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Topics - rtrentc

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / smp usage in linux
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:39:19 pm »
I have a dual core athlon. I notice that planeshift isn't taking advantage of both cores. Is there a setting that I need to change, or is it just the way that the linux binary has been compiled?

there are several places in PS where your character is looking from one defined area(the one he is in) to another defined area. I am fairly sure that the Kada-El Tavern in Hydlaa and the Laanx Temple are their own seperate maps from Hydlaa plaza. If I am standing outside of the Tavern, Or I am in a tunnel at the edge of a map boundry I can see across into the next map. But if I am standing in front of the open door to the Laanx Temple or to Levrus's magic shop I can't. It fails to draw in that section of the screen. I can get the same failure to draw problem in the BD fortress, because there are things on the map that are beyond the range of the settings I have for the camera in the camera->Details section. But the one in the BD fortress as I am looking out is expected and is a result of keeping total calculations do to maintain frame rate.

I used to be able to see into these buildings from the outside in version 0.4.03.

Wish list / Deleted Quests and keeping GM's from having to reset
« on: November 28, 2008, 12:47:09 pm »
Okay here is my take on the situation.

Your a new player to PS and you start out on a quest and get into trouble. You haven't been told about the problems of running multiple quests or why you shouldn't delete a quest. And in a fit of frustration you hit that delete button.  Now you find yourself not able to get that master crafted hammer or even worse you can't get into the winch through the quests you were on.

Here is my solution. #1, Make it so that a quest that is deleted is automatically reset. After all you didn't finish it. thus you didn't get the reward. This means you can start over and try again correcting the mistakes or even verifying that there is a problem with the quest. This won't cause you to be able to redo quests that you finish. Only those that you didn't complete. Or if you don't want to have a delete, make a reset button.

This would remove a lot of frustration that new players find in the questing system and now your GM's wouldn't have to deal with reset requests. Note I am only saying reset the current quest your on. Not reset a multi quest sequence all the way to the start.

System -- Gentoo
Kernel 2.6.22
Video Card Nvidia Geforce 5200 FX

When using nvidia-drivers (kernel module and glx) version 169.09 I get vertical stripes in some textures and in the displays of magical effects.
nvidia-drivers (kernel module and glx) version 100.14.19 works just fine.

Wish list / Economics in PlaneShift
« on: August 25, 2007, 04:24:36 pm »
I have been playing in planeshift now for awhile and one area that I believe we can all agree needs work is that of the economy.

One of the things that I see plaguing the economy is its money supply. You have one official currency and several unofficial ones. They are (Gold, Silver, Monster Drops I don't count the ores that have a very low price cause they aren't sold to npc's) The reason that they are unofficial currencies is that there is a set value for each and every one of these items thus making them and trias effectively the same. This causes the true cost of all npc supplied products and services to rise and fall in cost based on the supply of the a for mentioned items. In effect you economy isn't stable cause its money isn't stable.

I hate to say this but your money supply will never be completely stable but you can keep it from swinging so wildly and create a richer economic landscape in the process.

1 ) Have the source of money be one item. The metal or crystal  that tria's are made from. Set a value in tria's for the production of said raw material. This will be your money supply. Make it the only place that new trias come from. IE this is the only thing that a npc will be able to use to inject trias into the economy.  This gives you a single place to increase the money supply.

2 ) Have training be the drain on trias as it is now. if you add in player houses then you can add the sink of rent on said houses. This is the point at which trias leave the economy.  This is important because the supply of raw materials is only limited in rate of supply. There is no set amount of any given item unless you change the structure of the system. Note that not all of the trias charged by the npc's has to leave the economy. This value can be set along with the mining % on the raw material that makes trias.

3a ) Everything that an npc can buy that isn't a finished product must control the supply of finished products. Thus the number of hides purchased will affect the availability of leather armor. The amount of metals sold will affect how many swords, and metal armor is produced. Thus for every finished product in the game you need to have rules on what raw products go into it and how much of each is required.

3b ) The amount of raw materials and finished products that an npc can sell is controlled by what the npc's bought. Thus we take the all the npc's that sells leather armor.  The number of sets of leather armor they have will be set according to the raw materials purchased by all npc's. And the amount of raw materials that all npc's can sell is controlled by what was sold to them by the pc's.

4 ) This will of course require an accounting of everything that an npc has bought and has sold. The npc's will keep an account of the trias from all items that they have purchased and sold. And prices for buying and selling items can be set according to supply and demand. As far as items purchased and sold, as well as tria's in the hands of npc's I am proposing that there be one account where all items are placed and any given npc merchant has a % of the items that he sells available to be purchased in a given hour. The reason that I say have one account is it makes it easier to calculate the prices. Prices should be set according to availability. It doesn't take into account local supply and demand but is a global supply and demand. And would be easier to implement than having each npc have rules about what it buys and sells from other npc's, time for supplies to be delivered as well as transport costs. Making the npc's have their own accounts could be done later.

