" approach... That way people who aren't synchronized with the project can be sure about it and leave, allowing the community to become more coherent and therefore facilitate the job of the those who are stuck with interacting with it.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Caraick on October 28, 2010, 04:08:10 pm
Agreed 110% with Aiwendil...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Vakachehk on October 28, 2010, 07:14:05 pm
I now vote for Aiwendil, not graphics  :)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Candy on October 28, 2010, 09:28:10 pm
I'll follow suite with the whole voting-what-Aiwendil-said thing
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Overtherainbow on October 29, 2010, 11:43:32 pm
Hey what is the "internet".
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: ncfbn on October 29, 2010, 11:45:56 pm
Hey what is the "internet".

No idea....ask Google.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sarras Volcae on October 30, 2010, 04:56:39 pm
i voted for graphics, but i now believe mechanics is more important.  planeshift does need character models for each character, though.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Verrliit on November 23, 2010, 01:19:30 pm
I come in, and read the forums once in a long while.
I don't believe that I have posted in over a year, perhaps two...

But for that vanishing chance, that a miracle may happen, I will speak again, of why I loved Planeshift so much, and for years made it my home.

And to answer the question of this topic, I will repeat what I have always felt was in the greatest need of change.

When I came to PS, almost nothing worked.
Kill rats, loot rats, sell parts, buy things and training, repeat...

And yet, that time, before most areas of the map were made, was the golden age, for me.

We, the players, were players in a theatrical sense.
We created our stories, and we lived them, changing course as we encountered the stories of others, colliding, rebounding, orbiting, and inspiring each other.

There is no content, no art, no mechanic, no code that can hope to equal the experience of players involved so deeply with each other.

I know, that this is off track for many.
There may be some, in fact, for whom this is the last thing they want to hear.

But it is, I believe, the truth.

No matter what you build, no matter how much advertising you do, none of that matters in the slightest, if no one stays to play it.

And if no one wants to live there, all your work was for nothing.

This is what mainstream (zero RP) free gaming looks like, these days: (

As you can see, the gap between PS content and the rest of the world, is widening.

PS cannot possibly compete, retain players and attract new players, on the strength of art or design, coding or mechanics.
Even normalizing the licensing, recruiting college students in gaming courses en masse, actually using player contributions, et cetera, might not be enough.

There was something that genuinely made PS special, though.

Our community of players, telling stories to each other...

People who were, absolutely, worth years of my life.

For me at least, the most most important change there could possibly be, has been the most difficult...

I spent years posting about it, and though I expect everyone to ignore the silly RP person, once again, I cannot resist another try, even so.

For there are still some names I know in here, and I wish for them the best there may be.

I propose, as guiding thought and principle:

To make Planeshift a place where storytellers want to live.

~ Verrliit ~
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Illysia on November 23, 2010, 02:32:29 pm
I propose, as guiding thought and principle:
To make Planeshift a place where storytellers want to live.

A nice thought, but it is easier to program mechanics and thus the reason why PS is the way it is. It really is a nice sentiment though, but after battling for years to try and keep that mentality going I don't think it will happen. RP does not necessitate a good story or the desire to form one.

However, I do believe that the skunkworks project at least has the chance to maybe iron out more of the mechanics issues.

By the way, weren't you the fenki with the sigil (sp?)... the amulet thingy on her followers?
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: neko kyouran on November 23, 2010, 02:55:30 pm
nice to see you haven't changed in the last 6 years Verr.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: LigH on November 23, 2010, 03:57:23 pm
:o -- Verrliit! :flowers:
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Talad on November 28, 2010, 09:46:32 am
Seems to me the current blog site is not flexible enough, as I mentioned previously there is a need of a site where everyone in the team can edit, not only the team lead. Also I want to provide some guidance on the topics which can be of interest for the skunkworks team.

I've created this page on the pswiki ( which I think it's a good container of your work. Also I listed some items which I think can be improved through the player's feedback and participation.

Feel free to change/expand that page as you think it's needed.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 28, 2010, 04:14:11 pm
  • get rid of the ABC license or at least

This sounds like a very good idea. It would allow PS to make use of all the CC repositories out there. Of course others would be able to use PS arts as well but is this really that bad? Isn't sharing the spirit of open source? From reading the PS license page it seems that the main fear was that someone would fork the project. At the current point it seems highly unlikely that the few developers left will also split up and start their own PS project. Forking a project that size does not really make sense if you can only gather one or two developers and no artists.

