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Messages - Elkarway

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Unofficial Chuck Norris joke thread
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:00:11 am »
Chuck Norris' guild has been around longer than the Dark Empire :P
Chuck Norris started playing PS when it was in sub-atomic blue
Chuck Norris can take a step to the left without completely interrupting everything he's doing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:03:13 pm »
for some reason, sangwa is exactly how i imagined he'd look  ::|
Except clothed  :innocent:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Unofficial Chuck Norris joke thread
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:01:16 pm »
Chuck Norris doesn't godmod, gods ChuckNorrismod.

Chuck Norris knows why there are two races of dwarf.  And can tell them apart.  :P

General Discussion / Re: How did you find out about PS?
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:48:17 pm »
I felt this throbbing in my head for days.  It just wouldn't go away.  It wasn't the painful sort you get after drinking too much or the weird numb sort you get after hitting your head real bad.  It was something completely different, just a throbbing.  I talked to my parents about it and they said it would pass.  I talked to my teacher about it and he said it would pass.  This throbbing was driving me nuts and nobody seemed to care.

One day I was walking down the street towards couche-tard, a corner store.  It was a regular day in Canada: trying not to slip on ice, leaning on igloos for support, avoiding polar bears.  But it turned out to be an important day for me, a day that would change my life.
I was walking around a particularly large moose, when an old man stepped out from nowhere and just looked at me.  I looked back at him, slightly afraid that he'd flash me and then I'd have to take him to the hospital for genital frostbite.  But that didn't happen and for a long time we just stood there, staring at each other.

"How's the throbbing?"  He asked suddenly, a knowing grin appeared on his face as he spoke.

"How did-"

"I know, he-who-shall-be-Khado.  I know more than you think."

"Who is Khado?"

"Khado is the great one, the savior, the Emperor.  Khado is you."

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"You will, young one.  Take this, you'll know what to do" And with those words the old man gave me a usb drive.  Then he flashed me and disappeared.  I never knew if he got genital frost bite, but I hope he didn't.

PlaneShift was on the USB drive and soon after installing it the throbbing left my head.  Years later I got a letter from the old man.  It was short:
"Dear Khado,
You now understand your destiny.  The throbbing was it calling to you.  You were meant to find PlaneShift and with it find your wife and man-lover.  One day you will save us all.

And that's how I found PlaneShift, my wife, and Sangwa :P

Fan Art / Re: Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:30:29 pm »
Naughty, naughty Dannae :P

But it looks great.  You've got quite the talent there.  Have you ever tried texturing?

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Kavalar: Mad Dermorian
« on: March 31, 2011, 11:32:44 pm »
 Really like the style.  So many people write with run on sentences but yours are short and concise.  I found it very relaxing to read and an interesting story to boot.  I've noticed Kavalar before and almost started RPing with him, I definitely will now!

The only dueling I do is where the person with the longest title win.  "Emperor Khado Greenmoon, head of the house Greenmoon, acting Dawn Overlord"  :P

Single Author Stories / Re: Veruno Greenmoon
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:51:54 am »
I bet you'd see better histories but less of Gartheiz :P

I don't believe the former could exist or that I could live with the latter <3!

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Enter Icerra
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:50:52 am »
"Have you thought about becoming an author?" says the blind man admiring the painting.

I can't tell if I'm more jealous of Aramara for her writing ability or for Miomo xP

Single Author Stories / Re: Veruno Greenmoon
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:59:11 am »
Oh, Sangwa.  You've been cursed with too many talents.  How you decide how to spend your time is a mystery to me.  Write more of this, I love it, even though it depresses me by reminding me of fair Veruno's passing.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Enter Icerra
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:56:37 am »
I love it Aramara! Finally had some time to read and this is the best writing I've seen of yours!

Indeed, not just of hers, this is some of the best writing I've seen on the forums ever.  Very nice.  And I feel a bond with you from this.  Khado has also written about his love for Miomo :P

But yes, very good!

Single Author Stories / An Emperor's Autobiography
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:06:22 am »
Chapter 1

I’ve been an evil man; I’ve been a good man.  At times I was a vain man and always was I an arrogant man.  I’ve definitely been a sick man, though that’s no excuse.  I’ve been a sad man and a happy man, most often some perverse mix of the two.  I’ve been a dangerous man.  But most of all, I’ve been my own man.  Everything I am, every flaw, vice, virtue and quality, is mine.  At times that wasn’t true, and so I know never again to take it for granted.  I shall tell you my story, and I hope you will not judge me too harshly.  I hope that at least, you will think I am an interesting man.

My life began in the Stone Labyrinths.  I was born in a colony of Lemurs and my parents were servants.  I suppose the term servant is being generous, we were closer to slaves.  It is worth noting that this colony was probably closer to Kadaikos than Yliakum.  Both my mother and father were Enkidukai and both were weak, or so I thought.  I think I was born with the arrogance I am so well known for; I often wonder if as a cub I would expect those who wiped me clean to thank me for the privilege.  It was my arrogance that made me think my parents were weak.

