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Topics - Avarus

Pages: [1]
Hey guys, a member of my guild has a problem. When he want\'s to enter the Library district, he crashes. Is this problem know already? And is there a sollution?

General Discussion / Where is the furnace?
« on: December 06, 2005, 12:25:46 pm »
I\'ve been looking for it whole day! The furnace has disapeared, so it seems. I need to find it to try to smelt some iron ores for the Harn quest...

General Discussion / Miss or Mister Laanx
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:51:56 am »
If you read the history of Yliakum, you\'ll notice that Laanx changes from sex in the 3th epoch. So is he/she male or female?

General Discussion / Dragons and Grendols
« on: October 13, 2005, 11:37:29 am »
*Ahum*If there\'s one thing discussed the most, it would be the discussion about Dragons and so on.

For one there\'s no goblins, trolls, kobolds and other mainstream \"monsters\" (there\'s no dragons in Yliakum is a common saying). Also you won\'t see such things as horses.

But what about the Grendol. The name Grendol was used the first time in a story around 1100 AD named \"Beowulf\", in wich is described the adventures of a Scandinavian warrior of the 6th sentury. The Grendol was the terrible monster that had to be defeated. In the Netherlands it isn\'t a well know story, but I think it is in Britain, since it is a Britain story (like \'Karel ende Elegast\' in the Netherlands). So the Grendol is one of the mainstream monster. Then why is the Grendol allowed in PS, while dragons and goblins aren\'t?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / /Pet...
« on: October 13, 2005, 04:07:00 am »
If i type (for example): /pet Aucices, stay, I crash inmediatly after pressing enter...

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / All dark
« on: September 13, 2005, 09:57:51 am »
According to a friend of mine, dev has implanted \'darkness\'. When I start PS it\'s all so dark that I can\'t see where I walk!

General Discussion / New ores and products?
« on: September 05, 2005, 06:34:28 am »
Check these screenshots:

When and what will come about this ores and products? Who placed it up there (together with Dark dagger, Ruined dagger and other weapons), what has he done with it and why did he left it up there? I want all the answers on all the questions you can imagine!

A few days ago, it all started. When I\'m doing just normal things, I crash. At he beginning is was rare, but today I crashed 5 times in half an hour!! I can\'t play normaly anymore!!

Wish list / PS needs... a BANK
« on: August 09, 2005, 03:20:05 am »
What I\'ve always missed ingame is a bank or a person who can keep your stuff. When I was a Xacha, I had a very low strengthlevel (and endurancelevel), and when I wanted to go to Akkaio with all sorts of ores (to try if I could smelt them), I could carry very few of them and had to walk more than I was able to run. If there had been a bank, I\'d stored all the ores in Hydlaa, then ran to Akkaio and picked it up there.

Especialy now smithing will be introduced soon and more items are comming, a bank should be very handy.

General Discussion / Ancient Ruins
« on: August 08, 2005, 09:43:13 am »
Maybe I haven\'t searched and explored enough, but everybody talks about Ruins (Ancient or not), but I\'ve never seen it. I was searching the Ojaveda Region and found nothing but death (fallen down a hill, killed by a huge monster and so on...). Is it just a myth and nonsense, or does it realy exist. If so, where should it be? Tell me please...

This happened a few times already: I\'m mining near the magic shop when suddenly the game is minimalised (not sure if this is the right word) for a second and then maximalised again, but then I only see a black screen and the mousecursor. When I quit the game with Alt + F4, I get an errormessage. Is this normal?

When I start planeshift I see a message in top of the screen about hardware acceleration or something. I can\'t try the game to see if the game is working normal, because the server was offline due to the next updates. Should I do something about that message or leave it for what it is?

If im playing (no matter where i am or what time it is) there suddenly comes a message:

\'Would you like to save the diagnostic file\' ...(and some more).

I have to confirm with yes or no, but no matter what i click, alway the game stops. Can this problem be fixed?


If i give or sell gold to Harnquist nothing happens! Do i have to do something else or is it a bug?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Black Screen
« on: March 31, 2005, 12:01:15 pm »
If i go into the sewers or forest or an other dark place, i cant see anything but others names or a few objects far away. How can i make i can see everyting?

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