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Messages - killer bob

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / ps2 losses, nintendo\sega and microsoft tied
« on: July 15, 2003, 03:14:01 pm »
in My opinion, i think that sony is loosing its grip, and this \"PS3\" my take longer then expected...anyway:

ps2 is the most outdated, as in release, and it doesn\'t have alot of good ps2 exclusive games, and nintendo\\, ppl may be wondering why i say nintendo\\sega, think of it as this way, why would SONIC be ONLY for GAMECUBE??? in other words, mario and sonic are buds, and, i recently played halo, and its just as good as metriod...Prime

so i think that the best are both GC and X-Box, as they are BOTH the best, even though some ppl may not want to accept this.

on a side note: every nintendo exclusive game is so well done that, as said before in this topic, there is literly no glithces in thier games...except metriod prime, becuase you can get power bomb expansions before you get the power bomb (no, really!), and many other things like that.

General Discussion / um, where?
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:35:32 am »
Originally posted by Skain
to get behind the metal bars strafe sideways while running and jump as u hit them. usually takes about three attempts, if u dont do it before ten your doing something wrong.

Where are these \"bars\"? I\'m a total newbie with only 20-something crystals...

Wish list / about crystals
« on: June 16, 2003, 06:44:33 pm »
What we need is an easier way to get crystals, becuase running around and putting your luck on just isn\'t very fun, becuase everyoen finds a diamond crystal...but i never.  And I beleive its  just unfair, now, for the crystals, they could come back faster, or, make em more abundent, and you get jobs right now...

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 06:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by Purrrha
\"We need waffles, lots of waffles\" - \"... and chips!\" - ... - \"... and beer!!\"


um, what is that all about... oh, well, so i guess i should go jump all over the place...maybe i should try that, should keep me amused...

General Discussion / RS addiction
« on: June 16, 2003, 03:46:02 pm »
that RS game is so addictive, i\'m level 65 on that game...and it is still good! :)

General Discussion / no, you won't
« on: June 16, 2003, 02:02:43 pm »
You will not be dissapointed, just make a few friends and hang out together, and i am very angry at how people are judging by the way the game looks, come on! its a JAVA game! not a .exe kinda game, so gimme a break! and, if you really want more to do in rune scape, then just join members, loads of quests, and new skills...and new things to look to...and, if you don\'t like it, just tell JaGeX what the problem is, and they will eventually get around to it!...

General Discussion /
« on: June 12, 2003, 11:47:18 pm »
ok, just to set strait r u n e s c a p e is a free MMORPG, but it has an expansion, that goes for 5 U.S dollars a month, and, that game is java mind you...

General Discussion / Jumping the wall
« on: June 12, 2003, 11:37:39 pm »
Something i find hilarious is that you can jump the wall, although it lags badly when you face the city, but, onetime, i found a ruby out there! :) hehe, its kinda funny walking out there, so, does anyone have any speical experiances with jumping the wall?

PvP,PK and Thieving / nope, no PKing
« on: June 12, 2003, 11:21:13 pm »
ok, i beleive that there should be no PKing, if you want PKing, go check out You-Know-what...

thats a great game, i play, i\'m a member, i get sound f/x, and, its really a great game...heard about a recent porject the creators are working on...its a graphic update, and it kicks but!

(its a java game)

ok, so i figured it out to start the game, now it frezzes when i reads, initiating world...what now...i have so many problems with this game

so please, i reperat, PLEASE make it less technical and more user frinendly for the installation prosses!

well, thanks, that helped me, but when i try to run the program, i get a DOS problem, it reads \"no CEL enviroment variable set!\" along with other things that fly by too fast to read, then the whole thing freezes up...


apperently, when i assemble the 5 parts etc. etc. when i launch the final client, i get a message saying that its \"incompleate\" and should do some thing that it says is not recomended, what the %#$# is going on?

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