- allow self-compiled clients on the official servers

That is already possible up to a certain point. You can compile your own client and copy the artwork binaries from the main client. I did that a while back when I always got stuck on the Ojaveda road with the official client.

- come up with some rules about modified clients and what modifications would be acceptable for the official servers. (Everything allowing cheating obviously not, also not something that might endanger the stability of the server...but people including copy and paste support or a spellchecker in the client should be allowed to try general don't discourage people from adding new features to PS but rather encourage them)

Well, simple rules won't stop cheaters from modifying their client. On the other hand this should not be a problem, as nearly every action is controlled by the server. Even if cheaters do find a way to cheat that should not matter either. Sooner or later obvious cheaters probably will be detected and then their character should just be deleted. Cheaters might even be a good thing as they show which part of the server code has to be improved.

I have another proposition for your long list of improvements:

The recruitement page reads like an application form for a full time job. Development should be fun and that document does not read like PS development is fun.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on November 29, 2010, 02:12:40 am
- allow self-compiled clients on the official servers

That is already possible up to a certain point. You can compile your own client and copy the artwork binaries from the main client. I did that a while back when I always got stuck on the Ojaveda road with the official client.

Possible of course...allowed...not so sure.
From the [GAME POLICY 03] Privacy and Hacking (
You should never test hacks on an official server. Download the CVS version of the PlaneShift server and test your hacks or mods locally, on your private server. Then report to us your findings, you will be rewarded if you find any good hack and a solution to it.

And the last post of a team member about this topic sounds like this:
The stated rule is pretty clear:  Only the packaged distro client is to be used on Laanx / EZ, period.  That said, there are some exceptions that have been permitted from time to time, for example:

1) Player modified UI windows, such as inventory and the like, which do -not- alter the functionality, but merely rearranges the presentation, have generally been allowed.  Such mods aren't supported of course, so if a mod doesn't function properly, but the packaged UI does, you're on your own, and if we update the client in such a way that breaks your mod, again you're on your own.

2) For playability or bug-tracing reasons, when we needed a wider range of test cases beyond that which we could do within the team, we may in specific cases suggest certain advance builds be tried by player-testers to help us isolalte and fix the issue.  There may be times when we're not prepared for technical reasons to make a full update release to cure a platform specific issue.  These are short term exceptions, not a free-for-all waiver of the rule, and certainly once the issue is fixed and published via the updater, the exception no longer applies.

The point is that unless otherwise directed by the team, the packaged distro client is what should be used with our servers.  If you want to try to improve the client, build your own server and test it on your own, and submit it to a dev for consideration if it fixes a bug or enhances a feature to benefit the entire player base.  You'd be encouraged to discuss your intent with a dev first to avoid wasting your time (and ours), and you probably should consider applying to the team at contributor or prospect level to get a more clear understanding of the development process and direction.

Sounds for me as if you are only allowed to use a self-compiled client if some team member told you so. And by no means you are allowed to connect to the official servers if you modified only one line from the code.
I have been using a self-compiled and modified client for the last two years I was playing so it isn't really enforced but as the rules are phrased right now they don't feel very welcoming to casual contributors. Sure, it's fine to forbid trying out code changes that might endanger the stability of the server...but some code changes like making it possible to have different logfiles for the different chat-tabs that only effect your own client shouldn't be much of a problem even on the official servers. Much easier to test's kind of hard to test alliance chat on a local server.

Sorry...won't comment on the recruitment page as my words would only derail this thread then...something I don't want for a thread of Eliseth. So only saying that a overhaul of the recruitment-page is a good idea. And the list is not from me at all. It's only a collection of (selected) topics people were annoyed by in the past. While I think that most of those points are valid and worth discussing they all wouldn't be my first choice of things to change to improve PS. ;)

Edit: you know me...typos, last paragraph
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on November 29, 2010, 02:25:09 am
self built client if are taken from svn suggested revisions are allowed. Testing alliance on a local server is quite simple just takes 2 clients and a mod on the amount of players per guild that's how I’ve developed it (a bit difficult to test it on a server which doesn't have the functionality eh?)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on November 29, 2010, 02:44:30 am
Oh...include that in the rules post and done ;).