5 ) The number of raw materials in the account that are turned into finished products will of course be based on the current supply of said finished products. Thus if say pc 1 sells 100 shortswords, and pc2 sells 900 iron and 100 coal, then most of the iron and coal should still be available for another pc to buy, but if say 20 pc's buy shortswords and 2 pc's sell 900 iron and 100 coal then the npc's should consume a portion of the iron and coal to replenish the stock of shortswords. The replenishing of swords shoud take time, and the prices of all available items should be changing over time as the raw materials are consumed and turned into finished goods.

6 ) This relates to #3 above. All raw materials that a pc is able to aquire must have a use. IE must contribute to some finished product.

7 ) Finished product decay. In some form or fashion all items must wear out.

8 ) If set up this way, you will effectivly have a more stable money supply and the availability of various items in the game will not increase or decrease the supply of money but rather just the price of the items with the exception of the source material for trias themselves.. And production of items will find equilibrium's based on item decay and number of pc's in the game.

Wish list / Crafting, Metals, Alloys, and Order of training
« on: July 29, 2007, 05:48:45 pm »
I have been playing a crafter now for a little bit, and this is where I think a lot can be done to give the game more flair and make more use of items already in the game.

1). Currently for the crafting of Armor and Weapons we have the following metals available
    A) Copper
    B) Bronze
    C) Iron
    D) Steel.

There are other metals that can be mined, but if you are being true to chemistry and physics, then you wouldn't
use Zinc, Mercury,Silver or Gold except as ornamentation.

2). As it stands right now, unless changed, only steel will be used for weapons and iron for shields.

This means that we have at least two metals that even if you added the rules for them wouldn't be used on shields and three on weapons, because steel weapons and iron shields (steel if you allowed it) are the best. And who is going to make inferior weapons when all of his competitors can also make steel. So if you want to see some more variance in the composition of weapons then you need to structure it so that it is the less effective weapons that can be made first. The Copper, the Bronze, the Iron swords and clubs. (not to sure about the copper but I know that bronze was in use long before iron or steel.). This is not to say that your current system doesn't work, just that there is no justification for making bronze. You have an alloy in the rules that wouldn't be used to make weapons at all since steel exists.

So here is my proposition as it were.

  Metals used
   A) Copper
   B) Bronze (alloy of copper and tin)
   C) Brass (alloy of copper and zinc)
   D) Iron
   C) Steel (alloy of Iron and Carbon aka Coal)

  Weapons and Shields

   A) Low levels use copper.
   B) Mid Low levels use bronze
   C) Mid levels use brass
   D) Mid High levels use iron
   E) High levels use steel

  Metallurgy From Low to High

   A) Melting Copper, Copper ingots
   B) Melting Tin, Tin Ingots. Copper Stocks
   C) Melting Zinc, Zinc Ingots, Tin Stocks, Making Bronze, Bronze Ingots
   D) Making Brass, Brass Ingots, Zinc Stock, Bronze Stock
   E) Melting Iron, Iron Ingots, Brass Stocks
   F) Melting Silver,Mercury. Silver Ingots, Mercury ingots, Iron Stocks
   G) Making Steel, Steel ingots, Silver Stock Mercury Stock
   H) Melting Gold, Gold ingots, Steel Stock
   I) Gold Stock.

As you can see from my list it would cause more variety of crafted items to enter the game, It would extend the length of time needed to master your craft.

What I don't know is because this radically alters the availability of the various metals what you would have to do about all the other items currently running around in the game. It would certainly force the creation of a greater variety of weapons, shields and armor.

Complaint Department / Crafting shields seems to be broken.
« on: July 23, 2007, 08:51:44 pm »
After talking to some people here and there I finally deduced what I thought was my problem in making a simple shield. It seems that the two components one needs is the iron shield handle and the round shield according to the catalog of shields, not the iron buckler shape and iron shield handle. So I rounded up enough iron to make 11 steel stocks and made the small round iron shield shape. But that and the iron handle still won't combine. At this point I am totally without any thoughts as to what to do next but quit trying to make shields.

I have no problems whatsoever making swords and daggers of various kinds. And the text from the book of blades does match the process of making the blades. But when I follow the instructions in the catalog of shields I get absolutely no where.

Complaint Department / Linked quests & no quest deletion
« on: July 18, 2007, 07:14:43 pm »
First off, this complaint is about how things that don't pose a problem on their own, are a problem together.

