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Messages - XpYtZ

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The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 19, 2005, 04:40:37 pm »
Seeing as I have never met you IG, on the Forums or at any other time that I am aware of; only heard things about you from other people that, honestly I cannot sustantiate I will have to Abstain.
Another one for the Post count.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 14, 2005, 03:53:55 am »
I must apologize for addressing the community in my anger, frustration and honestly rage last night.
If I had taken the time, or had the patience to really think about what was happening ?as I have been able to do today- I would have been able to get it all right and not offended or insulted anyone.
As it is I thank Cerppow for his patience with me and his wonderful tutorial on the use of blender; a program that I would never have figured out without him.
To anyone else that I may have caused issues with I am sorry.  I will not waste time justifying my statements as I can ?now- see no justification in them.
Please accept my sentiments and forgive me any wrong I may have caused.
If no wrong was done this is of course unnecessary and you may ignore that the whole incident ever occurred.

I will begin working on a Windows based tutorial for installing Python, Blender, CS-Artist, and the BlenderToCS Exporter when I have time as I can see a hole that needs to be addressed.  Hopefully I will be able to get the assistance of those, more advanced then I, with any disclaimers that should be addressed.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 12, 2005, 03:46:27 pm »
No inconvience made :))
Well I have hit a hell of a snag.
While following the instructions here and here would have been great and wonderfull it does not seem to work, properly.
If anyone knows what is wrong or missing post or pm me so I can get back to figuring a Tutorial out.
The following actions were taken in order.
Downloaded and installed WinCVS
downloaded the Crystalspace CVS and Libs
installed MINGW32 and MSYS
Ran the most recent LIB file
Entered the MSYS-MINGW32 interface and navigated to the root CS directory ( \'C:\\cs\\CS\' on my computer )
entered: ./configure
entered: make -k all
Consol returned: No make file available
Exited and restarted
entered: ./configure
entered: jam
System returned lost of stuff! Yay I thought.
noticed lots of error messages, which I ignored.
entered: walktest -relight
consol returned: sh: walktest: command not found.


little help here?

Much later I have done work, work and more work to get this thing going and I\'m fully lost.  All the documentation echoes the following
Under Windows: You should also download python
First, check and satisfy Dependencies
Download and extract the project archive into a temporary directory.
Copy all files and folders in the \"scripts\" directory into the blender scripts directory
(/usr/lib/blender/scripts/ or ~/.blender/scripts/).
If blender was already running, restart blender.
Test: Open blender and see if File->Export->CrystalSpace exists in the menu.

I have even used my search tool to try and find this so-called \'scripts\' directory -in the archive- and I have come up with budkiss.
Every link on every downloads page returns the \'cannot find/connect to host\' error.  Are these home computers that are only up during certain times of the day or something?
In case no one has notice I\'m only SLIGHTLY frustraited.
Why can\'t anyone actually write a complete tutorial.
\"Get this, this and this and read their documetation -which is all in advanced terminology and requires you to compile this program, -which will ask you to compile it with this particular program, which will need to be compiled before you can use it-- and then follow these instructions, which are of course for Unix or Lynux users.\"
Is worthless to Windows users.
Some of us actually have programs that we can use proficiently and want to help with the project but how can we even help on the contributior level without some form of instruction on getting going.  I\'m more than willing to learn how to do this stuff.  I\'m more than willing to learn the terminology.  I\'m more than desirous of getting into the PS project and seeing the thing develop but the total lack of G.A.S. around here for windows users that want to help out seems to be mind numbing.  Unless you live on IRC your doomed to falure. News flash, some of us are in timezones that exist without any kind of developer online...ever!
Don\'t get me wrong.  I\'m glad that Cherppow took the time to instruct on the use of Blender and Exporting into CS for PS.  I\'m sure the tutorial is great.  Hell I can\'t even figure out the Blender interface and he (I think it\'s a he at least) not only figured it out but has a hell of a nack for moddeling in it.
But the Tutorial falls dreadfully short in the BlenderToCS plugin area and the Blender projects track record for broken links is starting to get under my skinn something awful.
Can\'t someone help me...No, us on this.

