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Messages - Hatchnet

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: One Ugly Bug
« on: May 16, 2009, 03:43:39 am »
Looks like a scarab of some kind; maby a part of the dung beetle family. Hard to be sure with out cracking open a book and looking it up though.

Complaint Department / Re: crafting swords
« on: November 24, 2007, 03:33:17 pm »
First when starting the newbie should be able to make something better than harn sells

I read that far and just laughed. That really makes no sense.

Agreed thats like saying (useing a certain other game as an example) that in that game a player should be able to make rune items just starting out.

General Discussion / Re: Race Poll
« on: November 18, 2007, 02:18:00 am »
Ok I admit it; I voted for Smurfs in order to be funny. What surprises me was I wasn't the only one who did it  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Minimum Guild size for Retention of Guildhouse
« on: November 15, 2007, 01:32:42 pm »
Jefecra Harcrit used to train it; doesn't look like he does anymore.

General Discussion / Re: Area Expansion Poll
« on: November 14, 2007, 03:43:05 am »
Sock puppets!?
* Under the moon watches Arnigus Faymore go running off as if an army of ulbers was after him.

Please, don't talk about puppets. It upsets the Sheeples.

Realy you think that guy would figure that he wouldn't have to run if he would just hire a few honest bodyguards

On topic I voted for small vilages not only because I want to see the out lying areas developed but because I would also like to see a few guard posts along the roads.

General Discussion / Re: Anti-NPC Luring Change and the Effect on Dueling
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:50:20 am »
I've been keeping an eye on this thread realy trying to decide just how to respond; I think I'll start with a couple of RL combat points...

Running at you oppenent gerneraly ends in you getting skewered;
Your out of controll, off balance, and unable to react properly to changes in the situaion. How to fix this? In my thoughts a "ready stance" from which you can properly charge* and attack your opponent and could be useable from a distance would be best. This would need to be set so that no actual attack attempt is made untill the character is within weapons range of the target; setting mobs not to respond to a ready stance untill the attacker is withing weapons range would also make this viable across the board.

Big weapon owns little weapon almost every time;
Sorry it's true; if I have a great sword and some idiot comes at me with a short sword or a dagger I'm going to cut them down long before they get within their striking distance. Currently in game this is not the case as all melee weapons apear to have the same range. The fix for this is a simple one though (in theory at least); simply implement a maximum and minimum range for each type of weapon. For example about 2 1/2 and 0 feet for a dagger, about 7 and 3 feet for a claymore and so on. This would add a much greater degree of depth and realism to dueling (not to mention be far more in character) than simply running at your opponent and trying to hit attack at the right time.

*Contrary to what Hollywood would have you belive you are not running reclesly twords your opponent when you charge them. No a charge is much more controlled than an open run; it should still lower your defence a little bit when you do so though.

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 29, 2007, 01:25:05 pm »
Ahh but you see Parallo we are all a type of character (its not a class thing but a personality thing) and types of characters is exactly what these test pick up on. So if the tests author didn't like a particular type of character suddenly the traits for that type of character become bad.

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 29, 2007, 01:10:36 pm »
It doesn't; to be perfectly honest there can be no origional character type anymore only origional characters. Yet because of the sheer volume of different characters even characters will have an extream time being origional. Hows that old saying go? "There is nothing new under the sun"

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 29, 2007, 12:27:29 pm »
Also, it should be noted that Frodo, Moby Dick, etc. are cliched because of the works they are in. They made the cliche. Thats the point. If you put in a famous character it certainly should not recognize him/her as unique. That would be a pretty crappy test.

Parallo I tested more than 30 characters; most of them from successful recent books such as the Wheel of Time series and Salvatore's work. See the thing is even though these authors created origional characters these same character types have been in use since at least the middle ages.

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 28, 2007, 07:42:27 pm »
I think the big problem of these test is that they arn't realy ment to be aplied to main or hero characters. I scorded borderline Sue on both tests for Hatchnet and every main charcter from my book collection I tested scored way in the red zone (This includes favorits like Frodo Baggins, Drizzt DoUrden, Connan extra.)

Here is what I use when creating a character ; even when it's not D&D the tips it holds are extreamly useful.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: I finally decided to join the forums!
« on: October 19, 2007, 12:52:05 pm »
No you don't have to worry about character deletion I'm often gone for several months at a time before I think to come back and see how things are progressing and have yet to have a problem.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Where is the tavern!
« on: July 13, 2007, 11:39:10 pm »
Which one? Meaning which city are you in

The Hydlaa Plaza / Transformers Movie
« on: July 13, 2007, 10:15:57 pm »
Any of my old friends from here gone to see it? And if so what did you think?

Myself while it was certainly a departure from TF cannon I realy enjoyed it. Bay actualy did a good job with it (and hopefully will continue to do so with the sequels). Don't expect me to post any spoilers here or anything; I want to know your actual oppinions.

now lets see how many people here remember me

Wish list / Re: Damascus steel
« on: December 22, 2006, 06:38:11 am »
Uhhh guys for the grain of the metal to show up you have to "acid etch" it (Basicly dipping it in acid long enough to eat off the top layer of the metal) Whether or not this was a part of the original forging process of "Damascus steel" I can't say (at least not without seeing more examples) However if it was not a part of the origional process either they damaged a very valuable artifact to show the grain or that particular piece is a fake (note: when i say this it is because it is not necesary to reveal the grain to be able to see it since it shows up under certain types of radiation examination)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: water and stone
« on: June 10, 2006, 12:37:33 am »
Ah, so you're the Grim Reaper, but from an elemental perspective ;)

Err no the guy was realy a pacifist. His teachings can be more than a little dificult to understand if your not willing to think outside the box (sometimes way outside). He wasn't called "The Mad Socrates" for nothing you know.

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