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Topics - Talad

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PlaneShift News and Rules / In Game Rules Improvements!!
« on: December 20, 2011, 06:30:18 pm »
Merry Christmas and Xiosiamas to everyone! We would like to update you on the recent changes we did to the game rules. First of all, we have built a new model which puts together the rule simulators we already had in place. Basically the tool allows to simulate the progression of a character and calculate the total time spent in performing certain tasks, the amount of experience, practice and money gained. This allowed us to identify some problems in the current progression, where certain skills were very unbalanced and slower than others.

Here is a summary of the changes:
  • Monsters for tutorial: The monsters present in the tutorial have been made much easier to kill, so new players will have a smoother start.
  • Quests: We have dramatically raised the amount of money and experience quests provide. They were unbalanced compared to fight/magic/crafting.
  • Weapon decay and repair: Weapons and armors were decaying too fast, about 1 point of quality every 10 hits, which was quite unrealistic. The new ratio is 1 point every 100 hits. Also all basic weapons (Small Battle Axe, Short Sword, Club, ... ) have been lowered to a cost of less than 1000 tria, and we changed the repair formula to allow everyone to repair items cheaper than 1000. This should make life of new players easier. Also you can now see the instructions on how to use the repair kits in their descriptions.
  • Spell Practice: Practice given when casting spells has been changed to vary based on the spell's realm and caster's skill rank. Basically when you are higher rank, you will gain more practice points by using higher realm spells. Before it was flat.
  • Crafting: Practice gained from Crafting was previously only related to the number of transformations completed (example smelting one ore). The new formula takes into account the time spent in the process and gives practice point accordingly. We also fixed a bug which was calculating improperly the time of crafting when a secondary skill was not required. This should make crafting have a similar progression to fight/magic.
  • Loot: The value of all monster loot (excluding random weapons/armors) have been rebalanced to take into account the actual strength of the monster and the probability of finding the item.
  • Damage in combat: The damage dealt in combat (weapons or melee) by high rank characters was exponentially reaching too high numbers. This was allowing monsters to one-shot-kill players and viceversa removing much of the fun of combat. The overall damage formula has been changed to remove this exponential factor.
  • Experience points: When killing a monster (magic/fight) the engine was comparing the power of the attacker and the victim and then assigning experience points based on the result. The problem was that only stats (str,agi,end,int,cha,wil) were considered. The new formula includes stats, weapon skills, magic skills, and armor skills. The result is a much more balanced number of experience points.
  • Training stats: Stats (str,agi,end,int,cha,wil) were considerably faster to train than skills, up to the point you could max out in few days. This was obviously not the intent, so we slowed down the progression of stats considerably. This together with the other changes we did, will rebalance their usefulness in the game compared to skills.
  • Overall progression: The overall progression of a character includes three main factors: experience, practice and money needed for trainings. Now that we have connected the most important formulas of the game into a single tool, we can more easily balance progression. Also we can calculate the amount of hours needed to reach a certain rank (example from 0 to 100 in sword) or to rank up by one. We have reviewed this and made the progression a bit slower than before. For example to go from rank 0 to 10 it doesn't require 10 minutes anymore, but 3-4 hours.

Considering the big amount of changes done, we will avoid doing other changes for some time, and we will wait for your feedback. Please test the system with new characters and with existing ones. We know it's not perfect by any means, but we hope the changes above are a significant progress to make the game more enjoyable and balanced.

Thanks to everyone who participated to the testing!

Granted or negated Wishes / Explanation of this forum's content.
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:54:35 am »
We screen regularly the Wish list forum and:
  • if an idea has been already implemented, it gets moved to this forum.
  • if an idea will NOT be implemented because we don't like it, it's impossible to do, etc... it gets moved to this forum.

The ideas that remain the wish list forum are ideas we somehow like (or we didn't screen yet) and you are welcome to elaborate them more.

The ideas in this forum should not be commented nor revived again.

General Discussion / IMPORTANT: EZPC server migration.
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:03:34 am »
the Ezpc server started as an experiment in 2009 to separate the roleplayers and the non roleplayers. The idea was to keep the two groups separate and also use ezpc to test new features. The experiment has not been very successfull because the ezpc server has an average about 5-8 players these days (on a total of about 300 active players), and the vast majority of the players are using the rp server.

The GM team is focused on the main server, and so the service to new players on ezpc is not really up to the standards we would like to have. All events are run on the main server (including guildhouse auctions and meet the devs), so ezpc players cannot benefit from those at the moment. In addition many new players just try one of the two and if they end up on ezpc they find a very empty and not populated world, so they quit. Ezpc is bad advertizing for us in terms of having an empty server, and not enough players.