There are people out here that want to help and cant.  Is that clear enough.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 12, 2005, 01:08:30 pm »
Because I was \'requesting\' someone to make something  \'for the forums\'.  Seemed logical to me.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 12, 2005, 07:12:31 am »
Actually, I started doing some research and I may have figured it out.  It\'s no walk in the park so far but I may be writing my own request...Heh, that would be a first. :))

General Discussion /
« on: October 12, 2005, 05:27:26 am »
Sorry Drey but the Death Realm is nice if you like the quiet life.  Oja. is nice if you like the \"where are the ratz?!!!!!!!!!\" life.

The title fairly well sums it up.  I\'d like some Idiot proof tutorials for getting CS loaded and compiled, getting the Exporter to CS up and running for Blender and making sure everything works in the Walk Test thingy (which I assume would fall under getting CS up and going.)

Now, perhaps some of these tutorials already exist for Windows Idiots like myself.  If that\'s the case then Links would be far more appropriate I\'m sure.
Hook me up.
I\'ll do anything to get going.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:40:13 pm »
Hmm. maybe I\'ll give it a looksy.
Thanks for the tip.

General Discussion /
« on: October 10, 2005, 03:17:33 pm »
Ah, I see so you were agreeing with me. I missunderstood :)) all good now; and I\'d agree whole heartedly.

Based on my last time in game (which I\'ll admit was immediately following the wipe.) encouraging power-leveling -and the arguments about KSing that go with it- is hardly something that needs to be tried for.
And yes I am a little bitter.

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 10, 2005, 03:08:09 pm »
Yea, it can\'t be a truly \'evil\' group or I would not have joined...unless I\'m just in it for the fame, fortune and a few peices of cake...yea that might be all there is to it.
Besides leji what else is faith good for but to be wasted. Remember I am a \'dead character\' so everything I say from \'beyond the grave\' must be true. :D

General Discussion /
« on: October 10, 2005, 12:45:46 pm »
Now, I do agree with everyone that A) you would never walk into a war and yell, \"Bring it on punks!\" with not but your bare hands

Indeed Draklar I would not be saying Vega would beat a man in full plate or ring armor.

General Discussion /
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:23:02 am »
Is there still a Macro set in game? Because Monketh kept a super short version (like the cliff notes) in his macro que and just used them from there.
I did the same untill my passing.

[edit] redundant \'do did\' aspect edited[/edit]

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:18:57 am »
Cults are always a waste of time; that\'s what makes them so much fun to join.
Besides I am working on my \"False Prophet\" badge in the \'Enki scouts\'.
Count me in there Sep.

General Discussion /
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:13:20 am »
I\'m for. Though it does not make sense in the current version of the game.
Here is why I am for: the desciption in the game logs used to strongly suggest -and perhaps still does, I don\'t get out much these days- that it was one of the more powerful fighting skills available and that it had a wonderfull speed and damage ratio.  Sadly equipment was to be quite expensive.
Here is why it doesn\'t currently work: the martial styles, armor skills and equipment that would make it such a powerful skill, once properly trained and outfited are either nonexistant or not being trained properly by anyone. Untill a Master comes to town those of us who go the Melee rout are SOL, if you get my drift.
Now, I do agree with everyone that A) you would never walk into a war and yell, \"Bring it on punks!\" with not but your bare hands and B) a weapon is always better.  But some of you are missing the point that Melee will have weapons, of it\'s own sort.  Whether those are claws, (alla Vega from Street Fighter#? / Zhang He from Dynasty Warriors) simple gauntlets with spikes, or the \'touch of death\' we won\'t know untill we see \'em, but I sure hope it is wicked awsome.  :D :))
My three cents.

General Discussion /
« on: October 10, 2005, 04:52:53 am »
IC:  Be glad to have seen Hydlaa, some have to travel for leagues to behold its beauty.

OOC:  It\'s not really that bad in \"Akkaio\"?  I thought it was Ojaveda...I\'m so coornfused  ?(

It could be worse, you could spawn in the Death Realm all the time, like we used to.

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