And okay...I have no clue about alliance chat at all. Was just looking for an example. All I mean is that modifications that doesn't allow players to cheat or deal with the server protocol and only change some functionality on the client should be allowed to test on official servers. Of course I could have tested the tab-completion on a local server (and did at the start)...but only on the real server I saw if it's really useful or not. And I really can't see how it should have effected anyone else than me. Of course some other modifications of me weren't really the saving of crafting and settings books and char descriptions to a file. But that's already in the cheating realm so would stay disallowed. Oh..and last but not least it's not so nice to code something to make playing easier for oneself and then be not able to use it until it's in the official sources.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: derula on November 29, 2010, 07:16:39 am
self built client if are taken from svn suggested revisions are allowed.

I was told by an official tester that they aren't. So yet again, it's about the lack of clear rules or common understanding thereof.

Also, different logs for different chat tabs sounds awesome.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 29, 2010, 07:47:55 am
Sounds for me as if you are only allowed to use a self-compiled client if some team member told you so. And by no means you are allowed to connect to the official servers if you modified only one line from the code.

Oh, I didn't know that. Well I wouldn't have cared either as it was just too annoying getting stuck all the time. With my low endurance I already had to rest every few meters and with the bug on top I had to rest twice as often. But as I didn't modify the code, just the optimization parameters, it seems that I was within the rules.

...but as the rules are phrased right now they don't feel very welcoming to casual contributors.

The whole development process does not feel very welcoming to casual contributors. On most open source projects you have a development mailing list where you can send patches to. Then they decide if they want to include that patch or not. Usually they do include it but tell you to change some things first, so it better fits their overall design. I think that is the better approach to hook up new developers as someone who has already spend hours developing a patch is more likely to make a few changes to get it accepted. Once one of your patches is accepted you already have some knowledge about the system and are more likely to develop another one.

Sorry...won't comment on the recruitment page as my words would only derail this thread then...something I don't want for a thread of Eliseth.

Hehe, you seem to have some very strong feelings about that  :D

While I think that most of those points are valid and worth discussing they all wouldn't be my first choice of things to change to improve PS. ;)

So what would be your fist change? Or would that escalate the thread as well?  ;)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on November 29, 2010, 08:24:38 am
The whole development process does not feel very welcoming to casual contributors. On most open source projects you have a development mailing list where you can send patches to. Then they decide if they want to include that patch or not. Usually they do include it but tell you to change some things first, so it better fits their overall design. I think that is the better approach to hook up new developers as someone who has already spend hours developing a patch is more likely to make a few changes to get it accepted. Once one of your patches is accepted you already have some knowledge about the system and are more likely to develop another one.

actually that's what the bugtracker is for (and crystal space uses the same development process. they are actually more strict you must always make a ticket to submit a patch even if the committer is talking with you, then it's commited it and the ticket closed if the patch is appropriate) make a bug with the patch and see if it gets approved obviously it can happen we don't accept it like in any opensource project so doing a patch without asking first is a risk for who does it.

as for the self built clients i repeat that they are allowed if you use the provided revisions in the build guide and taking the code from svn (optimizations done by the compiler are not taken in account as modifications). I don't know who is this tester you are talking about, maybe bovek?
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 29, 2010, 09:56:14 am
The whole development process does not feel very welcoming to casual contributors. On most open source projects you have a development mailing list where you can send patches to. Then they decide if they want to include that patch or not. Usually they do include it but tell you to change some things first, so it better fits their overall design. I think that is the better approach to hook up new developers as someone who has already spend hours developing a patch is more likely to make a few changes to get it accepted. Once one of your patches is accepted you already have some knowledge about the system and are more likely to develop another one.

actually that's what the bugtracker is for (and crystal space uses the same development process. they are actually more strict you must always make a ticket to submit a patch even if the committer is talking with you, then it's commited it and the ticket closed if the patch is appropriate) make a bug with the patch and see if it gets approved obviously it can happen we don't accept it like in any opensource project so doing a patch without asking first is a risk for who does it.