After about 3 years of experimenting this idea, I consider the experiment closed and I want to reconsolidate the players into the main server. If the player base will grow significantly, we may think to open a separate server again, but probably in that case will be for different languages or regions. The benefits will be to provide more GM time and more events to all players, and to ensure new players find a populated and lively community.

The transition will be done in steps:
1) remove the ezpc register link on the main page, all new players will go to zeroping. [DONE]
2) migrate all the active accounts and characters to the zeroping server.  Active means all accounts and players logged in in the last 3 months and with more than 6 hours of gameplay. [DONE]
3) remove the ezpc server from the client
4) convert ezpc to a server where devs and contributors can test new features. The server will still be open to "curious" people if they want to connect anyway, but there will be no guarantee they chars will stay intact, as we may wipe the server at any time.

Data which is ported to the zeroping server:

    Accounts (including passwords) which have been active in the last 90 days
    Characters which are linked to the accounts above.
        Faction Standings
        Bank/Storage Items
    Windows and shortcut settings (this is client side)

Data which is NOT ported to the zeroping server:

    Buddy List
    Guilds (will have to be reformed on the zeroping server, we can manually change the creation date if you want to keep it)
    Guild membership
    Guildhouses keys
    Items guarded but on the ground, or inside guildhouses

Special Cases

    If the same account exists on both servers the account will not be copied over
    If the number of characters on both servers exceeds 4 the ones exceeding will not be ported (ensure to delete the ones you don't needed and keep just 4 total BEFORE the migration)
    If a character name is not acceptable (ex.: KingOfAllPies) the character will be renamed automatically by us.
    If a character name is the same between ezpc and zeroping, the char on zeroping will be kept and no migration will happen for this char.

Players can follow the style of play they prefer, with the note that players not very keen on roleplay should always approach new/unknown players in a roleplay way, while they can keep their own style with existing friends/buddies they know they have their playing style. We are thinking to add a flag to distinguish players who are willing to roleplay (for example in the /who command) to facilitate the creation of groups and roleplay events.


Q: Should chars migrated from EZPC roleplay on Zeroping?
A: See Roleplay chapter above.

Q: I cannot login with my migrated account, it says user/pass are invalid.
A: If the account was present on both servers, please note that the password to use is the one you had on zeroping server, not the EZPC one. If you still fail to connect, just go to the recover password page.

Q: I cannot login with my migrated account, it says account not verified.
A: If the account was present on both servers, please be sure you had validated the account on the new server. To validate it just to go to the reset password page, and select : "resend verification email". This will validate the account on the new server in case this has never been done before.

Q: My char or my account has not been migrated.
A: Read the rules above of what is considered an "active" character. Only accounts with active characters have been ported. Only active characters have been ported.

Q: Is there a way to request a migration of a char even if it was not "active" up to today?
A: Visit us on IRC and we will see what we can do. But please remember we have limited resources to do this.

Q: I lost my mount, how can I get it back?
A: Mounts have not been ported, please wait 14 December 2011 and then redo the quest related to mounts. We will remove the quests on 13 December from all migrated chars, so you can redo it.

Development Team Blog / Meet the devs - November 20th
« on: November 29, 2011, 03:03:18 pm »
Greetings! I'm here to present you the results of the "meet the devs" event held 20th november 2011. It was a very nice event with good participation from the players.

You can find similar events on our events page. Be sure to participate next time!

The scope of the event was an Out Of Character chat on the next development and status of the game. All players invited. For this event we had Weltall, Lucubro, Mordaan, Tuux, Talad, drJack from the developer's team and about 30 players! The event lasted about 1 hour.

You can find the full log here.

I didn't take specific screenshots this time, here are some from the previous event!

See you in the next one!

Development Team Blog / Meet the devs - October 2nd
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:45:43 am »
Greetings! I'm here to present you the results of the "meet the devs" event held 2nd October 2011. It was a very nice event with good participation from the players.

You can find similar events on our events page. Be sure to participate next time!

The scope of the event was an Out Of Character chat on the next development and status of the game. All players invited. For this event we had Weltall from the developer's team and about 20 players. The event lasted about 1 hour.

You can find the full log here.

I didn't take specific screenshots this time, here are some from the previous event!

See you in the next one!

Development Team Blog / Meet the devs - September 18th
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:41:22 am »
Greetings! I'm here to present you the results of the "meet the devs" event held 18 September 2011. It was a very nice event with good participation from the players.

You can find similar events on our events page. Be sure to participate next time!