1) Because of the way that the quest system is setup, you don't want to have more than 1 quest running at a time.
2) Because of another problem, that of non repeatable quests you changed it so that we can't discard a quest anymore.
3) Some quests require that you complete a second or third quest in order to finish the first.
4) Since some quests are linked, if you don't find out about the second quest to finish the first, you are stuck with a quest that you cannot complete.

Now maybe I missed a clue somewhere, but in the case of Hiacheius's lost golden shield diagram, I was told that I had to go and see Canyt Klannarr and get a quest from her in order to finish the first. Now if another player hadn't told me that I don't know if I would have ever managed to finish the quest. Like I said there may have been a clue that I missed, but in all that I did I never saw anything to point me in that direction. And since its known that having more than one quest open at a time can cause problems I wouldn't have gone around asking for quests in the hopes that I would find a solution to the quest I was working on.

Now, I propose the following solution.
1) In the case of linked quests, change them from being two or more separate quests to just one continuous quest. This way the person would still have to find each of the npc's and perform the needed tasks for the quest, but they wouldn't be constantly thinking, do I need to break the 1 quest rule and take on a new quest to finish the old quest. And in the idea of linked quests I am referring primarily to quests that give you a reward thats used to finish the previous quest. In the cases where one quest unlocks another quest this wouldn't be a problem cause you would only have one quest open at a time.
2) Allow the discarding of repeatable quests.
3) Keep a lock on non repeatable quests so that you can't delete them.

Thats my rant for the day.
Robert T Childers.

     As it currently stands the problem is that you cannot repair armor since you cannot wield a suit of armor, but you require that the item to be repaired be in the right hand.

     We could use the smiths table to repair items as well as to assemble items. The major disadvantage to this is that it would force players to come back to the smith's table in hydlaa or Oja to repair weapons and armor, but thats not that bad a thing. The other thing is that they would have to place the item to be repaired and the repair kit both into the table then use either the use or the combine icon. Neither of which is very intuitive. Probably requiring a new icon. Repair. Honestly this makes more sense to me than being able to walk around while repairing a weapon without having a workspace. Much less armor. You could implement this and if still needed allow weapsns to be fixed on the fly in the right hand. To some extent I can accept you walking and using a small whetstone on a blade. But to repair armor especially metal (aka medium/heavy) armor you should be using a table. The other advanatage to this is it fixes the repair armor problem without needing a new inventory slot or major recoding of what can and what cannot go into the right hand.

     Optionaly what I would like to see is for the area on the inventory next to the right hand to be extended into the space just above the mind giving you a place to put items to be repaired not to be wielded. Of course you couldn't have anything wielded in the right and left hands if your using the item slot for repair, since logically your going to need both hands to repair something. Also this could be the use slot for such things as the anvil. In the case of the use slot, you only need one hand free. The hand not holding the tool being used in conjunction with the item being worked.

     What this would do is allow anything to be repaired or used (could also be used for items worked on the anvil) to be held in the right and/or left hand without having to recode what can be wielded and what cannot be wielded. The other advantage to having a repair/use slot is that you could now have a use slot that would be applied to any crafting activity, and you would be able to have your tools in the correct hand. Lets face it, when your working steel on an anvil the hammer is in the right not the left hand. The left hand is just holding the tongs that keep the metal in place while your beating on it.

Maybe I haven't made enough swords and daggers, but there seems to be a problem with the quality equations (the 300 cap that isn't there, not withstanding).  The handle if it is of higher quality than the blade seems to be the only determining factor in the filnal quality of the dagger or sword.

Example knfe handle -- 291, dagger blade -- 156,  dagger kit -- 291, Dagger --331.

I can work with the system as it is, but it just seems to be totaly unrealistic. The blade should have the majority of the effect on the final product quality. Even though the grip of the dagger or sword is important it is the blade that is the business end.

And I know this is more of a bug report than a wish list. Cause I think your current equations doing what they do, are well, bugged.

Wish list / Beating an Economic Dead Horse to Death.
« on: January 08, 2007, 06:19:56 pm »
Just  the other day I was  in Trasoks when the conversation went something like this.

Player 1 - I have some iron ore to sell how about 50 trias an ore. Player 2 -- I am willing to pay 20 trias an ore. Player 3 -- I will pay your 200 trias an ore. Why should you have to take a measly 20 trias and ore when you can make 240 trias an ore mining gold. So I will pay you 200 trias an ore.

