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Topics - Watcher

Pages: [1] 2 3
Complaint Department / Confusling
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:18:27 pm »
I recently put a bug report on the tracker, after which it was promptly closed with an email redirecting me to an old bug report on the old tracker, now as I couldn't access that tracker without registration (which appears to me impossible) I used the only communication method I could to inform the person who had closed it (via the email on their profile) and got a prompt email back telling me never to email them or any other members of the tracker by email. It may be my simple incompetence but I can see no other way of contacting someone as it does not appear to have a PM function, now this quite annoys me as I did not intend to cause offense and used the only method available and not only has my query met a dead end but the tone of the email (all capitals) left me feeling as if I had personally done something wrong.

Fan Art / Planeshift Bookmark
« on: September 15, 2007, 04:38:08 am »
I present to you, the one (as far as I know) the only (tautological comment I know) Planeshift bookmark:

Front                       Back

Feel free to comment, I also hope that this may inspire someone to create something else Planeshift related in the real world.

Fan Art / Planeshift Smilies
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:39:23 pm »
As the holidays are approaching and I seem to have returned for now to Planeshift to create smilies, I will do custom ones if you request but bear in mind that once the holidays are over I suspect my time will dwindle and I can't even promise to do the custom ones this holiday as school work does have to take priority but I will try to get them done

The People

Just my idea of what a male Planeshift Dev might look like featuring shades, black hat with crystal logo on and sly smile around his face.

Ylian, does this need anymore explaining?

A Klyros.

A Stone breaker.

These guys are well hard.

Thanks to LigH I present the male Ynnwn.

A female Ynnwn with a much lighter shade of red.

The Signs

In response to the current lack of the gliding feature some Klyros have adopted a very interesting belief system.

It had to be done...

I had to create this one after I typed the response to the Kran smilie, it made so much sense.

Made for Malfini for his script.

Made for Kixie for the wonderful story.

Comments, questions, responses welcome.

General Discussion / Multiple Splash Screens?
« on: May 29, 2006, 10:18:10 am »
Is there any possible way to get multiple splash screens to display randomly during start up, if so how is it done (I wish to alternate between the three versions start up screens and I have already fixed the sizes so they are correct). Does anyone know how to do this, if so how?

(Sorry if this is the wrong place but it doesn't seem to fit in anywhere else).

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The tale of Aerium Watcher
« on: May 28, 2006, 03:39:01 pm »
When I left, I left everything I knew,
Alone I wandered,
The sky was my release
Consumed by my exile
Hearing whispers of my past
Entering places long abandoned
Reaching for an answer to an unknown question

It started with death, as all things must. The rain lashed against my wings as I stood watching my parents in ornate coffins being lowered down through a hole into the outside. I felt despair clutch at my body, consuming me until I could bare it no longer. As I turned to leave I saw the faces of the few relatives that had turned up, their faces depicted a great sadness. As I entered my parent’s house, for it would always be theirs no matter what divide they had crossed I knew what I must do. It took me a few minutes to get my stuff together and then I was gone, I had gone into a self-imposed exile. My heart was broken by the loss and my soul was wracked in pain.

The time spent up in the air was a freedom of a kind, when I was gliding over the snow speckled landscape I was free of all ties. Yet even as I flew I felt the sadness of times past, time changed up in the skies. I kept no track of days and felt as if I was back in my parent’s house, laughing with them. Yet there were times when I recalled their deaths and my body convulsed with weeps and a deep feeling of sadness. The caves that I crawled slowly and miserably into to find a few hours of rest seem a blur of lichen and rocks when I look back on it.

One day after countless nights of flying I remember stumbling into a broken and abandoned house, cobwebs hung from the ceiling. Even as I fell to the floor I heard the whispers of my past echo through me. I must have slept throughout the whole day, for when I woke up I could see the moonlight glinting off the glass in the window. Memories stirred from their resting places, even as I looked around they came trickling back. The long sorrow that had gripped me left suddenly as I stared at the house that I had left so long ago. A smile touched my lips as I let go of the misery. I was finally home, my home. As I lay there the final remnants of the hurt faded, on that floor my sorrow finally left me as I accepted their death and I was at peace with myself at last.

I had my answer, though it was not the one I was looking for it was the right answer. To be at peace you can’t forget or to run away, to be at peace I had to accept the past and move on. Do I accept that death has to happen? No… I will do anything and everything in my power to prevent it. Would I bring someone back from the dead? Never, while I will do everything in my power to prevent it I do not have the strength to bring people back from the veil of death and not let the power over death change me for the worst.

(There you have it, one of my best story telling works I have written if I do say so myself).

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A few short tales
« on: April 26, 2006, 03:40:37 pm »
(These are a few short tales that will be added to as I write them, hopefully you will all be able to eventually see how these tales all make up a full back-story for my character. These are real short stories, and I shall start with two of them.)

A tale of the Watcher surname.

A Klyros tribe known as the Kripat were living in between two warring tribes of different species due to this the tribes would seek to attack the Kripat’s land. A brave young Klyros named Eanth chose to put a stop to the attacks and stood watching his tribes land all night and day for several weeks. One night he was sitting up on his perch when he saw the outline of many men riding towards the settlement their swords glinting in the half-light. Upon seeing this Eanth rushed to rouse all the warriors in the village. The conflict was short and brutal, the attackers had not been expecting any resistance and where quickly crushed. For his actions Eanth was awarded the tribes high honour of a second name: Watcher. This name was passed onto his descendents if they where proved worthy of it. Although the tribe no longer exists (as far as I have been able to deduce) the descendents still carry the name on.