The scope of the event was an Out Of Character chat on the next development and status of the game. All players invited. For this event we had Talad, Weltall, drJack, Tuux, Arcoo from the developer's team and about 20 players. The event lasted about 1 hour.

You can find the full log here.

I didn't take specific screenshots this time, here are some from the previous event!

See you in the next one!

Development Team Blog / Meet the devs - September 4th
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:35:34 am »
Greetings! I'm here to present you the results of the "meet the devs" event held 4 September 2011. It was a very nice event with good participation from the players.

You can find similar events on our events page. Be sure to participate next time!

The scope of the event was an Out Of Character chat on the next development and status of the game. All players invited. For this event we had Talad, Weltall, Tuux from the developer's team and about 20 players. The event lasted about 1 hour.

You can find the full log here.

I didn't take specific screenshots this time, here are some from the previous event!

See you in the next one!

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift 0.5.8 released!!
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:27:12 pm »
After a lot of sleepless nights we are proud to present the 0.5.8 release of PlaneShift!! This is another major milestone in making the game more fun and graphically appealing. The best way to support us is to join our development team!


    The main section of hydlaa has been remade! We remodeled all the houses to look better, and we updated all the textures to be higher resolution. You should see a big difference compared to the tutorial.
    Thanks to his popularity, Harnquist's shack has been replaced with a new larger blacksmith building. Looks like he is having good business!
    Some of the wall textures in Hydlaa have been updated to higher resolution.
    The Laanx temple has been remade, with higher detail. We still don't like too much the textures applied, and we are going to improve that soon.
    Hydlaa main now has bump mapping applied for more realistic surfaces.
    Improved the position of the musical instruments when wielded by adding a rotation. This is still not optimal, and will require an engine change to fix it completely (planned).
    Many new spells effects including: Healing Rain, Rinse, Icy Ground, Mephitic Haze, Water Barrier, Icy Blast, Phantasmal Voice, Hand of Doom, Mind Drain.
    Updated enviromental sounds of : Tutorial Map, Laanx Temple, Tavern de Kadel, Sewers, BlackFlame temple, Ojaveda Road, Gugrontid, Hydlaa Arena, Death Realm, Magic Shop, Hydlaa Winch, all 3 caves levels.
    Added sounds for musical instruments: lira, lure, drums.
    Improved icons for natural resources, like ores (gold, iron, ...).

New Features

    Added the ability to play musical instruments. You can actually compose a musical score in game and then play it with your musical instrument skills. Try to play with other people, and create a band for special events!
    Merged a new, heavily refactored and improved, sound system which is now entirely plugin based (adds a dummy soundmanager and a normal soundmanager)
    Added support for pictures in setting books and help pages
    Added support to individually enable/disable each tab of the chat window from the options panel.
    Made the spell checking based on hunspell a plugin too and made it configurable on supported platforms (linux/macosx). Additionally it can now spell check more text fields in game
    GM events: It's now possible to change the npc AI plan at runtime on the npcclient
    GM events: Improved support for morphing, which now actually changes the race and not only the mesh. This way also the speed of the actor might be affect from it.
    GM events: /impersonate now supports triggering an animation
    GM events: Expanded area commands to support a whole sector and regular expressions for name based search (area:type:map:mapname/here)
    GM events: Added a new flag which allows certain items to have the "no pickup" setting only applicable for GMs. This will allow easier setup of events.
    Added support to lock/unlock the quickspell bar
    Added a /version command to print the client version
    Added mute and freeze script support (could be used for spells later on)

    Fixed quest menu not being shown when items are given
    Fixed problems from attempts to add invalid buddies in the buddy list
    Fixed alliance text ending up in main even if disabled
    Fixed truncated map names in map list shown through admin manager
    Added support to spawn creative items from /item instead of having to use an npc to do it
    Added support to show entity labels only when an entity is targeted
    Fixed gm/dev login when the server is full
    Improved the quest menu to avoid to cut out parts of entries
    Started migration to sha256 for password storage. md5 is still used for client login, sha256 is already used for npcclients login.
    Fixed combat music continuing to be played after combat is ended
    Added warnings on group join in case the group is under a group challenge (see the wedding assassination problem)
    About 15 others fixes and improvements on the server side

Setting and background

    Published the prize quest for the guild quest contest: "Right on the mine"
    Roleplay info: enhanced the race pages with background information, history, culture, religion, main characters, architecture, ...
    History of the world: added new major events in the planeshift time line.
    Major change: Xacha removed and merged with the lemurs
    Major change: Diaboli removed from playable races
    Major change: Stonebreaker and Hammerwielder became two clans of one race: the Stonehammers
    Update: Magic way quests have been polished
    Update: Guards chain quest have been polished
    Update: Science chain quest have been polished
    General fixing: 43 quest bugs fixed confirmed from bug tracker reports


    Added musical instrument skill, added trainers and rules on how to progress. The more skill you have the less errors will be done while playing.