I was young and foolish, and by the time I could walk I was already judging those around me.  The Enkidukai were all treated like slaves and none stood up for themselves.  I would have none of it; I thought I had a right to a better life.  I began to steal knives from the kitchens, daggers from the armories:  Anything that I could conceal.

I taught myself by fighting bags of rotten fruit I smuggled from the kitchen refuse.  I was methodical, judging the force of my strikes, trying to judge if they would kill.  I would sneak around, just to get better at it.  Often I was caught and laughed at for being a stupid cub.  They never respected me enough to pay me much attention.

My life wasn’t as empty as I make it seem.  I had friends, I played games, I read books.  Much of the time I was very happy but, it never lasted; I would always find a reason for displeasure.

It was such an idiotic dream.  I would assassinate the Lemurs until they’d be forced to give us Enkidukai our rights.  It didn’t go as planned, but I learned a lesson from it.  I learned true bravery.

I didn’t learn this bravery when I snuck into the aristocrat’s room.  Doing that taught me stupidity.  No lessons of bravery were gained by slicing his throat or his wife’s with the poisoned blade.  That taught me only about death.  No, I learned of bravery when my fur was found on the corpse.  They couldn’t identify it as mine specifically, but they knew it was Enkidukai fur.  They executed a hundred Enkidukai.  It was those hundred who taught me bravery, many knew it was me, none told of my guilt.  Not long after, I was cast away from my home.

When I mention that I wasn’t always my own man, people often think I speak of my time as a slave.  But I do not.  That topic will come, just know that this is not it.

As I said, I was cast out.  I later found out that I escaped at the expense of my parents lives but, at the time I didn’t even consider the possibility of their deaths.  I travelled the labyrinths and survived easily enough.  I’d learned much about what I could and could not eat as a child, and the self taught sneaking skills came in handy on many occasions.  I leaned much during my times alone in the labyrinths: to fight, to hide, to run, and to cook.  But it was not a time that would be interesting to read about.  Needless to say I killed and I hid.  There wasn’t much else to it, besides scavenging.  It is a miracle that I managed to keep my arrogance.

Eventually, I arrived in Yliakum and quickly moved into the city of Hydlaa.  A beautiful Enkiduyba named Nilaya helped me get on my feet, and her many friends quickly became mine.  Much of my time was spent at the gazebo behind the temple of Laanx, where the great cook Hevrah would often serve dinner to his friends.  At other times I was in Kada-el’s, often with Kada-el herself.  I told all who would listen that I was a great assassin, and seeing the turmoil in my eyes they would humour me.  But, I knew they doubted me.

I eventually became something of a savior.  I would defend the honour of the women, I would challenge the evil.  I suppose I saw what these residents of Hydlaa took for granted: that Yliakum was a land of equality.  In seeing that, I saw it to be my duty to keep it so.  But, as with every story, a woman arrived.

I should take a moment to introduce this woman.  Her name was Karyuu, perhaps it still is; I do not know where she is.  She was beautiful, ethereal.  A hunter, an explorer, a ranger, in short she was feral.   I loved her from the moment I saw her, and perhaps her love for me was as instantaneous.  

Regardless, I needed to prove myself.  I sought quick and easy power and fell in with the wrong crowd.  I joined the Cabal, a powerful guild whose power was matched only by how evil they were.  I committed atrocities while in the Cabal, I finally became that great assassin I claimed to be.  And in order to deal with my actions, I went crazy.  I started hearing a voice in my head and believed it to be a great wizard from an old children’s book I used to read: Nostra Khan.

[Going to be fleshing this out more than adding to it for a while.  But tell me what you think]

Single Author Stories / Re: The kidnapping
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:52:56 am »
doesn't matter if it was roleplayed or not. stories recalling events, even not roleplayed, can be considered godmodding. but i would only say in the case that there's a magical yulbar with god powaz.

Like bitting rope and being hard to see in intense sunlight (crystallight?)? :P


Yes, I'm just assuming it was a way of writing "To my surpise, an intense light broke through the clouds and I could no longer see the yulbar" and not "And the Scotty beamed up the Yulbar" Tongue

Then again, a yulbar being unsummoned would make it disappear, too...  I don't see how it's godmodding.

Single Author Stories / Re: The kidnapping
« on: March 28, 2011, 12:49:28 am »
The yulbar licked Mishka’s nose back, and squirmed a bit to get free. She let him down, and the pet rubbed himself against her legs before hopping a bit and running off almost as quick as a rivnak. Mishka stared at it, surprised, when a beam of light struck where the yulbar was, making it disappear. A soft, warm breeze, carrying a sweet charmflower smell, blew around her.

 ??? erm... isn't this literally godmodding?

Don't think that was rped, think it was just written.  Which makes it not godmodding.  Funeral was interesting, will be fun to see if the rp continues, and how the whole thing will change Miska.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Young Players
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:53:17 pm »
I was 15 when I started and am now 22 O.o

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