-Extract from “The Book of Names” written by Unknown

An old friend.

Mian fell onto the floor, as Aerium rushed to help him. Mian pushed him away and hauled himself up

"What's wrong?"

"I am dying... my body is attacking its self. Rare condition I am the second ever too have had it. There is no cure."

"There has to be something, perhaps we can go-"

"There is no cure, all the mages in the whole of the world cannot help me. I called you here to give you something, this ring. Take it, may it help you and protect you against evil.

"Thank you but why give it to me?"

"My father gave it to me and his father before him, now I am the last and I have no sons to give it to. So I must pass it to you, my dearest and oldest friend."

Mian half walked half fell onto his bed where he lifted up the sheets and slid in. Looking up at Aerium he smiled. Then Mian, Aerium’s lifelong friend breathed his final breath as death took him. Aerium stood up, his head bowed. Putting his friends last gift on his finger he walked out of the wooden hut and flapped his wings and flew away.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Snow
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:33:25 am »
It appears to have been snowing in Wales and my school is cancelled due to lack of staff. Please post your snow stories here.

/me sticks tongue out at anyone who is still going to school in Wales.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / I can see the sky
« on: October 15, 2005, 07:33:50 am »
Well unless in-between my wings there is a portal to the sky and I was not informed then I guess this is a bug, I have tweaked the settings in the game and nothing has made it go away:

My specs are

AMD Athlon XP 1700

1.47 GHz, 512 MB RAM

Nividia GeForce 4 Ti 4200

The Hydlaa Plaza / Captain Scarlet New Series
« on: March 05, 2005, 07:11:44 am »

Yes fokes Captain Scarlet is back and CGI. Suprisingly after watching a few episodes on GMTV I actualy quite like it, although in some places the GGI could have been better but overall it is great.

The Hydlaa Plaza / This year will be the year of the Game/FanFilm/Book
« on: February 27, 2005, 08:27:16 am »
Yes its the perfect year for geeks like me :D.

The Books

Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz
The sixth book in the Alex Rider series.

The Opal Deception by Eion Colfer
The fifth book in the Artemis Fowl series.

Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve
The third book in the Mortal engines series.

The Castle of Mirrors by Jenny Nimmo
The fourth book in the Children of the Red King Series.

The Silver world
The third book in the silver sequence.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
If you don?t know about this then where have you been living for the past few years.

Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix
On the third day there where Pirates. The third in the seven books this promises a good read.

Fan Films
These are Star Wars because I love Star Wars.

Revelations (
Very good fan film

Tydirium (
The tale of the shuttle Tydirium that you didn?t see on the big screen.

Heart of the Rebellion (
A tale of the start of the Rebellion


Duh :P.

Destiny?s wind (
Fan made Star Trek MMORPG should be open beta (or alpha) this year.

Republic commando
Star Wars shooter :D.

All coming out this year* or have come out this year. If you know any more please feel free to add :D.

*Or atleast should be.

The Hydlaa Plaza / How would you commit the "Perfect Crime"?
« on: February 20, 2005, 10:04:43 am »
I think it?s a very interesting topic that we all think about one time or another. Murder, whether it?s thinking about murdering your arch nemesis in school or killing that annoying noob that just wont let go. Tell me how you would commit this act.

I would lure someone into an area with laser mines as soon as they are in activate them and broadcast a message telling them that if they moved a inch they would die. Of course I would leave them in an unpopulated area so if they didn?t move for a few hours no one would find them, yet they would eventually scum to sleep and fall over triggering the mines. The mines would relate to the persons background, for example if I wanted to kill someone in the army I would use army mines. This would give the impression that I was associated with the army or his army career.

Please post your versions of a \"perfect crime\" and how you would commit it. Oh and no I am not a psychopath and am not actually planning murder but my creative mind wont rest at the moment and I need something to exercise my mind on.

* By posting here you agree not to use or to conspire to use these techniques in an actual crime.

The Hydlaa Plaza / True or not?
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:06:56 am »

Is this real fake or what? If so what does it mean. So many questions. I know they turned it down according to the post yet I am still wondering if it is true or not. There are a few things that don?t seem to ring proper
PlaneShift, like special

I thought there wasn?t going to be any new races in the game for ages, at least not for years.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Star Trek MMORPG
« on: February 12, 2005, 08:01:08 am »
No not the bad one that will be out in 2006 but the good one made by fans that was started ages ago and will be out for public consumption in summer (or something like that.) Its called Destiny\'s Wind.

Without further to do here is the URL

While the screenshots aren?t many here is my favourite one

Oh and for those legal issues that I know you are all dieing to know about I asked in this thread.

That is all, one to beam up.
*Disappears in teleport effect*

In Hydrala there is a tower, as many know you need to go in the dungons to get to it. While I climb all those stairs then reach the top of the ladder going up onto the tower, as I climb up that ladder I get to the top and then fall slightly trhough so I am stuck between the lader and a peice of stone, There is no way I can see to get to the top. Then I have to /spawn.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Unaired Rainbow episode
« on: October 12, 2004, 04:19:33 pm »
Classic I wonder if its real or not.

NOTE: do not watch if you dont like subtle messages or rude words :P.

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