    Added OpenAL (sound) installer to the standard PlaneShift installer on Windows to ensure all clients have the right dlls.

General Discussion / Help us to update the PlaneShift Player Guide!
« on: November 24, 2011, 01:11:16 pm »
the original of the PlaneShift Player Guide is here. This version is very outdated.

Someone started a new version of the guide on the pswiki here.

We think the best place is really the wiki, so it can be updated by anyone and remain very relevant, also we can add translations in various languages.

If you are willing to help in this effort, please contact us in IRC , and ask for a pswiki account.

If you already have an account, you can proceed with the following:

  • Verify that all sections of old html version are completely covered in the new pswiki. So we can just delete the old one and point to the wiki from the web site
  • Update the pictures to the new version of PlaneShift client
  • Update the text to explain better how each screen and command works
  • Create a translated version of the pages in your native language

Thanks!!  \\o//

Fan Art / Request for mask art
« on: November 14, 2011, 09:25:15 am »
If anyone wants to design few 3D masks (simple ones) we may be able to add those in the future to the game.

Guilds Forum / How to have your logo in the guilds page of
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:33:51 am »
if you want your web site and logo to show here you just have to add the guild's URL in game, in the guild panel. Then place an image called logo.jpg in the main directory of your web site. For example if your site is your logo must be at

In case you cannot place a picture in that specific location (some free sites do not allow it), we can load your logo on our site with a manual procedure and then link it to the guilds page. So if that's your case post here the URL of your logo and the guild name, and we will load it.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Race histories and background!
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:14:26 pm »
Fellow roleplayers! The time has come to finally publish some more background information on the races! Has been a pretty long work and we hope you will like it. As mentioned some time ago we decided to reduce the number of playable races to allow us to focus on fewer (still 9!) but with higher quality. Here are the major changes you will find in the races page:

  • Every race has now more information on social organization, religion, nutrition, famous characters and more! The races do not have the same level of deepness yet, some are still to be improved, but all have a pretty solid base of history and traits.
  • We completely removed the xacha race, which has now been merged with the lemurs. The reason being their history and traits were very similar, both focused on science and intellectual activities. This race is completely removed from the history, and if you still find any reference somewhere please read "lemur" instead of "xacha". Game wise all chars will be moved server side automatically from xacha to lemur race. No exceptions.
  • The Diaboli have been removed as a playable race, they are part of the history of Yliakum, up to 580AY and may come back as a future expansion. Read their history page to know more. For now the game still allows the creation of Diaboli, but it will be prevented soon. We suggest all chars to migrate to Ynnwn instead, but this will not be forced. The details of this migration will be communicated soon.
  • The Stonebreaker and Hammerwielder races are now two clans of a single race, called Stonehammers. Their profile is not changed much. In game we will do the change server side automatically. No exceptions.
  • We rewrote the main setting pages and history pages to be consistent with the race changes.

This update provides a lot of material to roleplayers to base their stories on, and allows us to create the future books, legends, songs in line with a solid background.
We left by purpose about 100-150 years open on each race, so that we could incorporate your ideas and stories into it. Please submit your stories in the forums, and vote for the ones you prefer. What we need are high level events first, and then a story behind (don't ask us to read 20 pages upfront! :) ).

If you search well, you can find in the race pages a hint on the next update!

General Discussion / Arcane Chrysalis Screenshot Collection
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:35:38 pm »
if you have a good screenshot taken from the latest PlaneShift release (0.5.x) please post it here. We may in need of good screenshots for press, magazine and web sites. If you want to post weird/funny screenshots please use another thread and not this one.

General Discussion / Free Game Alliance goes live!!
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:35:05 am »
We are proud to announce the creation of the Free Game Alliance, an initiative started to promote collaborative game development and open source. The initiative has been created and sponsored by Atomic Blue ( us! :) ). As a member of the alliance we want to support all games selected and so we encourage you to download and play them all. If you want to give feedback on the FGA initiative, please use this blog or this forum thread , if you want to provide feedback on one game only, go to their website!

PlaneShift News and Rules / Hydlaa Museum opens!
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:29:49 am »
The Hydlaa Museum event has been a success! Thanks to all players who participated. You can find some screenshots here.

The museum is still open for visitors, it's located in the east part of hydlaa in the lower quarter. Be sure to visit it!

If you want to organize an event in game contact the GMs!

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