The whole problem is less about the bug tracker but the communication process in itself. It does not matter if you finally have to create a bug report to get the patch into the game, but there is no real place to discuss your changes and send your first trys to. The forums are nice but most of the time developers do not participate in the forum threads - you weltall are an exception of this rule. When you post something on a forum you never know if a developer did not read the forums or if just noone did know the answer. On a mailing list you at least know that everyone got your message (even if they might not read it).

An example: In June last year, I thought about getting into PS development. As I didn't want to apply for the team (the recruitement page scared me away), I thought I start with something simple - adding some documentation. Adding documentation is always good because you help other newcomers and you get into the code as you have to read it to write the documentation. So I checked the "requested documents" page on the wiki and started by adding a guide how to add a spell to the database ( and did some other database documentation.

To find something to work on where you do not need a complete overview of the whole system, I decided that it might be worth looking into effects, as all magic effects are pretty much ugly and they all look the same. So I added the effects manual to the Wiki to get into effects development: ( The effects manual was btw not my own work but I moved it from a PDF file into the wiki so I could improve it while experimenting with effects. The effects manual contained lots of images which I wanted to add to the wiki page as well, so I just asked if someone could add image support to the wiki:

Well I didn't get any answer to that simple question which really is demoralizing. Did noone read that question or did noone know the answer? On a mailing list I would have at least known that all the developers received my request. Still they might not read it but chances would have been probably much higher that someone responds. The whole development process seems to lack some central communication hub where absolutely all developers of all departements come together.

I could go on describing my attempts to participate in PS development, but why that never happened is a story for another post/thread.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Minks on November 29, 2010, 09:57:22 am
A good place to contact devs ist #planeshift-build.  :)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 29, 2010, 10:14:03 am
A good place to contact devs ist #planeshift-build.  :)

But you can only get in contact with those developers which are online at the same time.

I still would strongly suggest a mailing list to improve communication. Writing a short answer to a problem on a mailing list is also possible at work. Browsing the planeshift forums while at work doesn't look too good. I think that this is also one of the reasons why many developers do not read forums (at least on other projects, as I said weltall is an exception).
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: RlyDontKnow on November 29, 2010, 10:50:59 am
A good place to contact devs ist #planeshift-build.  :)

But you can only get in contact with those developers which are online at the same time.

I still would strongly suggest a mailing list to improve communication. Writing a short answer to a problem on a mailing list is also possible at work. Browsing the planeshift forums while at work doesn't look too good. I think that this is also one of the reasons why many developers do not read forums (at least on other projects, as I said weltall is an exception).

tbh: mailing list is usually more overhead and getting a response is a lot slower ;)
at least during UTC daytime there's almost always someone around on IRC (either weltall or me) for engine questions and even if you have issues, you can still leave a PM here on the forum or write an email if you want to ;)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 29, 2010, 11:35:53 am
tbh: mailing list is usually more overhead and getting a response is a lot slower ;)

But people can read it whenever they have time. And if you have a good mail client it is actually much more comfortable then reading the forum or IRC.

at least during UTC daytime there's almost always someone around on IRC (either weltall or me) for engine questions and even if you have issues, you can still leave a PM here on the forum or write an email if you want to ;)

Ok, so the engine developers are available for questions via IRC. But what about my simple question about adding images to the wiki? Where are/were all the other guys? Someone must have created that wiki in the first place.

You see what I mean? It seems there is no central place where all PS developers come together. You can reach some of them on the forums, some of them via IRC and some of them you have to send a PM.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on November 29, 2010, 12:22:46 pm
While I think that most of those points are valid and worth discussing they all wouldn't be my first choice of things to change to improve PS. ;)

So what would be your fist change? Or would that escalate the thread as well?  ;)
Not really important anymore as I stopped playing. Most of the things that were important for me were discussed, argued and dismissed already a long time ago. Basically it was about making a clearer separation between the two servers than just "on one you can't have names that refer to RL and have to stay IC". It's more important to attract every kind of players with both servers than giving them a clear purpose.