Now player 2 was in my opinion offering a very high amount per ore when you consider that the npc's will buy iron ore @ 2 trias an ore. And what Player 3 stated is quite true about trias gained for effort expended. Cause you have gold just as plentiful as Iron. So you have completely disregared the laws of supply and demand.  And the only reason that you don't see people running around with a ton of gold all over them is that a) except to sell to an NPC its useless. And b) there are no jewelers.

So the only and I mean the only reason that people mine iron is to make weapons. They don't mine it to sell it to the npc's Its just not worth the effort for that.

So here is my wish. Its a simple wish.
1) figure out what each item in the game can be used for.
2) decide how plentiful it should be.
3) set npc prices to reflect this.
Cause based on its use and its availability, gold should sell for 1 tria or less. Even with mining 0 to 1, you can easily collect 10 gold ores. 2400 tria when sold to an npc. Way out of line with the true demand for it.

And yes I know that there are other threads in here that have covered this topic in one fashion or another, but if you want a good economy, you really need to look at usefullness of items and how plentiful you want it to be so that the price can reflect this.

So you can remove this topic if you want. I am just reminding you that all is not well and I this is one area you need to look at.

Wish list / Crafting -- Books, Blueprints etc.
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:39:13 pm »
First off I know that some of this has been covered before in various posts but I think that what I am posting was not covered exactly, but rather I am stating what I think is an answer to several posts (I read a ton of them before writing this post).

The Problem: The System is too limiting and unrealistic. Take for example the Book of Blades. 1 stock -- knife handle, 2 - stocks Sword handle, 4 stocks Dagger Blade, 6 stocks -- Shortsword etc. As the number of blades to be made increases so does the number of stocks to be used. This can easily create a balancing problem as well as just being unrealistic. Take the Sabre. this is a thinner lighter weapon than the shortsword (looks to be based on the roman gladius). But based on what I have done so far, you will have to use more  than 6 stocks for a sabre if its even in the list of blades to be made.

Why: The system needs to be not only more realistic but it also needs to be more flexible.

Solution: The answer to the problem would require a bit of a reworking of the code, as well as the creation of new data in the databases. And a new items as well.
  1) New items. A new container that would hold the books or blueprints of weapons, armor, shields and anyother crafting item you could think of. This would be needed because of the increase in the number books that the player would have. It would operate similiar to the Glyph Sack. Eventually a second container similiar to the bookshelf in the jayose library would be needed once player house's of some sort are created. A new set of books to be aquired. Each book would be for a class or type of weapon. Shortsword, Dagger, Longsword etc. This gives the dev's a way to create a more balanced system since now there are more options available and you can now have items that are different in class and design but close enough to each other in weight that the same number of stocks would be more reasonable.

2) The books would have skill requirements so that more complex or powerful weapons would only become available if the character has the required skill level. This would show up in the new system of menu's.Just like you can only repair items of a certain complexity based on your level of repair skill, only those weapons you have the skill to make would become available.

3) A new system of crafting items. Not a radical change, just the addition of a new window with a menu for the selection of what your creating. This way you can have one set of blueprints or book give you multiple blades of differing complextity within the same class. A good example of this would be if you wanted to allow players to make say Simple Daggers, Dark Daggers, SilverWeave Daggers etc. Those items  on the new menu would be the items that you could make given the number of stocks etc that you are working on and the level of skill you have. If you have worked a stock once to make say Dagger Alpha Blade, then a second working wouldn't require the menu since all  your doing is refining the blade you started with unless you want them to start with the simple blade and then if they have skill have the menu would give them the more complex blade.

It is the third point that is most required. Even if only the third point is implemented and you didn't replace the Book of Blades with multiple books for different classes of swords, the addition of a menu based on number of stocks, or other items being worked on would still give you more flexibility in the system. But I think having multiple books would be best, as this opens up more quests that you can make.

4) A side note -- Player Created Books. What I am talking about here is not where you have code that takes a set of weapon stats and creates a book based on the characters skill although this is possible as well, but rather the character/player would create a weapon design, this would consist of the parts required, the stats of the weapon, potion etc. This is then submitted to the devs/Gm/etc. If it is accepted then the character would be given the book. Like all books the entries would only be available if the character has the needed skill level to build the item in question

So to wrap this up.
1) A new system of menu's to add flexibilty to the crafting process without making a radical change to the system. 2) New items to be used in the system. 3) Player created items possible, with two ways of handling this. A) A set of menus where you select the effects of the item to be made and a set of tables draws up the plans. Or B) you submit your plans to the GM/Dev etc and they create the item when they add the appropriate data to the crafting tables. Option A, has the advantage that you select the available options for plan creations and the players decide what they want in a particular item. It is flexible but would require a more comprehensive dataset to be created, Option B needs less data upfront but does require continual human intervention to work.

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