Oh...and it usually doesn't matter what I's enough that I post to derail a thread. So sorry in advance to Eliseth already in case he must lock his own thread.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on November 29, 2010, 02:33:12 pm
you can leave messages on irc with memoserv (and both of us me and rlydontknow have bouncers which will store queries which is even better)
Usually if projects work efficiently through irc the mailing list are usually deserted or dead vice versa if they don't have irc the mailing list work well.
Personally i'm not really inclined to start the n+1 resource about ps we have already a lot...
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 29, 2010, 06:21:27 pm
you can leave messages on irc with memoserv (and both of us me and rlydontknow have bouncers which will store queries which is even better)

You always talk about rlydontknow and yourself, whereas I'm talking about the whole team. Or are you both the only ones left? Suppose I have a question about how many vertices/triangles are allowed for a spell effect (i.e. something like the arrow). I guess that falls into the graphics department whereas other questions about effects might fall into the engine department.

Usually if projects work efficiently through irc the mailing list are usually deserted or dead vice versa if they don't have irc the mailing list work well.
Personally i'm not really inclined to start the n+1 resource about ps we have already a lot...

I see your point. Just wanted to add my story, to show you guys with what problems newcomers have to struggle when they want to participate in development. It's not that easy to catch the right person if you don't really know who is responsible for what and how you can contact that guy.

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on November 30, 2010, 12:32:23 am
you can leave messages on irc with memoserv (and both of us me and rlydontknow have bouncers which will store queries which is even better)

You always talk about rlydontknow and yourself, whereas I'm talking about the whole team. Or are you both the only ones left? Suppose I have a question about how many vertices/triangles are allowed for a spell effect (i.e. something like the arrow). I guess that falls into the graphics department whereas other questions about effects might fall into the engine department.

Usually if projects work efficiently through irc the mailing list are usually deserted or dead vice versa if they don't have irc the mailing list work well.
Personally i'm not really inclined to start the n+1 resource about ps we have already a lot...

I see your point. Just wanted to add my story, to show you guys with what problems newcomers have to struggle when they want to participate in development. It's not that easy to catch the right person if you don't really know who is responsible for what and how you can contact that guy.

for the rest you sorta just need talad. although asking in the main channel will for sure give you an answer directing you to the right person.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: botanic on November 30, 2010, 01:41:48 pm
WOO no complaints about sound/music  \\o//

Just wait for the next update many great changes from Tuux  :thumbup:

@Getoran: there was #planeshift-contributors for awile, and the new dsar is part of what was created there, however it was killed off, if you are interested talk with talad about allowing it again.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Aiwendil on November 30, 2010, 02:28:12 pm
So..would it be a big problem to compile a single post from all those hints in here on how to get in contact with the PS team if someone want to contribute something? Would prevent a lot of confusion already.

WOO no complaints about sound/music  \\o//
The music is why complain about it. Just after a year it gets a bit boring so I turned it off. The sound effects are still to rare to really judge on them (and also differ a lot in the the pretty old fire effects and the new thunder). But if you want some complaining ;) ...Putting work in NPC voices at a point when even the NPC texts weren't fixed/final yet was wasted time that could have been spent better.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: botanic on November 30, 2010, 02:37:54 pm
The music is why complain about it. Just after a year it gets a bit boring so I turned it off. The sound effects are still to rare to really judge on them (and also differ a lot in the the pretty old fire effects and the new thunder). But if you want some complaining ;) ...Putting work in NPC voices at a point when even the NPC texts weren't fixed/final yet was wasted time that could have been spent better.
ya.... wasn't my call there...

As for sound effects, next update just maby...   :-X
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: RlyDontKnow on November 30, 2010, 04:21:58 pm
The whole development process does not feel very welcoming to casual contributors. On most open source projects you have a development mailing list where you can send patches to. Then they decide if they want to include that patch or not. Usually they do include it but tell you to change some things first, so it better fits their overall design. I think that is the better approach to hook up new developers as someone who has already spend hours developing a patch is more likely to make a few changes to get it accepted. Once one of your patches is accepted you already have some knowledge about the system and are more likely to develop another one.
really, what's the mailing list somewhere else is IRC in our case.
mailing lists are usually rather slow and it's really annoying to give meaningful feedback on those.
hence we usually go for IRC where you can give advices live also getting back whether the other side understood what your issues were, etc.

While I think that most of those points are valid and worth discussing they all wouldn't be my first choice of things to change to improve PS. ;)

So what would be your fist change? Or would that escalate the thread as well?  ;)

at least somewhat knowing AiwendilH - probably ;)
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 30, 2010, 05:09:24 pm
really, what's the mailing list somewhere else is IRC in our case.
mailing lists are usually rather slow and it's really annoying to give meaningful feedback on those.
hence we usually go for IRC where you can give advices live also getting back whether the other side understood what your issues were, etc.

I see your point and I also agree that IRC has _some_ advantages. However in my personal opinion mailing lists have many more advantages:

And the most important:
Mailing lists usually have a search function, so already answered questions can be retrieved by newcomers.

Additionally, having a mailing list does not mean you have to abandon IRC. A mailing list is just a nice way to ensure, that absolutely every developer receives a message. They don't need to regulary check a forum or some IRC logs, they just check their e-mails, which most people do anyway on a regular basis.

Just my two cents.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: weltall on November 30, 2010, 06:35:33 pm
really, what's the mailing list somewhere else is IRC in our case.
mailing lists are usually rather slow and it's really annoying to give meaningful feedback on those.
hence we usually go for IRC where you can give advices live also getting back whether the other side understood what your issues were, etc.

I see your point and I also agree that IRC has _some_ advantages. However in my personal opinion mailing lists have many more advantages:

  • You can answer whenever you have time. Even at work noone minds if you write an e-mail.
  • IRC is only a live discussion if you are more or less in the same time zone (online at the same time).
  • You can easily post nicely formated code snippets on a mailing list.
  • IRC will kick you when posting longer code snippets for flooding.
  • Mails allow you to quote single statements and answer to one specific part of a question.
  • Multiple discussions at the same time can be followed more easily on a mailing list.
  • Mailing lists allow multiple branches of the same discussion. This helps to analyze different aspects of a problem.

And the most important:
Mailing lists usually have a search function, so already answered questions can be retrieved by newcomers.

Additionally, having a mailing list does not mean you have to abandon IRC. A mailing list is just a nice way to ensure, that absolutely every developer receives a message. They don't need to regulary check a forum or some IRC logs, they just check their e-mails, which most people do anyway on a regular basis.

Just my two cents.
1) yeah probably but same could go for irc if you leave a message in query
3) same goes for irc
4) only if you have a bad/misconfigurated client and anyway, just to list one.
7) i find this as a strongly negative point in mailing list, it makes them quite messy and obliges to go roundtrip in a mailing list archive

logging irc like how ubuntu channels do would fix the question and search issue
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Getoran on November 30, 2010, 06:52:38 pm
1) yeah probably but same could go for irc if you leave a message in query
3) same goes for irc
4) only if you have a bad/misconfigurated client and anyway, just to list one.
7) i find this as a strongly negative point in mailing list, it makes them quite messy and obliges to go roundtrip in a mailing list archive

logging irc like how ubuntu channels do would fix the question and search issue

I guess we have to agree that we disagree on that topic. I'm not here to tell you how you should run your project, that's not my place. I can also see that it is of course easier if newcomers have to find their way instead of changing the routine of a whole team. I just wanted to add my 2 cents and show you which problems other people might have - after all this thread was created to propose possible improvements, wasn't it?

Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Mekora on December 01, 2010, 08:33:46 pm
Looks like there's a tie between graphics, and Mechanics right now. 24 votes for each. What do the devs figure is more important? Or at least what do you think they are working on the most if there is such a thing?
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: Sarras Volcae on December 01, 2010, 09:06:15 pm
earlier, i switched from graphics to mechanics... i'm going to go back to my vote for graphics. at least the character models need to be finished. the mechanics suck atm, but i honestly don't believe they'll get any better even if they're the sole focus.
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: botanic on December 01, 2010, 10:15:33 pm
At this point id say its pretty blunt that its mechanics or art, I would recommend breaking those 2 into 6 or so categories each and voting on a specific thing, rather then just "art" or "mechanics", like so

1) character models
2) combat balance
3) spell effects
4) ect ect
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: novacadian on December 01, 2010, 11:07:46 pm
I would recommend breaking those 2 into 6 or so categories each and voting on a specific thing, rather then just "art" or "mechanics"...

Excellent idea!  :thumbup:

- Nova
Title: Re: PS SkunkWorks Project 01
Post by: echong on February 14, 2011, 02:23:23 pm
i'm actually torn between graphics and settings, but chose graphics because I think all character models should be complete. after that, i feel that settings sort of is the foundation that the game is built upon, and right now it's like swiss cheese. complete the settings, make it solid, then build the rest of the game up from there.